...._1'-- ...... ;::-- .... ?!3;.?ug

-, I . -- ~...-- .-- i t!I~- -Bu,y lDiel Uat!· '~uy Easter seals .1 : - £Uter SeaLt I ~'-Help I Biillg Joy to cnppie<1 I ·~ Crippled Boy~ wJ"d-'GiJis CbildreD I lVSiW 1_'

. Volum~ )69, Number 39 $1.50 ~ER ~AR IN ADV~~~ ~North~neGTonpsl,,;:~~Ub_G~';~ift~eaIil.SefJPOll J * _.~_ :Juvenile '1rial'; ~IPresidesat CQur~!NOttbYille'S rIVe SponsorInler"pubi- "", -,:jWillMar;~Ea~ter : 1 " .~' IsLegion Projecl ; ~hurches To .Hol~ Banqu~t,March~71 JSDndaY-~II.Vdlagel ~ ~. 'Tuesday, Mar.-26i Ire ·o.:eSer~ces Philip _ Apter ana W.eish! - '~~';

_ Feat1;t;'?s of Progra~. at: - : ~?~ <'}'~;",1:~~'~JtPrepat'"~o-S~ecial S'ermons} />'- ~ , w- :<:;<~! Offidals Assist Amerman,' r servance; LutheraD5 an!! P P~~byt~rian __Chur('h;~ . ";'. ':: ttt~~~;;i f~~ ;V0rshI _ Hours - , t? ,.J,f Of iJ ~ i!1'1'",~\.;;~< ~ h; Owe~-and¥r~: q~tholis Meet in E.venin~

