

OVER 1 MILLION MANIFESTS VERIFIED With an innovative customer focused approach and “build- own-operate” solution, S2 Global helps customers worldwide access state-of-the- art technology that improves security, streamlines trade and An OSI Systems Company increases revenue. Content À .GVVGT HTQO VJG 75 #ODCUUCFQT VQ #NDCPKC À .GVVGT HTQO VJG /KPKUVGT QH 'EQPQOKE &GXGNQROGPV 6QWTKUO 6TCFG CPF 'PVTGRTGPGWTUJKR À .GVVGT HTQO VJG 2TGUKFGPV QH #O%JCO À .GVVGT HTQO VJG 'ZGEWVKXG &KTGEVQT QH #O%JCO À %QFG QH 'VJKEU À ;GCT KP 4GXKGY À *KIJNKIJVU À #PPWCN #EVKXKVKGU À #O%JCO 2WDNKECVKQPU À (KPCPEGU À +ORQTVCPV +PHQTOCVKQPU CPF #FFTGUUGU À /GODGTUJKR &KTGEVQT[ Year Book 2016 5 U.S. Ambassador to Albania Dear American Chamber of Commerce Members, It’s been a busy year for the Chamber. Since the last issue of the yearbook, the Chamber has engaged the JRYHUQPHQW RQ LPSRUWDQW UHIRUPV WR ¿JKW LQIRUPDOLW\ DQG FRUUXSWLRQ 7KH &KDPEHU DOVR EHJDQ D GLDORJXH ZLWKQHZ0LQLVWHUVRI)LQDQFHDQG(FRQRP\(QWUHSUHQHXUVKLSDQG7RXULVP(TXDOO\LPSRUWDQWWKH&KDPEHU celebrated its 15th birthday. By speaking publicly on behalf of a wide variety of businesses, and by providing clear policy suggestions to the government on how to improve the business climate in Albania, the AmCham has grown into Albania’s largest DQGPRVWLQÀXHQWLDOEXVLQHVVRUJDQL]DWLRQ$V\RXFRQWLQXHWRJURZ,XUJH\RXWRWDNHDVWUDWHJLFDSSURDFK in addressing fundamental problems in the business community. You and the companies you represent have \RXURZQVSHFL¿FEXVLQHVVLVVXHVWKDW\RXZRXOGOLNHDGGUHVVHGEXWWKHUHDUHDOVRIXQGDPHQWDOLVVXHVWKDWLI improved, would help all honest and transparent businesses succeed in Albania. 3URPRWLQJ UXOH RI ODZ ¿JKWLQJ FRUUXSWLRQ DQG LPSURYLQJ WKH MXGLFLDO V\VWHP DUH WRS SULRULWLHV IRU WKH 86 (PEDVV\LQ7LUDQDEHFDXVHWKH86JRYHUQPHQWEHOLHYHVWKDWSURJUHVVLQWKHVHDUHDVLVFUXFLDOIRUIXWXUH HFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWDQGZLOOPDNH$OEDQLDDPRUHDWWUDFWLYHSODFHIRULQYHVWRUV7KH(PEDVV\ZLOOFRQWLQXH to encourage the government to address these much-needed reforms, but we cannot do this alone. AmCham PHPEHUVDVWKHPRVWLQÀXHQWLDOEXVLQHVVPHQDQGZRPHQLQ$OEDQLDDOVRVKRXOGGHPDQGWKHVDPH 7KH8QLWHG6WDWHV(PEDVV\LQ7LUDQDLVSURXGWRVXSSRUWWKH$P&KDPDQGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRFRRSHUDWHFORVHO\ with its members to help Albania develop the thriving economy that it deserves. Sincerely, Donald Lu Year Book 2016 6 Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship Dear reader, 2015 was an important economic year for QHZ ¿QDQFLDO SDFNDJH WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH Albania. Economic growth accelerated EHQH¿WV IURP WKH SURJUDP RI WKH 1DWLRQDO due to the increase in domestic demand, Guarantee Fund in agriculture aims to growth of private investment, acceleration of VXSSRUW WKH H[SRUW RI $OEDQLDQ SURGXFWV structural reforms, increased consumption which has been increasing in the last two DQG LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI KHDOWK\ ¿VFDO \HDUV 7KH WKLUG TXDUWHU RI VKRZHG policies. Economic growth in percentage of that the number of tourists has increased GDP is estimated to 2.7% in 2015. by 14.1% compared to 2014, the revenues from tourism increased by 6.7% and the introducing international standards and 7KH QHZ HFRQRPLF PRGHO IRFXVHG number of beds increased by 25,7% in 2014 FHUWL¿FDWLRQV 7KH ODZ RQ WHFKQLFDO DQG on different economic drivers such as compared to 2013. Furthermore the number HFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWDUHDV 7('$V ZLOO facilitating outward processing, supporting of overnights also increased by 9.4% in RIIHU¿VFDOLQFHQWLYHVWRLQYHVWRUVZLWKLQWKH agriculture production and development 2015, compared to 2014. ]RQHV WKURXJK GLIIHUHQW WD[ H[HPSWLRQV promotion of the new tourism industry. 