PISA For more information about the Heat Wave canopy, contact: Thomas Sports Equipment Ltd; Pinfold Lane, w m Industrial Estate, Bridlington, East Yorkshire - Y01 B 5XS Telephone (01262] 6 7 8 2 9 9 Fax (01262) 6020B3 CONTENTS

AUGUST 1997 P A R / X C H U T t S T Journal of the British Parachute Association FEATURES WHO TO CONTACT: 16-way Goes Official . . ___ 6 EDITORIAL: To submit an article or photograph contact: Southern Regionals . . ___ 9 Lesley Gale Sport Parachutist New Age Nationals . . . . .17 3 Burton Street,Peterborough PE1 5HA Scottish Nationals . . . . .21 Tel/Fax: 01733 755 860 e-mail: sportpara@ 100-way Jewel . . . . .24

ADVERTISING: Dual Square Report . . . . .33 To enquire about advertising see pages 47/8 or contact: Classics Update . . . . .36 Scott Dougal Pagefast Ltd 4-5 Lansil Way, Lancaster LA1 3QY REGULARS Tel: 01524 841 010 Fax: 01524 841 578 e-mail: 101626.2656@ Diary . . ___ 2 Events . . ___ 3 To subscribe to Sport Parachutist magazine fill out the coupon on page 48 News.. ___4

©SPORT PARACHUTIST Council Matters . . ___ 5 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a The Word on the Street . . . . .10 retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of Kit News .. . . .12 the Editor. The views expressed in Sport Parachutist are those of the contributors and Dive of the Month .. . . .15 not necessarily those of the BPA. The Editor retains the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at her discretion and does not accept liability for Snippets .. . . .26 delay in publication or for printer’s errors, although every care is taken to avoid m istakes. People in the Sport: Mike Frost . . . . .29

Design and layout by Julie Gray and Trish Jones Incident Reports . . . . .38 CCP Ltd, 1 Loxley, Peterborough PE4 5BW POPS Corner . . . . .40 Tel: 01733 579433 Fax: 01733 578584 e-mail [email protected] Clubs and Centres . . . . .42 Letters . . . . .46 British Parachute Association Classified Adverts . . . . .47 W harf Way, Glen Parva, Leicester LE2 9TF Tel: 0116 278 5271 Fax: 0116 247 7662 Sport Parachutist Subscription Form . . . . .48 e-mail: skydive@

WHO TO CONTACT: Write to anyone listed below at the BPA address; BPA staff can also be contacted by telephone Cover Photo: Sharon Simonian exits a balloon over Perris Valley, photo by Graham (the doctor) R ib b o n s . BPA S t a f f BY/A National Coach and Safety Officer...... John Hitchen Technical O fficer ...... T o n y B u tle r PA to above officers ...... T ru d y K em p Financial Adm instrator ...... J o n G re tto n Adm instration C o -o rd in a to r...... S h a ro n N o rris Membership Services and Subscriptions...... Karey Goodwin

BPA Officers and Representatives NOTE: Some of the photos contained in this magazine may BPA C h a irm a n ...... L o fty T h o m a s show skydivers without helmets, in which case they were BPA V ice C h a irm a n ...... P h il G ib b s jumping abroad. In the UK it is mandatory to wear a helmet for STC Chairman ...... T ye B o u g h e n obvious safety reasons. Competitions Committee Chairman ...... Chris Allen Development Committee Chairman ...... P h il G ib b s Riggers Committee Chairman ...... Paul Applegate The information in this magazine was, to the best of our ability Pilots Committee Chairman ...... P a t H o w ell correct at the time of going to press. Reproduction, printing and T re a s u re r...... D e b b ie C arte r despatch takes a total of 31/2 weeks so some information may be Vice P residents...... J im C ro ck e r, J o h n L in e s a n d B o b C ard out of date or superseded. Liaison O fficer to C A A ...... T o n y K n ig h t GASCo Representative & Vice President ...... Angela Hickling IP C D eleg ate ...... J o h n H itc h e n

Council Members SUPPORTED BY Chris Allen, Paul Applegate, Steve Apps, Tye Boughen, Peter Carroll, Dave Emerson, Phil Gibbs, Graham Liggins, Ian Marshall, Michael Matthews, Charles Ross, SPORTS John Saunders, John Smyth, Lofty Thomas (OUIKIL


S p e a k p i a

Date Event Location Contact August Hello Reader! 4-5 XL Seminar Headcorn 01622 890862 4-8 Bl/Advanced Instructor course Strathallan BPA 01162 785 271 I always thought no-one read my editorial but it 4-8 Student Progression Week Skydive Sibson 01832 280490 seems perhaps you do! Last issue I asked you 5 Council Meeting BPA offices, Leicester BPA 01162 785 271 7-12 World Games Lahti, Finland all to send in your news and pictures from 11-15 Exam/pre-Advanced Instructor course Strathallan BPA 01162 785 271 around the country. As a result, our post-bag 14-17 European Cup La Ferte Gaucher 00 33 164202072 has been bursting at the seams, so this mag is 15-17 FS and Freestyle training camp Ampuriabrava, Spain 00 34 72 45 01 11 16-17 4-way meet Weston on the Green 01869 343343 packed with news and going-on from a range 16-25 ** Classics and CF Nationals Target Skysports 0113 250 5600 of British drop zones. 16-26 Army Championships Netheravon 01980 633 371 19-24 Bank Holiday Jump Week - £12/jump Skydive Sibson 01832 280490 This issue, in addition to the copy dates facing, 23-25 POPS meet Border Sue Hill 01253 713 841 we have included guides to photographers for 23-31 5th Annual Czech Boogie Karlovy Vary 0181 941 9212 30-31 POPS Meet North Sealand, Denmark 00 45 75 58 3737 the topics we intend to cover in October’s mag. September Send us your best shots on these subjects and 4 STC Meeting BPA offices, Leicester BPA 01162 785 271 6-7 POPS Meet Holland (check for DZ) 00 31 486 473 044 we will do our best to publish. We are always 6-7 LAC meet Headcorn 01622 890 862 on the look-out for quality skydiving 6-7 Flalfpenny Green reunion weekend Langar 01949 860878 photographs, the more the merrier. 12-21 World Air Games Efes, Izmir, Turkey 00 90 312 3104456 12-21 World Cup - Classics Efes, Izmir, Turkey 00 90 312 3104456 If you have never submitted before, all the 12-21 World Championships - FS Efes, Izmir, Turkey 00 90 312 3104456 12-21 World Championships - Freestyle, Skysurfing Efes, Izmir, Turkey 00 90 312 3104456 more reason to have a go now. Telephone 13-14 Annual Woodmouse 4-way meet Skydive Sibson 01832 280490 01733 755 893 for a copy of our 16 Council Meeting BPA offices, Leicester BPA 01162 785 271 17-21 POPS Nationals USA Raeford, USA 00 1 910 875 3261 photographer’s guidelines to help you. The 27-28 Northern Regionals - FS, CF and Classics Topcliffe 01274 631 044 main thing is to be totally ruthless with your October selection so you only send quality shots. If you 3-5 FS/Freestyle Training Ampuriabrava 00 34 72 450111 5-6 8-way Speed Sibson 01832 280490 think it you have a potential front cover, send a 20- Nov 2 Tropical Boogie, Cuba Cuba 01622 890967 print of larger than A4 size (or a tranny). In 23 STC Meeting BPA offices, Leicester BPA 01162 785 271 general, I would like to be using more shots by 28 Council Meeting BPA offices, Leicester BPA 01162 785 271 24- Nov 2 Halloween Boogie Skydive Arizona 00 1520 466 3753 British photographers but you need to send me November them first!! 1-9 Kenya Boogie Malindi, Kenya 00 254 288 4258 3-8 Cyprus Championships Cyprus 00 357 4744337 Happy snapping, 10-14 Riggers BR & Exam course Netheravon BPA 01162 785 271 10-14 Bl/Advanced Instructor course Silver Stars BPA 01162 785 271 10-16 Freefly Festival Skydive Arizona 00 1520 466 3753 11-17 FS/Freestyle Training Ampuriabrava 00 34 72 450111 17-21 Exam/pre-Advanced Instructor course Silver Stars BPA 01162 785 271 : Date and/or venue change

MBIOSIS SUITS Tel. 01622 890967 Fax: 01622 891236, The Airfield, Headcorn, Kent, TN27 9HX, England It’s nice to get some feedback from your customers:- “Dear Rob Just a short note to say thanks for all your help and support. But especially we wanted to give you some feedback on thenew suits — They’re bloody great! brilliant! fantastic!” Pete Allum, Toby Stafford, Chris Lynch, John Mclver Team Sebastian XL


Boogie for a fortnight from October 20. Next year’s Exotic Did you know ... Adventure will be in Bangkok, ...that it takes over 300 Thailand, for two weeks in separate components to February. The package price make a Thomas Sports (not yet announced) will Teardrop include luxury accommodation, LS19 6JT. Telephone enquiries 15 skydives organised by well cost $25 from a Super Otter; to 0113 250 5600 or 01652 known skydivers, transport, AFF, tandem jumps are 648 837. The venue change special events and parties. available. Accommodation at means that Hibaldstow are These boogies offer an the 5 star Hemingways Hotel hosting every National adventure holiday combined costs $50 per night, including Championship this year; the with skydiving and are ideal to breakfast and dinner. Transport New Age Nationals (see page take non jumping friend or from Nairobi to Malindi can be 17), the Collegiates, FS, partners. Cuba and arranged, $75 including Classics and CF. Madagascar participants will be jumping in. Other attractions This Events page will cover EUROPEAN CUP offered discounts, slots on the are beach jumps, scuba diving, forthcoming events in brief, The annual European Cup in boogie are going fast so deep sea fishing, wildlife this information used to be 16-way will be held at La Ferte register now to avoid safaris and climbing found in the News page Gaucher, from Thursday 14 disappointment. Details from Kilimanjaro. For more Rob Colpus on 01622 890 967 100-WAY CANCELLED August to Sunday 17 August. information call Harro The event is always well or check out their web site on Trempenau on ++254 2 884 The British record attempt scheduled to take place at attended, efficiently organised 258, fax 884 445, e-mail Netheravon in early August and ‘nice vibes’. La Ferte is KENYA BOOGIE [email protected] . Or has been cancelled. This was easy to get to from the UK, it is The Kenya Boogie will be held write to PO Box 24696, due to a problem with the just the other side of Paris. The in Malindi, Kenya during 1-9 Nairobi, Kenya. hangar roofs which have to be Another Planet skydiving team November this year. Jumps will be competing in the meet, replaced for safety reasons. if there are any other British Calling all photographers: CF AND CLASSICS teams wanting to go, call For the next (October) issue we are looking specifically for NATIONALS CHANGE Serge Matha at La Ferte on Due to unforeseen 00331 64 20 20 72, fax 64 04 photographs of the following, to be sent by the date shown: circumstances, the Army 01 73. Canopy Collisions - 12 August Parachute Association are Espace Boogie - 12 August unable to host the Classics XL SEMINAR and Canopy Formation Sebastian XL will be at FS Nationals - 12 August Headcorn during 4/5 August to Nationals. These have Classics & CF Nationals - 1 September therefore been moved to run a skills seminar. Anyone Weston 16-way meet - 1 September Target Skysports, Hibaldstow, who is interested in learning Also, we are always pleased to receive any photos of current dates remain the same (16-25 FS from the top skydivers in August). Jump prices have the UK, turn up at Headcorn or events, ideally with 1-2 paragraphs of text about the picture. increased by £1 per jump and call Lisa on 01622 890 862 for Any shots you feel are possible front covers should be sent re-jumps will be charged for. details. in transparency format or prints larger than A4. Entry forms should be sent to EXOTIC STUFF Send to: Lesley Gale, Sport Parachutist, 3 Burton Street, Target Skysports, Woodleigh Exotic Sky Adventures are re­ Peterborough PE1 5HA. Hall Farm, Rawdon, Leeds running the popular Cuba SPORT p a r a c h u t i s t Copy Deadlines

Copy Deadline News and Stop Press and To Reader Snippets Latest Diary

For: Long articles & photos News items and Late news and Dive Dr questions Snippets information dates, WoTS info Dive of the Month with photographs

OCTOBER Tues 12 August Mon 1 September Thurs 4 September Sat 4 October

DECEMBER Tues 14 October Mon 3 November Thurs 6 November Sat 6 December

FEBRUARY Tues 16 December Mon 12 January Thurs 15 January Sat 10 February

APRIL Tues 17 February Mon 2 March Thurs 5 March Sat 4 April

3 SPORTAug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 rematch at the Nationals where successful, 1998 could be a they will have Toby Stafford as very stimulating year for the their secret weapon. The British skydiving scene as a bronze in the junior event went whole! to All for One. NATIONAL TEAM SUN CITY TRACKSUITS Leopard Rock, a drop zone in Earlier this year, the BPA South Africa offers an African Competitions Committee wrote experience combined with to all Affiliated and Associated XL AT THE WORLD GAMES sizes, get some from any of skydiving. Set by Pilanesberg organisations inviting them to Sebastian XL, Britain’s national Sebastian XL. A good time to National park on the slopes of contribute to fund tracksuits for 4-way team, have been invited catch them might be at an ancient volcano, Leopard the British teams to wear to the to the World Games in Lahti, Headcorn during 4 and 5 Rock skydiving enjoys great World Air Games in Turkey. The Finland, during 6-12 August. August. Support your National weather and has a pool, BPA would like to thank the The World Games is an team and BUY ONE! restaurant, bar, thatched chalets organisations who have contributed so far; Dodingtons, invitational international event CENTRAL REGIONALS and camping facilities. All the Symbiosis, Harrison-Beaumont, for sports which have not quite The Central Regionals held at usual types of skydiving are Headcorn Parachute Centre, been accepted into the Hibaldstow on the weekend of offered as well as the chance to Ipswich PC, British Parachute Olympics. Skydiving is included, 5/6 July were well attended with participate in game drives, barbecues in the bush, wildlife Schools (Langar) and JAPA. the disciplines are 4-way FS, sixteen 4-way teams turning up. and wild night life. Call Karen Accuracy and Freestyle. The 4- The senior event was won by Unfortunately there is still a way event is run under the Weston based team No Richards on 0027 1465 21372. huge shortfall in money and we proposed Olympic rules which Purchase Required with an 11.3 RED BULL would like to ask for any allow just 25 seconds of average. Silver went to Air SKYDIVING LEAGUE contributions, however small. working time and have removed Ecosse who put up their (best So far eight teams have entered The tracksuits have been the exit from the equation by ever) average of 10.8 with the Red Bull Skydiving League. purchased at a very low cost; starting the clock on the first guest jumper John Mclver. The Unfortunately the League got off thanks to sponsorship from break. Only six teams in the bronze went to Quicksilva. to a very wet start and teams View From athletics company, world are included; the US, There were only two were struggling to complete the they cost £45 instead of £120. If French, Russians, South intermediate teams; the Royal rounds in time. For that reason, anyone else would like to Africans, Brits Sebastian XL Engineers won the event, Spin the closing dates for rounds 1 -4 contribute to the tracksuits, in plus host nation Finland. Echo took the silver. In the have been extended to 29 however small a way, please XTRA LARGE T-SHIRTS juniors there was a battle for August 1997. It is not too late to send your contributions to the Sebastian XL have produced first place between How Bizarre register, so any interested 8- BPA office, cheques made out some limited edition T-shirts, (also starring John Mclver) and way teams contact Wayne to British Team Fund and proceeds of sales are to XS. After a jump-off, How Loxton on 01264 359 516. envelope marked with “British support the team fund. Bizarre came out in front but XS Remember, you can compete at Team tracksuits”. Attractive design, available in all are looking forward to the your own DZ as it is a video CROSS KEYS meet. There are £1,000 of For all those Brits travelling to prizes up for grabs!! the US for the summer a place WESTON 4-WAY MEET to check out is Skydive Cross Red Bull have sponsored the Keys in New Jersey - 25 annual RAFSPA 4-way meet to minutes from Philadelphia. Our 3 W a n in g ;, 1 D w iee!! the tune of £3,500. The winners own Eddie Carroll is now the of the senior 4-way will walk off CCI of the centre for the Time-Out!! - The Ultimate Audible Altimeter with new Javelins and summer. Eddie is not the only by Cool & Groovy Fridge Co. Ltd. jumpsuits; the intermediate US resident Brit on the drop winners will be given new zone as the DZ owner John Only Time-Out!! offer three distinct warning signals jumpsuits. T-shirts and Red Bull Eddowes is from Liverpool. The 1.) Time-Out!! Bleeps at user defined breakoff altitude were given out to all facilities include a full time 2.) Double Bleeps at 2500ft for deployment (preset) competitors at two attempts to Super Otter, Porter and Cessna 3.) Bleeps flatline to constant tone at 1500ft (preset) run the meet in May. Only one and other aircraft on call. The ...all in one easy to use device!! round has been completed to drop zone is offers deals for date and the meet has been re­ teams, individuals or students. You don’ t have to be a rocket scientist to scheduled for the weekend of Eddie is definitely there to make 16/17 August. It is wide open at for some excellent vibes. Check use Time-Out!!, Just set your breakoff the moment, almost all of the out altitude...That’s it! Time-Out!! automatically teams busted in the first round. FLYING INCIDENTS turns itself on and off, it even calibrates No Purchase Required and Two pilots have been itself. If you purchase a 4Pak are leading the field with 8 prosecuted for infringing points, closely followed by Time-Out!! and don’ t agree parachute drop zones. On 22 Touch n’ Go. In the that its the best audible June 1996 a PA28 with an intermediates, XS are leading instructor and student on board altimeter available, the field with an impressive 9 flew through the Sibson drop you can return it points. zone and airfield ATZ without within 30 days The competition was limited to permission. The instructor was for a full refund! Weston members only and found guilty of breaking rule therefore was never advertised 39(2) of the Rules of the Air as an open meet. This was a Regulations and was fined £100 decision taken by Red Bull, the with £250 costs by sponsor, who wished to support Peterborough magistrates. A the local club scene and private pilot who inadvertently strongly promote the Red Bull flew into Weston on the Green drink in this location. Red Bull whilst parachutist were You Can Purchase Time-Out!! from Quality Gear Dealers World Wide or Direct from: are however offering other BPA descending was found guilty of Cool & Groovy Fridge Co. Ltd. members the chance to win endangering persons under Ivy Cottage, North Street, Swinford LE17 6BE UK £1,000 in the Red Bull article 56 of the Air Navigation Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1788 860882 Email: [email protected] Skydiving League (see above) Order. He was fined £750 with and if these two events are £600 costs.