tfarris0J?-Presid~s 1 ~>- _, ISpecIal Easter MUSl~! •. " . ~~ , ~t, ~ t' ~)J3~Y Will Be 'Tried' I ~StQres·Win~iQ5e -?ctaRans. 'Exchangit~ and Leg-; I ~~ter mil be ,r,ar.ced m. N0x:th-~" l <:) 'J \ ,,'I>, ""'~ ;~~ I~.. :I. ~l A J;veIllie :oun_m~k tnal F."}:J In observ== of GOOd Friday fonIlair~.smIl spoiisoi" thlJ .first I:~]]:s~nday.",M:U-_ 2~. _\\i.~ servlces-lfiU~'" ~-__ •i' ••J)~ :11' '? '~' " !be llejd :~esa;ay e"enm~. ~1ar_ ;5 ]- ~.North~8e:s m·e.,-churcoeS Will hold 6rth {' - al Inter Cl b ban ' '-, SOI'o, pagean, "no .,GnIlon lll_ all, ) ~ -' 1~ .....~-at the NgrLbvllle lugh S<.~ool un~er I a-fte:noon and 01lellng serVICes Fn N VU1e"annu~? : _ u ""' -~I ::fJNart1lvf~le"s flv~ clnzrclle;.s~ - '-it.: :. ~ >. _ ....- \.i ....:" tJJ~~ /5...~ ~.,:..;;,tile auspices of "'We Amehea-l"llZ..':\- rt;v·_~~...,.;.... ~ - - ,quet ~t ~:30})~. ·1V~esaay.",.Mar., , A d!-amace- p.r~ntation __,@ be ~ -". ',> _ '~ , • ~\'.j< M ~f '" .... - tl~n- Comrmctee of the - IJoyd Ii ' ~p;, - 1 -:. {~C'; !he &_~'o 27,~~., 19l'''~ll..at !h3Q d:.m. Ea$;er-SJ.,ngay-ml . _ . On-en Post cf tne- - ,-"- ~ i :, m~t m <:!:e B~t1st ch~ f~. ~ o guest s~er._-·-, _ ~-~. / ;:. I t:1e ~IaZIt\~tlon. 'Chu.z.,..h'SchOOI+ ,- ,- Villa~ers T~I..(' Part _ i. D. 'J'~ !leafy, ~ anr_ual_illUOfi GOod. Friday serv1t',e.- 'A-.4S-inlnufe'con:tert-willlirenq-:j e.\.er~.JSeSt~ .. ;>e hela.,a~:lO-a.m. . , L:>ciI1_ persons ""':II aSsist""' th",;jucjge ot probate'~ cbarge of the The Rev;_"Ilr ~owa~ ~_ Ch~man _. ~_er!Jd ~~_ tb~l,.:v,,*~ M.a:~ qua,~y",ot: w:th tl1f(Ji~1"S ~~ter m~ be~! '" _ ': cour.;-~I1.IfeLm· pre$eil.ting the: relr~r of. tb~' .Tuvemle Ccurt,'''Ul r 0 -:;- , - ,~ ~'f = _ DetroIt, 'Sl:IIU'lll.? ,. pr~.!'m ~~hono:sJ l;!:t; del~v~r~at p. ~:IJ?_by th,&Re-. '1"-- " _ '-, idea15 and, jdeas -of juvenile, ceurt pres;ile T>.,u,.,tJ:ar: ..e~mg. :::I1ar.-26 a; SC!l(JOLS .• :STORJ?S TO CLO~~ with M;. A,clIft _\Vive$.Of tEe mem-l ~r~ 'Eoward ~ .8hapms;n. " -. ;: _ > ' • A < " _ -:. - I PT-o.CfAU[e' and. tbe value of neigh~! the InOck tna:; eO hela m the, ~onhV1ne.s SC!:0915 were di,.<;- h gh '* ecess t _ be~ _"C;! tJie~three sponsoring- ?!&'I, .< ,~eaI!t at S~~ Co t _-S : N- . ~?or;}'?Oda,,"eDcl~_iribelPing to 9On._: : ,<;choo1 - , ~ed. lor - t1;e- ~~ r. llmzan~DS' and their gues"4ay et'emng anCl-WID-con- makeupt.'le;.tudienee. _.;" ,i "- , - PbilipAd!~ co>. ' • .<' '1~~;:U:c~~~~r~~inD~g~e~~i \J :0 ;tl.~fu~_~,_t?:namesLare.fl~·'I'N/ "'·c - - !\eii;;~~:!:on:,~~c;'~'~f Prin.oersldv.1IaxIisOn;:a.mem-=-~mewber of jJle edlto,illl staff of, :-'-0 i' -;. _". l ' w"'~=u ",-,~re_l5-llo s.hl'mpt to; -tt ,,< -. ~_."~~",,,c.~" .-,=U~ her of the ExCpRtige C!u~. will pre-l_Th.e Detroit News arrd wnter on,,,,:;mona.: "':J:'_t.e~mU ee conaucted., •• - N R ,= any refkcuoI), upon !he co~-: ame omml ee ~t.s _ar;o:s.~-omd~to.,s £.DhPri. si,:!e.. .., ~ " _ r - ilntexnatlonal affaJrs wlll speaJe atl ;:le~C"Olr _~:CLd by. Le&!1l'",?' Lee,J - ' ·mymt.Y_ The prograrrt.,lS free tot 'lJI}, .0, ,._e GOOD Fnda;. ooserv- , Mr.- Adler wnter or'ir:fernatlOual tue Inter-Clu'!> banquet to bl' held, _ ~_?a~rP~:e bI¥ember~ ~~~~ D - T I~h adU1ts - and the publ:c IS U!1;ed~fol" Thl-1":dS fl-n ances - ~ - -, ;; 1 lfff:ui-s, ~e to J..merica in lOO'l,'at 6:30'[) m. WednesclaY;_\illr 27,' - -_ cP :'-g\.Ct'~ >-€rV: ,f a 1 H~' l:O ll.;1;eil_d" ,'=, :" - J.' p g -. ,- from hIS oirtImlace in Vilna RUS-',ill t.!l€' .Pre.sbyten".n church house I .J 1\.:;}el~?o,Iraf~ thl!' ~ean~ I A ,- ~""t'e E:- 'fa T' ". -'" c ' N ,:Clli'" p!'o atlon offIcer Tl,e ,,-.ner, _ "51 Pa li < Lutheran c111Irch W'~ t.aught lnt.ernationaJ relations and A L· t d "A I - g ~ ~ -~l~Ul;f 13 - - " ,Vo-'1.ta<'SS for,the Courr is Pre .h" "u<"!!U1le (',ourt. "no has beel~1t:le Northvlll(';Rilli.'ltr dub r,o ce ~Hn-cCS will gegm 2! l! pm" With • I ' I ",~urc 'Xl 1 t e V.. osepb,. 1S a~,at€ll Wltll n (' o:.rt fa • 2l:.' - ~ , , ti R C - Sell Jt - f De' t In hL~ .. OIld trayrls, Ml Adter'NoethVille Wixom Waned,&hra~m smgrng thJl hll!h :haSS of, \~&.rs Tile IJnba~on\'f11cer ~ R jh;~d ]'la:l ~q-'l_6,.~'h~er ,L_ ~~~dC1cJ;.:Co~t._a;~g tr', ,U L 0_ ,rm. has illV'rvJewed many pronunentJ '- < ' '~I'.surreehQil at TOo'c'ock I J "0 ' t,. cs:·,en,. IS IOC"".no: ,,'l:Cue '1 0" men cmclUdl'ng~ M"lLssd.m,,"Cx-ilres;,1 LakE' and Novi Spelict"sf 'Presb)i~naIis Pla~ ServirtoS ' J ~ncnc nrotbal~n ofr~cer of thelthe tpl?-day e,en's - . In 0'.11" ~l!~-: oi VIC~OD eblin-h, , r ' - h ~I kl' Ei. I h ' • I "" ~, ut'euJe Ol1r Li.e fl'(.lH~r is R: ,R Ec.m'mtl Dowlmc- '< n e <'PC~\ L':Ie-SJa[lO:1., of th;; Cross WIll be ,den\:. Bene,; ° ~ l).'; ova. d, _n- ~om~t~ In Contt'llt '_ 'l!le ~_mDr Ohnstlap ,Er.d.ea"orl ,G 'lIIath:e,';bytenan church' ( J' Cowi Tfif' cleTk :Jf I!\e Dour' -.s rc.~r:- lJ".a~,,!\ee 0_ :~: .n~' _ ",tn ., 1'1 - , - GardInr~ Czcn~ocJJ the Duk2 0 f Nonhl1Jc'~ rrtlde and junior high ,,~ll IIan' a sunr~P serVice p' 6 30' 'r; .,. - d'" 'I I Nfl, R r-illl),l,"llQ [l~"'.:.ng ,l.''::l, ..t,mt I , Ch J I ' . ~ - - LKJ us, ;,-(Jllcrm,llnl ~nt 'Jl ~eon"lrv and Horn' B Clfl.rl --~----- Id ' . - .. ---- ., ,c " -- " ~ Ao,,!a the Prf!nt~rs of ma., apan if>ohO')L" Ilke all "tour schooL.~ Ul m 111the church ~anctuary Tl'lS _ehm ce of tho &" -' I)<>frntlOr: I (,nrl M:I.'J.('.hllblo -, flve f:DUnOC5 sUITouudm~ Metto- o;enlce \>111be !l.·tencieo by the SJU-J' _ - , iJ70~'l' n c ,J;"reh '~~llJ IJ,- r '~1'e' e""lnr.an, - M 10 "&P His 1nst trIP ahroad war. in 1939" polHlln De~alt llartlclpa1ramm of Our Lady of ''!dory Church' I 'I11~1'rc~c'Lutlon \' III :tHel11,t to' \~I,~~"f;~' Mi" a~(1 Mrs _Ben -: f,- d-" L h" travel"'! 10 Pol 'm1I, 1t~h·. Swn-7-1 Wh.otr, \\Tflll..'1 l like ami No, I by t\l;l JUI'Ior and mt~nnedla~", de', • - I plY"'f' {'l~t 01'> hm"" 'c)'Jll' r~Wf"': S" en l\,r fl~~ Idr \ ~10m'~ Uh,c,,_ ,,Loea In eague crl"ml A;:'hlml C7..-cho:;lov~!'b and' :)('!Iool~ /I",c bc<'1L,dd~nnined_ - nar1'J)~u/..~ Rcclt'lWm.s und Ea..,ter, "Th D - \iXTh' 1 th L .fH 1-1' rI 1" " f1nJ "Of','t1"'IllIV ',1< "-',lr 1~',tl'F' ~ " r .Ill, • " \' '.f_ 1'('(1- ;:;f, - -n' I"uo-j'l Gll!"" J'l'lll andi In Nor'hvl!,(' the win'lor 01 tll" r,on~, '1\.'1 charncl ..rlZe Un.' :;"ere-Ii e ay', Ie 1 ,e 01 c. a,11 H ::l.{lC II' l _ '" , '. L 1,","1 Mrs G"or~p GOIO,f'r Mr ,,1101 V;llil -lB po,nl ... I'·" Mcl'-opoll::.a.... S 'QJc- \ m~, k' I I • 'fl I _ ' , . ",,,,r, '- I foil"" cd B'{ <..1Io: 1nIl1C nnp, c;'Cl'!3sbHg "'1cncc I rvnl k1.. I I ..Io-Il ... ') p • ,..J ;>-.\.., jl ...' t' ~. on ,r C"(I1l1tnltll lr(~ '::.r Nc1Iit.\.~nf" .rr.nrJu..ur' nrul AnRWnC3.n: deror" coWm::: l~ ~o~JWI>' h~1 ,]11~ I;w)ll'r or the I\l.HnU} f,r~del oXIng X I ItlODI'T"b :' ,n,c'\" d .\1r ...."I O'1\,fj'f. Mr 1.wl ;":r, [,"''')1' '1:1 w,ll, 4I1jJL1UCC(lOj1 "r CllIl.\t ~ ou, i 'crJI~~I":' (I /.'~' ,,,- 'I ,,'O" > i;' C' ',r ..'It! 'It C T" 1:1"011 Mr- till' R lllllltlfll ::;''11~-"lI'1rL (lell ~tll nN,~,ll" 'i'o1!"111 JQlIflltl, A~rollIGw('n ITow'plI _ I e~ses aDS 0 ,fiPPC:U- cl:td In' \\Illl~C i£.lrmenr" O~lhorc, COLl!"':>ClIid COl.rI,1..n(<; Wh'1(" ~- ,"Il:1 \Tr. \V,Jl, LJill'-""I, lIlr :"H 4.) l'1J,"I)~-~ - 'Ohfi,} nearo\\-Jo\lrn~, ,TIle -,,'xtll f," "I :tr.:l! -ealon ODOrS j \1" ~1'l'1l H.II, I ;lTr Ill! :'Ir, F,cn"" _ i!OlL"- I.r~c \U" 'II 'D f '<'twlr. • C 1400 P~t"scns Wltn!lSS 6outl!: ,'e"u. .. , Chr",_ o~ HL';, d"~ o~ tn-ill,,, J}esutt",tllOn and Ihe Life, hC'. ~ , ., C >l·II~\l., .. '''' ...... -1,·1\ :' "l' '.