Litnostratigraphy Ot the Silurian Rocks Exposed on the West Side of the Cincinnati Arch in Kentucky

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Litnostratigraphy Ot the Silurian Rocks Exposed on the West Side of the Cincinnati Arch in Kentucky TLitnostratigraphy * 1 * 1 otf* the1 Silurian Rocks Exposed on the West Side of the Cincinnati Arch in Kentucky GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPEa 1151-6 Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological,Survey Lithostratigraphy of the Silurian Rocks Exposed on the West Side of the Cincinnati Arch in Kentucky By WARREN L. PETERSON CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1151-C Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey A description of the five formations of Early and Middle Silurian age and a brief discussion of depositional environments and tectonic history UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1981 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Doyle G. Frederick, Acting Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Peterson, Warren Lee, 1925- Lithostratigraphy of the Silurian rocks exposed on the west side of the Cincinnati arch in Kentucky. (Contributions to the geology of Kentucky) (Geological survey professional paper ; 1151-C) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 19.16:1151-C 1. Geology, Stratigraphic Silurian. 2. Petrology Kentucky. 3. Geology Kentucky. I. Kentucky. Uni­ versity. Geological Survey. II. Title. III. Series. IV. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Profes­ sional paper ; 1151-C. QE661.P47 551.7'32'09769 80-607064 For sale by the Distribution Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, 601 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22301 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract ____________________________ Cl Silurian rocks exposed near the Tennessee border __ C21 Introduction __________________________ 1 Dubre and Sulphur Lick quadrangles ________ 21 Areas of Silurian outcrop _________________ 3 Petroleum, Holland, Fountain Run, and Austin Silurian System in the main western outcrop belt __ 4 quadrangles ___________________________ 21 Distribution ________________________ 4 Environments of deposition __________________ 22 Contacts _______________________________ 4 Tectonism of the main western outcrop belt ______ 22 Thickness ______________________________ 5 Movement during Brassfield time __________ 22 Description of Silurian formations in the main western Movement during Osgood time _____________ 23 outcrop belt ______________________________ 5 Later movement ___________________________ 23 Brassfield Dolomite (Formation) ________ 5 Sequence of tectonic movement _____________ 24 Southern facies _______________________ 8 Northern facies _______________________ 10 Measured sections __________________________ 24 Lee Creek Member of Nicoll and Rexroad Section 1. Brassfield Dolomite and Osgood (1968) ________________________________ 12 Formation ______________________ 24 Osgood Formation _______________________ 12 Section 2. Laurel Dolomite and Waldron Shale 25 Laurel Dolomite __________________________ 13 Section 3. Louisville Limestone ____________ 26 Waldron Shale _____________________ 18 List of sections of Silurian rocks that were well Louisville Limestone ____________________ 18 exposed in 1978 _________________________ 27 Silurian rocks in the Waddy quadrangle ________ 21 References cited _____________________________ 28 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 1. Maps showing the areas of exposure and the thicknesses of the Silurian System and the Silurian forma­ tions and the structure on the base of the Brassfield Dolomite (Formation) ___________________In pocket 2. Generalized stratigraphic sections representative of the Silurian rocks on the western side of the Jessamine dome _______________________________________________________In pocket FIGURE 1. Index map of central Kentucky ____________________________________________________ C2 2. Paleogeographic map depicting the unconformity below the Middle Devonian rocks in the southern part of the main western outcrop belt ___________________________________________________ 6 3. Diagram showing- nomenclature of stratigraphic units used on the geologic quadrangle maps in the main western outcrop belt and those used by Butts (1915) in Jefferson County, Ky ___ ____________ 7 4. Photographs of the Brassfield Dolomite (Formation) _____________________________________ 8 5. Photomicrographs of Silurian rocks _______________________________________________ 11 6-10. Photographs of: 6. Osgood Formation ________________________________________________________ __ 14 7. Laurel Dolomite _________________________ ________________________ _ 16 8. Laurel Dolomite _____________________________________________ ___ 17 9. Louisville Limestone __________________________________________________________ 19 10. Upper part of the Laurel Dolomite, the Waldron Shale, and