Euripides : with an English Translation

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Euripides : with an English Translation >ig!3lll|!3?4'3!SVsl' THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY EDITED BY T. E. PAGE, LITT.D. E. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. W. H. D. ROUSE, utt.d. EURIPIDES lU 2 i a i;^ 2; $ EURIPIDES WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY ARTHUR S. WAY, D.Lir. IN FOUR VOLUMES III BACCHANAI^ MADNESS OF HERCUI-ES CHILDREN OF HERCU1-E3 PHOENICIAN MAIDENS SUPPLIANTS LONDON : WILLIAM HEINEMANN NEW YORK : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS JICMXXX 2 First printed 191 Reprinted, 1919, 1925. 1930- Printed in Great Britain. CONTENTS PAOF THE BACCnANALS 1 THE MADNESS OF HERCnLES 125 THE CHILDREN OF HERCULES 249 THE PHOENICIAN MAIDENS 339 SnPPLlANTS 493 2234662 : —— — BIBLIOGRAPHY. I. Editionea principes — 1. J. Lascaris (Florence, 1496); Med., Hipp., Ale, Andr. 2. M. Musurus (Aldus, Venice, 1503) ; 17 pla3'S, all except Htrc. Fur. (added in second edition), and Electra. 3. P. Victorius ; Eltdra, from Florentine Codex (1545). II. Latest Critical Editions : G. Murray (Clar. Press, 1902-09) ; Prinz-Weckleiu (Teubner, Leipzig, 1878-1902). HI. Latest Important Commentaries : — Paley, all the plays, 3 v. (Whitaker and Bell, 1872-1880) ; H. Weil, Sept Tra<jidits d'Euripide (Paris, 1878). IV. Recent Important Monographs on Euripides : Decharrae's EuripideH and the Spirit of his Dramas (Paris, 1896), translated by James Loeb (Macmillan, 1906) ; Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Herakles (Berlin, 1893) ; W. Nestle, Euripides der Dichttr der griech- ischcn Atifkldrunfj (Stuttgart, 1902) ; P. Masqueray, Euripide et ses iddes (Paris, 1908) ; Verrall, Euripides the Rationalist (1895), Four Plays of Euripides (1905) ; Tyrrell, The Bacchants of Euripides and other Easays (1910) ; Thomson, Euripides and the Attic Orators (1898) ; Jones, The Moral Standpoint of Euripides (1906). V. Editions of Single Plays : Bacchae, by J. E. Sandys (Cambridge Press, 1904), R. Y. Tyrrell (Macmillan, 1896); Electra, C. H. Keene (Bell, 1893) ; Iph. at Aulis, E. B. England (Macmillan, 1891); Iph. in Tauris, E. B. England (Macmillan, 1883) ; Medea, by A. W. Verrall (Macmillan, 1881-1883) ; Orestes, Wedd (Pitt Press, 1895) ; Phoenissae, by A. C. Pearson (Pitt Press, 1911), J. U. Powell (Constable, 1911); Troadea, R. Y. Tyrrell (Macmillan, 1897). THE BACCHANALS VOL. rii. ARGUMENT Semele the daughter of Cadmus, a mortal bride of Zeus, was persuaded by Ilera to pray the God to promise her with an oath to grant her whatsoever she would. And, when he had consented, she asked that he would appear to her in all the splendour of his godhead, even us he visited Ilera. Then Zeus, not of his will, but cofistrained by his oath, appeared to her amidst intolerable light and flashings of heaven s lightning, whereby her mortal body was consumed. But the God snatched her unborn babe from the fames, and hid him in a cleft of his thigh, till the days were acco7nplished wherein he should be born. Atid so the child Dionysus sprang from the thigh of