\ ,\. ~r:" , G Tr~ ort VI e e eats TI'c fifth 1,"I~ld... ""llIer "ns :Ifar-! T dE"; H' hlumph- Hel..- Well He !us. earnl'(l that 1l~l1cve.ll U1 lilt;. "-,,,JI r,otlV.} I -- --, \¥,-,ha,'rf:t' 60_ 8132 140 h l N , • 'l!In 1..."',1(11\ \\111"1l1lc; on u,Uallj. ues ay ven~g.n Ig llt < !I'l' eye thaL S!1W .,"cll e";J '3:;: fo,evl'r (JOHn J{1 26), We- I lage Off' ",'1 ' 'H w,·'lp).n'f - 48 5:,18 13U 'I t TWIn 'Thc o;<.hool be,' wlll take plate I School Gymnalilum ,ra) .., _the ear U!at hpard ro mucll ~hnstlans ""anaL be cc)l'ql,~~d b'"' leerS 'P,[ t' 11: lk>.-.fI - :1:1 -H..~~ 1:J~ Y pShan I 0 J Apr 5 111NorthdJle T1Ie fo1!O\\l\lg,' _ I h t th f J contta.dlct,on ~i1 1110<:""1>, ;Inri '0 death 'TIle Holy &pulLllre L> proM' , :! rOL ama ton-· ...r, ,"-- ',i9lJ'i 1 ill '1 iv,ill take ...... ~ c :::-. a,:",-" 11 ~ lGn at bO\.lng KOS. many blASphemJes, ,ill!' IWl.rt tlllU of d. Where", the ~t{}llc? Wllere Flow-ers and Gift Pres=nta- ' , G \\"'>l'lllllll "'I 1\9:;0 l:'rt ask~t a ourney' ",;>.>' JIll""" a§ one ot the best of the wmt-j broke With tear, gnef, .and llie l.er- are the- guards Ih, """I:.' Love.' • ,- I GO\( ClIUl 111/ktr~,,,n', pnH , I • B , ~ • b 11• _! n::;~lh'y ;:,r~l"-~~na.~ fiO~~~-'>R, er season, Tom Hancock w,m OVl'r nble anglllSh of dcath-hOlV meet JOY and courag.,.....these fire :>et be-I t Ion s Feature Councij i I I:muunn Il'qUu.IU/lr w,,· olJo 'i:°\RJ~~~:(J·J"lr\...... - 3' ;,9<- 153 ~ _ I .,h-u ...... '.uerme ,"-",- • - , th f' .~.. - senam",,of \r.o\ 1h:-- un Fn- < ~ ,~. -', "-' - - The l'ortbv1lle Atbletlc team camel Dom TJ1>bet$ Loretta Wldmeyer I n.- ~..-- -' __ ~ ~ww. • <) r" Ol~ ,.or us wua~ WIt!1 e nC\l'lle.>.5 0, d I Puc!;ctt -__ &lJ ?7~ 129 l Me~tmg, j~.onday _ I " ..-l'-ugn ,he ftr5t basketl1o,"~~nb =~n:ell A1~r-A H=tley' ,,,,e hJgti $Cnool ~rrdm;,,)uu, U , =""', • "'-1 ~ , Pam: hundred Ians ill attendance Ibee • 7 t • __, lis (R VI ' "ArmJ - 6:l} Inll :lJ:'.un be- " - - - - _~u ."", men to be held here bv tllkiIlb the iBe..-erly Morse, Marilyn Beall andl saw JIl~kF.aIm W'.D Qi"erFret! WIck.'! eme, .Lk .IS lUll,e O,h='es III ca us om -1 '. I MOnda\' CIe"ms ..t t'w fiest med- t C<'lebraled throughout. t h,' I' R,ggs - - - .6$ 0277 14() final game from YjJ/iIl!mtl, WedI!t;s-jPatt;y McClintock.' _ • 'J ling Qt tbe ne\;C cvunClI and ,;.:.Jage' I countr) on _-\pr S,19'(0. :l..och.\"T'Ocl _~ __ ... C3 1579 12l) day evenmg \;In, othe &ore." 35-30 I Seventh -gr:ul..-Dorothy stel!llng-, I • - _ ~ < 1" = c -, Ipresldent . .:l.~~O"IUl!e:> wen:.pre:>-I_ -Tl' \'ie\\' uf f>re>ocnt"l5l"ld I Sohrader BrOlS.- H9 In hke reanner Plyn16nth DaISy,h-, May HJeghts, Perry!Grabam. Jo-Il A..-m-OTF."CE .,XHIBrI'ION lL . C I h l- ] S hIS 0 I ent to hOllor tl:i" off,cas and ap- r condJtion. ... tritb h"PtS of I Schrader ---- 39 581'l defeated Plymouth Platmg and Pl.l"I anne Montgomery; paw me D1clrer- 'TIle ne:'tt bGxing e.'dubloon Will eglon e e ra\.es ,C 00 uperVisor pil!.ud U!p St:-ntllll~n:s express..':tlnng prfuldent A S NICh- I f.he minds of pCQ)Jleth" world SC-clLll 03 ~4 135 !s 148 Irom~W"yne, NorthVl!le defeated Marjorie Hatcbet. Arlene Vansickle I ~- 2, ill the tugh school gym- 'I Irl av at arty :0 pea s at otar_y_ ", ,,-' j I o,-er, i1: IS fitting ti.at we ob- I :'.ll!lIkY_ t t um. f ','" ,,- " - = '" ,IrrunedmtelY af,<:r the ne~ coun-, serve tlus day, as an E.l;l'res- I Y5 ------_39 6246 .' By defeating Ypsllantl. Northville Sh-th~y;raik -. Bryon Hostetter; _ -, Ccleb~ting' the twenty-second I Speakmg upon tbe sw>Jeet of, cJlmen ~d oIilce!5 ",ere swom m.~I Sian of C.1Ir c.anfidence in and \' Ha..'llrll"d __ -= 12 1744 H5 capped f;:,r 'itself' the t:\j;,tnct ch:l!l1:,.P~ Lipp, Jorfal)e ,WlCk, Robert ,Jr. Davis app panaJd Nowry ~ '1l.: anniversary of-be foundation off 'Education for DemDC:nicy," Dr_', !l:myur NIChols offered the gavd cto: 1 en!?"JU'a&"n".nt of ti,e t:"ruted ,N",.i :U"llIlgas-- 1llOnshlP for Cl2.ss A basketgaIJjWard, Billy Lannmg, Joyce Mat'-[ GrIll>; Pi R'ughes Wi>ll over Vlelti:.e Amei'!cah LegIo..•• NOrthville'sllItIarceUa E. D gueSts of th!" WO\llen's .Anx11-1 'InIiIiiP.g .schOOl, pre.sentea' a veryl~e.s of hi.~li ana retlI".I16 coun_, I ~ople".oar standing Army f'e- I Pa}!! ----- .. -----~ - 6103 1360 ed bV AllJilrt Boelens, briJfulnt p1Jl.Y-i Fifffi gr.al1e - Marilyn Klillher," Tn one of the mm. bouts of the 1JlIY :t:<>r llmner -aIld program Fn- =~ -and intt'restIDll" -cor_--eption\cl!IUen. , _ ,mains one of tbe smallest. in , =MCLaren ------9 1331 148 er 011 the Northville hJgb schOOllGrets Chappell, Charies_F;reydl, -:Al-levenIng; Pamufuter took OI'ansonl day e~g at the post home, 0': the American way at. tl1e lli)taryj' ,George $lillmons, fo:nma'nder of !. the woJ:id- This is sO, beca-llSe I Jem.zer --- 57 -411{> 154. t.ea:rc. a few seasons ago 111the fl>urt lee Hahn, Joan Tuck, Marien ..Lar-, WIth ~ knock out Charles BuIson\ Bir'tJ:uiay cakes, nine in number luncheon, Tuesday noon. Dr. Doug- Lioyd H Green POSt or the .~erl.- it is an instrnmeno.- of de Rathburn S3le:,-r game ~edncsdaY. Ypsilanti lost itslSiJn .. ~ ~urray, Dorofuy steve~lwas fbe winner by a: TKO_ overje.une in . for ~Judging_ T"ne ca1:~.13s was mtrodooed by Dr Ted~= ~"lOr: p:eser..t~ ~Presl!:!.ent '_ feJ\S{'_ not of-aggre:,.-S;on;:l McC""e ------__60 ~ 144, fLrst ga.ll:!.f'~ t.he season to North~l :E;'at:1CJ9.Prid and Jack Sutton. 1Wally Wlllpple. Gy Hughes defeat-! made by Mrs. J. H. ..Todd ill Ply_ Hegge. : Bryar., a me.mber of ...1e _OCaJ post.: gua~=tor "f .peace, not a I' OLea..>-y ---- 42 606S 144 ville. Yp.~ led ':?tl1 the Imal ,qIla11:- i_- 0 WIXom Wnmers, _ _ ed Ghff Sfn1th: 0' _ mouth., was awa.rded first !>,ri;;e" : Dr_ Douglas felt j:h9.t we Ameri.-' s finc -:;ew, gii~e: ,-\nth the best! provoker '1! blOOli-Shed. ~ D-.clce ------57 '83:l6 H6 « er. ~orthville "tageCl l< last lJl1llllte! Wmners £01" the WIXom schoo1 m, ExceTIent boXIng characterized thel Followme a most deJIClOllS dmner cans had a great hentage and thE VJSbes 0_ IDS buaa_{'O,and offered 1 "As such. it is deseni.rur of r P..athburn - 6!l 1*90 l~ :rally ~tI.l titre the game CCmmerce _town>hIp 2J'e. Filth! 1:lout between .;roe Delino and Billj sE;n'ed by the women of the Auxll-: problem of eduartlon wad to meetl the ~I.d,of the P,?"c ill an, lY-cJect I cur l>.oll>.age,and for that rea" I ;Sna.rpe;; ------~ 5467 121 _ ' (C<>::ltniuedon back pagel' I McDermott. W1~h ~o wmmng. ,~, Mrs.,A. C. Oarlson, Drl'Sldent' noir only the problems of foda- but I for me oeU",-rmeI:t. of t."'e comm=-~ I son I urge m", fell",," cilizens I Wolye,-.nt> Be,erage- 2 Gue~t Ministers! - - - - 10f the Auxiliary, weIcomed:\he Leg- also the perzod 0: .sears to ~me.ll;;Y . : I io join in patriollc ohse.T"I..llCe G~tJlf:o~~ ~ I'i~es and guesfs.,.l;>.nd offeredlTbat the b.a.~ of dp.llwcJ:;Ltic edu- lasl,:: A!.e~~,;,-ad)ut8nt o~'~e ~ of ArmvD2.v" i ~cke!'s ------6!l 1J983 Preach for Rossow ljirthchI:y congrato.t19.tions.' Com- cation was the shanng of e:s:oer_!r.ost. :;hen _er~c tl:ar Cornnus- j GiJcn-;mdel in....hand t ,,-,~en ---- -51 6897 135 TIS 11-G d S' h I 129 ';'0 = - I rave ogue we s ra e C 00 Imander~onsl:esp()ndOOfilrthe.,,,nces,themeet'ingo:SltuatlOns·and:~onTer',:reds:rr-mens "as reaIlsthe .and thee-Great Seal ..on, and Dr_ H.",R Chapmari beIng tQlerant of th<' news of oth~,' b~d.atl.er ".f <.he_:cal pO:'~. and r;' , the State. this nine- Snagr!l1:JJo ------6() 7973 133 St_ Paul's Lutheran church WilO has IF d-f PI - - - dE- - 1spoke rega;rdmg the C!tl2l'.nStiip ill the -free. il:nd Snen dJScusswn of hnaJ edu<:atlon "as es- ~o~t~ Den ~es.", se, Pres Br:>a!'