balance sheet if nothing is NEW RATINGS provided this year. The committee is looking at ways Tandem Instructors to gain additional income for Tim Porter the work of the BPA. As of 1 Mike Browne Council Jp Jan ‘98 there will be an Mark Bayada administration deposit on all Dteve Smith places on Basic/ Approved/ Rob McGiff pre-Advanced and Advanced BPA Instructor courses. AFF Instructors Steven Hoy has resigned from Tony Goodman Matters n Council due to the pressure of Lee Love work. There is now no driving Neil Wolfenden force behind the proposed Review of the BPA so it will Target Skysports has a new The Committee liked the teams reached the required probably lapse. The CCI: the popular Trevor additional media coverage of level to receive BPA funding to Committee is preparing to Dobson. Nick Harrison has our sport but is trying to the forthcoming World Air reformulate the Development taken over from Chris Francis evaluate whether it was a Games in Turkey. Plan for the year 2,000 and as CCI of the London success in bringing more Congratulations to freestyle following five years, so will try Parachute School. participants into parachuting. team Pari Passu (Ann Beckitt to include conclusions of the & John Goodyear) and Christine Kerry has left the review work done so far. skysurfing team Playstation BPA office and is replaced by Telephone Card Sportsmatch (Mike Frost & Andy Ford). Mrs Karey Goodwin who takes The telephone card promoted Sportsmatch, a government over the administration of in last issue’s Sport organisation which doubles Selection criteria for the membership services. Karey Parachutist is up and running. commercial sponsorship forthcoming CF Nationals has been working as Flyers promoting the card are grants on new projects which have been set at the same Administrative Officer for the contained in this issue of the benefit the grass roots of a levels as last year. The Ministry of Defence records magazine. We apologise for sport, was discussed at required averages are as office in Leicester for the last the fact they were not printed length. The membership follows: nine years. in time for the previous edition, as promised. The should be aware of this facility Associated Organisations cards offer cheap rate calls of non-elite funding, if anyone 4-way rotations 11.2 points The following organisations and are especially economical wants details contact Charles 4-way sequential 5 points have been associated to the if used internationally. The Ross at the BPA. 8-way speed 100 seconds BPA: BPA is paid a small In preparation for the World percentage for everyone who Bob Card has declined to • Freefall Adventures/Skydive Championships in Canopy attend the World Air Games in Cross Keys uses the card so getting one Formation at Netheravon next Turkey so the full time Head of • Red Devils (change from helps BPA funds as well as summer the BPA has granted saving you money. The Delegation will be John Affiliated status) an interest free loan of Hitchen. • Skydive City telephone number to apply for £10,000 to the project - the • Centro de Paracaigudisme your card is 0181 951 5858, loan to be repaid in full in a ask for Rachel. STC Costa Brava (Ampuriabrava) year’s time. The Army Equipment checklist books for Please note that this type of Lost Income Parachute Association is reserve repacks are now membership does not indicate The grant that we get from the matching the loan and is available from the BPA office that the centres follow the BPA Sports Council (£93,000 which providing most of the co­ at a cost of £6.00 per book. Operations Manual. is about 20% of our total ordination behind the event. Using the book will be made a income) had not yet been This is the first time that the DEVELOPMENT mandatory requirement from received (at the time of going UK has hosted a World Meet. January 1998 with the aim of PR Feedback to press) for the year standardising the forms used If anyone has any feedback commencing 1 July ‘97. It is COMPETITIONS when repacking reserves. on the PR campaign run by expected that this grant will be At the Freestyle, Freeflying Image Wizard on behalf of the withdrawn gradually over and Skysurfing Nationals, two BPA, could they send to forthcoming years. There will Charles Ross c/o BPA office. be a huge affect on the BPA’s

We have a Cessna 182 which can carry four parachutists for hire

THE RATES ARE £135 + VAT PER TACHO HOUR WITH PILOT (we have a contact who is experienced in this work that we could put you in touch with) or £90 + VAT per tacho hour dry Also Aerial Advertising from as little as £270 per hour

(Banner construction from £60 extra). We operate throughout the Marsh Andy UK seven days a week. Positioning charge where applicable For details on Aerial Photography and surveys please contact: ... on bad weather days Tim enjoyed hanging out near the pelican crossing and playing Sky Ads - Netherthrope Airfield, Thorpe Salvin, Worksop with his Time Out!!... Tel: 01909 482981 • Fax 01909 475233 • Mobile 0589 883906

5 SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 " 16-way Goes Official

I PC has now adopted 16-way FS com­ • Teams consist of 18 members plus especially at normal speed viewing. The petition as an official discipline. A dive one or more videographers and must new rule leads to a phenomena known pool of 9 randoms and 12 blocks has be of National composition to be as ‘free transition’ where it is perfectly been put together and are shown on the eligible for medals. allowable to keep whole chunks of the pages following. The pool can be down­ • Total separation is not required formation going from one point to the loaded from http://iria.mines.u- between points. next. It will be interesting to see which teams keep what sections if any, during • ‘Busts’ for omitted or incorrect a meet. The IPC rules are summarised as formations or inters are the same as follows: in 4 or 8-way, ie 2 points lost for a It is certain that the adoption of 16-way • Exits are from 13,000 feet with 50 bust. by IPC will raise standards in this area. seconds working time. The main area of change with other FS We look forward to the sport breaking • The event will be run over eight rounds. areas is that separation between points new ground in this area whilst we hope that the fun factor of 16-way meets will • Dives will consist of 3 or 4 points, is not required. This was decided in never be lost; it is a very social FS depending on the last item drawn from consideration of the difficulty of judging event. the new pool. total separation between 16 people, IPC Formation Skydiving Pool 16-way Event: Random Formations - 1997

artwork courtesy Australian Parachute Federation - May 1997

S PORT A ug issue 6 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 16-WAY 16-way Event : Block Sequences - 1997




,)wf tji

artwork courtesy Australian Parachute Federation ■ May 1997

SPO RT A ug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 V 16-WAY 16-way Event : Block Sequences - 1997

1 0

TUMBLEWEEDS HAKUNAHIP 1M> ^ eH > i t i f $ r if c

* ^ 1 6 0


artwork courtesy Australian Parachute Federation - May 1997


Winners, Intermediate FS - Royal Engineers Winners, Senior FS - Raingods with Meet Director Andy Allman (far L) and Chief Judge Jackie Glover (far R) The Southern Regionals took place at JSPC Netheravon on 17-18 May. Even though the weather was forecasted to be bad, there was still a large number of competitors who made the effort.

In FS there were 5 Junior, 5 Intermediate and 6 Senior teams. CF; 1 Junior and 2 Senior. The Classics were supported by the same old crew, some of whom are now close to retirement, a total of 14 competitors. The weather wasn’t in our favour and a lot of time was spent on the ground but in the short times when the skies did clear a lot was achieved with 4 rounds of FS, 2 rounds of CF, 4 rounds of Accuracy and 1 round of Style. This was due to the hard work and good organisation by the Meet Director Major Andy Allman, Chief Judge Jackie Glover and Judges Jo Scott-Williams, Bob King and Tony Makepeace. The standard of the competition was high. This was the first UK competition to use a 3cm disc. A good time was had by all, especially at the bar for the space/trekkie night. Winners, Junior FS - 2 Para Pauline Chandler Senior FS - 4 Rounds Total Intermediate FS - 4 Rounds Total Junior FS - 4 Rounds Total 1st Raingods 45 1st Royal Engineers 27 1st 2 Para 16 2nd Animation 35 2nd Spin Eco 17 2nd Dyslexic Skydogs 12 3rd Quiksilva 28 3rd Team 79 13 3rd YTS 6 Senior CF Total Junior CF Total 1st Over the Top 1.34 1st Helian CRW 1.11 2nd Straps and Raps 2.00

Senior Acc - 4 Rounds Total Intermediate Acc - 4 Rounds Total 1st A Chandler 0.08 1st P Chandler 6.64 2nd D Ballard 0.13 2nd R Flavel 11.44 3rd C Smythe 0.30

Senior Style Total Intermediate Style Total 1st A Chandler 8.00 1st P Chandler 7.92 2nd D Ballard 9.56 2nd R Flavel 8.35 3rd C Smythe 10.13

L E A R N T O A Great Ifite with a Perfect Grip IN SiiNhlY 4 SKYDIVE f? n U T H " The JACK Safety Knife is there to • No search for fingerholes AFRICA help you in case of entanglement • One hand operation NOT YOUR AVERAGE AFF! HERE’S W HY... or other unplanned situations. • Length increases your reach £750 gets you ACCELERATED FREEFALL levels 1-8 with internationally experienced instructors. UNIQUE African Bush Drop Zone with swimming • Used by NATO since 1983 • Twin opposing blades cut pool, bar and authentic local cuisine. Opportunity to view and photograph • Dayglo yellow or black colour better Africa’s BIG FIVE right on your doorstep in PILANESBERG NATIONAL PARK - 55,000 ha of untamed wilderness! Organised GAME DRIVES/SAFARIS and | • Fast, good grip • Extra blade set inside knife night BOMA BARBECUES. Experience the nightlife of nearby SUN CITY • The real safety knife where the 'Fun never Sets’. Comfortable thatched hut accommodation or luxury Game Lodge nearby. EXCELLENT WEATHER! Book NOW for an unforgettable Skydiving holiday. AFF BECOMES AN AFRICAN ADVENTURE.

Hanson Safety HB Box 108, 236 23 LEOPARD ROCK SKYDIVING For more details phone or fax (+27) 1465 21372 Hollviken, Sweden M ade in Sweden

9 SPORT A ug issue PARACHUTIST 1 Attended by lots of northern Clark - check out ‘Friends we skydivers, Steve Swallow had miss’ on on hand 2 Dorniers, and 2 Load Organisers (Chris T & Most of his buddies showed George), I was gutted not to up. Held the same time as see Chris Lynch there, like I Hibble, the weather was much read about in some magazine. the same. On a couple of days Anyway, Steve had ordered a most did 5 jumps, all reportedly whole load of rubbish weather. had a great time in the Friday was OK, with a few evenings as well. Freeflying is loads dodging the clouds. certainly growing in popularity. Saturday dawned overcast and Don’t get left behind, make raining, and stayed like that all sure that you do some too, BRITISH RECORD ORF TO NEW JERSEY.... day. you’ll find a whole load of new The planned British FS Record Early July and the Reaper Fortunately, we all had Been laughs! If you need instruction, Attempt of 100, to be held at rocked into New Jersey, Cross There with the weather before go to Sibson and see Stuart Nethers has hit the wall. The Keys DZ, and pressed the and knew the necessary and Alex, they’ll set you off on military have decided that they ‘Smite’ button! He was lookin action. Beer Drinking! This the right road. need to pull the roof off the for some souls to steal! started in earnest about the P-P-P- PICK UP A PENGUIN main hangar and replace it. This time the Reaper turned middle of the afternoon. The They have chosen the same his attention to Brit CCI of evening saw the arrival of a A Mexican newspaper reports week to do this! So guys and Cross Keys, Load Organiser DJ. (He reckoned he had been that bored Royal Air Force gals, no roof, no record! You Extraordinaire, Eddie Carroll. in the business for 20 years, pilots stationed on the should all have heard from Eddie was coaching SkyTribe but had still to learn that a Falkland Islands have your team captains by now, but team captain Spotty, in some good DJ only says “Hello” and devised what they consider a if not here it is. Good effort by FS. The dive was not “Goodbye”.) But, despite his marvellous new game. the Carroll Brothers, they tell happening and they broke off inane drivel, he played some Noting that the local penguins WoTS it is on for next year. in order to do some CF. cool choons. The Hibble Bibble are fascinated by aeroplanes, Records, very special, don’t Eddie’s Stiletto snivelled, and ‘Spices ‘ Emma, Andrea & the pilots search out a beach happen a lot. You need snivelled some more - about Donna looked HOT! As may be where the birds are gathered weather, aircraft and skydivers 14 seconds in all. Eddie gets expected, it was light before and fly slowly along it at the and venue; without one or “Flat Lined” from his Time-Out!! we stopped. water’s edge. more, no record! Shame about And elects to “Chop the Sunday had 2 lifts, one from Perhaps ten thousand this year, eh? Be on the next Mother". Just as he is reaching the top, one from 4,800ft. penguins turn their heads in one! for the handles, the Reaper Sunday night was much the unison watching the planes lets fly and the Stiletto bangs same as Saturday. Monday go by, and when the pilots SUITS YOU MADAM open with bulk twists. Ed is dawned bright and initially we turn around and fly back, the unable to see the canopy, the Bev Suits, originating from the got to skydive. Most did 5 birds turn their heads in the twists prevent his head from USA have recruited a new jumps and there was one opposite direction, like going far enough backwards. dealer in the UK. Sean particularly sweet 11-way that spectators at a slow-motion Richards and Nicky Fagen (the was finished at 5,500ft. Narce! tennis match. Then, the Eddie is now on his back, Mad Woman from Weston) are All in all, a most excellent time. paper reports, “The pilots fly spinning faster than a fast thing now the UK reps for Bev. They Go to Hibble, the vibe is great, out to sea, aim directly at the and going down real fast. “I can provide custom orders for the people are lovely, the penguin colony and fly over lost 500 ft in a heartbeat, I FS suits, sit suits, freefly suits babes are BABES and if you it. Some ten thousand chopped it, flipped onto my (as used by the Fly Boyz - can jump, you do! Welcome to penguins look up, up, up at front and dumped my reserve. Scorching Hot Pro Tour team), Trev, the new CCI, what an the aircraft - and fall over I was very low. My reserve tandem passenger suits...don’t asset! Baldrick’s Bandanna backwards! opened at about 400feet!! they bring their own?., and Boogie Hibble Bibble, Hubble — Audubon Society Magazine Agghhhh!” (His Cypres had weight vests. Delivery time is Bubble, WICKED! around 4 weeks. Call 01869 fired but it did not cut the loop VIDEO OF THE MOMENT as ‘Fast Eddie’ was just 325 796 NOW for details. KC FREE FLY - SIBSON From Dusk Till Dawn! Watch it, ahead), “No Shit, there I was it’ll blow your mind. LANGAR BOOGIE over the Forest, 90 ft trees, Peterborough Parachute with nowhere to go. ‘I’m gonna Centre threw a week of Freefly, Langar held its annual Big in remembrance of KC (Keiron George Pilkington Aircraft Boogie in what was get hurt here’ was my first looking like, at the time of thought...” (A mind writing, the wettest week in concentrator, if ever there was Langar’s history. All the usual one!) Out of the corner of his R o n n i e ' s dudes were there, Alexis & Jeff eye he caught sight of a tiny from Boogie Performance, track and managed to sink his This months offers - along with their Skyvan; Dave PD Reserve into it. Nice One Morris; Milko; Tony; DH with Eddie! I reckon it needed a Custom Atoms and Javelins his new surf board, Chuck One dude of your calibre to walk Prices down on P de F gear and the rest of the motley away from that one with just a crew. The first Saturday night muddy jumpsuit! They build em For kit from top to toe an excellent band played tough in New Jersey: “Come for Parachute de France Atom - Sunpath Javelin - TSE followed by a cool DJ. Fun was an ‘ava go when ya think yer Tear Drop containers; for Springo - Merit - BT Pro - had but no skydiving. Tuesday ‘ard enough!”. Addendum: Stiletto - Sabre - PD mains; for Techno - Tempo - PDR afternoon the rain cleared up Eddie grounded himself as reserves. Also for Eureka FT 50 altis - Factory Divers - and they did 500 skydives soon as he landed. Time Out!! - Tony and Symbiosis jump suits. then. But the rest of the time HIBBLE BIBBLE For details call Pete on was Wet n’ Narsty. Stay Smilin’ Langar, Party ON! Target Skysport’s first annual 01832 280131 at Sibson Airfield, Sibson boogie was held 14-17 June. Peterborough, PE8 6NE THE REAPER WENT DOWN

