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■ $)r JU'CniUcI)1* (Eburatianal IDorks, PUBLISHED BT '» ; OriVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; i SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, A CO., LONDON; AND SOLD BY*“) ALL BOOKSELLERS. ' A valuable Series of Works has been prepared by Dn ; S! M'Culloch,Edinburgh, andformerly now MinisterHead-master of the of Westthe Circus-Place Church, Greenock, School, :■ |; businessfor the useto instructof Seminaries his pupils where in the the meaning preceptor of whatmakes is itread, his ; j1 as well as in the art of reading. This series will be found to ! j l .gradationsserve the double to the pronunciationpurpose of introducing of the English the scholar language, by easyand ; ! jr ancle»erciseof providing hishim opening with a faculties. kind of reading adapted to interest : ; In trie introductory Books, the lessons are arranged on the j j ;; soundsprinciple before of familiarizing embarrassing the him pupil with varietieswith the andmore anomalies common ; «| jjj: ! gradualso that heorder may of bo development taught the suitedlaws ofto hisEnglish tender Orthoepy capacity. in a ■! !|c: lint Rcatiittg-pook, ; 18mo, 24 pages, price lid. in stiff wrapper. 13th Edition. i |: lessonsThis onlittle the manual long and contains short sounds the Alphabet, of the vowels and progressive ; no moro J; |i thesebeing sounds,attempted and in with it than the merelyprimitive to familiarizesounds of the the consonants. pupil with ; Scronii Rcatiing-|0oh, J l8mo, 48 pages, price 3d. in stiff wrapper. 13th Edition. J \; of Thisdouble book consonants contains progressiveand diphthongs, lessons and on on the the pronunciation middle and J! I! considerablebroad sounds number of the vowels. of new sounds,The pupil and is hereto those introduced consonants to a ;; ;; havinghis entering two different on the Thiud sounds, Reading-Book. such as c and g, preparatory to ; DR M‘CULLOClfs EDUCATIONAL WORKS. 'gjjirt! HeoMiig-^ook, I8mo, 144 pages, price lOd. bound. 13th Edition. simple‘ The lessonyoung withstudent tolerable is now facility, supposed and capablemay therefore of reading be in- a andtroduced consonants to words is found.in which The an arbitrarythird book combination of the series of accord- vowels withingly exercisescontains ona selectionthe more difficultof simple words pieces and in soundsprose and occurring verse, . forthin them, the togetherjudgment with and a sagacity few elliptical of the lessons, scholar. intended to call ; Serifs of Wessons in prose onli Derse, ; 12mo, 223 pages, price 2s. bound. 21st Edition. ; This volume consists of short extracts relating to natural !; young,history, progressivelyelementary science,arranged religion, according and to the their duties simplicity. of the !| toWhile inform no andpieces entertain, have been care admitted has been but takensuch asto seemed abridge likely and ;| sentimentsotherwise alter to the them, juvenile so as capacity.to adapt theirEach style section as well is preceded as their !: bywith exercises elliptical on thelessons more as difficult in the words preceding that occur work. in it,To along the '5 primitiveswhole is added which a list enter of prefixes,into the affixes, composition and Latin of theand wordsGreek ; introductionoccurring in tothe lessons. This work is chiefly intended as an : (fcErst of (Cdcnuntari) IfaMng in Scitnre anli |“itfratnre, With 40 Wood-cuts, 12mo, 362 pages, price 3s. bound. 18th Edition. Like the preceding, this work consists of selections from thepopular heads authors, Physical but Science, more copious Chemistry, and varied,Natural arranged History, under Geo- graphylaneous andPieces, Topography, and Poetry. Religious In making and theMoral extracts, Pieces, the Miscel- object keptand entertainingin view was toknowledge, givea" series rather of progressive than a mere lessons compendium in useful correctionsof elegant andof Dr rhetorical Greville inreadings. the botanical They part, have of received Mr James the tfgs. i. 7^. ELEMENTS OP UNIVERSAL HISTORY. 0 [Price?8.: the Three Parts bound separately, 2s.6d. each.] ’iEJSupV’toiJ ESm \ l^,3G^‘ tVashD^; Iharles^^ .i^BWisK (riuJ-rU* •Jirral pEahow. fa^ca. p^uafjiiV& % 0 ( asi&X, . I __ -p_ A=<^Sfar-tinic[iu!> \ iC^:R^J^^JiLvci^^^ar^adoes‘ \ Tcctoq' -==y^Ay£^ -^^-U&venada. Ca&tt: /X.j~ &TiaoD-\ Jffiiraea'1 _ rat*° ^-kdjjx ^eiip'al aiiuiMt 11 v fe- 9 I y« US. oflParw ^^ ^Sj&cotPaX. /pfSSLt'l Z2S<7 -®1 ofJhtenavei rti^R rsSP'?>Sx \ 1/ Gwerwi^^ pag-o^js , L Jaccaifcv&V^M \ Carolina? •jfiarcgoF. I Gulf of GuLn£ Mi''Mobn ^•jCoftwrOT^ Ceylon 6r oir #5^iito •U7... ^ homos. , ’joS' Nlartjues as X? '; 'gi .^ScnikdhwcL L I m®* Maranhani Eotjatoh iofra^’j \i$mira\itel'? % •encooleriz :--/^0@LLlJ/ mm& Jloraviljy! OtShette yfc&szxng- Sl/tiir'Huis ,Sauikt' , C-i^Ti \ sf0eno'\ Jcoj^ic of CapriccJx: lelagdajf. 1erh&rt# SQaul frfrozetsl? / mb'gnelenfJU o-tnat*' SonftXolg JiHWJ. ««»*'• W' \ • I. s ELEMENTS OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY, ItftD (inb Sijstemfltif plan; THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE TREATY OF VIENNA. