James Wasserman | 336 pages | 01 Jun 2012 | Hays (Nicolas) Ltd ,U.S. | 9780892542017 | English | York Beach, United States IN THE CENTER OF THE FIRE: A MEMOIR OF THE OCCULT »

In the Center of the Fire. A Memoir of the Occult. James Wasserman. In addition, he meticulously chronicles the copyright contest over the Crowley literary estate, of which he was an important participant. Finally, he breaks decades of silence concerning one of the most seminal events in the development of the modern Thelemic movement — detailing his In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989 in the magical battle between In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989 Motta and Grady McMurtry. Long slandered for his effort to heal the temporary breach between the Orders of A. This is a saga with a very human tableau filled with tender romance, passionate friendships, an abiding spiritual hunger, danger, passion, and ecstasy. It also explores several hidden magical byways including the rituals of Voodoo, Tibetan Buddhism, and Sufism. Reconstructed from personal memories, magical diaries, multiple interviews, court transcripts, witness depositions, trial evidence, and extensive correspondence, this book elucidates a hitherto misreported and ill-understood nexus of modern magical history. It also shares tales of a mythical moment in American life as seen through the eyes of an enthusiastic participant in the counter-culture of the day. Advance Praise for In the Center of the Fire. The sincere search for wisdom can lead a man to places where few would dare tread. But James Wasserman marches forward—moving through adversity—sometimes with grace, other times with raw force, but always in pursuit of the light of human liberty. A magnificent true story of what can happen when spiritual teachings are taken seriously and applied skillfully. In this intensely honest account, the author makes no attempt to varnish truth with platitudes, but demonstrates that the fire is life; and that both success and failure are teachers and bringers of wisdom. This gem of historical narrative also casts light on many misunderstood moments in the modern development of . I read your Diary of an ex-Drug Fiend article while waiting in the antechamber for my Minerval initiation. The honesty and morality expressed there became among the most important influences on my career in O. O since. I can never thank you enough. Here is a lovely review published June 23, in Pantheon by Star Foster. Illustrated with 24 pages of glossy photographs, magical diagrams and other visual occult memorabilia. You may now purchase signed copies directly from Studio Nicely discounted on. Main About Log In. Please check back for more information. All Rights Reserved. In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult by James Wasserman

The author also shares an intimate look at the New York Underground of the s and introduces us to the company of such avant-garde luminaries as Alejandro Jodorowsky, Harry Smith, and Angus MacLise. When James Wasserman joined the O. He chronicles its early history and provides a window into the heyday of the Manhattan esoteric community. He also breaks his decades of silence concerning one of the most seminal events in the development of the modern Thelemic movement — detailing his role in the magical battle between Marcelo Motta and Grady McMurtry. Long slandered for his effort to heal the temporary breach between the Orders of A. And, he meticulously chronicles the copyright contest over the Crowley literary estate—of which he was an important participant. This is also a saga with a very human tableau filled with tender romance, passionate friendships, an abiding spiritual hunger, danger, passion, and In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989. It also explores several hidden magical byways including the rituals of Voodoo, Tibetan Buddhism, and Sufism. Reconstructed from personal memories, magical diaries, multiple interviews, court transcripts, witness depositions, trial evidence, and extensive correspondence, this book elucidates a hitherto misreported and ill-understood nexus of modern magical history. It also shares tales of a mythical moment in American life as seen through the eyes of an enthusiastic participant in the hip culture of the day. First Edition. As New. Additional information Weight 0. Search for: Search. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The author also shares an intimate look at the New York Underground of the s and introduces us to the company of such avant-garde luminaries as Alejandro JodorowskyHarry Smithand Angus MacLise. A stone's throw away from the Velvet Underground and Andy Warhol's Factory, William Burroughs' "bunker," and the legendary Chelsea Hotel was a scene far more esoteric than perhaps even they could have imagined. When James Wasserman joined the O. Today the Order numbers over 4, members in 50 countries and has been responsible for a series of ground-breaking publications of Crowley's works. He chronicles its early history and provides a window into the heyday of the Manhattan In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966- 1989 community. He also breaks his decades of silence concerning one of the most seminal events in the development of the modern Thelemic movement—detailing his role in the magical battle between Marcelo Motta and Grady McMurtry. And, he meticulously chronicles the copyright contest over the Crowley literary estate—of which he was an important participant. This is also a saga with a very human tableau filled with tender romance, passionate friendships, an abiding spiritual hunger, danger, passion, and ecstasy. It also explores several hidden magical byways including the rituals of Voodoo, Tibetan Buddhism, and Sufism. Finally we are given a bird's eye view of the s hippie culture and its excesses of sex and drugs, and rock n roll—along with the personal transformations and penalties such a lifestyle brought forth. Reconstructed from personal memories, magical diaries, multiple In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989, court transcripts, witness depositions, trial evidence, and extensive correspondence, this book elucidates a hitherto misreported and ill-understood nexus of modern magical history. It also shares tales of a mythical moment in American life as seen through the eyes of an enthusiastic participant in the hip culture of the day. With Glossary and 46 pages of Appendices containing supporting documents, including the first publication of Jack Parsons' "Analysis by a Master of the Temple of the Critical Nodes in the Experience of his Material Vehicle. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published June 15th by Ibis Press first published May 24th More Details Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about In the Center of the Fireplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about In the Center of the Fire. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 30, Mark rated it it was amazing. A fine book about the resuscitation of the from near-death. The primary hero here is, of course, Hymaneus Alpha, that is Grady Mc Murtry, who stepped up to become Outer Head of the Order just as it was about to vanish into history. Author James Wasserman was an integral part of this story, and played important parts in establishing Tahuti Lodge, OTO in New York City, and in supporting McMurtry's efforts to establish copyrights and control over 's written lega A fine book about the resuscitation of the Ordo Templi Orientis from near-death. Wasserman's struggles with alcohol and other drug addiction are a running thread in the story, which covers the period throughand the book thus serves, in part, as a confessional and In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989 of eventual recovery. There are good portraits here, particularly of Hymaneus Beta, that is , who was elected international head of the Order upon McMurtry's death inand has, in my opinion, done a remarkable job of expanding the Order to nearly 4, members worldwide presently, according to Wasserman and of bringing the OTO and Crowley's writings to the world's scholarly attention in ways that far exceed the direct influence of the Order in itself. Sep 11, Ethan Miller rated it liked it. For the layperson Wasserman's history of the OTO from is worth a read for the myriad of famous underground characters In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989 runs with from Angus MacLise to Harry Smith. It is also an interesting peak into the world of Crowley's legacy and the path of the OTO into fairly present day, though I would say in general the book is probably directed toward and most enjoyable for folks with a deeper knowledge and interest in Crowley's work and the OTO. The 2nd half of the book goes deep into the in-fi For the layperson Wasserman's history of the OTO from is worth a read for the myriad of famous underground characters he runs with from Angus MacLise to Harry Smith. The 2nd half of the book goes deep into the in-fighting, litigation and minor and major power plays of the members and battling factions and schisms of the OTO. All that sounds fairly dynamic as a topic but at times can read a bit more like being a third wheel to your friends having a passionate conversation about office politics at a place you don't work. Still, there's much to enjoy in Wasserman's personality, honesty and assessment of his life, his friends, his rollercoaster experiences in substance experimentation and abuse, a life inside the occult in modern times and general 60s, 70s and 80s wild and strange living in America. Sep 30, Tony Navarra rated it it was amazing. I liked this book a lot. Even attended a Gnostic Mass once in Berkeley. I had also heard about the copyright trials second and third hand, so it was interesting to hear from someone "in the center of the fire". I started reading occult books in high school and college and Weiser books were the best. Llewellen always had the more lurid covers, but once you cracked the spine, Weiser I liked this book a lot. Llewellen always had the more lurid covers, but once you cracked the spine, Weiser had the goods. Almost all of the books I still have from that time period are Weiser and Falcon Press. I met once with some members of the Sacramento lodge to see if it was a good fit for me. It wasn't and reading this book helped me understand why. The group was is a little too hierarchical for my temperament. Really enjoyed the trials and travails of the author. My heart went out to him several times. Reminded me that we do not have have to be perfect to do the Work. Only to strive to understand our Will. Blessed Be Interesting, honest, on some level surprising I couldn't put the book down, this despite or because? The author doesn't attempt to explain what is, why he is into it, who was Crowley etc. Just like he doesn't dwell too much into his relationships or addictions. In that sense, the book is an odd text which has a sort of 'life is one thing after the other'. People meet and break up, make and lose money, even die, but w Interesting, honest, on some level surprising I couldn't put the book down, this despite or because? People meet and break up, make and lose money, even die, but who knows why? It's like talking to an older uncle who I honest about using drugs or having a gun but not interested in telling you why. It's a great snap shot of the decades described and is rich with interesting factoids. If you already are into the subculture you would love it. If not, don't start here but pick up The Invisible by Grant Morrison. Then read this book for a real world version. Sep 23, Daniel Silliman added it. An unvarnished account of life in the occult, during a pivotal period in American occult history. It's a bit hard to follow In the Center of the Fire: A Memoir of the Occult 1966-1989 the uninitiated, but Wasserman's writing is also really intimate. I especially appreciated the glimpses of the history of occult publishing. Jun 29, Barry Huddleston rated it it was amazing. All too often, I could relate to something in this memoir. While Thelma was not for me, I had to give it a serious look while following my spiritual quest. If you are at all interested in Thelema and the O. O, this is a must-read. Jun 30, Damien rated it liked it Shelves: thelema. This is a great story full of boring details. It's a cross between "On The Road" with all the drama and "Trainspotting" with all the drama. A must read for every Thelemite. One of my favorite parts is the photo of Simon. Even though he is portrayed as a total dick, I think I like him the best. Apr 28, Lisa rated it it was amazing. Great read for anyone interested in the NYC occult scene in the 70's and 80's, or simply anyone who wants an honest and excellent read about a man, his struggles, and the place of spirituality and community in an often hostile world. May 28, Theresa rated it it was ok Shelves: autobiographyhistoryspiritualitymemoirnovel. Kinda dull.