~ One Thousand Xine l Sten.;:o __. 6., S89Z T41-- ()ry !>rogress. _! -oy<; ="".,,, _ . _ _ :eommuwty._ Dr, W. H. Johnston sential1ya part ot me Amer:call ,a:t= ana ~~- S!llim;.n.~ r",p.l::: to }h~ Hnndred FortY, and of (Cc:l~l.ed 'C:I bid: pagel DurIng lus sl:Jsence from the pul- _nursday e'Ye::ungo'l"er ~O the ,, __ . d " - I" ,o<-ae. . R L. Kerr ",ere t..lJ.iscolJununit.- and E H. Lal-'hllm ' tu1 ... • - ..u.,~ -, Her~, March 23 Carl SCll Itz - f Detrol!'·'.Eester wor.... patto,-="-...,.,, uvuthS, an ~ fourth grnde mtfl..Mrs. K. H.,shown to:> the assembly '--'-a!f f -, '1rongr-a awO:1S 0_ tJ:!e Presb,tenan. G t"€rn , ill JU,be of,~ t;ed bYIKorthVille grade SGboo1. The e'Yent~1and for~r.heir stUdY-and dlspl v! VOICln:eco~gs.a lpeetmg of tbe ~ente~ a Check f!'1ffi ::.rr:--l,angfield -p.:ne wo,k lln~ a'ut,l0CU3tio" of \.he I y the Go,-ernor: i A." J:lcem,=g rest of ;;n auto- .Ile F..ev H A Qu;.tmey~_, SJSO Of:W8S a'TravelOi;ue jlresen'ted bY-thel~s-mss bomesand m:tu:Ies -.;ere ~_,JlOSt,:an? l' =1 hour completed a !Or $5000 m honor cf ~he memOr;'biHs COffin'etea :':,e ,,"ork of tbe ev-, JL-1RRY F. liELLY, I mOOl,es ablllty to conse.rve g"'SO- De..'TOlt Iteachers and puPils of the North- played, and 'vcdelli ave S ' very deaghtful e'Ye-:Jmg_ of hIS father, EUw".rd (..l Langi:eIa. emng ne:ore ""Jo1:-TJ:.ment Secretary of Sbte.. ,1me \Dh be held here on :Mal 23 a ! _ Y, '= : VIlle J:t"lldes, with the -purpose ofl tang to the' rO>ml~ g n,e 1!~ St Patrick deccrations were usee. T.~e money = to De placed OJ' the _ I at noon.. : g funds for sC_hool grouna',sold O~~d"~Ch".~ and ~,-~~_,at the table to ma1.e It festwe student Loan Fund ~ The te.."" "'ll oe stagtd Dy Petz -FruIt Growers Meet --rra:sm. v-.~_,,~=~~ n'" """ Wl'J'I';- --======:;:::=====~- Bros lo:::a~ St;'J..ceoa..\:er UlSuibut.ort: F 'd 'V'U'g i€Qlllpmerrt. and s.cqt.zamtlpg VJlJa.g.', clare nnlk aud gave !lway samples Among the gu~s present were T . ara ~ be P;art of a r.ation-Wld~ rl ay m 1 a :e Jer.s ~th tbe work and 'program <:>f vf Items of mercl;and1se t{) 1he1r'Mr and Mrs. G- B:. BlJ,-;ln, ~, ownsendites Plan DISCOVER MICHIGAN THJS rEAR - ch-Al!enge to Ui"f: Sr.udeba"ker Cbam~ t1: X rtbvni the. scl1oo1 - 1vlsitors - ISJmth of Redford, Mr, Lang of the N th- OIl M '. _Plol1s abIlity to c.~"er lniks uer FruIt mgrO",,'{satl~ 30'~'; 0Fz'd2.;. Each room oCt:t:~ sc!1uol was .!ec- A demonstration readln'" 'el'SOn:Goodfe1l~=' dub- at MayDury Rnd' or VI e eeting- ga}:on of gasolme. - area W1 me;. .- ·Iorated 1.."1 luumony With tbe pro- w t" .. o' I"E- J. Pierce:;on of St LoUJ.'; 1 " Mar 22, m :;he ....~ag" Hall for a1tJect or idea., country or region sl;u- was .';'C at~on :m MISS Nora, ' A mass_meei1I'~ WIll be beld at $370.000,000_ spent in Michigan by t"ourists we l~S_~ died' and to be presented ill song ilscms ~o. ~~ ;oom ,y MeA F' ldM 8 p.m. Wednesday. ~!a.r 27'. in tl'Ie last y,ear-. making. tourists Michigan's second drrecled by the ~C<> Br.~ .•"ho hav.e Don hootman, specIalISt ill hort-l and recItation dunng the -evening I MIs, Ruth Radcllffes :ruth gTacl·' ° " ° ,Ie an, XonhviUe 1ugh school gymnasmm. recnuted the a::d of UO'l"<1.Coleman lc1Jlture at the ~{I(.1Ii~n statecol-, Pf6l;r2:ms • - _ ,ers chose- to re\2resenc Ha~jj for' Arrives Tuesd~ sp0::J-sored bv t/Je Redford,' Li"o:ma Iarg~t industry. and Officer G- W GlsSOOlL Tnese lege. Eas~ Lans~g. wl!J be on hand i .In Miss neulih Miller's fIrSt. grade 1thel: eXlnblt. ¥d program, :Nati-ve, _ "'"3 , and Plymouth To~t;I',nd clubs I S3,135,ODO bf this was gas tax - ccntnbut- - men V;i1t' off~Clate as Judges. mea.&- to ald a:'NlllI'dists The meetmg I room ":Hon!Lnd~was \;be subject 0[11mUSl" by Iel be .() F ~ and ha- secoD.4j Japanese_ 'house lent atmosphere to da% m the_ village -and wlil be I F.rluI= E. T~=il. Winch he de-, . S41,292,OOO of "the above amount- went for 'optioilal overdr!-:e_ The car ';l;lil the Inn, has secured famotts Ra.~1 gmdoo>~ pl:llSeJlted interesting as.- the prvr~t .• Mrs .. w:- H. John.yl salaries and. w~ges~ , - then I1e an"en by Lloyd-Coleman," Horse Wliliams and his Be.auties~pects of the soutl:iem states great- at;Id .P."1li PaUl- Carter's rooms. the der>:ts who may wi5h to ~ overr~'vmg the unemployment probje~i " '1lllder tl-e o~ation. or Officer " for' ~er or' those big alId ce1c--1cSt Product, cotton. Song, recita-l-Sl.':iih grndP.rs, por~tP.d exhfuitsi their pe.'"$Onal problems mt!t 1Um. l1llprovmg the eptlI~ b=<>ss oJ the; ,$2-S,947,OOO fer food and beverages-=- ,GI_8-."5Oll. cfflclal o,gserver. as far as_ , .:: brated Harlem Renews fo, the ev~\ tlon 8.nd pageant' told 1'>1= -"they and p_r9gm:m.<;in the mood of Ohmal .. Mr. Elliott bas just oome i."orn a Icountry -an~ ba:a.no;mg tp.e bUdget. i $31,30~,OOO for supplies ~d equipment, -and.- lIt will. run on the oOJeg--..J1onoi fuel. - - emr,g of Fnd'ay, ,Ma:- 22 l,ked. cot«m." The PuPils ~ Cl.>t- and. its people Chin~ tea and J1ecnu:e tOUI' I:>f thE" ~tJtJi. !I~is an • -. I $8,OOO~OO-fo!' -taxes. " :;rr.e dista.."1ce travelled will be ~, _ • +tOt1 eoll c1ot:he.s 8n;i Negro mammy Icookies were on t..\1e- menu !e:'1:penenced speaker _ ·ocf<>r~ ,hlgh, TO MAKE 'RECORDINGS : eat"'..fal!.y checked on the car's 00;]- iJA,''NAJ''O~D GET:s NEW :srG~ lL.<:ts.. _ At 9 o'clock. an amateur progra..'ll:scbool and college groups. - 'Jac.'I and EfuT:f Killpers of the I Sl~3,575,OOO was spent in Michlgan·by the" meter aI::d ~~5ed by the-observer 't A new (,ver-hangulf neon -si.,oui -Senoritas, cowgirls lInd COWboYS~as' presented m the- gymnasluni.[ "The Pllf1>OSeOf h!s cc~inl< here~' iNorthville P-adJo store will mal:e 18% of tourists who come from out-state nnd . Tne results of the locaJ tests wm _ ~ was .put ¥P- week tor-the 1l'orth_-.m M"lSSselma Jarvis· tbm1 ~ 'TIlej EJ"cellence of the '2.ven-:;.and the ~ys. Prm. ~rav.. -=v. E:arrison. "is \ I'ccordmg's Friday e'YellJDg at Clark's be :orwnr-ded. to me Studeba.lter fac- Iast _O\'V'Il su!nmer hom~s in Michigan. '~Ville Hiu:awar~ store at the ccrner roo~' told of the, south and ~t'la~here of thC!.o-qccaslonrefi,ect;- ro build mol'llle alId rlllSe the gen-'I,HaIl. The'~, 'on .is the regular 'to:-Y ill South Bend where 3udgm<> . "... sold ....- "A~l"A T_ "(". ed ~~, ...... eral le 1 A~'''' __",_., , ..... ' _." , XO\!rist monev helm evervone in Ivfichig:an 'of MUOn£! Jllld ..sect..,...... :aJ P~ will i1 ~of Msin ~ center ,~ts. _' .... '!Y ~""" ~ .. " "",~.s, ~ 0 "':?:l"mu ~ on ?"""e.". Pl'~' ,_ ~ ,ve, ':= ....,.e. "",:,~." "'. ~'...x~~l,p~ dance at !Jle'h"",,- *ht:1d. ' _ ...... ~ ~ w"'r 1>' "~" Co ~J'~""'I 0[_.1~ .. ~ 0'- 1_"r:-,... .._.r..J .... I 3"'''''''';.. ...i:I~ -1 ~ ..... ~.s:.:..(-{I "-::.~"'...... ~ :\;'1 (:1..- .... \~l,..( ~ "-,:,:""l '>-"'J~~l ~ ~ 1';. J )'~'""- 1'-\"1~. ~ ...... ':...,~ ....j 1~11~;1~.. I.;::..::JI-,("~" (" "'1;1. ....' ·ot ..., l~"- 1-:' ',.e..:--.4 ."t; :."""':' "~' ",~." ~ ~ . ~ .~----. ~ ; Jt \~ :I .. ,... Friday, Match 22, 1940 - '=-- , ..::' rr"n