S P O R T Aug issue 10 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 THE „ o n e * 1 '1 * 1 # ^ ' O c t o b e r KIT b t h STORE

The Airfield, Headcorn, Kent TN27 9HX

------V Hot Vid Anti-Gravity - INSTOCK

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A thousand and one ___ RW COURSES ’97/’98 accessories - IN STOCK RW 1 Oct 27-31 RW2 Nov 17-21 RW 3 Feb 23-27 RW 4 March 16-20 RW 5 April 13-17 AFF Course 950 PDS Just call us on:- NUGGETS Skydiving School Tel: +49 7561 70021 • Fax +49 7561 70022 01622 890967 E-mail: [email protected] or fax us on:- Call fo r details Tel: +49 7541 28158 01622 891236 Fax: +49 7541 28163 http: //www. kit. con/- store E-mail: [email protected] Train in Spain, a division of AIR-SERVICE Wildgruber Carreterra Bailen - Motril 6 km, E-23710 Bailen (Jaen)

11 SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 Italia Full-face See the Light Parasport Italia have joined the (3 times) ranks of the full-face helmet manufacturers with the release this As you’ve probably gathered by a button is pressed or a freefall summer of their so called Z7 now, unless you take your holidays warning given, the LED will flash in helmet. Introduced to the market at on the moon, the Cool & Groovy time with the audible bleeps. The the PIA symposium in the USA Fridge Co have added an LED (light Danish Company, Larsen and earlier this year, the Z1 features a Brusgaard were the first to introduce very ‘narce’ flip up visor as a flashing LED to their Dytter standard. Unlike the Factory Diver audible alti, although a special flip-up version which tends to jut version had to be ordered - unlike out and look like an afterthought with the Time-Out where the plug in (which I suppose it was), the Z1’s point feature is now standard and at visor sits flush with the rest of the helmet and clicks into place nicely no extra cost, although the LED and just before exit. The helmet also cable retail at about £20. features a replaceable, anti-fog lens, an airtight collar fitting with Cool & Groovy - 01788 860882 adjustable chin strap and a machine washable, interchangeable emitting diode) to their popular liner with pouches on both ears to Time-Out! audible alti. This version take an audible alti. The Z1 is called the Final Frontier, (now what available in black, white, red , you gonna call the next version yellow, jade and royal and retails in George?) comes with a LED port the UK at approximately £155, a into which fits an optional cable. At similar price to the popular Factory Diver. the other end of this cable is a LED which fits onto the inside of a pair of Parasport Italia - 0039 121 69692 goggles or helmet visor. Each time or The Kit Store - 01622 890967

Contoured leg straps One piece mil-spec VELCRO USA* riser Built-in cutaway Premium medium- No extra charge for and unique double cast alloy cable covers with pre­ handle pocket density leg pad foam seven color Center angled attachment housing end installed second layer Flap for unparalleled harness comfort t h e DIFFERENCE

\e i n t h e DETAILS

P.O. Box 820 • OeLand, FL 32721 • USA • 904-740-9222 • fax 904-740-9444 • [email protected] ^ In the United Kingdom, please call S K Y S C I E N C E at (01 1252 27412 • fax (0) 1252 350377 jf

SPORT A ug issue 12 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 by Rob Colpus Jedei Swing Wing Genera Air Time Designs, a Florida canopy and jumpsuit manufacturing company Rigging Innovations Inc, of California, manufacturers of the Talon and other owned and operated by ex-pat Brit Tony Uragello, have moved another step harness/container systems have forward in the high tech, high performance, main canopy world with the released what they call “the first of a release of theirSw/'ngf Wing version of their top of the range Jedei canopy. new generation of parachute Compared to the original Jedei the Swing Wing’s leading edge curves back systems”. What they mean by this is more and the trailing edge less. Tony says this makes for a more solid ride that their new Genera is a complete, and improves front ready to go system including a riser performance. harness/container plus main and The canopy also has a reserve canopies aimed as a low cost unique line “entry level, first kit”. The company’s configuration. For a aim is to supply a complete Genera in start, the steering line four weeks for starters, with the eventual goal of a 10 day delivery assembly features a time. The Genera harness/container continuous outside line looks very similar to the company’s going from the toggle to the Telesis and is available only in black very outside edge of the tail, with the cordura fabric. It is made in four sizes other four steering lines running parallel with each other. Apparently this depending on canopy volume and in allows the loaded cells to give a bit, distributing the load more evenly four harness sizes. It has all of throughout the steering system. Tony has also incorporated New Zealand today’s usual features such as Cypres Aerosport’s (featured in last month’s Kit News) so called ‘Eagle trim’ - where ready, RSL, BOC and velcro-less the lines not only get longer towards the rear of the canopy, but also get toggles. The main canopy is a longer towards the end cells. This, we’re told, improves flight, lift and more Gargano manufacturered zero P 9-cell importantly, the openings. The Jedei Wing is currently available in 105, 120 called the Gen-X and available in 150, 185, 215 and 250 sizes. The reserve and 136 sizes. Other sizes are expected soon. supplied is the popular Tempo from the South African company PISA. Air Time - 001 813 782 5484 Rigging Innovations claim that the saving made on purchasing a Genera system over others on the market will Paratec Speed allow a just-off student status jumper tyo be able to afford an AAD as well Speed 2,000 is the name given to a performance. According to Paratec, without having to look out for suitalbe new series of reserve canopies from (and backed up by Kit News when we second-hand kit. the German manufacturer Paratec. made a test jump on the 120 version this summer) the ‘sport’ category, Paratec have found reasonable Rigging Innovations although a 7-cell, possesses a 9-cell success with their series of main 001 909 928 1438 canopies including the Fandango and type flight and flare characteristic, ie: the Balance as featured in a previous excellent lift capability and forward or The Kit Store - 01622 890967 Kit News. speed. Whereas the ‘student’ The Speed 2,000 series of reserves category has a ‘stall free’ landing equipped with 725 Dyneema (spectra) can be split down into two principle characteristic similar to the company’s microlines, and are manufactured and categories: The ‘A’ category (120-170 Balance student main canopy, which tested in accordance with the German sq ft) for Sport use and the ‘B’ is proving popular with several big certification procedures and have category (220-250 sq ft) for student European DZs. Paratec claim clean, been issued with the German Federal use. Both designs feature the same fast, on heading openings (don’t they ministry of Transport type approval. Paratec airfoil and construction all!) yet not smacking hard at terminal. method, but are different in their flight All Speed 2,000’s are 7-cell canopies Paratec - 0049 6837 7375

13 SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 Performance Designs, Sunpath Products, Javelin, Sabre, Stiletto, Tony Suits, Rigging Inovations, Talon , Performance Designs, Sunpath Products, Javelin, Sabre S U R F FLITE o Surf Flite Boards UK's only dealer. A ll sizes available to Buy and Demo. SKYDIVING HOLIDAYS & PARA GEAR SALES Sky Surf one-to-one instruction and seminars available - Call for information

COMPLETE SKYDIVING PACKAGE HOLIDAYS TO SUIT YOU Professional skydiving courses in Southern France and Sebastian (Florida) by BPA Approved instructors o p FRANCE: AFF Course £900 (we can also arrange travel, airport pick-up and accommodation) AFF Course £950 (no video) • RAPS to AFF conversion £780 ❖ FLO RIDA: AFF £760 includes USPA Membership and one jump with video ❖ UK: AFF Basic Course £1200

GOOD SECONDHAND EQUIPMENT AFF, RAPS & RAPS WAIUTED C BOUGHT, SOLD & TRADED PROGRESSION HOLIDAYS We have everything the present and future skydiver needs - from goggles to complete at our new location on France’s systems to the end we have everything south west coastal DZ of S0ULAC $ Dollar/American gear sales Sun, sea, sand and party for everyone Going to the States? Save £f£'s by ordering your new equipment and suits through us Full package available with return coach travel, food and and we will have them waiting for you when you arrive and pay USS equivalent prices! catering included. Rounds to square conversions. Bunk WE ARE NOW A DIRECT AMERICAN GEAR DEALER WHICH MEANS COMPETITIVE AMERICAN DEALER PRICES PURCHASING THROUGH US BUT BOUGHT STATE SIDE rooms, chalets, kit hire, WARP and Sky U available. For advice, price and details call or fax the 'Airwaves' Ideal venue for clubs, groups, families and individuals Hotline on 01322 557375 NOW! M18 Helicopter July and August E-mail: [email protected] Performance Designs, Sunpath Products, Javelin, Sabre, Stiletto, Tony Suits, Rigging Inovations, Talon, Performance Designs, Sunpath Products, Javelin, Sabre

British Parachute OPEN EVERY DAY & Schools We fly the LET and the Porter throughout the week — Time off mid-week? Don’t waste it ... come skydiving Wed 20 August to Sun 31 August Sat 6 September to Sun 7 September j Our ‘Other’ Boogie Halfpenny Green Reunion ALL THE AIRCRAFT • NO REGISTRATION FEE Different DZ, bigger aircraft but Fun jumps, organised formations, video the same people available on all dives Unlimited altitude • Large landing area Freeflying • Freestyle • Skysurfing Creeper and packing areas • Team room Warp ... get that elusive Cat 10. We will Dive organisers for low experience and run a full student jumping programme ... highly experienced jumpers. you could be Cat 8 in just a few days. FORMATION LOAD MOST WEEKENDS Saturday 23 August Warp instructors, videomen, Tandem, FUN 10 WAY COMPETITION Packers, Riggers and Janet Curtis’ ’ YOU DON’T NEED A TEAM JUST TURNJJP^ Gear Store.

Langar Airfield, Langar, Nottingham NG13 9HY • Tel/Fax 01949 860878


. „ o f t t n P*1' M o n t h This issue’s Dive o f the M onth Puzzle has almost finished their turn, the second was sent in by Mike Bouman, a 1. Build an 8-way group turn their zipper. load organiser for Exotic Sky zipper in the direction of flight. Or, if you Adventures. Further have an aircraft with a contributions to this column are tail gate exit, launch welcome, the aims are by standing the formation sideways originality and fun. Send to across the tailgate and Sport Parachutist, 3 Burton just hopping out. Street, Peterborough PE 1 5HA r - or email: [email protected] 2. Break the formation into a 2-way zipper 180" and a 6-way zipper. The 2-way zipper lets turn in go but stays in place as a reference for the other piece. The 6-way zipper turns 180°. When this group has almost Zipper Turn completed their turn, the 2-way turns in. 5. And again you’ll have the same formation facing the other way. This is one of our favourite dives we did on the Exotic Sky Adventures’ Cuba 6. The formation breaks in a 2-way and a Boogie and which is really fun to do. The 6-way zipper but this time the front 2-way nice thing about this dive is that there are zipper turns first and the 6-way stays in bigger and smaller parts that turn. It is a place as a reference for the smaller continuum and, although the formation group. When they have all but finished stays the same, the view from each of their turn, the 6-way slowly turns to make you will be different after every point. the formation complete. This dive can be done with 6,8,10,12 or 14 skydivers. The bigger the group, the more impressive it will be but also you won’t be able to turn so many points. This is the 8-way version (for points) but try the bigger ways for fun and great visuals. 3. Now you have the same formation, looking the other way with a different arrangement of people. Intermediates Go slow. This one is not a race. 4. The formation now breaks into two 4- Keep it pretty and well shaped. way zippers. The key comes from the Look to the centre of the formation, second pair in the front. After their key fly flat by flying your legs a the top 4-way zipper turns 180° while the I second 4-way stays in place as a 7. Now, if you have enough time, you little long. can go back to the first manoeuvre. reference. Again, when the first group Cool ‘n’ Groovies Keys • turn the zipper groups around Just do it! It’s easy to give the key from the their own centre second pair down from the front of • keep looking to the other the zipper (when the group formation is bigger, take the • turn slow, it’s hard to stop third zipper). Make sure that when you pick up too much Angles momentum ^ Whenever you are in a the formation is flying well before • the bigger the piece the ■ zipper, maintain your angle you give the key. slower the rate of turn and the 7o‘ at 90° to the person directly earlier you start to stop in front of you, the same Secret Stuff • maintain the fall rate angle you would be if side- It’s not so difficult and it looks great on bodied onto them. video, as long as you make sure of a Have fun! couple of things. Each formation should end up • look to the centre of the zipper and fly Michael Bouman on the same heading as the previous flat (legs longer) Exotic Sky Adventures one, but facing the other way. • turn the groups in the same direction

15 SF*ORT Aug issue PARACH UTIST "I 9 9 7 Quality, Its Not A Concept, Its A Reflex

nCFlCX™ Features Main Container • Fully lined container • Velcro free riser covers • Unique "Sharks fin" main closure tongue • Stainless Steel Mini 3-Rings (Optional) • Main Deployment options: - Integrated 80C pocket, - TOP Leg strap - Pull-out • 28" ZP pilot chute - Standard, Hill-line or Bungee • Hockey Handle • Custom Colors • Main deployment bog • Riser types - l 3/4” Regular risers - 1" Regular risers - 1" Integrity riser • UJeight pockets (Optional)

Reserve Container • Stainless steel ripcord handle • 30" ZP Primary p ilo t chute • Fully lined container • Pack tray riser covers • Reserve toggles • Stainless steel ripcord assy. • Approved under TSO C23d • Single pin closure • external pilot chute • Molar style freebag • Cypres Ready • CATAPULT™ equipped • Rigger Friendly • RSL is standard

Harness • Articulated or Standard • Mini or Large rings • Thread thru or 612 • Cutaujay handle • Deluxe leg pads - Standard or Narrow

You have the Training, You have experience and now all you need is Fliteline R€FL€X™ the modern, state of the art parachute harness/container Systems system employing an advanced reserve deployment technology called INC. I CATAPULT™. This system significantly increases the effectiveness of the reserve deployment in the event of a “horseshoe” type malfunction 4-6 Week involving the primary reserve pilot chute. For more information about Delivery! 570 Central Avenue. Suite 1-1 about the Reflex Harness/Container system, contact your nearest Reflex Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-2741 dealer or Fliteline Systems direct.