7KH WD[ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ PDGH D VWHS deductibility of wages and social and 7KH VWUXFWXUH RI H[SRUWV EHVW DQVZHUHG ahead by introducing e-registration and training costs. WKLV PRGHO 7KH GDWD VKRZV WKDW WKH HOHFWURQLF QRWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH EDODQFH In the spirit of the improvement of the Doing H[SRUWV RI WKH JURXSV RI JRRGV FKDQJHG VKHHW DQG ¿QDQFLDO UHSRUWV $OVR D ORW RI Business indicators and the Deregulation their structure; food, beverage and tobacco efforts were devoted to set up a one stop reform, which aims to reduce and eliminate has increased by 31% compared with year shop registration by merging together the all procedural barriers, the Ministry of 2014; leather and leather manufacturing by registration and licensing of businesses (FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW 7RXULVP 7UDGH IROORZHG E\ WH[WLOH 7KH JURXSV WKURXJK D XQLTXH ZLQGRZ 7KH ¿UVW and Entrepreneurship has set up a new that lost position in 2015 compared with TXDUWHU RI ZLOO PDUN LQ $OEDQLD WKH platform of dialogue and cooperation with 2014 were minerals and fuel by 44%, HVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKH%XVLQHVV5HJLVWUDWLRQ the business community through their followed by construction materials by $JHQF\ 7KHVH UHIRUPV DUH OHDGLQJ WR D involvement in the Albanian Investment 35% and wood manufacturing by 10%. sustainable economic development and &RXQFLODVZHOODVWKH1DWLRQDO(FRQRPLF 7KH JRYHUQPHQW UROOHG RXW WKH 7H[WLOHDQG are making Albania an attractive place and Council. Footwear Industry package, giving a strong DQ LQYHVWPHQW GHVWLQDWLRQ 7KHUH ZDV D VWLPXOXVWRWKHIDVKLRQLQGXVWU\7KHJURZWK GLVWLQFWLRQDVVHVVPHQWZKHQ³6WDQGDUGDQG I will use this opportunity to thank the LQ H[SRUWV LQ WKLV LQGXVWU\ ZDV LQ 3RRU¶V´XSJUDGHGWKHUDWLQJIRUWKH$OEDQLDQ American Chamber of Commerce in Albania the last two years and around 5.000 new economy from B- to B+. for its commitment to concierge, ensure and MREV ZHUH FUHDWHG 7KH JRYHUQPHQW KDV protect the business operators and also play taken care to facilitate businesses through 7KHIROORZLQJNH\ODZVZLOOFKDQJHWKHZD\ an important role to encourage the positive GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI VWLPXOXV VXFK DV (85 of doing business in Albania: changes in the business climate in Albania. when leasing from state property, one 7KH ODZ RQ VWUDWHJLF LQYHVWPHQWV KDV 7KH$OEDQLDQ *RYHUQPHQW DQG 0LQLVWU\ RI stop shop dedicated solely to the sector, granted a rapid pursuit of investments for (FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW7RXULVP7UDGHDQG LQVWDQWUHLPEXUVHPHQWRI9$7DQGVLPSOL¿HG all investors and it will furthermore stimulate Entrepreneurship remain active partners in SURFHGXUHV7KHJRYHUQPHQWUROOHGRXWWKH and support strategic investments in fast promoting a good business dialogue and plastic Industry package with stimulus that growing sectors such as Manufacturing, improving business climate. has resulted in a growth of plastic products 