Usage of and

Allspice: Receiving its name in the 17th century for resembling the flavour combination of , and , is indispensable in Middle Eastern and Caribbean cuisines. Traditionally used in savoury dishes to flavour meats, and stews, the versatile has become increasingly popular in western societies to spice up desserts. Use allspice to add a touch of excitement to your stewed apple or next muffin recipe.

Basil: Highly aromatic with a robust flavour, is commonly used fresh in recipes as cooking can quickly destroy the flavour. Superb in a pesto or as a finishing touch, my favourite is sprinkling fresh basil over a caprese salad for a refreshing Italian- inspired dish.

Caraway Seed: These pungent, -tasting seeds are essential for your next home-made bread, or sauerkraut. is also used in desserts, liquors, casseroles and rice dishes. Superstitions hold that caraway has the power to prevent the theft of any object that contains the seed and can even keep lovers from losing interest in one another. Or for a less dramatic usage, you can use caraway to ease digestive problems like heartburn, bloating and gas.

Cayenne Pepper: Made from dried and ground red chili peppers, this sweet hot spice is commonly used to flavour soups, braises and as a key ingredient in hot sauces. can boost metabolism due to its high amounts of capsaicin, which in turn can aid weight loss. Increasing blood circulation to all major organs in the body, capsaicin may support a healthy energy balance while suppressing appetite.

Cloves: The aromatic buds of a native to Indonesia, cloves are a sweet and warming spice often used in baking and to lend flavour to meats, curries and marinades. Cloves have been used for much of history as a painkiller and to aid digestive disturbances and tooth issues.

Coriander Seed: The dry fruits of the are known as coriander seeds. These are commonly referred to as dhania in Indian cuisine and are known for their earthy and refreshing lemon-like flavour.

Curry Leaves: These leaves from the tree are native to India and Sri Lanka, imparting a pungent flavour similar to that of . Curry leaves are used in Indian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan, Singaporean, and Pakistani cuisine. Use these to flavour curries, soups, stews, and chutneys.

Dill: A must-have sprinkled on your next grilled salmon dinner, this light and feathery is ideal for pickling, with fish or over potatoes. One of the most popular herbs in Russia, Ukraine and Poland, is used across European, Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines to flavour soups, meats or to make traditional dill butter.

Fenugreek: Although this herb has a maple syrup scent while cooking, has a rather bitter, burnt sugar flavour. Found across Indian and Middle Eastern dishes, fenugreek is also known for its vast range of medicinal purposes including to relieve inflammation, reduce phlegm, relieve bronchitis and to balance blood sugar in diabetics as well as a powerful natural weight loss herb. You may wish to heat some seeds in a pan, crush in a fine powder and ingest with warm water before your meals. It’s rich in galactomannan, which is a healthy polysaccharide that triggers fat breakdown and sugar metabolism in the body, which leads to burning of calories.

Fennel Seed: With its sweet and liquorice-like flavour, seed has been revered as a sacred herb for its conventional health benefits. Popular in Mediterranean, Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines, fennel seed is a tasty addition to meat dishes and casseroles, or even chewed on its own as a breath freshener or digestion aid.

Lemon : Delivering a sweet lemon aroma and a refreshing herbal flavour, lemon thyme is a unique herb that is exceptional when added to poultry dishes and used in vinaigrettes.

Marjoram: With its floral and woodsy scent, is most commonly used for , sauces, vinaigrettes and marinades. Marjoram lends its - like flavour to dishes such as soups, stews and fish.

Oregano: An important culinary herb that can often be more flavourful when dried than fresh, oregano has a robust, warm and slightly bitter taste. Coined the “pizza herb” when World War II soldiers brought the flavour back with them to the US, its most prominent use is as a staple in Italian cuisine. Oregano is delicious with roasted or grilled vegetables, meats and fish, and charming in a salad or sprinkled over ripe sliced tomatoes with sea and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Paprika: Made from air-dried fruits of chilli peppers, adds a sweet note and a bright red colour. Used as an ingredient in a broad variety of dishes throughout the world, paprika makes for a colourful and spicy chicken marinade or to enhance the aromas of a casserole or stew.

Saffron: Bright in colour and subtle yet distinct in its floral flavour, is described by connoisseurs as reminiscent of metallic honey with grassy or hay-like notes. Saffron is widely used in Persian, Indian, European, Arab, and Turkish cuisines. I enjoy adding saffron to a risotto or a meat dish, lending an enchanting bright colour that brings the dish to life. Powerful in antioxidants, it has been linked to health benefits such as improved mood, libido & sexual function, as well as reduced PMS symptoms and enhanced weight loss. You may wish to enjoy fresh saffron in hot water as an alternative to your plain water.

Sage: For generations, sage has been used in Britain as an essential herb, along with , and thyme. With its pine-like flavour, sage is often found in northern Italian cooking such as the classic Saltimbocca dish and is delicious in breads, vegetable bakes and to flavour meats. Sage has been known to enhance memory and benefit Alzheimer’s sufferers. It also reduces inflammation and has a potent antioxidant protection. This health- promoting herb can help lower cholesterol and has been traditionally used by menopausal women to ease hot flushes. Quite an all-rounder. If you’ve never tried sage, you may find the aroma quite distinct so start with small portions and add to your liking.

Smoked Paprika: Similar to paprika but with a sweet smokiness, this ingredient adds an intense richness along with its fiery red colour to chicken and meat dishes.

Star Anise: Whole star anise can be used to add a sweet anise-like flavour to sauces, soups and to enhance the flavour of meat. Common in Indian and Chinese cuisines, star anise has also been used for generations as traditional remedy for rheumatism and to aid digestion.

Sumac: This spice is commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine to add a lemony taste to salads and meats, and to create marinades and spice rubs.

Tarragon: Common in French cooking, has a strong anise-like flavour. This spice can be eaten raw in salads or used to flavour tomato dishes, chicken, seafood, or eggs.

Thai Basil: The spicy, edgier cousin of sweet Italian basil, is widely used in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, including Thai, Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian cuisines. Thai basil leaves make a frequent appearance in Thai stir- fries, green and red curries, Vietnamese pho, spring rolls, and other Southern Asian dishes.