Phone: (909) 245-8828 • FAX: (909) 245-8825 • WWW: • Email: [email protected] Goody o ne. hr ws ut a eae about debate a quite was abilities There all enter. of to people that encourage therefore felt generally was It discussion. vocal, country. the very forty over and Hitchen John Championships), World by attended Freestyle/Skysurf was This 1996. November should have only free rounds and and rounds free only we have for rounds, basis should compulsory a have than as ,rather 1996 used the were from rules Cup IPC World at forum this At over all judge from skydivers interested (chief super Flynn Roger A competition British first controversy. was it such, as and, disciplines Skysurf Freestyle, British The pressure, interest and and interest public of pressure, mixture a from borne were Nationals Freefly and involving the three ‘new’ ‘new’ three the involving during Skysports Target at held 17-20 May 1997. This was the the was This 1997. May 17-20 forum to assess interest, discuss discuss interest, assess to forum rvosy en ed t agt in Target at held been previously rules and decide on procedures had had procedures on decide and rules | Air Games in Turkey. We wish them luck. them World wish the We at Turkey. in team Games freestyle Air | British years 'official' Two 1995. our are in they Slater Championships Freestyle World I the I I Pari Passu Pari effect upon the number of people who felt felt who people of number the upon effect a compulsory a skydiving, that felt people of proximity consensus by close other accepted than was it While use compulsory. the was controversy of area Another country the in best the be to considered of AADs and whether they should be be should they whether and AADs of AAD ruling would have a detrimental detrimental attend. a to able have would ruling AAD higher be may risk of degree the that some represent to teams invited Meet. World a those at World be Britain should automatically or into sport, the entry of to fair was it whether for and Championships criteria set an arbitrary criteria at this early stage stage early this at criteria arbitrary an set freestyle team represented Britain 'unofficially' at at 'unofficially' Britain represented team freestyle Freestyle, Skysurf and Freefly Champions and Medalists at Britain’s first New Age Nationals Age New first Britain’s at Medalists and Champions Freefly and Skysurf Freestyle, 1 7 SPORT Aug SPORT issue 17 xrm gms n Po or. A Tours. the between Pro place and took also games discussion Championships, World extreme past to from had videos competitors so bad was weather place take did Nationals the - said all That over the country the competition competition competing. the of hopes therefore and week country exam with all the that coincided was impact the over on devastating most impact the negative a had certainly face full and AADs account. into taken The date of the competition was set so that that so set was competition the of date The amuse themselves by watching numerous numerous watching the by themselves competition amuse the of day first the On success. huge a were and numerous teams had to abandon their their abandon to had teams numerous Flowever registered. who teams of number equally most This an AAD! an and for save - to time training short for time short weeks) a only (8 allowed Turkey. it in Unfortunately winners Championships of World the names into register could BPA the represent to for wishing set was teams scores winning all any possible of for total criteria A of 50% compulsory skysurfers. and be to cameraflyers were helmets the of some only that clear was it made finally public, were rules and date the When Britain at the forthcoming World Meet. World forthcoming the at Britain ‘wannabe’ competitors’ wishes had been been had wishes competitors’ ‘wannabe’ AAHUIT 7 9 9 1 UTIST PARACH

NATIONALS Goody Goody and Hitchen) John and Flynn (Doc judges competitors about judging criteria. judging about competitors form, control of headings and angles and and angles and headings of control form, and Freestyle (freefly). seconds 40 and is height exit the disciplines new these In em ae em Members Team name Team of the routine), ‘camera w ork’ ork’ w ‘camera routine), originality, the ‘artistic of (creativity, movement), of pression’ im and smoothness position (body of ‘execution’ ‘difficulty on moves’, scored are teams Skysurf (skysurf) seconds 50 (freestyle), seconds SKYSURF RESULTS SKYSURF Freefly teams are scored on ‘movement ‘movement on scored are teams Freefly teamwork). angles of movements, and effectiveness of stability originality, and image, smoothness (composition, style/theme of continuity appeal, aesthetic ufSie lsnJnis 43.£ Jenkins Alison Spice Surf controlled manner) and ‘precision of of ‘precision and pairs, manner) as move controlled to ability inverted upright, rotation, by and horizontal individuals and as move vertical to (ability skills’ lytto Mk Fot 57 Frost Mike Playstation performance’ (correctness of attention, attention, safe of a in (correctness contact performance’ perform to ability 45 of times working with 13,000ft 40 Wileman Scott Stupid Board presentation, clarity and stability of of ‘virtuosity’. and and stability ‘originality’ and clarity cameraflyer, form, clarity body presentation, and heading In the afternoon of the second day the sky the day second the of their afternoon the with In ‘teamwork’ on also image), Playstation, AAHUIT 7 9 9 1 UTIST PARACH SPORT SPORT wneso h Syufn rpydntdb ol n roy wt BPA with Groovy, ‘n’ Cool by donated Trophy Skysurfing the of winners u issue Aug Chairman Lofty Thomas who gave out the prizes the out gave who Thomas Lofty Chairman Tim Porter Porter Tim Andy Ford Andy Baldrick

.i teams managed three skydives (some (some skydives the three most and weather) managed earnest to in teams (due started starts competition a false After call. minute few 30 a Netti lift and first the stalled gave was Dornier the cleared, i Pre hd reiy nee himself entered greedily had Porter Tim first). round practice a have to opting em ae em Members Team name Team No Train No Sibson Skydive Passu Pari RESULTS FREESTYLE 47 46 48.5 68.5 3 2 on Total Round 67. 70.5 70.5 66 38 Pari Passu, Pari 0523 40.5 315.5 33 4 i Porter Tim Jenkins Alison Meacock Alex Beckitt Ann Goody Elliot Clarke Elliot winners of the Freestyle Trophy donated by Airtec by donated Trophy Freestyle the of winners 18 5

0. 2 201.5 333 7 3 174 Place 1 93 36 25 31 27.5 29 61 1 busiest person on the drop zone that that zone drop the on person busiest cleared again and all five rounds were were rounds five all and again cleared up. Meet bar everyone the - and cheered became 6 soon at which day Dobson a opened, it nerves called (Trevor as Director) Trev difficult frayed. possibly most was day the by third This stopped weather. were we bad The again him). once day, the next the had manifesting of who task was Netti he unenviable with (along that afternoon said be safely so can teams it Freestyle and Skysurf Freefly, in drop zone of the day before had turned turned had quiet before the day the of Suddenly zone drop completed. finally skies the four) (day afternoon Tuesday On rounded off his duties well with a speech speech Trev a with well deserved. duties well his our off for and rounded fitting Nationals quite was first which two three) (some or medal a awarded was everyone that praying Trev held. and weather the Doc judging John downloading, and skydiving, cameraflyers packing, dirt-diving, teams had - do to everyone a job where place exciting an into trophies for the winners. the for trophies the to congratulations and following. thanks of teams of number small ceremony. the prize-giving to Thomas the Lofty Due and for over all arrived was it 8 By praise went to Tim Porter whose whose mate team Porter the regular his despite Tim of outstanding to disappointment was went Special enthusiasm first success. a this it praise make support time and to the effort took Nationals the who made competitors and the all impressive • three Thomas and supplying Groovy for & Sports Cool Airtec, • 354. 50.5 49.5 63.5 3 2 Round 42 3 23 24

253. 6 2 169 30.5 42.5 5 4 62 oa Place Total 8. 1 286.5 i :i;S «' > 11 NATIONALS

(Chris Gauge - Vice Versa) being unable to attend (due to final exams). • Steve and Helen Swallow of Target Skysports for having the guts to do it first. • Roger Flynn and John Hitchen for judging. • All Target staff: Netti, Baldrick, Gary, Kim, Kevin, Chris, Donna, James, Spice Girl from Hell (Sue), Annie, Denise and Emma. The winning teams from the Skysurf and Freestyle events will now go on to officially represent Britain at the World Air Games in Turkey in September 1997, along with representatives from other skydiving disciplines. At last freestyle, skysurf and freefly have been recognised in this country and can only go from strength to strength. Zero Gee, winners of the Freefly Trophy donated by Thomas Sports Equipment Next year’s Nationals will be bigger and better only if there are skydivers out there willing to support it. If you’re an FREEFLY RESULTS interested beginner, track down some of Team name Team Members Round Total Place the competitors, get some coaching, form 1 2 3 4 5 a team, have a go, have fun and we’ll see Zero Gee Simon Ashenden 41 43 47.5 42 54 227.5 1 you next year. Kieron McLaughan Alex Meacock Ann Beckitt TheSibsons Elliot Clarke 34 33 23 15.5 34.5 140 2 Pari Passu Freestyle Team Mark Swarbeck Tim Porter



SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 - Performance Designs' Goal:

Build parachutes that offer superior solutions to your needs. Sure we

have the most extensive research and development program ever, and

the most advanced laser cutting technology in the industry, but that's not

all. It's also our team. We are not just manufacturers, we're also cus­

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you find skydivers. People who don't just talk about parachutes but put

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practical application we feel enables us to offer what many people agree

are the finest parachutes available today. Whether it is a Spectre or

Silhouette, Sabre or Stiletto, PD Reserve or PD 9-cell, there is a

Performance Designs canopy to suit your needs. Try one and we think

you will agree: 1300 E. International Speedway Blvd.

Deland, FL 32724 USA At Performance Designs, tel. 904.738.2224 fax 904.734.8297 The proof is in the performance. SCOTTISH NATIONALS do their stuff above Strathallan. Photo: Colin Bridges

Scottish Nationals Air Ecosse sponsored by Winning Winning senior team Predicting the results of this Ecosse edged ahead by one point at the not far behind. There was some drama to year’s Scottish Nationals at close of play on Saturday. come on Sunday, however. Strathallan would not have been At intermediate level, Time Flies The seniors on Sunday went off fairly an easy task. Medals, trophies, (Headcorn) and Clachan Achoin (Scotland quickly. Air Ecosse and Quiksilva were - really?! - Ed) were evenly matched after close going into the final round but a T-shirts and Time Out!! jackets round one. However, Time Flies couldn’t disastrous mistake by the soldiers meant were all to be fought for over seem to launch a stable exit so, by the end they were bust from a 10 to a 4!! The team this three day event held at of the third round, the Scots were five had dirt-dived the round incorrectly, doing Strathallan over the last points ahead. This was an interesting the formations in the wrong sequence. development, as Clachan Achoin were Rumour has it that one of Quicksilva said weekend in May. With many entitled to enter junior level, but chose he thought the dirt-dive was incorrect but well-matched teams at the three intermediate to make it a bit more of a he was shot down in flames as the lowest levels of 4-way FS, challenge to the southerners. The name, ranking soldier. Air Ecosse saw the dodgy could happen. For the first time by the way, is Gaelic for ‘Dogs Bollocks’. dirt-dive but didn’t say anything as they Junior teams Sabakas Yitesers, Boo!, Flow thought it was all a military wind-up! Air there was an 8-way FS meet, Ecosse retained their title as Scottish with three teams competing for Bizarre and Scunthorpe Airspeed were all in medal contention, with Phwoarsome senior champions with a final round score a new trophy. The 8-way event of 5. Scratch team No Riggers Allowed is now expected to be a had a clear third position, not quite close enough to challenge the top two. permanent feature of the In the intermediates, Time Flies equalled Scottish Nationals. Clachan Achoin’s score in the final round 4-way but that was not good enough for gold, A total of fourteen teams entered; five at which went to the Scots. Scunthorpe senior level, two at intermediate, and an Airspeed finished the junior event in-top impressive total of seven junior teams. It place with an average of five per round, was clear that the battle for first place in the silver went to How Bizarre! and a jump off senior event would be very much between was required to settle bronze. Level scores Quiksilva, the army team and Air Ecosse, in the jump-off meant another was required. the local Strathallan team who took silver The tension mounted and Sabakas Yitesers in last year’s British Nationals. Both teams just pipped Boo! to the bronze by one point scored a 9 in the first two rounds and Air Ian Chick in action on the telemeters on the second jump-off.

21 S P O R T Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 Springo by Blue Track, Fun standard included,

PARACHUTES Parachutes de France SA - 2, Rue Denis Papin - Jouy le Moutier DE FRANCE SA 95031 Cergy Pontoise Cedex - Tel: 01 34 32 77 77 - Fax: 01 34 32 73 17 FINE PARACHUTES MAKERS SCOTTISH NATIONALS

8-way Three teams entered, all rounds were from the visiting Domier. Quik Ecosse, the combo of first and second placed 4-way teams, gallantly offered to take a three point per round handicap. They may have regretted this by the end of round two, as Team Target and Bill Steam were in equal first place. A couple of higher scores in later rounds secured the gold for the favourites, with the mainly Scottish Bill Steam taking second ahead of Team Air Ecosse Target. (Billy Somerville, Graham Harris, Mike Strachan, There was a new trophy, the Allan Chris Whitlock, Andrew MacArthur Memorial Cup, for this event. Hilton (front, video)) were Allan, a former jump pilot at Strathallan, ‘just a wee bit lucky’. Hibaldstow and Wild Geese, had been tragically killed in a flying accident a few weeks earlier. His girlfriend Emma, also a jump pilot, presented the cup. Accuracy Not many entered the accuracy this year. It was held over four rounds, with Jase Baxter taking senior gold, ahead of Jimmy White. Dave Tyler got bronze after a jump off with A1 MacCartney. Callum Bissett did the business at intermediate level, Allan MacKenzie took silver and Billy Clachan Achoin Currie the bronze. (Danny West,Gerry McClafferty, Pete Other events Mitchell, Stewart McKay The only Canopy Formation team who and Joanne Little) proved entered quit after a wrap in round one! they were indeed the Still, they beat all other competitors, so dog’s bollocks. took the gold. It had been hoped to hold freestyle, skysurfing and freeflying, but the scheduling of the British Championships for these events impacted somewhat on the Scottish contest. Party As well as the usual sessions in the Star Hotel, there was a funky Ceilidh in the Strathallan hangar. The band had a fine mixture of rock and traditional dances with modern dance themes. This wasn’t Scunthorpe Airspeed three old blokes and an accordion. It was (Billy Sharpies, Emma four young musicians from Glasgow Gracey, Sarah McEwan whose influences were less Andy Stewart, and Greg Reid) wondered more Ministry of Sound. There was also about their Time Out!I beer and a barbecue, so most folk jackets with ‘Flashing attending didn’t get to the bar until about Edition’ on. 11pm. At least in Scotland the bars don’t shut early. Results: 4-way FS (sponsored by Cool & Groovy Fridge Co) Epilogue Score Place Average Marian Shearer, the current chairwoman SENIOR of the SSPA, did a splendid job in getting Air Ecosse 31 1 7 .75 the meet organised, ably helped by the Quiksilva 29 2 7 .25 other members of the committee and No Riggers Allowed 17 §L> 3 4 .2 5 Zero Tolerance 15 4 3 .75 Kieran Brady, Meet Director. It was a fine One Swallow 11 5 2 .75 weekend for the Scottish Nationals; sunny on the whole, with only one weather hold INTERMEDIATE Clachan Achoin 24 1 6 (cloud) on the Sunday and a blisteringly Time Flies 19 2 4 .75 brilliant Monday. It should be a good summer at Strathallan. As ever, it was a JUNIOR Scunthorpe Airspeed 20 1 5 pleasure to see so many visiting friends Flow Bizarre 15 2 3 .75 having a blast. Sabakas Yitesers (jump-off) 11+4+4 3 3 .16 Boo! (jump-off) 11+4+3 4 3 Kevin McPhillips Phwoarsome 9 5 2 .25 Tall order 6 6 1.5 Steam In 1 7 0 .25

23 SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 o f partem

||§ & ~ ' ' jumPttMk tfSfiNJ ' • •'. - ' Kittli p3)|OOrj$3|l|M S9AOHJ : H miM sA ^-9i papapuf # f , fijJ!6ua|)*eq^jMg# .CupeMp £ ' '' ; *' yie®»swdwW c<58^^i»';: *

Colin Bridges AAHUIT 997 9 9 1 UTIST PARACH SF»ORT Summer Time Summer Aug issue Aug Fresh from the St Petersburg Boogie, the photos show a “barking mad” Russian Russian mad” “barking a show photos the Boogie, Petersburg St the from Fresh (and the weather is lousy...) is weather the (and ih yoehis on adslyoe h city. the over display a doing pyrotechnics with B a r k i n g M a d ! 26 the sun still shines over shinesstill sunthe proving Langar- over wear wettest boogie ever in the UK inthe boogieever wettest smilingsomehow. kept staff andbutjumpers Nottinghamshire! Langar had probablythe hadLangar summerinMcDonaldDave