Zeus, and was hidden from the Jealous malice of Hera till he was grown. Then did he set forth in victoiious march though all the earth, bestowing upon men the gift of the vine, and planting his worship everywhere. But the sisters of Semele scoffed at the story of the heavenly bridegroom, and mocked at the worship of Dionysus. And when Cadmus was now old. Penthens his grandson reigned in his stead, and he too defied the JVine-giver, saying that he was no god, and that none in Thebes should ever worship him. And herein is told how Dionysus came in human guise to Thebes, and filled her women with the Bacchanal possession, and how Pentheus, essaying to withstand him, was punished by strange and awful doom. TA TOY APAMAT02 nPO^CHA AIONT202 X0P05 BAKXnN TEIPE2IA2 KAAM02 nEN0ET2 eEPAnnN ArrEA02 ETEP02 ArrEAOS AFATH DRAMATIS PERSONAE Dionysus, the Wine-god, icho is called also Bnrchus, and lacchus, and Bromins, the Clnmourking. Teirksias, a prophet, old and blind. Cadmus, formerly king of Thebes. Pentheus, king of Thebes, grandson of Cadmus, Servant of Penthetis. Herdman. Messenger, servant of Penthtus. Agave, mother of Pentheus, daughter of Cadmus. Chorus, consisting of Bacchanals, Asiatic women who have followed Dionysus. Guards, attendants. Scene : before the royal palace of Thebes. B AKXAI AI0NT202 "H/cft) At09 7rat9 T^yjvSe ©?7/3a.tft)v ')(^d6va Aiovvao'i, ov TLKrec tto6' 7) K.dSfj,ou Koprj 'S.efieXr] Xo^evOeia' aarpa7rri(^6pw irvpi' p.op(f)7]v B' rt/iet-v/ra? iK deov /Sporrjaiav TTcipeifii AipKi]<i vdfiar' ^lajx^ivov 6' vSmp. opo) Se /jL7]Tpo(; pLvrjpLa Trj<; Kepavvia^ Toh' €yyv<i oXkwv kol So/xcov epeiTTia Tv(fi6/Jieva Atof 7rvpo<; en t^oxrav (fikoya, cWdvaTOv"Hpa<; jJLrjrep' el<; ifiijv v^pcv. 10 alvo) he K^dS/xov, d/Barov 09 iriSov roSe Ti07]at, 6vyaTpo<i arjKov dfiireXov he viv TrepL^ eyco 'KdXvyJra ^orpvdihei X^orj. \i7ra>v 8e AvScov tov<; TroXv^^pvaov^ yvas ^pvyoiv re, Tiepcroov 0' rj\io^\/]Tov<s irXuKWi BdKrpid re Tei'yrj r-qv re hva^ifiov ydova M7;'S&)V eireXdoiv ' ApajSiav t evSaufiova ' Kaiav re irdaav, ?) rrap' d\fj,vpdv d\a Kelrai /xtydcriv' KWrjai ^ap^dpoi<; 6' 6/xou 7r\tjpei<; e^ovaa KaWnrvpyd>Tov^ iroXeLi;, 20 el? ri'jvhe irpoirov r]\dov '^Wrjvcov ttoXiv, TaKel 'xppevaa'; koI KaraarjjcTa^; efid^ TeXera?, jV evrjv eiJi(^avrj<i Saifioyv ^porot^. 7rp(OTa<; 8e ©jy'jSa? TTjcrSe yrj'i ' EWr]vlBo<; — THE BACCHANALS Enter dionysus. DIONYSUS I TO this land of Thebes have come, Zeus' Son Dionysus, born erstwhile of Cadmus' child Semele, brought by levin-brand to travail. My shape from God to mortal semblance changed, I stand by Diree's springs, Ismenus' flood. I see my thunder-blasted mother's tomb Here nigh the halls : the ruins of her home Smoulder with Zeus's Hame that liveth yet Hera's undying outrage on my mother. Cadmus doth well, that he ordains this close, 10 His child's grave, hallowed : with the clustering green Of vines I, even I, embowered it round. Leaving the gold-abounding Lydian meads And Phrygian, o'er the Persian's sun-smit tracts, By Bactrian strongholds, Media's storm-swept land. Still pressing on, by Araby the Blest, And through all Asia, by the briny sea Lying with