-I I :~

-, Funeral . Home

'J LOCKET~~u:: D ~ ...... Ch01ce of manv ) styles, shal~es and tones. Gold-filled" •r· 2·'pidUle: Large a&",rtment to choose ( ! from. Re'gtilar S4.00 Hnd :;;5.00 yaIup. I .,

,------~-~ ! OUR.... "' a! SPECIAL G:RADUA,rrION ' - I '. . . LAY·A'WAY PLA~ ;; . --.' Make youc c}lOic{' of a ){ra(lu;tion IlrcM'nt flUm 'I \JUt' "lock NO'" \\ hl/l' :':""<'Qrlmenl j~- com plete. I A small dp]l'}:-\It e;will jntroduce you to our Illan I l1)[ PIG:-.JIFIIW CREDIT I .~ALSTEAD Jewelry Stpre Main and Wih15Sh., OpP~3ite Village Hall Northville' . '" ~. ------~------'

'f > •

e 1934 FORD • 1934 OLDSMOBILE $137.50 Xeeu" a little hod): work 4-DODl' Deluxe Sedan ... ,

1933 'FORD DELUXE • 1937 -fORD DELUXE .4-Door Sedan .... , . Tudor. . SU!lday and -Monday; March 24·25 ------.AP..TE:l::'n LAKE _ ill f. 1936 DODGE DELUXE_ 1937 PLYMOUTH S~DAN 00 , $227,50 • $3Al5' , " ON A BUDGET" i i-Door Sedan" Trunk. . Deluxe 4-DoC'r - 'l'ruLk .. ~ -PLUS - TO:I«? MARTIN • R1TA l3:A.Y'WO&TH in "l"t1USIC IN"MY HEART"- II Many 1938-39 Models To Choose From

Wednesday, Marco 27 Ask-For Penniman-Allen ~lg-ht,· Spec~ Adrrrlssion "P!jre. lQc To All Shows start 5" '; ant{ 9 P. ),1.. BIG- FEEI;: FLOOR SHOW MORSE DAIRY "Friday, Mar. 22 .. S,aturday, Mar. 23 SIDlI.'"BY TOLER. - JEAN ROGERS m 110M EDMONDSON, Inc. Ji Products "CI:IARLIE CHAN IN PANAMA" ~~li ! - Phone 492 -PLUS - at" Waring's Tavern JACK HOLT - PATRlo.tA ELLL.<; m I -- Sales • . -:..Service. ~', ,~ ", - H I G H LA 'N D -' - - r "U~rdMor~~_J.!airy ~:,FUGITIVE AT LARGE" * 1\, Phone S4.J . . _,..~o~hvfue; Mj~~~~; . ~~~:~':"'~i;>~~;.~~cJ>y th~~Tune~t~s,'-~:' I",__=~~f\l_ Ce~ter:Street *' "':"-"l_

,_ i




t= S.'. -....



I i tl - il It II 'tI ,:• z- .. lI- t ~I 11 XI r p c: ti- I /:!j - r,:--=-- __ --::'-:-:-;-':-:----,,--:::;-;:;:::----_-:::-;-:=-'""_----"'-;:~:_::_-----_;:;:__=_.----_:_:_:___:-----_:_:_:__------=- --::.:- __ ~::....- _

! l

.;, Friday, :March 22, 1940' ~ '- l -3. Jenm; ----..--=------Is.. Twe~t, Tweet ~ And the Angels Siug ~. Rel1:lbner . __-:: :-153, ~ ~artU1S ---"'------:...-- • ~53i 10. H. R1~ --:_--""----~-----;---- ~153f "GOAT BRttD::;:RS.i'llEE'l:·' f: Recen( meetri'lg on the. campus a> - Mlc!ilg:m 'Sta~ oollege of ~e :0£ th~ :staW~·leaa~rS tn'l!.~t b~g- brought-<:tut some Jnte~j:ing facts I i aoout,.goat,s; 'T;be ammalS are "ex: Lteedmgls' da&>tY eat.ei'§, d~I)lte "theIr I I reputanon ;0':- thriving on ~mpty: ~m cans "The.'j~ls !lice alfalfa, I ..lclover or 5Oybean. hay, Their met allio mctudes carrots, com, barley, ~ oat~ linseed ollmeal:, -bran, steamed, - bor;:e meal, salt and appeaze'r p"e1-1 '. !ets. _ -[

FIRE -. AUTO~IOBll.E".",- LIFE I HEALTH - TOR.VAD'O' I - IN'SURANCE ~' LET C'AlUUNGTON :1IJTY YOW' IJlslulwce! - . T. R. Carrington IChaslen Milk puts les S. Oenter Phone 2M roses in- my ·cheeks! I " ~, - ~ ~M~lIaly-i~~-itfOt,-~<~:~_fuO~g and I can't w=aitTj~f get 't~:th~'bteaKf~~t ~hle 1- to drink my-first_gla~.-e"~~mmy Says"I'm gro-w- mgup to be a gteatbig' J5eaiitiful gIrl, ~nd -she ;ays the_m~~ ~iTh:f drink th~healthier I'll be-' and be~lltiful1er: too. All of us drink CHAST.EN ~1ILK a{our house-it's st delicious! ~aster" IIII 11 L! Do.n't Spoil Easfer cHAstEN c, t '.II'I ]' " ! - with FiJlanc.ial Worries, . Farms'Dai~y,Int. I 1 ~ :