The Royal Oak Shields The rebuilding of Soweto (the soon-to-be-famous tented village at Eaglescott), beer provided by Steve Peck, a significant increase in the number and ability of intermediate jumpers, some good weather, a strong Bristol University contingent, some trophies donated by the long suffering Royal Oak and a variety of experience from 3 to 3,000 FS jumps, all provided the perfect mix-up for the first ever Eaglescott 4-way competition on the 14 and 15 June. The weekend also saw a student accuracy competition which was naturally won by Richard Smith. ‘Smithy’ demonstrated an innovative ability to tank up his closest rivals at the DZ party to such an extent that they were unable to compete in round 2 on Sunday! The 4-way was won by ‘The three sausages & one chipolata’ led by Ian Grout. This was fortunate as all the other teams had names that were definitely inappropriate for display on the shield in the Royal Oak Pub. Tim ‘Nice but Dim’ Barlow

This lovely sunset shot was taken by Dougie Young and shows the culmination of a 4-way training camp in Deland. The 20-way pictured was made up of three British Army 4-way teams, Equanimity 5 (the South African 4-way team) and some local jumpers

27 SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 Racer/Elite Professional Equipment,

For the Professional Skydiver. Bo Babovich, USPA I/E, Tandem Examiner. Master Rigger. With 5000 jumps, including 2500 tandem jumps, and over 1000 jumps on the Elite Tandem, Bo is the quintessential skydiving professional. Photo by Johnny J.C. Colclasure

In head to head, independent tests, by tandem rig Our rugged harness/container system keeps proving owners, the Elite Tandem canopy has been chosen itself too; at least one Elite Tandem rig is reported to over the competition. The unique computer designed have over 2000 jumps on it, and is still in service, canopies open so reliably, that the Elite Tandem Qualified skydivers can be Elite Tandem Certified Main Canopy went over 10,000 jumps worldwide, by Bo, at his Hinckley, Illinois Drop Zone, located before its first malfunction. This demonstrated 50 miles West of downtown Chicago, reliability has remained constant for over four years. Jump Shack Call: (904) 734-5867 Fax: (904) 734-8464 e-mail: [email protected] For technical papers and more, go to 1665 Lexington Aye., #106 DeLand, FL 32724 USA PEOPLE IN THE SPORT PEOPLE IN THE SPORT Mike Frost

M ike Frost is so committed to the sport that he missed his finals in order to attend the ‘New Age’ Nationals, where he became the first UK Skysurfing Champion. Mike and his team mate, Andy Ford, have jumped at three SSI Pro Tour events and are building an international reputation. We asked him what it takes to be a skysurfer. How long have you been jumping Mike? I have been jumping for seven years and have 1,000 jumps of which 700 are skysurf. Was it hard when you started skysurfing? There were only a few skysurfers in the world when I first started and technique was a guarded secret. I once asked a surfer if I could pay for coaching and take them anywhere in the world he chose in return for his help - he said “No”. I understood his PlayStation-. explanation but, without support and on my own it took a lot longer. How have you improved? ny Ford Andy By making as many jumps as possible. Also, by visualisation and watching videos of other surfers. The biggest improvement came last year, altering my equipment. I changed the canvas top I used to a surf suit and ditched the snowboards for a rigid alloy composite board. important so I asked him to join me. We have a great relationship Is it difficult to control a board? in the sky, he gives me signals to let me know if the board’s Surfing has to be one of the most difficult disciplines within straight and that sort of thing, we really communicate in freefall. skydiving. You have a board strapped to your feet, large enough to overpower you so you have to show it total respect - whilst Do you have any special routines or original moves? knowing that your ability is sufficient to remain in total control. The pace skysurfing is advancing with new moves is incredible. I believe there are too many skydivers who over-estimate their I have worked on new ideas before only to see someone else do actual ability - the board will certainly highlight any inability. them. That’s great as you sometimes see that move done better and you can learn from seeing another approach. We have Do you need strength? worked on an original transition called a ‘Playstation’ - it’s an Strength is important with surfing, especially when you start. interaction between surfer and cameraman where Andy takes a Although, with experience, technique is associated to smooth grip on the front of the board and rotates whilst I’m sitting. When dives - you can see that. It is physically demanding on the ankles, the pressure builds up I key the release into a really fast knees and lower back, you need to be in shape. But mental helicopter. We’re working on something new at the moment - I approach is very important along with attitude. could tell you about it but I’d have to kill you afterwards! Do many women skysurf? Is there any person or team who have influenced you? There are a number of women skysurfers on the tour. Vivien There are so many of my peers who have influenced my style in Wegrath is currently #2 in the world whilst Amy Baylie-Haas is the past - from Bob Greiner’s classic approach to Sean also right up there hosing the men. Vivien’s body roll triple is just McCormack’s freefly. Rob Harris was the man though. the best and she probably does the sweetest ‘avalanche’ on the Tour. What competitions have you done to date and where did you place? How did you choose Andy as cameraman? Team Playstation have competed in three rounds of the SSI Pro Andy and I first met two years ago, made a couple of jumps Tour with the following results: together which worked, but it wasn't until last summer that we started to train together. He’s a very experienced cameraman who Perris, California - September ‘96 11th place has filmed most other aspects of skydiving to a very high Titusville, Florida - March ‘97 9th place standard. Cameraflyers receive little or no recognition for the Monterey, California - April ‘97 14th place work they do, whilst in the new disciplines of skydiving their At Perris we were still learning to fly together and how to present work attributes to 50% of the marks. Our fall rate was excellent the basic moves. After that we only completed one jump during and, his experience aside, we get on well together - that’s very the winter before arriving at Titusville. A very long lay-off which

29 S P O R T Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 -7 was through lack of time, money and weather. We placed ninth there, but at Monterey Bay things were different. I picked up some injuries and didn’t know if I was going to be able to jump - let alone compete. It was a tough contest but that’s the nature of competition. How did you come to be invited on the SSI Pro Tour? On the Pro Tour they invite the top ten seeded teams plus the top four try-out teams, decided the day before. This is where we experience maximum pressure as you have travelled thousands of miles and don’t know the calibre of the other teams. You’re up against it and you have to get through. It’s such a buzz when you do and are officially welcomed into the competition - along with a fat goodie bag. Did you do much training before each heat? We attempt to do as much as possible at each tour stop, arriving one week early. This is the only way we can try to prepare and stay in touch with the other professional teams. They mostly live and train in Florida, California or Arizona and can afford to relax in the days leading up to the meet. At Monterey we did too much - 56 jumps in four and a half days which left me burnt out. Are you looking for publicity as a skysurfer? Skysurfing athletes are being recognised as serious professional competitors who produce fantastic video footage. In the UK I want to use the media to enhance the perception of skydiving in general through skysurfing - this is one way we can attract new members. How did you get your sponsorship with Playstation? Four years of hard work. Have you found it difficult in the UK to gain acceptance of skysurfing? In the beginning it was very difficult as I was ‘Johnny-no-mates’ jumping alone; however since I arrived at Weston, everyone has been fantastic - from Dave Wood the CCI down to the newest AFF graduate they have been very considerate. Were you pleased to find the BPA has recognised the newer disciplines of freeflying and skysurfing in a National Championships? The BPA is changing, they’ve had to. Skysurfing isn’t new; however the ability and number who are doing it has improved to the point where it needs their support through a competition to decide who should represent them at the World Air Games. I believe that participating in international competitions is the best way for our teams to stay on the curve - the more you do the better you are. With

S P O R T Aug issue 30 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 ”- PEOPLE IN THE SPORT freefly the progression has been Where there any lessons which country, all will have a training board in a incredible! It’s great that there is a could be learnt for next time comer somewhere. The most important national competition for it at such an early around? thing is to make sure you have enough stage in the sport. It means that we can The primary goal was accomplished (to experience before making a first jump. develop teams early to succeed later on. complete the event). There are a number What are your plans for the future? of things which can be done better - we’re What did you think of the first New We’re gonna have as much fun as all on a learning curve - the competitors, Age Nationals? possible. We are training every weekend, judges and the BPA. We had a great time at Hibaldstow with competitions planned in Germany, although weather was our biggest Turkey and Switzerland. We’re off problem causing frustration. All TEAM PLAYSTATION wish to thank: training in Spain soon and are going to of the teams got on really well PLAYSTATION - coolest system on or above take packers and just jump, jump, together. My hackey improved the planet jump. It’s the only way we can even tremendously and the bar stayed hope to compete against the full time ANIMAL - keep us lookin’ good open until 2am - I’m not much of teams. a drinker, but I had fun. The KILLER LOOP - the shades company sword supplied by Time-Out! as How do you fancy your chances WESTON ON THE GREEN - the place to be at the World Air Games in first prize in the surfing was so TIME-OUT - at 31/2 revs per second you still Turkey? tempting - we just had to go out there and win it. Nice one know where you are! There is a lot of talent out there and I George! CONVERSE - on yer hoofs should be doing some really impressive work by then. We’ve beaten Winning it was a great feeling, I SALLY & BEV - for letting us out to play teams who have stood on the podium took the sword straight off its before but I guess you just don’t know. Would you have any advice for any mount to ‘feel the steel’. up and coming skysurfers? Is there anything you want to add? Is it true you missed your finals to Skysurfing isn’t easy but it can be a lot of We love our sponsors, “they am de best”. do the Nationals? fun. Everyone encounters problems and It is totally down to their support and Yes - but I’ve worked very hard for many you just have to try and work through encouragement that we have been able to years at the surfing and the competition them. If things seem really bad - move achieve the results to date and with them was just too important to miss or not back to a smaller board and ensure you that we intend to move forward. support. If we hadn’t made the effort to have the right equipment, ask advice or turn up then the BPA may not have held get coaching. There are a number of Mike Frost was talking to Lesley another. experienced skysurfers around the Gale

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31 SPORT Aug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 The most advanced AAD technology on this planet

During the 4 year development of Sean MacCormac & Omar Alhegelan CYPRES, many theoretical extreme Live jump during Space Shuttle Columbia freefall maneuvers were considered. launch on April 4, 1997 Today these maneuvers are reality - Photo by Brian Erler for Sean, Omar - and CYPRES.

AIRTEC Mittelstrasse 69 Tel. +49 2953 8010 D-33181 Wunnenberg - Fax +49 2953 1293

Freeflight University & Surf Flite TramTn§~Qenter at Skydive Space Center train with CYPRES SQUARE on SQUARE • What would you do if you found yourself under two square canopies? • In what configuration might you cut away? • If you stay with the canopies, would you take the brakes off? • Which canopy would you steer with? • Would you flare for landing or do a PLF?

H ere are some extracts and the conclusions of the Report on Young Dougie Dual Square deployment tests conducted by Performance Designs in conjunction with the PIA. The whole of the report is well worth reading and is available from the BPA office on request.

The Editor would like to thank Performance Designs, PIA and the jumpers who carried out these tests for their positive contribution Choice of Reserve to parachuting safety. We would also like to thank the Australian Parachute Federation (APF) for this summary of the report. Note: Some people have always believed that you must choose a reserve that is smaller than the main. While this is probably a Common Results of a Dual Square Deployment safe thing to do it is not an entirely accurate gauge. 1. The most likely canopy configuration from a simultaneous For example: a PD143R has shorter lines than a Stiletto 135. This or near simultaneous deployment is a biplane with the main combination flew well in a biplane with the main in front. 7-cell canopy in front and the reserve in the rear. The most commonly canopies typically have shorter lines than equally sized 9-cells. preferred method of flying the personal biplane is to leave the Conclusion: Use great care to choose proper equipment. brakes stowed on the rear canopy and fly the front canopy using Choose a reserve that is similar in size to the main canopy. smooth, gentle toggle input. A few canopy combinations were reported to be slightly more solid with the brakes released on both 4. A less frequently occurring configuration is a downplane. canopies, but the majority seemed to be most solid with brakes set [During the tests] it always involved line twists due to a tumbling on the rear canopy. bag on deployment of the main canopy when it was the second Conclusion: If a biplane is present and the jumper has directional canopy deployed. [The tests show it may be recoverable but] the control, leave the brakes stowed on the rear canopy and fly the fact also remains that the reason a person is probably in this biplane using gentle toggle input on the front canopy. Do not flare position to begin with is that their AAD fired. If their AAD fired, either canopy for landing. Be prepared to do a PLF. they are already low. If they are already low there isn’t a lot of time to be playing around trying to undo things when that time could be 2. The next most common configuration is a side-by-side with used cutting away and sorting out the best place to land. Being in the main risers behind the reserve risers. The personal side-by-side a dual square situation calls for quick evaluation and quick action. was the result of the taller of the two canopies deploying behind the A downplane plummets out of the sky at a high rate of speed. shorter of the two. It is not recommended to fly this configuration Conclusion: If a downplane is present, disconnect any RSL, if time with all four toggles. /altitude permits, and cut away the main canopy. Conclusion: If a side-by-side is present and the jumper has directional control, fly the side-by-side using smooth, gentle toggle 5. Another infrequent configuration is an entanglement of the input of the larger/dominant canopy. If the canopies do not seem two canopies. controllable and are not entangled with each other, disconnect any Conclusion: If a main/reserve entanglement should occur, do RSL, if time/altitude permits, and cut away the main canopy. everything possible to clear the two canopies by pulling on risers and/or toggles. Be cautious about immediately cutting away the 3. Another fairly common configuration would be a fully main canopy as this may accentuate the problem. inflated canopy (either main or reserve) with a trailing pilot chute, pc and bag, or trailing un-inflated second canopy behind the jumper. This scenario if left unattended would sometimes remain Final note: Additional safety devices, such as AAD’s & RSLs, as it is, or result in one of the other configurations. may cause standard emergency procedures to change. Analyse the Conclusion: If the main canopy deploys and the reserve is in a release recommendations and be sure they coincide with your stage of deployment it might be best to aid the deployment of the equipment manufacturer’s guidelines. Practice these new reserve by shaking the risers. Then be prepared to take action on emergency procedures prior to every jump. the resulting configuration. If the reserve opens and the main is in a stage of deployment, it might be best to remove the RSL and cut The first conclusion of the Dual Square Report: away the main. The best way to handle any Dual Square Scenario is to avoid the situation. Use appropriate and available altitude warning devices Food for Thought to help maintain good altitude awareness. Follow safety If you are still in freefall with your main container regulations on proper opening alititudes. Ensure that AAD’s are closed when your Time-Out!! flat lines at 1500 properly maintained and used. Use properly maintained feet, would you deploy your main or your reserve? equipment and gear checks.


Welcome to Sky Science> this is a company that was started in March 1994 to provide a one stop source for all your parachute equipment; here is a brief resume of my qualifications.

BPA Advanced Rigger / Examiner, Instructor, Tandem Instructor, AFF Instructor and Relative Work Coach. I have worked as a full time rigger for over 11 years.

I have specialised in parachute equipment, not only with my BPA qualifications X but also working with major canopy and container manufacturers. My aim is to give you the best service possible. If I can be of any assistance at all, then please give me a call. Allan Hewitt Shop New Equipment

Since the beginning of April 1997 we have We have a large product range to choose from, as we been running the drop zone shop on behalf of are dealers for all the major canopy and container the APA. We have a large stock of all types of manufacturers world wide. As professionals we pride accessories, and we aim to increase this on a ourselves on doing business with integrity, we want to weekly basis. If you can not see what you provide you with the absolute best equipment for your given want please let us know and we will order it. skill level, type of jumping and of course budget.

Open every weekend We are not high pressure sales people, we believe in giving you the information necessary to make an educated decision on what gear is best suited to you. Compare our prices, including prices quoted from abroad even when you think your getting a good deal, and find out how much of a good deal you can really get.

Our after sales service is just as important as the sale itself, we aim to prevent any after sale problems based on experience, we can prevent the pit falls before they occur.

Work with us and I am sure we can provide the best real deal available. Visit our shop and ask for a price list. Rigging Work Used Equipment We operate a full time rigging workshop to take care of all your service and repair work. We have a stock of used gear for sale and each one will undergo a thorough We have the knowledge, the experience, the inspection before we sell it. tools and we are current in all aspects of rigging work. Trying to go that extra mile to Buying used gear and not knowing the pitfalls has proven to be expensive for insure that your equipment gets the best many skydivers, now you can buy used gear with confidence and have peace of service available and sound advice when mind. needed. We deal with all types of work, from basic velcro replacement to major repairs. Pick up a used kit stock list from the shop.