7RXULVP $JULFXOWXUH 7('$¶V DQG H[SRUWVE\LQ $XWRPRWLYH DQG PHFKDQLF 7KH ODZ Yours Sincerely, on tourism provided a very competitive 7KH³$JUR JUHHQKRXVHV ´LVWKHQHZHVW offer to foreign and domestic investors, Milva Ekonomi government program to triple the surface throughout a comprehensive approach for of greenhouses by the end of 2017, and an integrated and sustainable development WRSXWLQXVHLQQRYDWLYHWHFKQRORJLHV7KLV Year Book 2016 7 President of AmCham Dear AmCham Members and Friends, It is with great pleasure that the American ZKR FKDLUHG WKH 7D[ DQG /HJDO +XPDQ Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 5HVRXUFHV ,35 DQG :RPHQ LQ %XVLQHVV achievements and results for the 2015 DQG &RUSRUDWH 6RFLDO 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ FDOHQGDU \HDU , ZRXOG OLNH WR VSHFL¿FDOO\ subcommittees respectively. thank to the Board of Directors and the members who have participated in our In 2015 the American Chamber of Sub-Committees for their work to make Commerce continued its open and frank Albanian-American business relations dialogue with the Government on issues stronger. I would also like to thank the in Montenegro in 2016. AmCham Albania DFURVV WKH EXVLQHVV VSHFWUXP 7KH $P&KDP ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU /RUHQF *MRQL continues to look forward to the common Chamber looks forward to continuing to and the rest of the staff for their dedication V\QHUJLHV WKDW RXU VLVWHU RUJDQL]DWLRQV have a positive and constructively critical to continue to meet member needs and develop for American business interests in relationship with Albanian leadership DFKLHYH RXU REMHFWLYHV LQ :H the region. AmCham Albania also continues LQ RUGHU WR WDNH VWHSV WR IRUPDOL]H WKH look forward to continue to invest in our to work with other Albanian Chambers of economy, attract foreign investors and members, the business community and Commerce to advocate for common interest, SURWHFW LQYHVWRU ULJKWV :RUNLQJ ZLWK WKH Albania in 2016. most recently standing together to oppose H[LVWLQJDGPLQLVWUDWLRQWKH&KDPEHUZRXOG a portion of the penalties applied to the OLNH WR VSHFL¿FDOO\ WKDQN 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU business community, which the Supreme 7KH &KDPEHU¶V FRQWLQXHG FORVH WLHV ZLWK 5DPD )LQDQFH 0LQLVWHU &DQL (FRQRPLF Court of Albania ruled in agreement with WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV (PEDVV\ KDYH EHHQ 0LQLVWHU $KPHWDM &XVWRPV 'LUHFWRUV our common position. AmCham would like critical to our success. For their valuable 6SLURSDOL DQG )DJX DQG 7D[ 'LUHFWRU to thank the other Chambers who have input and support in 2015 I would like to 6KHKDMIRUWKHLUFRQVWDQWGLDORJXHZLWKWKH been very open and constructive in order WKDQN$PEDVVDGRU /X DQG 'U$ULHO$KDUW Chamber, including participation in both to identify common issues where we can outgoing Deputy Chief of Mission Henry public forums and closed door meetings collaborate. Jardine, current Deputy Chief of Mission to discuss member positive and critical 'DYLG 0XQL] RXWJRLQJ 3ROLWLFDO DQG feedback on current policy and procedures. 7RGD\WKH$PHULFDQ&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH Economic Section Chief John Cockrell, 7KH&KDPEHUZDVSOHDVHGWRFRQWLQXHLWV represents the largest foreign chamber current Political and Economic Section UROHZLWKLQWKH1DWLRQDO(FRQRPLF&RXQFLO

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