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A SUMMARY OF THE LEADING EVENTS SINCE THAT PERIOD. IN THREE PARTS. PART I. ANCIENT HISTORY.—PART II. HISTORY OP THE MIDDLE AGES. PART HI. MODERN HISTORY. /or t|)r Isr of Schools anb of $)rioatt Stnbcnts. BY H. WHITE, B. A. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, M. A. AND PH. DR. HEIDELBERG : Author of “ History of Great Britain and Ireland,” &c. THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED. EDINBURGH: OLIVER & BOYD, TWEEDDALE COURT. LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. MDCCCL. [Price 7s.: the Three Parts bound separately, 2s. 6d. each.] ^ ” ‘,V V*-7v' ENTERED IN STATIONERS’ HALL. TweeddalePrinted Court, by OliverHigh Street, & Boyd, Edinburgh. PREFACE. This volume contains a brief narrative of the principal events in the History of the World, from the earliest ages to the present time. With the view of facilitating the researches of the student, as well as of rendering the work more avail- able for the purposes of tuition, the compiler has adopted the novel arrangement of a division into periods of centuries, pre- serving at the same time such distinctness and continuity in the narrative, that the annals of each country may be separately studied. This plan appeared to him likely to simplify the study of history, by its enabling the unpractised reader to syn- chronize facts, to group round one. common centre the events occurring at the same time fn various and sometimes widely distant countries, and to prevent that confusion of dates and occurrences so common with those who have read history in detached portions. As an initiatory work, he trusts that it will be found valuable in promoting a knowledge of one of the most useful branches of learning ; and it is accordingly pre- sented to the Public, not without hope of indulgence and ap- probation. The writer lays no claim to originality : if he shall be pro- nounced fortunate in the choice and condensation of his mate- rials, he will have attained the object of his wishes. He has consulted the best works in the English language, and acknow- ledges his great obligations to several of the more recent French and German writers. The references introduced into the body of the work serve to indicate the main sources from which his information has been derived ; and it is hoped they will also be serviceable to the student, by directing the course of his further researches, as well as inducing him to continue them in a more extended field. As to the method to be pursued in using this manual for the purposes of tuition, the compiler deems it unnecessary to offer any lengthened directions ; the experienced teacher will a 2 vi PREFACE. readily adopt that best suited to the capacities of those under his charge. The work may be used simply as a reading-book ; but a certain portion should be given out for the attentive study of the pupil, after which he should be questioned closely, not only as to the more general facts, but also the most trivial circum- stances recorded. With this view, he might be required occa- sionally to return written answers to a series of questions somewhat like the following, which are selected from a list the Compiler has drawn up for the use of his own classes:— Origin of the Wars of the Roses, describing also the principal events ?—Attacks on the power of the English and Scotch aris- tocracy from 1450 to 1513 ?—Obstacles that Henry VII. en- countered on ascending the throne 1—Number of wars between Charles V. and Francis I., with their principal events ?—Causes that led to and favoured Reformation in Germany!—Defects and good qualities of Elizabeth’s administration ? and similar subjects. In these exercises, the pupil will of course be aided by the explanations and directions of the teacher, with refer- ence to the authorities to be consulted. The importance of combining geographical with historical information will be readily appreciated, and the pupils should at all times be able to give at least a general description of the various countries and cities mentioned under each century. Those more advanced may from time to time be required to construct maps of—1. The world, immediately after the dis- persion, indicating the parts settled by the sons of Noah and their descendants ; 2. Empire of Alexander; 3. Roman Em- pire under Augustus ; 4. Roman Empire at period of Barba- rian Invasion ; 5. World in time of Charlemagne ; 6. Europe at Ottoman Invasion; 7. Europe at breaking out of French Revolution. They may also be advantageously employed in forming synoptical tables, as indicated in the body of the Work. These may be increased or diminished in number at the option of the teacher; but the design should ever be to make the scholar his own historian, and so to interest and ex- ercise him in the study, as to impress the facts and dates permanently on his memory. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION, page xi. PART FIRST.—ANCIENT HISTORY. FROM THE CREATION, 4004 B. C., TO THE FALL OF THE WESTERN EMPIRE, A.