Left: Complete harness replacement Below: Reserve tray replacement Reserve Repacks

Parachute equipment has become more sophisticated in both the technical and cosmetic sense, reserve packing has become more specialised, the inspection of your reserve and container requires a considerable level of background knowledge and experience. It is essential that reserve packers stay current and up to date. We are very current, with over 300 reserves packed each year, all are checked against over 900 safety notices that we hold on file.

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For 17 years, the undisputed leading innovators in our sport. Wear on original. Go Fly! Visit our shop and check out the stock jumpsuits or pick up the custom colour order details and get helpful advice on the type of suit that's best for you. t 5 784748 - COMPUSERVE: 100770,402 - SHOP: 01980 671 I 16 Classics Update

The National Freeflying and Skysurfing than it Championships in Style has with Accuracy. It is only out of deference to tradition that IPC still and Accuracy 1997 will be link the two together. a selection Nationals for It was great to see Tim Mace at the the British team to recent Southern Regionals represent Great Britain at entering the Speed Style, Tim is an advocate of New Age skydiving the World Championships but stated he also relished the in 1998, to be held in challenge in pitting his freefall Croatia. This years skills against the clock I can only Nationals, are to be held at hope that other freestylists, freeflyers, sit-flyers etc could feel Hibaldstow in conjunction the same motivation now that with the CF Nationals individual freefalling skills are between the 16 and 25 back in fashion. We might yet see a rebirth in Speed Style. August. The photos show how Speed Style R unning the BPA Nationals has evolved in the Nineties. They in conjunction with the show Dave Ballard, former British Armies proved a great National Champion, in action. The success last year, increasing the slick jump suit and full face number of competitors five fold helmet are considered essential in from previous years in all the quest to achieve faster and categories. Unfortunately due to a faster base times. However, misunderstanding between two judging methods and standards are potential news reporters an article a lot tougher so that a 6 second never appeared for the mag, each base time is often ‘geeked’ up to 8 thought the other was doing it?! It or 9 seconds. is hardly surprising therefore, that a lot of skydivers out there We have an historical wealth of believe the classics have finally talent in Accuracy. Jackie died out in the UK. Nothing could Young(nee Smith) is a former be further from the truth and I World Champion and our teams will attempt to put that rumour to have always done well in World bed now. So what is happening Class Competitions including with Style & Accuracy and how team Gold and Silver at European has it evolved over the last few years with the advent of ‘New championships in the late 1980’s. Accuracy still remains our best Age’ skydiving? chance of winning medals at the World Championships and this has been reflected by Competitions Committee’s decision to Let me state that, in my opinion, Classic Style or Speed Style as make Accuracy the primary event in selecting future British some now call it, has far more in common with Freestyle, teams.

The pictures show Dave Ballard demonstrating the size of the disc and how modern accuracy shoes have to be modified in order to achieve precise strikes on the disc.(Please note that the picture shows the old 5cm disc; the new disc is about half the diameter).

S P O R T Aug issue 36 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 CLASSICS

To be specific, the British Team will be canopies - which do not lend themselves That having been said the standard made up of 5 men and 5 women. There are to precision landing techniques. Yet the remains so high at international level that, still separate men’s and women’s standard of accuracy has got higher and even with the 3 cm disc, the top ten or so competitions in the Classics. The five higher. To do serious accuracy you must competitors at international events are still places will be selected as follows:- first, purchase a Parafoil or equivalent canopy only separated by one or two cms. second and third in the Accuracy event. of which there are now a few on the The next two places will be taken from the market but the Parafoil still remains the Accuracy competitions are spectator first and second in the overall most popular. friendly. I have been to many in Europe competition. In the event of either the first where the tuffet is placed in an arena or or second in the overall being in the top 3 Did you know . . . stadium and people are charged to watch. places for the Accuracy event then the The whole competition being explained next two places will be given to the fourth . . . that our only British World by a commentator as it progresses. They and fifth placed competitor in the Champion is Jackie Smith who won the do create great excitement and tension in Accuracy. gold in 1978 with ten dead centres out of the final stages of the competition. The ten rounds atmosphere in the arena stadiums can The Classics British Team will have a become quite electric, a great experience Team Manager appointed, in addition to for the dedicated competitor. the Head of Delegation, funded by the When Jackie won the World BPA. This is considered essential as the Championships the diameter of the disc So that’s Style and Accuracy in the Classics Team is made up of ten was 10 cms. For many years it was then 1990’s. I have avoided going into long individuals who potentially have never reduced to 5 cms and scored on an laborious explanations of the scoring jumped together before and history has electronic pad. The standard became so techniques but please give it a try or taught us it takes a lot of coordination and high that it has now become necessary to contact one of the classics jumpers at your man management and administration reduce the size of the disc to 3 cms. In area own drop zone to give you a brief (I am skills to get them working as a team unit. terms, the relevant sizes are as follows: sure there must still be one or two left at This is in contrast to FS where the team most D.Z’s?!) and let’s see you at the Disc diameter/cm Disc area/cm2 will have developed a way of working Nationals this year. If not in the senior 10 79 together before getting as far as being event, try the intermediate, and there is selected for the World Meet. 5 20 3 7 also a novice event. If you have any The popularity of accuracy on British drop questions don’t hesitate to contact me on zones has suffered along with CF because So you can see how much smaller the 0181 868 4084. target has become! of the introduction of high performance John Sm yth

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TUNE IN, TURN ON Description: Two different reports involve the use of ground-to-air radios for student jumpers. In one, the student could not understand the instructions clearly but tried to follow them, eventually landing off. In the other, a student cut away from a perfect main canopy after believing (wrongly) that he T T u r r a heard a radio instruction to do M F T T s o . There was no jinjury in either case. canopy...are a non-trivial malfunction which require Comment: immediate action. ” { 1 Radio is a f \ r \ valuable tool TWO CANOPIES J X \ | but it is only (Incident happened abroad, report is \ a back-up. from Confidential Reporting All jumpers, Programme, filed by experienced 7 observer)even first- timers, are responsible for Description: A jumper had a their own descent. If the radio square reserve deploy while works and gives useful under a good main canopy information, all well and good, and elected to fly both down. but you remain in charge. They were flying side-by-side SPIN DOCTOR and appeared stable, (Includes material received via according to the observer. The Confidential Reporting Programme) jumper concerned set up for a long approach but, at about Description: There is a spate THE FKOOF15 M 200ft and apparently of reports involving spontaneously, the canopies irremediable transitioned to a downplane, twists on ‘hot’ THE fE ZFO Z/j/M C E ! rotated and cleared. After a canopies. More than one few seconds they downplaned again and were still rotating at F L Y O N E THIS WEEKEND! parachutist mentioned impact. Fortunately the jumper was light, landed in a TOUR EUROPE (with Bushman) twists being spun into the ploughed field and escaped serious injury. July 12 - July 13 Para Centro Locarno, Switzerland/PD Weekend lines by a rotating canopy, Comment: The observer July 16 ■ Aug 3 Vichy, France/Women's Record Attempts and Espace Boogie faster than it was stated that both downplane possible to clear rotations were fairly slow and Aug 15 - Aug 17 Casale, Italy/P D Weekend them. In all cases the canopies were well reserve drills were carried out separated. He speculated that Aug 22 - Aug 24 Nettuno, Italy/P D Weekend correctly and successfully, it may have been possible for without further incident. the jumper to have safely have cut away the main either Sep 13 - Sep 21 Efes, Turkey/World Air Games Comment: One (very before or during the experienced) jumper says in downplane. Dec 24 - Dec 31 Australia National Skydiving Championships his report: “Twists...on an elliptical high performance Conclusion: This is a difficult

TOUR EUROPE (with Annica and Laura) AV/AX— July 11 - July 13 Fallschirmsport Dddalus/Hoxter, Germany/PD Weekend SPECIAL July 18 - July 20 Paracentrum Midden Zeeland V/Arnemuiden, Netherlands Pink Boogie ANTONOV AN-2 GIANT BIPLANE

July 26 - Aug 3 Vichy, France / Espace Boogie Enjoy the great experience in 1997 with UK’s most experienced AN-2 operators Aug 09 - Aug 10 Fallschirmsportdub Muenchen/Muehldorf, Germany/PD Weekend Lifts 12 - free fall or static line Aug 11 - Aug 17 International Pink Parachute Club/Klatovy, Czehoslovakia COMPETITIVE L410 TURBOLET CHARTER Skydive Pink Klatovy LARGER AIRCRAFT ALSO AVAILABLE Aug 29 - Aug 30 Fallschirmsportdub Saulgau/Saulgau, Germany/PD Weekend

Sept 06 - Sept 14 Casale, Italy/PD Weekend AVIA SPECIAL LTD

Sept 27 - Sept 28 Skanes Fallskarmsklubb/Everod, Sweden/PD Weekend Contact: James Black or Sue Jefferies Tel 01707 262774 or Fax 01707 251405


Confidential Reporting If you have any safety related occurrences you would like to Incident & report IN COMPLETE CONFIDENCE, write to: Confidential Report, Allan Hewitt, 103 Grosvenor Road, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3EE. Tel: 01252 27412 Fax: 01252 350 377 Confidential E-mail: 100770.402 @ Reports

situation and there are no jumper: those who have throwaway was still in place. flew okay but on returning clear cut answers. The PIA forgotten to fasten their helmet Some bridle line escaped from face-to-earth for opening, conference in February before exit and those who the pocket in freefall and found that the suit zip had received the report of a haven’t - yet! It may help to mated onto the velcro. The been forced open while head research programme into dual fasten your helmet properly as result, with the jumper holding down. The suit inflated, forcing square deployments, involving soon as you put it on. both handle and the loop of the rig away from the jumper’s numerous test jumps, many bridle line, was an impossible ENTANGLEMENT back and requiring more than different canopy combinations pull. one attempt to find the handle. and configurations. The report Description: A parachutist is worth reading; highlights are with 92 jumps performing 2- on skydive, rec and the BPA way CF left the has a copy. A summary of 6,000 ft. He waited two conclusions from this report seconds before deploying his can be found on page 33. parachute and experienced a pilot chute in tow type WEIGHT TO GO malfunction. He cut away and Description: A freestyle operated his reserve, the pilot jumper was in the middle of a chute of the reserve then routine when three lead-shot entangled with the pilot chute packs left his weight vest. He in tow. At this stage the main caught one but the other two container opened and the fell to earth. Luckily they did main became entangled but successfully without further not land on anything (or partially inflated to about a problems. In this case the anyone!). quarter of its size. The round jumper’s CCI insisted that the reserve could not inflate velcro be removed before the because the extractor was still rig was jumped again. snarled with the main. Twists report: “Although this isn’t a in the lines of the reserve UPDATES TO DISLOCATION particularly serious incident it started forming which, by the REPORTS does emphasise how all our time he landed, were up to the Description: Another mid-air equipment has developed peripheral hem. The shoulder dislocation is over the years to suit face-to- parachutist concerned landed reported; there was a history earth freelall.... Try to in an emergency position, very of dislocation and the jump- anticipate these situations... heavily, under a partially master says the student made and consider the effects of an inflated main and suffered a clean exit without hitting accidental opening while damage to vertebrae and door or airframe. head-down. ” pelvis. There is another report of a Comment: The equipment premature pilot chute Chris Jones was inspected and found it to Comment: This is the subject deployment during sit-flying: in be in good working order. The of a current Safety Notice; this case the bridle trapped pilot chute (which was almost weight wearers please note the jumper’s right arm, new), probably would have and ensure your system will requiring him to cut away and opened the container given Author’s note: not allow weights to fall out, deploy his reserve left- extra couple of seconds after For numerous comments, whatever attitude you may be handed, which he did without exit, bearing in mind an exit electronic and face-to-face, in. For anyone who does not further incident. The report altitude of 6,000 ft. much thanks. My e-mail know, Safety Notices are does not state the type of Conclusion: A square address is now issued by the BPA and may deployment system used. See be advisory or mandatory. reserve, because of the free- [email protected] - also ‘Head-down Problem’ They are usually displayed at bag, may have helped given this is not likely to change report below. centres and certainly will the above sequence of again. always be available from your events. The Flight Line Check report CCI on request. HEAD-DOWN PROBLEM TOTAL is still available on Additional note: In recent (Taken from APF bulletin) Description: An experienced but months two jumpers have lost jumper’s kit had been Description: A Very may have to be withdrawn Protec helmets in freefall. To converted to Bottom Of experienced’ jumper borrowed during the summer if I need paraphrase a pilot’s saying, I Container (BOC) deployment; a baggier-than-usual suit for the space. suspect there are two kinds of the velcro fitted for leg-strap his 16th head-down dive. He

39 SF*ORT A ug issue PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 r

Tandem photos by Piet Skiet AAHUIT 7 9 9 1 UTIST PARACH SPORTAug issue POPS Group of POPS on the steps of the ‘Treasurey’ at Petra (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) of Temple the and Jones (Indiana Petra at ‘Treasurey’ the of steps the on POPS of Group competition from from competition for the accuracy accuracy the for John Crowhurst, Crowhurst, John noWd Rum Wadi onto Mike Allum and and Allum Mike winners medal medal winners HRH Prince AN Prince HRH Jordanian pilot, pilot, Jordanian Lenny Mobbs, Mobbs, Lenny after the jump jump the after Jeff Chandler Chandler Jeff received the the received Dick Barton, Barton, Dick on Flower, John Pete & Julie Julie & Pete having just just having Shew, 40 CORNER Parachutists Over Parachutists POPS hry Society Phorty Photos show Moira Mullins, POPS No. 662, No. POPS Mullins, Moira show Photos on atne rm 600fe rm a from feet 16,000 from tandem a doing Super Otter at Sebastian at Otter Super

New British and European Record The unstoppable Jack Felstead, who organised the team of POPS jumpers which built a 12-way British and European Record in March ‘97, now wants to go even bigger. He plans a two aircraft dive at Hibaldstow, building anything up to a 28-way. If you have the experience and ability to dock on a 27-way, call Jack on 0161 3011 710.