I)' I C PHO~E 7132-F3 ... (or Pr(Jt11pt'Deliv~ry I II 2807Wel>t Six Mile Road \ . \\-hen It. '3an IJC sn ellszlj-

, I)epositors State Ba,nk i " F '1

Every time he 'f starts to.read, h~ ,

rubs the skitl off !jZ'1 his nose"... ..9;21= 612\0 There arQ many folKs like that. - 'fhey 604J Gnd it hard tn read smdll type-::-even newspaper size--wi{ho~t bril~ging the printed matter very close .to their I eyes. If you are one of those people, you need glasses! Dt". J~hr.- A. Ross guarantees to give y'ou the correct Above ~s the Buick "SPECIAL glasses for your particular need at low 4-door touriJlg sedalJS996* t cost. t NO OBLIGATION Maybe sometime Y0.lI'll get-the five- i ·foot front seat room and Foamtex ! cushions of the SUPER-ll!ayb'e you'll Dr. JOHN A. ROSS get direction signals with 2.utomatic So drop in on your Buick dealer. cut-off as standard equipment-but Drop in to talk facts arid figures, or you can get-those ""things and a lot Opto111eti'ist drop in to see what llex! year's cars besides on Buick tBs year. will try to look like. Forme, Pl:of~or 805 Penniman Hours: After :I:'3l1 tn Maybe someday you'll get a car as of Optornetty. Avenue 9:00 -P.)l. But Jnp- i?d Soon! DaJ.iy ll)ng as Buick for the money, or w!th Northern lilinois PLY~OUTH :>Iorninis a frame as heavy without IP~a:y~i:n:g~ 'College, By m"re; maybe sometime'_ --:-:::::-;,=:~~~l Appointment *delidr.d atFIj1l~ lv[ich. Chic:u;o, D1. Only Phone ... 433 ~la}be someday the others wiU have there'll be a.£.1other eight a~ \ . basd on 1- big =p roomy and powerful 'Iran.partatlon _ engines like velvet because they're "/ J., state alld wcal tbat's pr~ced like a six. rat ra~~) electricaH} balancectajterassembly; al (:+ CinY) opM1J but Buick has them uo~. tau, lj '." But why take a chance on . t (lnd access~- tqUJpmtn ~ _ t~ose maybes when this • --'1'0 unc.s sub]tl:t - .1\>laybe tOffiorro\\ th~}· will have nes-""' .;:. honey's.lzere:ready for you coil SprL"'"lgs..{tlJ around that ne\Cer to ;:!lil7lZt V.ijt~O:lt mflCt. - to take over right.: now? _ need greasing-but Buick has them today. . Fact is, when you step inte

.tion of cut fJo\\"ers and pot- ted plants. .: , f I J I PLYMOUTH BUICK SALES f 1 I 640 Starkweather Ave. ;. 'u' - Pl~o~~~. Michi~an I - .... -, -- ~ -,;- • ! - . &-~~.EasterGreetiJlgs From your WoH Super .Store .- ." - ._...... _ ....~, ...... ~ . ' . ~ 2:_'~ . Sliced Bacon .. c Smoked Picnics Ib.l1~1 Cello Wrapped Yo lb. pkg.. ·5. Ready To Eat -----Armou!"'s Star-: Fcy:....Skinned----~..."SLICED_------HAM Smoked -HAtvlS~ BAKE-D HAMS Center Cuts- Whole or ilL.-,n.;, I.8%c ~hankHalf 10-I4)b. lb. average-_

-Armour's Star SLICED- BACON Cello W.rapped -92 Ib:-1~ ~ c - -'

. -. Pork"Loin ROAST .. -' ~b End • . lb. ::lZ lfz'c .;: ~ .-- P0RK·ROAS! ~ 011:' 9*'c.

SPARE~RlBS~-. to _lb.-- 9c- . . •

Boned and Rolled > Rib Roast -BEEF- lb. 24c' POT'ROAST, Choice (::uts - Ib~ X9Y2'c ., '" - .j "

Rib or Shoulder ClJts V-eal Chops. -lb. 18Y2~c '- Sugar Cured~ BACON In p'iece Jb'~ 111hc rm lb. i8Vzcl Ring Bologna lb. Skinless' Viennas -lb. 1.4c> Dry Salt Side Pork Ib..61h c

"~.~ ••• '"'~.' ~"p~"_ ·.I-: ...'!o •• ··:.~.-·;· - ...... ' ••• _- .. __ ' .\lI'..,1'~~:..-·') .. ·-- •• ",>:./ • '" " MACARONI • SPAGHETTI or ELB0·RONI 3 lb. box au JELLY BEANS _ . lb. lOc DURKEES RED CROSS - ~ CiiOCOLATE DROPS . lb. lOe GARDENo SEEDS ______pkg. 5c

l- TOWELSi (\ VEI:Nt=:T f'LOUR, 20 oz. pkg. free _ 5 lb: bag 29c SHORTENING SWEET LIFE FLOQ~ __. _ _24Ij2 lb. Jlag 69c c MOTHERS O~TS _" __.- _._ _ '3 lb. pkg. 18c 1b e fo~ SILVER FAN CRAB MEAT _ 6% 0;1;. car. 19c 3 25 SALERNO BUTTER COOKIES, 12 oz. pkg, 2 for 29c 3 ·3g _MAJESTIC SOD~S _ '. . <~I- 2 lb. pkg. 14c -- can- m :WISHMORE SALAD DRESSING ., qt. 21c • SWANSDOWN SAUERKRAUT, Silver Floss, ~o. 2Y2 ca\'), 3 £01' 25c 'IlCflIG_\N - QRIEN1.:AL SHOW YOU SAUCE.. 6 oz. bot. lSc EASTER ORIENTAL VEG. CHOP SUEY __, No.2 can 16c ORIENTAL CHOW MEIN NOODLES, No.2 c'an 14c EGG DYES ORlENTAL BEAN SPROUTS, No.2 can, 4 for 29c ~SUGAR SUNBRITE CLEANSER _ __.____ 6 cans 25.:: SWEET LIFE COFFEE __ _ ._--._. _1 lb. 19c e JOHNSON'S'GLO-COAT "''''''_' ....:1 1/3 pt. can 59~ IOe JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT . _1113 qt. can 98c IOJ1G 48

No. 2112 Cans California for PEACHES HOl'r'fE STYLE 2

TEXACO MOTOR OIL _~ '" __ 2 gal. can 89c HOUSEHDLD CORN FLAKES, KeJh, with bow! . 2 1ge. pkgs. 17c PRODUCE REMEDIES DEL MAIZ NIBLETS __.7.,-- _ . __2 cans "2!c Green Onions GOOD LUCK DESSERTS _.______3 pkgs. 23c 3 bunches Similac Baby 79~" r Food --'- . ------GOOD LUCK PIE CRUSTS __ ___ . pkg. IOe Radishes BUrrER COOKIES _ . _ _ ___ ._= _ _ lb. IOe 3 bunches - Vkks.Vapor~b SSe Calif. Seedless II 1ge_ SIze ___ - ----. o DAIRY ORANGES j good size, doz., _ Alarm Clades _89<: Kraf~ Cheese, Amer. or Brick, 1/2 -lb. 2 for 33c 1 good value _ -_- - Kraft Swiss, Limburger, Old Eng., 5 oz., £ for 35c Jumbo Celery . GENERAL MOTORS' ''!HE lONGEST Of THE U~TIl , stalk -- _ _ __ -- J c ~OMB HONEY ~ ... _._._. .__.12 to 14 oz. 15c NlfMBER. ONE CAR IS THE- 181 in:thes 'from mrt af grille to NGl I Pond~ Cold Cream 49 of bo1U'TU as for '40, is also the nation's c TANT MODERN FEAt1J m, ,IlClUIlING- Mity..Nice Bread · ~US1NESS COUP£ . nnmber one car in dollar TK:..."1UIlEROYAr-WITll OIEVROLErS ~i>e~i(ll!! -! .7 ls r value and sales! ! ~d .. .tIghtly IIIgb.. :n Pal"""cTSl Kt~E6-ACTlON RIDING SYS- Other ,.~ • 20 oz. loaf ~ Chevrolet's great list of lSM" • NEW "'2QYAL OJPP~R."STYlING' White,Opa19" ·~Iz quality- features makes • ~GGet-.lNSJDE- AND QU'rSIDE ~ NE'n 39 l i .- ',models ~rired at Flfnt,~~ Chevrolf't the outatanding Rlt.L.Y1s1oN BODI5 SY FiSIiIR. • NE'H & -= • AI . ~ on-~ SEAlS) t.EAM HiAJ)UGJlTS wmI SEl'A- Mixing Bowls . C car value of rrC{lspor.af!Ofl (if 1m. RAn: PAltIONG UGHTS .. S-.IPa!.~ILENT rates, stele .and Ip~l faXes and And, of course, it's the VAl,V&-lK-i!EAD ENGINE • PEllFKTEl -Can be used for electrIC salea leader-jor the ninth - HYpRAUUC SRA!'Ion4 Marter - kit~hen use. - orres-ex roo - IN L.vM $eri ... access- wif/lout notice, iecl ti) chang~ ,

HARDWAR-E MARKET We Deliver •• , Phone 37C 107 N:, Center,- Northville 11~ E.. Main Phone 77· NORTHVIL'LE . "..=.: J .. ' '- 'i; ~...... " -- ...... ' .. '::;. :.~ .... - ~- Frid.ay, March 22, 1940 ,-THE NOWl'HVILLE RECORD ..

