/ Dramaticus: The Theater of War4EVX-- %REGEHIQMGERHEVXMWXMGWXYH]SJ8LYG]HMHIWŭ,MWXSV]SJXLI 4IPSTSRRIWMER;EV[LIVIWIPIGXIHTEWWEKIWEVIWXEKIHERH TIVJSVQIHF]TEVXMGMTERXWMR%RGMIRX8LIEXIVWMR+VIIGI %GSPPEFSVEXMSRSJ,)6'ERHXLI(VEQEXMGYW-RWXMXYXIJSV 'PEWWMGEP(VEQE Study Abroad in /About 6J[E[FKFGU&TCOCVKEWU6JG6JGCVGTQH Greek, American, and international students On a daily basis the three-week program 9CT2CTV++Kmmerses participants in performed in the established Aisxylia includes: Theater and introduces them Festival. Audiences and critics were enthusi- • Drama workshops, rehearsals and perfor- to the study of the Peloponnesian War. astic, with later, encore performances in mances. The program’s interdisciplinary approach of theaters, festivals and universities. • Lectures and classes on the history of the History, Archaeology, and Theater make for Through history and on-site archaeology Peloponnesian War. an original and exciting learning experience lectures by leading scholars, participants of . “Theater of War” will gain a deeper understanding of the • Visits and on-site teaching at selected EWNOKPCVGUYKVJCPGZEKVKPIƒPCNGQHC Peloponnesian War and a clearer sense of archaeological sites, museums and public, professional performance at the its physical and cultural landscape. Coupled ancient theaters. Ancient Theater of Messene, where with rehearsals alongside leading Greek • Artistic activities, open discussions, students will perform an original play based directors and actors, this knowledge of attending theatrical performances and on Thucydides’ History. Thucydides’ world will deepen their artistic other cultural experiences. “Thucydides Dramaticus” builds on its vision and prepare them for the exciting successful 2016 production, where 26 ƒPCNGQHũ6JGCVGTQH9CTŪ /Highlights Dates: Head Instructor Visits to Archaeological Sites and July 26 - August 14, 2017 • John Lignadis (Classical Philologist, Museums Location: Translator, Playwright) • Akropolis (Athens) • (Athens) Greece Faculty • Kerameikos (Athens) • 2TQH̆KTM1TOCPF(Classics, Oberlin College) Program Size • National Archaeological Museum (Athens) • Prof. Adele C. Scafuro Up to 30 participants • Piraeus () (Classics, Brown University) • Sounion (Attica) Minimum Age • Prof. Emerita Bella Vivante • () (Classics, Drama Instructor, University of Arizona) 18 • (Peloponnese) • 2TQH%CVJGTKPG&KCOCPVCMQW • (Peloponnese) Experience Required (Theatrical Studies, University of Athens) • Messene (Peloponnese) None but preference will be given to those • &T#PFTQPKMG/CMTGU(Epigraphist, Historian, • (Peloponnese) with a background in Theater, Classics Greek Epigraphical Society, HERC) or Ancient History. • Prof. Emeritus Petros Themelis (Archaeol- Visits to Ancient Theaters Application Deadline ogy, Univ. of , Dir. Excavation Messene) • Dimitris Lignadis (Director, Actor) • Dionysus (Athens) May 15, 2017 • John Lignadis • Epidaurus (Peloponnese) (Classical Philologist, Translator, Playwright) • Messene (Peloponnese) • John Panagopoulos (Director, Actor) • Palaia Epidavros (Peloponnese) • Piraeus (Attica) • Sparta (Peloponnese) Program Coordinator • Rhea Scourtas (Society of the Athenians, HERC) Instruction • 50 hours of Ancient Greek Theater Work- shops, Rehearsals and Performances • 40 hours on the History and Archaeology of the Peloponnesian War apply online at www.herc.gr THUCYDIDES DRAMATICUS THETHEATER 3$57,, OF WAR 46..&3  (3&&$&


17 Agias Filotheis Str., 105 56 Athens, GREECE Tel.: (+30) 210-34.28.596 | Fax: (+30) 210-34.12.766 E-mail: LQIR#KHUFRUJJU US phone: (+1) 617-939-9496 | www.herc.gr