On Friday there was another free Here jump onto the South Beach in Aquaba, much to the amusement of all the local people. A number of tandems were made during the meet. Sandy Moore from London was given the holiday by her family for her 50th POPS Fourth World Meet birthday; she raised more than £5,000 for the Shooting Star Children’s Hospice to do a tandem - and where better to do one I wasn’t going to go, but booked at the last minute and than in Jordan? Jeff Chandler was the tandem instructor, and wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Forty of us left London Sandy did a second one where an 8-way was built around her. Heathrow on 1 June - 32 Brits, 5 Germans, 2 Belgiums, 1 New Jeff also took up one of the Jordanian pilot’s brothers and Chief Zealander. Brits included international Top POP Mike Allum, Judge Rene on the last day of the meet. Brian Cannell from and Claire from Travel Plus who arranged the flights and Bristol, who is paraplegic, was taken on a tandem by Roy Ritter. accommodation. Our first stop, Amman, then a connecting flight Roy owns the Freeskies Skydiving Centre in Eilat, Israel. to Aquaba. We finally arrived at our hotel at about 23:45, it had been a long day! We met some of the American POPS around the Monday, HRH Prince Ali flew a Blackhawk Helicopter to the pool and had a well earned drink or two before retiring for the DZ and demonstrated his flying skills before landing with all his night. entourage and meeting the meet participants. All this was preceded by a lot of armed soldiers and police everywhere. Monday was a very hot but quiet day; some of us went out to Monday evening was devoted to a banquet and prize giving held the DZ, which was at Aquaba Airport, to see the facilities and at the Royal Jordanian Yacht Club. It was a memorable night, meet Major Samih Janakat, who organised the meet, along with with HRH Prince Ali presenting the awards. The Hit and Rock advice from Mike Allum. When the manifest opened there were was won by Pat Moorhead USA in 5.13 secs, our own Jeff approximately 90 jumpers registered. Chandler came 5th. The accuracy was won by Jeff Chandler with 19 cms, - very good going considering the conditions. Jeff was On Tuesday we all had a free jump out of a Hercules into also a member of the 4-way scrambles team which took 2nd Wadi Rum (Valley of the Moon) of Lawrence of Arabia fame. place and John Hitchen a member in the team that came joint 4th. The views were incredible. After landing and some packing we were taken in coaches to a fleet of four wheel drive vehicles. It was a great meet and a stunning venue. Afterwards, most With five or six people in each, we were driven (raced!) through of us did the tourist thing, visiting the Red Rose City of Petra, all the spectacular scenery for over an hour. There were a few riding horses and camels, seeing the Dead Sea coral from glass breakdowns and stops to ride camels but everyone finally made bottomed boats, snorkelling in the Red Sea and visiting the USS it back to where we started. After all that excitement we had a Boxer, a type of aircraft carrier that was in port. A good end to a barbecue feast, washed down by a few drinks, and sat in Bedouin fantastic holiday. tents being entertained by local musicians. The next World Meet is rumoured to be in either Argentina or Wednesday should have been the start of the meet but the Cuba, watch this space. winds were too strong, the Casa, Islander and all of us sat there Sue Hill Hon Sec/Treasurer waiting. The highlight of the day was a visit by Prince Mired who was very apologetic about the winds. On Thursday the coaches Next UK meet is at Brunton during the August Bank picked us up at 06:30 in the hope that the winds would be better; Holiday (23-25). See you there - bring the photos! they were, little or nothing, so we started off the competition with the Hit and Rock. The conditions were rather tricky - it was Very Hot and got Even Hotter. Mineral water sales in Aquaba went up 1,000% while we were there. Accuracy over five rounds and the 4-way Scrambles were then started simultaneously using both !T WEST • MERCIA aircraft. The accuracy was made very difficult with the winds IN S U R A N C E . SERVICES either nil or max in a short time. A few rounds of each were jumped that day but it took until the last day, Monday, to lilts complete the whole meet. Chief Judge Rene Boidin, Judge Pete PARACH Best, scorers Pauline Crowhurst, Hetty Best and Anneka Boidin AND ALL AIRBORNE did a fantastic job stuck out in the pit for hours/days at a time in temperatures reaching up to 45°C. , Equipment, Novice Personal Accide and Annual Personal Accident For further details contact Jane. Quote of the meet: 2 Des Roches Square, Witney, Oxon OX8 6BE “It’s the first parachute meet I have ever been to Tel: 01993 700200 Fax: 01993 700502 where I have spent more on water than on booze!” Please quote Ref: B.P.A.97


W ick 1 8 Skydive Strathallan 01764 662572

' Ullapool


Pe te rh ea d

1 7 Skydive Scotland 1 9 Stirling 01821 642881 01786 870788

2 Border 2 3 Wild Geese 01665 589000 012665 58609

1 6 Peterlee 0191 517 1234 •Jedburgh

11 Merlin 01274 631044 Stranr

Durham • 4 British Skysports E Services ^Whitby 01262 677367 01504 721472 Darlington

2 0 Target Skysports Bridlington 0113 250 5600 1 3 North West 015395 58672 ton upon Hull

^G rim sby 3 British Parachute School 01949 860878 1 Black Knights H o ly h e a d 1 01524 791820 1 5 Peterborough 01832 280490

21 The Parachute Centre • Leicester 1 2 North London 01948 841111 • Birmingham 01725 513330

9 Ipswich Fishguard 01473 710044 ►^Felixstowe (H a rw ich Gloucester 1 4 Oxon & Oxford • Swindon Northants

Newbury • 01384 393373 2 2 West Wilts M a rg a te 01285 770856 B RAFSPA 01869 343343

5 Cornwall 8 Headcorn 01841 540691 01622 890862 A APA F Silver Stars 1 0 London 01980 633371 01285 861344 01494 712734 7 Eaglescott & C Red Devils 01769 560726 D RN & RM SPA 01980 678211 6 Devon & Somerset 01404 891697 01404 891690

The above map and list on facing page are BPA Affiliated drop zones in the UK (listed in alphabetical order). All Affiliated’ centres are run under the BPA Operations Manual. Numbers 1 - 24 refer to civilian BPA Affiliated drop zones listed to the right. Letters A - F refer to military BPA Affiliated drop zones listed overleaf. KEY TO SYMBOLS LO - load organisers A - parachute equipment shop S’ - opening hours FS - formation skydiving coaching - canteen First jump courses offered CF - canopy formation coaching - evening food ^ - static line round courses FF - freeflying coaching I! AC - accuracy coaching - bar - RAPS courses (square parachutes) T WP - WARP coaching 0 - bunkhouse K333 - AFF courses SU - Skydive U coaching A - camping welcome - tandem Facilities available on the drop zone Skydiving offered £■< - rigging facilities A - caravans welcome - aircraft type (oD - video room - showers

S P O R T Aug issue 42 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7 1 Black Knights Parachute Centre AC WP -ff || T A Tel: DZ 0191 517 1234 Patty’s Farm, Hilliam Lane, Tel/Fax: Office 0191 386 5261 Cockerham, Nr Lancaster E-mail: [email protected] Tel: W/end 01524 791820 or 0151 924 5560 9 Ipswich Parachute Centre 2* Weekends, bank holidays 8am - 8pm Ipswich Airport, Nacton Road, AFF, tandem and video available through Skydive Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9QF Academy Ltd. B&B locally from £12.50. f* 7 Tel: 01473 710044 Fax: 01473 271055 Cessna 185 S’ Every day 8.30am to 8.30 pm (phone Mon,Tue,Thur) Currently operating out of North London Parachute CF AC WPS4- Friendly, fun centre with emphasis on safety. ¥ 7 Cessna 207 & 206, Islander on call S’Fri - Sun F S A C W P f t t -^Islander, Cessna 206 ¥ 7 D33 '14- W PJ! A Islander, Cessna 207 3 British Parachute Schools CFWPACS^i A# % The Control Tower, Langar Airfield, 11 Merlin Parachute Centre Alanbrooke Barracks, Topcliffe, Langar, Nottingham NG139HY 1 8 Skydive Strathallan Tel/Fax: 01949 860878/860882 Near Thirsk, North Yorkshire Tel: Weekdays 01274 631044 Strathallan Airfield, Friendly helpful staff. We are here to help you skydive. Any day 01748 875367 Nr Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1 LA Turbines go to 13,000 ft! Friendly atmosphere, bring two passport photos for Tel: Mobile 0374 686161 S Every day 9am to 10pm (or dark), 10am start Sunday camp pass. Camping, B&B close to airfield at local Weekend 01764 662572 pub. A club run by the members for the members with the 7 naa %• lowest possible costs. Porter, Islander & Cessna 206. Turbolet (summer) S’ Weekends and bank holidays 9am - dark f* 7 H33 -14- S Fri 5pm - 9pm, weekends 9am - 9p LO FS FF WP X gp A S T 6 f 7 ET53 -14- k » \ Islander FS CF AC JE Islander, 2 x Cessna 206 4 British Skysports, Bridlington FS WP X fit) it .2! East Leys Farm, Grindale, Bridlington, 1 2 North London Parachute Centre Ltd 1 9 Stirling Parachute Centre East Yorkshire Y 016 4YB Chatteris Airfield, Manea Tel: 01262 677367 / 0836 276188 Thornhill, Nr Stirling, March Cambs PE15 0EA Scotland FK8 3QT Fax: 01262 401871 Tel: Office 01725 513330 Small friendly club atmosphere. Visitors and spectators Tel: 01786 870788 Fax: 01786 870748 Airfield 01354 740810 E-mail: [email protected] welcome. Fax: 01725 510690 S Weekends 9.30am - 9pm, sometimes midweek Q Every day 8am - 8pm Airfield is owned by the parachute centre. Large indoor 7 E33 -14- packing area. Unrestricted altitude, full planning ¥ permission. PA-32 , Cherokee 6 Cessna 206, Islander w Fri pm, weekends 9am - 8.30pm, weekdays by anangement LO FS CF WP 3-e gj) it JE LO FS CF AC WP Sx g I A s II Y 7 ESS ‘^4- A « % 2 0 Target Skysports Islander Hibaldstow Airfield, Hibaldstow, 5 Cornwall Parachute Club LO FS CF WP S-= H A ® || A IB Brigg, North Lincolnshire Frans Ranch, Old Naval Airfield, Tel: 0113 250 5600 or 01652 648837 DZ St Merryn, Cornwall 1 3 North West Parachute Centre Fax: 0113 250 5600 Tel: 01841 540691 Cark Airfield, Flookburgh, Competitive jump prices, unrestricted altitude, friendly G> Weekend 8am - dark, Wed & Fri (summer) Nr Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria atmosphere, everyone welcome. 7 Tel: Airfield 015395 58672/58555 S 9am - 9pm every day (summer), Wed - Sun (winter) Weekdays 01772 720848 f 7 -14- Cessna 182 In fabulous lakeland scenery, visitors welcome. FS WP SU f t & S’ Weekends and bank holidays 2 x Domier, Cessna 206 -*** Islander LO FS WP itlE It E || T A S % 6 Devon & Somerset Parachute School FSWPCFfi^i A • % 30 Tower Way, Highfield, 2 1 The Parachute Centre Dunkeswell, Nr Honiton, Devon Tilstock Airfield, Whitchurch, Tel: 01404 891690 1 4 Oxon & Northants Parachute Centre Shropshire SY132HA Local accommodation available Hinton-in-the-Hedges Airfield, Steane, Tel: 01948 841111 Fax: 01948 840638 Nr Brackley, Northants NN13 5NS S 9am - dark, Wed - Sun E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01384 393373 Mobile: 0850 762349 7 E33 - Friendly atmosphere, visitors welcome, good local pub. Friendly atmosphere, everybody is welcome. No J ffT Weekends, midweek by arrangement during summer. Sunday operation due to local planning restrictions. 9 -*4- S’ Sat 8.30am - dark, Fri 2pm - dark (summer) 7 Eaglescott Parachute Centre Cessna 182 and 206 Eaglescott Airfield, Ashreigney, 9 7 D33 -14- Chumleigh, Devon EX18 7PH 2 x Cessna 206 Tel: 01769 560726 / 01769 520552 1 5 Peterborough Parachute Centre LO FS CF AC WP X ( Fax: 01769 560726 Sibson Airfield, Wansford, Peterborough PE8 6NE S’ Weekends 9am - 9pm. Friday courses available 2 2 West Wilts Parachute Club Tel: 01832 280490 Fax: 01832 280409 Kemble Airfield, Birdland Bar: 01832 280404 Cirencester, Gloucester GL7 6BA Cessna 180 PPC boasts 27 years of experience in running a safe, Tel: 01285 770856 FS AC WP f t J5 A (9 % fun drop zone. Skydive Sibson! S 8am - 8pm, Tue - Sun(summer), Wed - Sun(winter) 2 3 Wild. Geese Skydive Centre 8 Headcorn Parachute Centre ^ 7 rraa -14- Movenis Airfield, 116 Carrowreagh Road, Headcorn Aerodrome, Garvagh, Coleraine, Islander, Cessna 206, Turbolet (summer) Headcorn, Kent TN27 9HX Co Londonderry, N Ireland BT51 5LQ Tel: 01622 890862 Fax: 01622 890641 LO FS FF WP gj) A .» f| T A » Tel: 012665 58609 Fax: 012665 57050 Progression weeks, competitions, organised jollies. S Every day 8am - dark S'Every day 9am - dark 2 x Islanders 1 6 Peterlee Parachute Centre 1 7 The Airfield, Shotton Colliery, Cessna 206, Porter Peterlee, Co Durham DH6 2NF CF WP JB || A ® \


BPA AFFILIATED MILITARY DROP ZONES A ARMY PARACHUTE ASSOCIATION C THE RED DEVILS E SERVICES PARACHUTE CENTRE The Commandant, JSPC Airfield Camp, Netheravon, Shackleton Barracks, Airfield Camp, Netheravon, Salisbury Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 9SF BFPO 802, Wilts. SP4 9SF Tel: 01980 678211 (Chief Instructor) Tel: 01504 - 721472 Fax: 01504 - 721342 'Tel: Bulford Camp 01980 633371 01980 678212 (Students) Mobile: 0802 - 328755 Tel: ext Commandant 8245 01980 678203 (Rigging) E-mail: SPC [email protected] Fax: 01980 678349 Chief Instructor 8229 Staff 8277 F SILVER STARS PARACHUTE TEAM D RN & RM SPA RAFSPA Hawks Parachute Team Duke of Gloucester Barracks, B RAFSPA & Dunkeswell Airfield, JSPC (W) RAF Weston-on-the-Green, South Cerney, Dunkeswell, Nr Bicester, Oxon 0X6 8TQ Cirencester, Gloucester GL5 5RD Honiton, Devon Tel: 01869 343343/343201 Tel: 01285 861344 Tel: 01404 891697/891716 Fax: 01869 343676 01285 860551 X8259 BPA FOREIGN MILITARY AFFILIATED DROP ZONES CYPRUS COMBINED SERVICES HONG KONG PARACHUTE ASSOCIATION RAPA JSPC(L) PARACHUTE CLUB (CCSPC) c/o JSPC (HK), (Rhine Army Parachute Association) Contact: Club CCI, Borneo Lines, Shek Kong, BFPO 1 Flugplatz, 33175 Bad Lippspringe, CJSATC Pergamos Camp, BFPO 58 Hong Kong, Germany, British Forces Post Office 16 Tel (from the UK): CCI: Mr. Gary Lai Tel: 00 49 5254 98 2378 or 98 2740 Office 00 357 47 44337 Tel: 00 852 2488 5447 Fax: 00 49 5254 87456 Drop Zone 00 357 47 44245 Fax: 00 852 2488 9341 BPA ASSOCIATED ORGANISATIONS The following are specialist organisations associated to the BPA. These ‘Associated’ organisations are not necessarily run under the BPA Operations Manual unless they operate out of a BPA Affiliated drop zone (listed above and on the previous pages).