~-EASTER, .. ./ '. SHOES' "SMART SPRING SHOES .. 0" fitted by eXPerts, {or comforta~le long, ~ear. .

Red Cross fcr WQomen I W~·~. DOUGLAS I I 1$3.85 -1 to ,$6.50, -...-...... , , I I -1 ~l 'Won:en~ ~Bealltiful- S!'!tISG j . FOOTWEAR,"- High and L.ow I BLACK, BROWN ana A.."",- H~ Noveuies'DZ;Se,aplestyles. I TIQUE FD."Isll. ,!,len~ or BLTJE,""BLAcK ::

• A 13Jol1se fOl' Easter,;. . Dressy or, tailored styles . _ . and s'uch lovely colors! Powd~r Bhi~, Also Complete Line of Wor~ Shoes Yellow, nose and Wbite. 'j Silk CrE'})eSkirts. . . Powder ~Iue, Rose. Nav:,\ Black. t, ~l,09 and CoLton and Ra~ on ~I~98 ---- L

March Gift • 10 • • Chilch-en's Hat.s. J~welry N~v'etFails to Please " . • fF THE~ELECTTo:'(m ;\1A Dr: HERI;: .. " 1... f ~ J. H.'COUSINS \V'" ar(. ("o~t.ulilJ:"" £('-;'"enlng 0' w :uu! r-\( lU~\l~ dcmgl).!J

lIJ dainty Jcni]w1i, it IS' ('r"-'tell by ~!Ir Ju\clr) "rib!> "r ;fincTlta .-in~1 Amenr:!. 'swnll .. 11\ the lead "(or .1Tl~h<:. jew"Jr) Cl calIOn,


JblrE' tlu·· sah~ralhon of l..nO"\lug Il b nt:"~\~""ltb d~fh·rl.nt

'l '" &,ood.

Call 'a:':'cl See il>_" New Additions to <- Out" Watch Stock Ju~ A~rived! LUCIUS BLAKE .. ~Jewelry Co. Upp: Post Office Gift "Suggestions tor~ Easter Gift Giving, Ev~nknit 4~-Gauge Ringle~" Crep.e, HOSIERY

Soice - for vour Spring 79c Slf,t: Gar' accent':: fOT 2 PaU-s •••••••••• $1.50 your dres~s; yo~r coat~ 3 pairs, boxed; .••. $~.25 [ - __ :::: ~ 1.J ::._ } .Distinctive llO\'elties .to Newest Spring Shades. _•

add a das}lfl.lg touch to ..Demure _ .:.; Livelj .-'-!- your smartest costumes .Joyous .... Cocoanut .. _ for Easter! FlirtlOUs

Han~kerchiefs Laros Slips .. ~. Newest Spring Prints Crepes an,d Satins Lace TrImmed PURSES and_Solid Colors Plain Tailored Roomy, conYenierit. zip· As-~hown in Vogue and Sizes 32-016 per fastened. patent, , lUadem()iselie $1.95 25c - 50c nayy ·~nd... _... :1_00. Colors ,,"~llte and rea Rose black .. Doeskin GlOVES Soft, \Va~hable doe"kin shpons jn \\ hjte and " newest $1-95 pastels, _ ..... SpringJlowe~s To bloom on suits. coats ann hats! Violets, gar- c ~~~~~,.I~~ 25 • 50c Another BIG - Harlem Review at BEN'S NOVIINN'~ Co


Washburn'.) .._.l~ Milliken . 191 " J..;all~son . .17'1 Frid~~', Marc~ 22, 1940

CHRISTIAN - , " SCIENCE , " I, - Lecture Brociacast- \-Friday Nigbt ' MARCH 29 ~,8to --- I -, - WJBK '; I -,~~~ 1500..Kil.~Y~1~ " -'

1'~SW1FT;S:PRE~IU~'_ H~~ _~·H;J~ -!b:19<~n L '; =Honey Br~<;i" Ready To Serve 23C~. -. B-AKED- HAMS_. Whole or St;rlJig Hal.f - . lb. - 0' -

L -S~M''OKED .PI- "'CNlcCS'~ .~, S~l'S-Sh~nkl~~ . ~l"3C' ~I lJ ~ - 5 to 7 lb. average'-- lb. ...:;, r ~.... =..;,: ...... ~..... ~ ,_ -,;:,; -- ..""4 l~~. fSC:' , , - tm - . ll~ , Fresh.- Cut Tub ~hiteholise Evaporated 8. O'CLOCK. B.UITEJ~.' COFFEE tin ~ --- ..... tall TIv-for ~5c ... I~i§ti·· I _ 4 l,catisl" =' lIe 1[_ E~;~;:",JELL~E~GSI0< ".\ K\~:~;::'~%:.d: .....S.d.31< -' PAAS ]::ASTE~ EGG DYES 25c! C~YSTAL:-v.;HlTE. SOAP' 25c~l. gi~~S3= .2 pkgs I I 1ge. bars . - -- DUSTING PAPER . 75 ft. CHlbO,C,OL.. A. TiDJ~OPs_.~"~.'_r,e_sh lOe I AJAX LAUNDRY SpAP 45c ~ ; ~1ge. bar, 3 for -1' •• __ •. '.~=IOc K.,.Y P The sanitary .way of dusting roll e I I c I SALAD .oR~SSI~G !--UXTOlLET,SOAP 29 i' c 1 DIETGTIC FOODS , Ann Page, qt. Jar ' ~ ,caks --. -, _- . 6 . 1.~J. - c MU,sTARD J toe I RINSO, s~iill pkg. 9c' qt. jar ., I 1ge. pkg., 2 for. 39 _Three Phone APPLE BUTTER lOc I ROMA~ CLEANSER ~IT: 19 oz. jar , . . I ttt. h~ttle. 2 for .. - '. - ,. Deliveries p,' 183 dcxo VEG. SHORTENING 4Ic i OLD DUTCH CLEANSER _ 3 lb.~ can, --'. I 2 cans 15~ 108 A & P'SOFT TWIST BREAD Ioe i OUR OWN TEf-. I/i: lb. 21c 37<: FOOD " Ige. 11j2.' "lb. loaf l Hi. pkg. MARKET I HOT"CROSS BUNS foe ,SALADA TEA, Blue Lah'el Black.39c pltg. Clf.~ c', r -~ - • 1/2 lb. pkgo', !." ,.'. , ' SplCED !it*M. Armour'a 'l5c II HOKAR; COFFEE = 'Oc 12 oz. can C', l. < lb. pIlg. -"-.. _... ""! CORNED BEEF; HASH" Mile Hi..;:23c RED CIRCLE COFFEE 17c 16 oz. cana, 2 for J lb. ~kg. 'r"'-' '- IONA J SUREGOOD P&GSOAP OLEO Large Bars '='-- 2 I.lb. l-9c _ cms .. 7 for 25~

Men:s, Oxfords Ladies' Straps, Pumps. and Oxfot-ds. Xev. spring styles. (> Peters Diamond Kid and patent learh-

Brand: GU2:l'anteedall leather, at . e1'. A new :ladcloths, rav-~ :5~yle. Sizes up to 52. ons and batistes. Sizes 1. to 14. at $1.00- , -97c

PPEN EVERY N1GHT UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK. . -' . .. - . ~ . • pd';;r - - ~-~.-. - '"'

~ . . . : ...-t:1._"- __ ...-_:_ ,.~ .....-::r-~--::...-::-_...... --.- ~-..-- ..--- - ,- ---~~~::.~:::~~.': -- ~~ -'~.-.:-~~.-:-

" .T~·NORTHV:ILi.E RECOitt>' " " -' -- ..- ... - ~

~-~ ...(.~ $.~:";~ ..~...... -- ... -;".~;~'25cjsan.. "for 25 words



, I '. •\' f '.'

