
2174, THE GAZETTE, MAY 2, 1873. be presented. In to carry out the existing 3. Nine notes of the Bank of England. regulations that no presentation can be made at e> And 4thly, some Dividend Warrants of Italian Levee excepting by a person actually attending Rente and of the Public Debt of the United States that Levee, it is also necessary that an intima- of America. tion from the Nobleman or Gentleman who is Persons making claim to the above articles, to make the presentation, of his intention to be documents, or notes, should send with the papers, present, should accompany the presentation card in proof of their ownership, an application on above referred to, which will be submitted to stamped paper to the " Direction des domaines de The Queen for Her Majesty's approbation. It is , Rue de la Banque, No. 9," setting forth the Her Majesty's command that no presentations circumstances under which the articles or docu- shall be made at the Levee, except in accord- ments claimed were mislaid or stolen, and con- ance with the above regulations. taining, moreover, a description of the articles, or It is particularly requested, that in every case number and amount of the securities or notes. the names be very distinctly written upon the Claimants will be subsequently informed of the cards to be delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, in result of their applications. order that there may be no difficulty in announcing them to His Royal Highness. The State apartments will be open for the reception of Company coming to Court at one Foreign Office, March 13, 1873. o'clock. The Queen has been graciously pleased to SYDNEY, appoint Edmund John Turner, Esq., now Her Lord Chamberlain, Majesty's Consul at Carthagena, to be Her Majesty's Consul for the provinces of Galicia and Asturiae, to reside at Corunna. Foreign Office, April 26, 1873. Foreign Office, May 2, 1873. The Queen has been pleased to approve of Cavaliere Pietro Castelli as Consul at Gibraltar 'EE- Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for His Majesty the King of Italy. H for Foreign Affairs has received from The Queen has also been pleased to approve of .Lord Lytton, Her Majesty's Minister at Paris, Don Andres Parlade y Quiros as Consul at the subjoined extract from the "Journal Officiel." Gibraltar for the Republic of the Equator. a Ministere des Finances. In a e*te remis, le 29 mars, 1873, a 1'adminis- tration des domaines, comme provenant des objets deposes au ministere des finances pendant la Com- (M. 6491.) mune, et recueillis lors de 1'incendie de ce minis- Marine Department, Board of Trade, tere (22, 23, et 24 mai, 1871), savoir: Whitehall Gardens, May 1, 1873. 1° Deux croix de la Legion d'honneur, et une THE Board of Trade have received through the medaille militaire en diamants ; Secretary of State for .Foreign Affairs, a Despatch •2° DiffSrentes decorations d'ordres etrangers from Her Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, orne"es de diamants ou de pierres precieuses ; stating that the temporary huts at Smyrna to 3° Neuf billets de la banque d'Angleterre; provide for any immediate outbreak of epidemic, 4° Enfin quelques titres de la rente italienne et are being pushed forward, whilst the permanent de la dette publique des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. buildings of the new lazarette have likewise been Les personnes qui auraient a formuler des seriously taken in hand; also that the lazarette reclamations au sujet de ces objets, • titres ou buildings on the Bosphorus at the entrance from valeurs, devront remettre a la direction des do- the Black Sea are -nearly, if not quite, complete maines de Paris, rue de la Banque, No. 9,- avec and are regarded as very satisfactory. les pieces pouvant justifier de leur droit de propriete, une demande. sur papier timbre, indi- quant les circonstances dans lesquelles les objets ou titres reclame's auraient ete egards ou sous- traits, et contenant, en outre, soit la description Admiralty, 28th April, 1873. des objets, soit l'eaonciation du numero et le John Phillips, Esq , has this day been promoted raontant des titres. to the rank of Staff in Her Majesty's On leur fera connaitre ulterieurement la .suite Fleet, with seniority of 25th instant. qui aura pu etre donnee a leur reclamation. Admiralty, 1st May, 1873. (Translation.) In accordance with the provisions of Her Ministry of finance. Majesty's Order in Council of the 22nd February, On the 29th of March, 1873, there were placed 1870— in the care of the Office of Public Domains the Commander John C. Best has this .day been following articles, being some of those deposited placed on foe Retired List of his rank. at the Ministry of Finance during the Commune, la accordance with the provisions of Her and which were saved at the time of the burning Majesty's Order in Council of the 3rd March, of that Department on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th 1873— of May, 1871 : Paymaster William Thorn has been placed on fhe 1. Two crosses of flie Legion of Honour-and a Retired List from this date. decoration in diamonds. -Mr. Thorn has been authorized to assume the 2. Several Foreign Orders set in ^diamonds or rank of Paymaster-hi-Chief from the same precious stones. date.