United States Patent 1191 [11] Patent Number: 5,071,976 Stirling [45] Date of Patent: Dec. 10, 1991

[ 54 1 No VEL H ETEROPOLYSACCHARIDE FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Inventor: David I. Stirling, Fanwood, 1589865 5/1981 United Kingdom _ [73] Assignee: Celgene Corporation, Warren, NJ. OTHER PUBLICATIONS [211 App}_ NOJ 270,404 Huq et al., Aust. J. BioL, 1978, vol. 31, pp. 311-316. Bergey’s Manual, 8th ed., 1979, Williams & Wilkins (p. [22] Filed: Nov. 7, 1988 268). Colby et al., Ann. Rev. Microbiol, 1979, vol. 33, pp. Related US. A lication Data 481-517 _ _ pp Byrom, D. in Microbial Growth on C1 Compounds, H. [63] Contmuauon o_f Ser. No. 820,535, Feb. 6, 1986, aban- Dalton ed.’ 1931’ pp. 278489. doned, wh1ch 1s a continuation of Ser. No. 700,564, Hackh’?’ 8 chemical Dictionary 4th Edition Feb. 11, 1985, abandoned. McGraw_Hin’ 1972. [51] Int. Cl.5 ...... C08B 37/00; CllP 19/04; Prima'y Examiner__D_ w_ Robinson c1 1N 1/20 Assistant Examiner-Irene Marx [52] U5. Cl...... 536/123; 435/ 101; Attorney, Agent, or Fl‘rm_-Mathews’ WOOdbI-idge’ & 435/2511 Collins [58] Field of Search ...... 435/101, 252.1; 536/123 [57] ABSTRACT _ This invention provides a fermentation process which [56] References C'ted involves aerobically cultivating a strain of Methyle U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS philus viscogenes under growth conditions to produce an 3 346 463 10/1967 Goren ...... 435/101 accumula‘ed quantity Ofa novel type of exopolysaccha' 3,932,218 1/1976 Finn et al. , 435/101 ride’ Such as hetempdysacchafide Poly 54 4,514,563 4/1985 Fujiyama ...... 435/101 4,638,059 1/1987 Sutherland ...... 536/121 3 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets US. Patent Dec. 10, 1991 Sheet 1 of 2 5,071,976


80.9 nd US. Patent Dec. 10, 1991 Sheet 2 of 2 5,071,976

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