Gas Exploration in the Devonian Shales of Kentucky
ISSN 0075-5559 KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Donald C. Haney, State Geologist and Director GAS EXPLORATION IN THE DEVONIAN SHALES OF KENTUCKY Terence Hamilton-Smith Front coverGeophysical logs of a frac- tured gas reservoir in the New Albany Shale in western Kentucky. BULLETIN 4 Series XI, 1993 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL DIVISION Charles T. Wethington, Jr., President Coal and Minerals Section: Linda J. Magid, Vice President for Research and James C. Cobb, Head Graduate Studies Garland R. Dever, Jr., Geologist VII Jack Supplee, Director, Fiscal Affairs and Sponsored Donald R. Chesnut, Jr., Geologist V Project Administration Cortland F. Eble, Geologist V David A. Williams, Geologist V, Henderson Office KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ADVISORY Warren H. Anderson, Geologist IV BOARD Gerald A. Weisenfluh, Geologist IV Steve Cawood, Chairman, Pineville Stephen F. Greb, Geologist III Larry R. Finley, Henderson Robert Andrews, Geologist I Hugh B. Gabbard, Richmond Kenneth Gibson, Madisonville Petroleum and Stratigraphy Section: Wallace W. Hagan, Lexington James A. Drahovzal, Head Phil M. Miles, Lexington Martin C. Noger, Geologist VII W. A. Mossbarger, Lexington Terence Hamilton-Smith, Geologist V Ralph Palmer, Winchester Patrick J. Gooding, Geologist IV Henry A. Spalding, Hazard David C. Harris, Geologist IV Ralph N. Thomas, Owensboro Brandon C. Nuttall, Geologist IV George H. Warren, Jr., Owensboro Matthew Humphreys, Geologist II David A. Zegeer, Lexington Mara Chen, Post-Doctoral Scholar James B. Harris, Post-Doctoral Scholar KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Robert R. Daniel, Laboratory Technician B Donald C. Haney, State Geologist and Director Anna E. Watson, Staff Assistant IV John D. Kiefer, Assistant State Geologist for Adminis- Frances A.
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