the lower part of the Louisville Limestone ____________________________________________ ___ 20 11. Structure map drawn on the base of the Brassfield Formation and an isopach map of the Brassfield in parts of the Crestwood and Ballardsville quadrangles _____________________ ________ 23 III IV CONTENTS TABLES Page TABLE 1. List of the geologic quadrangle (GQ) maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey for the 38 quadrangles discussed in this report ________________ C3 2. Measured percentages of insoluble residue, calcium, and magnesium; calculated percentages of calcite and dolomite; and calculated Ca/Mg ratios for 18 samples of Silurian rocks _____ — — — — _____ — ___ — — 4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY OF KENTUCKY LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE SILURIAN ROCKS EXPOSED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE CINCINNATI ARCH IN KENTUCKY By WARREN L. PETERSON ABSTRACT comprehensive discussion of the Silurian rocks in the This report discusses the Silurian rocks that crop out in subsurface of Kentucky was given by Freeman Kentucky west of the axis of the Cincinnati arch. The Silurian (1951). Although the Silurian outcrop extends System has a maximum thickness in this outcrop area of northward into Indiana and southward into Tennes­ about 190 feet. It is in most places separated from the under­ lying Ordovician System by a minor erosional unconformity. see, these areas are not discussed. A summary of It is separated from the overlying Devonian System by a the ages of Silurian formations exposed in Kentucky major erosional unconformity along which the entire Silurian and correlations of these formations with units in section has been removed in some areas. The Silurian is surrounding regions, along with discussions of the divided into five formations, which are, from lowest to Silurian System in North America, were given by highest: (1) Brassfield Dolomite (or Formation), composed Berry and Boucot (1970). of dolomite in the south and both limestone and dolomite in the north; (2) Osgood Formation, shale and minor dolomite; This report considers the distribution, thickness, (3) Laurel Dolomite, dolomite; (4) Waldron Shale, shale lithology, petrography, and surface expression of and minor dolomite; and (5) Louisville Limestone, calcitic each mapped stratigraphic unit. It also briefly dis­ dolomite and dolomitic limestone. The Brassfield is of Early cusses depositional environments and the influence Silurian age; the other formations are Middle Silurian. of tectonism on the deposition of the Silurian rocks The main outcrop area of the rocks considered in this re­ port extends about 85 miles south from the Ohio River and in the study area. Three measured sections and a list has a maximum width of about 20 miles. The rocks in this of sections that were well exposed in 1978 are in­ belt generally dip westward about 30 feet per mile. Part of cluded at the end of the report. this dip was imparted to the rocks prior to the cutting of the The Silurian rocks described in this report crop overlying unconformity, but most of it came later. Minor out in 38 quadrangles, as shown in figure 1 and plate tectonic movement along west-northwest and east-northeast trends probably took place during Silurian time. Thickening 1. The geologic maps of these quadrangles are listed of the Brassfield and Osgood southward across the west- in table 1. They show the outcrop areas in much northwest-trending Bardstown monocline and thickening of greater detail than figure 1 and plate 1 and present the Brassfield in the axial zone of the east-northeast-trending detailed rock descriptions and structural informa­ Lyndon syncline indicate that movement took place along tion. The distribution of Silurian rocks is also shown these structures during or immediately before the deposition in greater detail on the new "Geologic Map of Ken­ of these formations. Several remarkably persistent thin units of dolomite and tucky" (McDowell, Grabowski, and Moore, in press). shale that make up the Osgood, the Laurel, and the Waldron Isopach maps of the main outcrop belt are shown indicate a depositional strike about north. The dolomite was on plate 1 (pt. B); they were made from field meas­ originally mostly fossiliferous limestone deposited in shallow urements in the Maud, Bardstown, Cravens, Leb­ marginal seas. The source of the shale was to the east. anon Junction, St. Catharine, Loretto, New Haven, and Nelsonville quadrangles and in other quad­ INTRODUCTION rangles from thicknesses read off the geologic quad­ This report summarizes information on the rangle maps by using topographic contours. The Silurian rocks of Kentucky that crop out on the isopach maps of the Osgood Formation and Laurel west side of the Cincinnati arch; the information Dolomite (pi. 1, pt. B, 4, 5) were not completed for was acquired during the geologic mapping of 71/*- the northern
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