stately-towered cities thronged. Peopled with Hellenes blent with aliens. To this of Hellene cities first I come, 20 Having established in far lands my dances And rites, to be God manifest to men. So, of all Hellas, Thebes with my acclaim 7 BAKXAI dvpaov re Sou? et? ')(^elpa, Kiaaivov ^eko'^' eVet fJb dSeXcf^al /j,7)Tp6^, a? yKiar' e\priv, Aiovvaov ovK ecfyaaKov eKc^vvai Ato?, Se/meXrjv he vv/x(f>ev9el(7av e'/c Ovqrov tivo<; et9 Zi]v' dva(^epeiv ttjv dfiapnav \e^ov^, 30 KdSfiov crocj^LcrfxaO', mv viv e'iveKa Kxavecv Zfjv' e^eKav)(^oiv6' , on jdfiou<; e^euaaro. TOiydp VLV avrdfi etc 86/j.cov axTrpiia' eyco fiaviai^' 6po<i S' oIkovctl TrapdKOTroL cfjpevcov cTKevrjV r' e-)(^eiv r^vdyKaa' opyicov efioov, Koi Trdv TO OrjXv cnrepfia K.aBfieicov oaat yvvalKe^ rjaav e^ep.rjva ScopLdrcov ojjbov he Kdhfiov 7raia]v dva/xe/xty/jievai ^Xwpai? vtt' e\dTai<; dvopo(f)Oi'i rjvrai Trerpatf. hel yap ttoXlv t)]v8' eKpLaOelv, Kel p-i] dekec, 40 dreXearov ovaav tmv ep,(bv ^aK'^ev/xdrcov, Se/ieA-779 re p,7]rp6<i d7roXoyj]craaOac p,' virep (f)avevTa dvrjroc'i hatfiov', bv riKrei, Aa. Ka8/i09 fiev ovv yepa<; re Kol rvpavvlSa Hevdel hiBaxTi 6vyarpo<i eKire^vKOTL, 09 deop,a^el rd tear ep^e koI cnrovhodv diro codel p.', ev evx,ai<; t ou8ap,ov piveiav e)(^et,. o)V e'lveK avT(p 6eo<; yeyd)<i evSei^op^at irdcTLV re &r]^aLoiaiv. eh h' dWtjv yjdova, rdvOevhe 6ep,evo^ ev, pLeraaTi](7w TroSa, 50 BeiKVu<; ep^avrov rjv Be @r]/3alo)v 7r6Xi<i opyfi (Tvv oirXoif; e^ opov^ Ba/c^a9 dyeiv ^rirfi, (Tvvdyiro) p,aivdaL (TrparrjXaTcov. wv e'lveK etSo9 Ovtjtov aXXd^ai? e')(co p,op(f)7jv T epbrjv p,eTe/3aXov eh dvBpo<; (f)vaiv. dXX^, 0) XLTTovaai TficoXov epvfia Av8ia<;, ; — THE BACCHANALS I first thrilled, there with fawn-skin girt her limbs, And gave her hand the ivied thyrsus-spear, Because my mother's sisters, to their shame. Proclaimed Dionysus never born of Zeus ; But Semele by a man undone, said they, Cliarged upon Zeus her sin of wantonness A subtle wile of Cadmus ! Hence, they vaunted, 30 Zeus slew the liar who named him paramour. So frenzy-stung themselves I have driven from home. And mid the hills with soul distraught they dwell, The vesture of my revels forced to wear And all the woman-seed of Cadmus' folk. Yea all, I drave forth raving from their homes : And there, with Cadmus' daughters mingled, these 'Neath green pines sit on crags all shelterless. For this Thebes needs must learn, how loth soe'er, VV^hat means it not to be in my great rites 40 Initiate, learn that I plead Semele's cause To men God manifest, whom she bare to Zeus. Now Cadmus gave his crown and roval estate To Pentheus, of another daughter born. Who wars with Heaven in me, and from libations Thrusts, nor makes mention of me in his prayers. Therefore to him my godhead will I prove, And to all Thebans. To another land Then, after triumph here, will I depart. And manifest myself. If Thebes in wrath 50 Take arms to chase her Bacchants from the hills, Leading my Maenads I will clash in fight. For this cause have I taken mortal form, And changed my shape to fashion of a man. Ho, ye who Lydia's rock-wall, Tmolus, left.
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