AIRWAVES midweek evenings, jump at weekend. Presently running in SKYDIVE SEBASTIAN 43 Baldwyns Road, conjunction with Target Skysports, Hibaldstow. 400 W Airport Drive Bexley, Kent DA5 2AB NATURAL BORN THRILLERS Sebastian, FL 32958, USA Tel/Fax: 01322 557375 Mobile: 0802 472566 10 Wetherby Gardens, Charlton, Tel: 00 1 561 388 5672 Fax: 561 388 2105 E-mail: srcl 3xxi @ Andover, Hants SP10 4DH E-mail: [email protected] Operated by Rod Bartholomew with 17 years experience Contact: David Cassidy SebastianXL: [email protected] BPA AFF, RAPS, tandem and FS instructor/coach rated. Tel/Fax: 01264 335636 Mobile: 0410 907512 Offers BPA and USPA qualified training in the sun. Aircraft Offers professional/personal skydiving package holidays at Operating at Netheravon every weekend, weekdays by - Super Otter, Super Casa. AFF courses, tandem, the home the best Florida (Sebastian), French (Soulac + La Roche) arrangement. 20 minute skydiving courses a speciality! of Skydive University, advanced FS coaching, team training and UK drop zones using highest quality equipment. RAPS AFF, RAPS and progression by arrangement either at from Sebastian XL. Fully equipped team rooms, gym, progression and course conversions available at our French home or abroad. Easy payment terms available and volleyball court, bunk-house, camping, beach jumps, load resorts: Individuals, groups and families welcome. significant discounts for group bookings. Video available organising, rigging service, accommodation arranged. COTSWOLD SKYDIVING CENTRE for all tandem courses at a very modest rate. Owned and run by Brits. Skydive Sebastian! Hangar SE15, Gloucester Airport, Staverton, Gloucester GL51 5SR PARACHUTE TRAINING SERVICES SKYDIVE UNLIMITED Tel: 01452 713410 11 Godwyn Close, Larkhill, Abingdon, 618a Thorne Road, Netheravon, Fax: 01452 854029 Oxon OX14 1BU Salisbury, Wilts SP4 9QG Contact: Doug Peacock Contact: Andy Parkin EAST COAST PARACHUTE CENTRE Tel: 01235 529570 Tel/Fax: 01980 670100 Mobile: 0468 037671 8 Burns Crescent, The complete RAPS package. PTS offers one jump E-mail: [email protected] Chelmsford, Essex CM2 OTS introductory courses with the option of progression training Professional, full time BPA AFF, static line and tandem Tel: 01245 268772 through to Cat 10. Operating at Netheravon in conjunction instructor can offer AFF, static line courses and tandem Currently sharing facilities with the London Parachute with theAPA. skydives 7 days a week near Salisbury (75 miles from School at Lewknor drop zone. SKYDIVE ACADEMY LTD London). AFF courses in the UK, Spain, Florida and THE FREE-FALL COMPANY Germany (package includes flights, accommodation, car P O Box 192 hire and BPA). Sibson Airfield, Wansford, Durham DH1 5WD Peterborough PE8 6NE Contact: Ian Rosenvinge SKYDIVE WINDRUSH Tel: 01832 280055 Fax: 01832 280409 Tel/Fax: 0191 386 5261 Mobile: 0860 156779 Orchard House, Audley End, E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Gestingthorpe, Operated by Kevin McCarthy, National Champion with Run by Ian Rosenvinge (BPA Advanced/AFF/Tandem Essex C09 3AX over 4,500jumps, 15 years experience. Probably the largest Examiner & USPA AFF JM/I). Offers AFF, tandem, Tel/Fax: Weekdays 01787 461621 AFF school in the UK. State of the art equipment and video and FS coaching at Peterlee Parachute Centre. Weekends: 01451 844422 or 844449 professional, personalised training gives you safe, rapid AFF courses also run in Florida and Southern Europe, Courses in RAPS, AFF & tandem. You’ve seen the rest, progression to Category 10 and beyond) Courses available autumn through spring. now see the best! Every category of skydiver welcome. all year, in the UK or the Costa Brava. Flexible payment to suit YOU! SKYDIVE INTERNATIONAL TRAIN IN SPAIN Aerodromo Sierra Morena, MANCHESTER PARACHUTE SCHOOL 45 Legge Crescent, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3NT Carretera Bailen - Motril, 6km, 23 Heywood Gardens, Tel/Fax: 01252 331326 E-23710 Bailen (Jaen), Spain Prestwich, Manchester M25 1FW E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 34 53 125 233 Fax: 00 34 53 125 231 Contact: Chris Miller Professional full time winter DZ (September - May). AFF Tel: 0161 798 6895 Mobile: 0370 575621 Chris Allen, Ex Red Devil, CCI, BPA AFFATandem Examiner, USPA Safety and Training advisor and Skydive and tandem instruction, one-on-one. Skydive U trained E-mail: [email protected] instructors. Team coaching, FS coaching for beginners. Full Based in Stockport Manchester with 2,000 sq ft of full University UK coordinator. Offers AFF courses in America, Spain, Germany and the UK. Also available; team coaching. time Twin Otter, Porter, also C182. Small shop and time, fully equipped premises for the teaching of RAPS emergency rigging facility. Cafeteria/bar. Large creeping Skydive University one-on-one programme and tandem courses (Ram Air Progression System). We also offer area. Team rooms, video debriefing. Special rates at local skydives. tandem jumps and AFF courses. Train weekdays or hotels. OTHER BPA LINKED ORGANISATIONS BRITISH COLLEGIATE PARACHUTE University of Portsmouth, University of Sheffield, University of SCOTTISH SPORT PARACHUTE ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION St. Andrews, University of Surrey, University of Sussex, Anne Johnson (Secretary, SSPA), University West of England, Warwick University. c/o Jason Brister - Chairman, Strathallan Airfield, 77 Trafford Road, Eccles, POPS UK Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1 BE Salford, Greater'Manchester M30 0JT Hon Treas/Sec: Sue Hill Dedicated to the promotion and development Tel: 0161 707 0583/0973 378024 40 The Hamlet, St Annes of parachuting in Scotland. Services provided include equip­ E-mail: [email protected] Lancashire FY8 3LE ment grants (fan trainers, parachutes, aircraft, accuracy pits, etc), sponsorship of the Scottish National Championships and Affiliations 1996/7: Bristol University, Exeter University, Tel: 01253 713841 Fax: 0151 448 1172 other competitions, provision of the only student progression, Lancaster University, Loughborough University, Newcastle A society of skydivers over forty. Regular national and University, Nottingham University, University College of St. WARP, and CF training subsidy system in the world; riggers’ Martin, University of East Anglia, University of Plymouth, international meets at host parachute centres. and instructors’ training grants and much much more.

S PO RT Aug issue 44 PARACHUTIST 1 9 9 7


was a keen rugby player. Hey first British 8-way team to let’s face it; Steve was a big record a double figure average guy with a personality to go in competition. The team with it! started in February with the Steve left to work in the Middle Valentines Meet and a training o t t e r s East a few years ago, and camp in Arizona. However, from there he was able to due to poor weather the team travel to New Zealand and the did only 60 of the planned 80 States. He managed to make jumps. From February to the friends in Perris and Deland. end of May, the team had completed a further 40 jumps. CF safe and very enjoyable. We His interest in skydiving must therefore put in place the returned in earnest last year However, during 20 days of Dear Lesley relevant operational rules and and he made his final jump at training in June the team only During April/May this year our lay down safe guidance for Brid in September 1996 with made 24 training jumps. Due team carried out two weeks progression and instruction his old friend Nicky and Dorit, to the poor weather the team training in Cyprus. Following correctly for the further good having her first tandem. are about 60 jumps short of their training target. last year’s CF Nationals event and benefit of all. I met Steve at the end of Ian Marshall kindly offered to Yours sincerely, February this year in London The team had planned to attend and coach the team in and he looked fit and well. We compete for the whole of the Alan Wright CF skills. talked of meeting up at 1997 Nationals, hold a further Team Leader, As a relatively inexperienced boogies this summer. His training camp in August and a Regiment of Yorkshire CF competition team we enthusiasm for skydiving had training camp in September in Parachute Display Team snapped up his kind and returned. Turkey before the World Meet. The contract signed by the selfless offer. So to Cyprus we STEVE GALE Steve died suddenly in Oman, National Team stipulates the went with our keen, the victim of the asthma he enthusiastic instructor Ian Dear Lesley, team must attend the had suffered from for many Nationals for the minimum of tagging along. As a rather old Stephen Edwin Gale years. None of his friends parachutist, and one who has 1968 - 1997 the first weekend. British 9 family or anyone who knew decided that due to the loss of been parachuting 15 years Steve ever perceived his without much involvement in It is with great sadness that I training time, the team would must announce to your problem to be such a threat. only attend the first weekend CF, I must admit to being less The terrible news was than enthusiastic about readers the loss of a close of the Nationals - but that we friend. Steve Gale was 29 especially a blow to his family; would compete and try to competitive CF (Rotations and his mother Claire and brother all that - “What, not me!!!’). years old and had been finish as many rounds of the actively involved in skydiving Julian. We send them our competition as possible as Like every aspect of our sport, since 1987. He began jumping sympathy, our support and well as helping other teams. and in the words of the RAF at Bridlington that year thoughts. Then at midnight on the school of military parachuting, completing his 100th jump on A service was held at Christ Sunday evening, the team ‘Knowledge dispels fear’. I Christmas Day. He went on to Church in Hampstead, London would fly to Spain for a 50 have found this saying to be skydive mostly at Brid, but in April; attended by family, jump training camp. true at every new stage of my also at A1, Headcorn, Sibson, friends and colleagues. parachuting learning The British 9 are not full time Cranfield, Weston, Langar and All of us who knew and met professional skydivers and, experience. Tilstock. Steve will remember him for like you, we have to use our Ian (as anyone who knows I first met Steve whilst working his warmth and enthusiasm for leave for training and therefore him will agree) is extremely in a hospital in London in life. His willingness to share are limited in the amount of enthusiastic (to say the least) 1990. I had started jumping at these things with those he met time off we can take. One about CF. More importantly in Netheravon three years will be his legacy to us. team member was involved in the greatest traditions of the previously and although very We thank Steve for the pre-Bosnia training before the BPA, he is determined to pass keen I had only done thirty Nationals and will go to Bosnia on his skills and love for his friendship and great times he odd dives in this time. The gave us and wish him peace. straight after the World Meet. discipline. Further more he is weather, my career, time, We are also self financing with God bless him. We will miss convinced that the discipline of money and ‘the system’ had no sponsor and the money we him. CF is the most misunderstood ground my jumping to a halt. have for training is limited. We and over criticised skill of them Steve abruptly put an end to Brian Knight D9228 know we cannot please all. Having spent two weeks this, with his endless everyone but we have under his guidance I must enthusiasm and tireless BRITISH 9 attended at both the Regional agree with him. energy. I took up skydiving Dear Reader Meets so far and we will Previously the thought of once again, my life changed. I By now you will probably have attend the Northern Regional myself attempting CF rotations ended my ten year career, left heard that the British 9 did meet. was unthinkable (only the my job and toured the world not compete for the whole of By competing at the first foolish do that sort of thing). I for a year. I went to boogies the 1997 British FS Nationals. weekend of the Nationals and am now a convert, and worldwide working at drop The team believe the then going on a training camp furthermore I believe that our zones in far away places. I we believe we have achieved never looked back. I have membership deserves an sport must close this void in its a reasonable compromise. safety and training sooner Steve to thank for unleashing explanation as to the reason behind the team’s actions and Unless a team is full time with rather than later. We have the potential in me. hope this letter will help you a sponsor it is impossible to WARP, Skydive U, Freestyle, Steve found a new purpose in understand the decision. carry out all the training Skysurfing and more, yet we his life; his career. He got a required to give a good do not seem to recognise the great job in the Royal Free After winning the Nationals in 1996, Army 9 decided they performance and attend all of need to promote CF Hospital, Hampstead - and the events people would like. I instruction and coaching. skydiving took a back step for would try to complete 300 training jumps during 1997 hope you will now understand We can dispel the myth that a while. He followed other our decision even if you do not CF is not safe if we want to - paths. His interest and input in before competing at the World Meet in Turkey. The team agree with it. and we should. When sub-aqua will be known to have a goal of trying to be the Major Andy Allman .conducted correctly it is both those he touched there. He British 9 8-way Team


KIT FOR SALE AEROCONICALS COMPLETE in stat­ ic line and Freefall systems. Telephone NEW KIT. Never been jumped. One pin 01780 757587 or Mobile 0802 932582 Teardrop and accessories with Tempo (Lines). (P8/021) 150, BOC, Cypres fitted, £1900 ono. COMPLETE RIG. Invader container, Will include chest alti, Protec. Also blue/white, legstrap throwaway, Coe-D 150 ZP, offers! Tel Zoe on 0181 Cruiselite 220 main, Swift square 203 0556 evening or 0181 371 2100 reserve complete with reserve re-pack, classified coupon (London) (P8/003) excellent condition, £450 or first rea­ sonable offer. Tel 01452 612033 SHORTLY TO BECOME AVAILABLE Simply tick the appropriate boxes and fill in your words (Glous). (P8/022) are 93x5.5 GQ Super Sac, steerable SYMBIOSIS JUMPSUIT, excellent round reserves for most student condition, white front, navy back. Telesis or Zerox P.O.A. to sec A.P.A. Belongs to Penny Roberts, hence the classification Also several black Zerox student and short, petite size, £80. Tel Sue on Raven I main. Tel 01980 678276 or 01772 864755 (Preston) (P8/023) 625877 for information and prices COMPLETE KIT FOR SALE. Cruislite, □ Kit for Sale AFF Schools (Wilts). (P8/006) solid white. Racer Elite, navy with sil­ COMPLETE KIT. Only 262 jumps. ver trim, Swift plus reserve, unused. I I Training I I Events Chaser container, Coe-D main. Altimaster II, medium Protec helmet, Unused Swift reserve, Cypres ready, white/navy/silver TSE holdall. All in £800 ono. Tel Alan on 01708 745223 excellent condition, sensible offers I | Accommodation Items Wanted (Essex). (P8/007) please. Telephone 01553 811304 COMPLETE RIG. Small harness 2 pin (Kings Lynn) (P8/024) ] Announcements Miscellaneous Teardrop, Cypres set-up, BOC fitted. Firefly main 350 jumps, Swift reserve, MISCELLANEOUS grey with blue and pink, £850 ono. 2 pin Cypres £850 ono. Tel Tom Cook on SEWING MACHINE. Singer 4SKI har­ style of advert 01656 840300 work or 01656 722548 ness machine. Whole unit for sale, home (Bridgend). (P8/008) superb condition. Call to discuss: Lineage (£5 per issue) maximum 36 words COMPLETE KIT. Navy Racer/Firelight, Andrew Hilton BPA Advanced Rigger □ reserve Invader, never used throw­ on 0141 339 4763 (Glasgow). (W/009) away, 350 jumps, med. harness, excel­ SEWING MACHINE. Singer 2129 141 ‘ Classified Display (from £20 per issue) twin needle, superb condition, com­ □ lent condition, £400 ono. Tel 0113 224 5254 daytime or 0113 293 8670 plete unit includes stand, motor etc...... no. of cm ...... no. of columns evenings (Leeds). (P8/010) Tel Andrew for details on 0141 339 *£5 per single column centimeters (min. size 4x1 i.e. £20) 4763 (Glasgow). (W8/011) CONTAINER CHASER, black/blue. ALTIMETER REPAIRS. Recalibration Main Fury, navy / light blue / silver. (mechanical). Tel first 01948 662179, Number of insertions Reserve Swift square, 60 jumps from Doddingtons Sports Instruments, 28 □ Deduct 5% from total cost for series of 3 issues or more new, £700. Also Altimaster II, new High Street, Whitchurch, Shropshire Symbiosis jumpsuit, gearbox etc. Tel SY131AU. (W8/012) Mike O’Brien on 01737 555206 WRITE WORDING BELOW - DON'T FORGET A PHONE NUMBER! (Surrey). (P8/013) ITEMS WANTED TALON, black red trim. Sabre 150, 500 jumps, Mayday 7, 150 jumps. Cypres, ROUND PARACHUTES under 10 BOC, kill line etc £1600. Javelin, blue. years old in a serviceable condition, PD 190, 50 jumps. PD 176R, Cypres, cash paid, anything considered. BOC, excellent £2100. Sony FX 700E Telephone John Rix on 01656 870676 H18 with sports housing, loads of after 6pm or 01656 840300 daytime accessories, tapes, batteries etc, vgc, (Mid Glam). (U8/002) £500 ono. Telephone 01280 848908 REMOTE FOR NIKON 301. Screw in 2 (Bucks). (P8/014) pin, not manufactured anymore. If you COMPLETE RIG. 1 pin Teardrop in have one you do not need, I do! Tel purple/turquoise. Sabre 135, magen­ Pete at Sibson or 01733 891608 home. ta/white, both 120 jumps. Unused 121 Crown Street, PE1 3HZ. (U8/020) Tempo 150 reserve and Cypres. BOC B H H i 1 ringed harness collapsible parachute ACCOMMODATION etc, £2300 ono. Tel Matt on 01709 872701 after 6pm (S Yorks). (P8/015) AMPURIABRAVA, GRAND RESER- BT40, 600 jumps approx., new lines, VA. Two bedroom fully furnished apart­ good condition, £175 ono. Tel Kieren ment for sale with seperate laundry on 01993 843978 (Oxon). (P8/016) room and balcony, sleeps six. Good property for renting, price £37,500. Tel COMPLETE KIT. Pegasus in Chaser, 01753 855339. (S8/005) 26' lopo. Alti, Symbiosis kit bag, 2 Symbiosis jumpsuits, Protec and gog­ gles, £600. Telephone 01275 855506 MISCELLANEOUS after August 17. (P8/0 1 7) LIGHTWEIGHT CLOUD, double spec­ trum colours, in Wonderhog with leg strap throwaway. Complete with round reserve, steerable, £300. Altimaster III, The Raps Manual Name: like new £85. Telephone 01275 by Doug Peacock and Andy Allman 854981. (P8/018) Obtainable from: TEARDROP 2 PIN, Transfair reserve; Address: will fit 150 main. Grey Parapack, Parachute Training Services legstrap throwaway, small/medium 11 Godwyn Close harness, £700 ono. Purple/white Zerox Abingdon Oxon 0X14 1BU medium harness, brand new, will fit Tel/Fax 01235 529570 135 main or 143 reserve, £300 ono. Telephone Jane on 01252 714542 Cash with order £7.20 inc. p&p (Surrey). (P8/019) Cheques payable to PTS J Telephone:

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