. LAKESIDE I Quality Meats I I\ i 1 -- - G. BUFFMYE~ & SON j 1I Phone r;< . Walled Lake I . . , 1 I "FOR-RENT j U Where Your $ Buys lv/ore _All the I- . _ FOR RENT-2-room cao....r: heat ____ ~ __~_-'--"-.:;. We do not handle ~ J front apartment Two rooms and' • seconds or hruised hams. \..~~ from the farm PEIY3te bath .• Gas lIght.> and heat' 3,4 South Wmg. _ S9x! Good Coffee Every Day , -...~'" I ~~("''i':. FOR. R~'T-"sL'{- rooms and bath 'I • -, {)Ii Orchard DnVl~. A,aiLWle Im- [. ~~' m~kly. InqUlre Floyd Lann,.ng I i:k,'~~I';:=:=::='POULTRY -Distributors for 619 West fttam. PhoDP. 179. 35;.-tfc; ~:..---= I li;'~ ,-' Livp.0; Dressed JI TWIN 'PINES DAIRY. ~,~ J - PRODUCTS· ~- ~1".VY~pay the highest market pric~s 11 Milk - Cream - Butter - f~ for }ive -cattle, hogs ~id 'poultry'. Cotr.a~e Cheest, ~,- ... ,II' i- ' • • "''"'~' We buy all our cattle aHve and have them slaughtered under Govern- <:.:.~!,~.ment Supe~ion .. assur:ing our cU3f:omers.of the best Fresh Meats at "'; tbe LOWEST'pOSSIB~~ PRI_CES. . _ ,~-,o.. , -,.: - , . WE DO NOT HANDLE COLD STORAGE BEEF .-

.j .)... ~ , ~, FULL UN~ OF-PORK, V~Af ~A~D ~MB 0 '" _-

>{};;_1'(; ~ H j" u 'r... ';:.... "'J~l 0,. 0: _!. t::... - .. .:; - ~ ... ~,!Q,RE-pe~N~pNDA:r~o a. ~.- 1):~.m. --: ~~"""~PIr:K-""RD.:.".\,;/. tel:,.' - '- North ,CeJit~l; ,Str~t No~ville~-"- ...... ,. :;,.Il"I#·t -'f"..A;~.:...c;.;,...... :U I~"{ l.> '"' "" .. Il. --4~ ...... ' ~-: .... ~ .. ~~...ey~J ~... ",,;1-,4J '1, t:;l~'''ii!Jl~'''' ~ A WISE--. IS SU-FFICIENj:


=~ PHONE 353·J ~ 102 W. M~, Northville 906 SO,?TI,:I_MAIN STREET -" n ~- <-; "= -" - - PLYl\10.uTH - CA1L -us FQR bEMON~TRATION_~

..,. -

- -t_ 'i' - (\{I:~ES NQ,fi'lINGLIKE PlEt.'/IY ~OF tlOT WATER 1"0 5 P€E_tf UP '" "IHE MORtfl(l/~_SHAYE-ANO"\HLS NEW El£C\RIC -f!:t\Kcf"(t.E CE.R'rAfNLY j{§p.rs WAfER FASr! NO lr\CHE=SJ.1AVING Wli'H. COL.D " - OR Ll,;KEWARM ~'A"rER, NO !NA\"'ING,.~.,----

~ WE FIX I" Washing Mac}lines 1 Toasters ~ I Electric Shavers I Eledl:'lc Refrigerators I ~""' FORTY-F../V£ THOUSAND -, PHON!: 184·J r __ OF YO!


A tired woman is seldom a happy

one, and II t;rec End !Jnh~PPYwoman is TELEPHON·E=

Neve; truly C beautiful. r No woman can I~ng retain _her youth and beauty who e.ndures the unn~cessa.ry dru-lgery of cooking three meals a day over the sear- , 'in~'heaf: of an old-fashioned cook stove. - Famous beauty experts say if: isn't the years, b~ a dry skin thllt ages a ~oman. MODERN GAS COOKING is COOL • Cl.EAN '< AUTOMATIC What is the-=mosttiring part of hou~e\,ork? Steps ••• endless trips back and forth, up til0. st~.. .::-and down ag,!-in.You can. a'.oid ~any g~TIN,~* of these with an ~ten&iou. telepho~. 1n addi.ion to convenience * it gives you much greater .protection in case of fire, pr.)wlers 0; gtUJ.e FU E L other emergency. And it also Eives you and your ruests -more privacy when ma1.ing or leceivj.ng calls. n; mo~y chsrge- Super Service arnolmts to-less than 3 cents a day; there is a small installation charge. $a,u.e*FOOD • • •• To order one, call, ,isit or "Tlte the Telephone Bu"iness Office. Higher Anti-Knock " *.:. Improved Winter QuaJil'Y - I Super Shell COOK:w'ITH- A .M~ GAS RANGE .T~t a Tankful• Today - CONSUMS~S POWSll COMPANY MACiSJSTATION COMPANY 111 GRA.....'D JiIVER NOVI ~ - 1

r-:..,.- ,.'

ELECTION .NOTICE! TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NOVI NOTICE! OAKLAND COUNTY, MiCHIGAN -----~-OF ~OTICE is hereby given that at the )'egular Town>~hipelection toJb~ hel.cI-in the Township ~f N9vi" Oaka I ," Registration rand County, Michigan, on-Monday, the 1st day_of April, 1940"there win To the Qualified Electors ~of the Town- he submitted to' the' vote of the" elec- ship of Novi, Oakland County, Michigan tors of said-Township the~question of ratifying and co nfirrnmg the certain r ---11-- public utility franchise contained in PLEASE TAKE NO'neE: That any qualIfied-elector the ordinance adopted by the Towna of- the TOWJ).ship of Novi, Oakland County, Michi. ship Board at its meeting held on the gan, or any person who will be a qualified el~ctor of fifth<:.~ay of February, 1940, which s~id TOWnsh~i?on the_day of the Annual Election to said ordinance is entitled as follows: be held on AN ORD!NANCE, .granting to CONSUMERS POWER COM- rANY, its ,SUccessors a nOd as- Monday;_Aprill,1!l40 signs, the right, power and au- may make application for regi~tration to the Town. thority to lay, maintain .and opo- ship -Clerk at his office any day up tCl and includ. erate gas mains, pipes and sel'- ing Saturday, March 23, . vices on, ,along, a c r 0 S.$ and , \ If, ~ince registering there has been a ehange of "':;u..~der the public highways, addre53, such electors ",ho have changed their ad.- streets, a I I e_y $, bridges and dr~ss mu;t transfer th~i! names to t!J.e proper ~d. other public places, and t~·do a ':. dress on the iegistration records. .local gas business in the TOWN~ Saturday, March 23, 1940, wiU he the last day S~IP OF NOVI-; -OAKLAND '" , ft)' regi,ster for the G~.neral E1ect!o!1 to~be held April ,COUNTY, MICHIGAN,' f 0 r.a '1,.1940. ::. p-eriod of thirty'years.

" _ DATED: At the Township of Novi, OakllUld ;,: County, Michigan, this lixth day of March, A. D. EA~L BANKS ~ 1940. - . ' Township Clerk EARL BANKS, Township Clerk. .BY.Order of the Town_'hip Board.

& -- ..,...,....,."'-~-:>~ .•. w =->::"",:,:::.~,_}-~..".-~:,~~~_~;, ...... ~ - - T.HENOR~ RECO~D' -: !rija~: March 2~ 1940 ~.

• With ~~veryM~t$ Suit Cleaned - '35 an'"d'pr~s~:sed, 1 pair extra trousers, '-"C cleazieCl and PJ'~&aec:i for only ~ 0_.'•• March 25 to 11afar:3'Cr OMy WE, CALL FOR AND DELIvER-P.HbNE 400- FREYDL CLEANERS 118N~::~~~:in jiimstitchlng and Pe~o{~g~- . WE OPERATE OUR 0WN PL.t\NI

Spring Hats

•• •• Let ilo"w~r~brighten ~fpyour home for Easter ol'express your ~emembran('e -Of--3 friend" or relative. <, "Thei~ f~'aE5.raiice-and beauty .equip,}. , them w,onderfultYI~o accoropEsh eithef_1l11ssion. gracefully, CllOose your -fiowl"rs 'at .A1exand- ('1"S from u large selecOo'1 of fr~'3hly cut fio\>- ers and J(,y'elyblooming plants, I Alexander Ff~al Co. 250 R~yson street, No~thville , - .Wf; DJ;LI"ER. orders t-o any part of Nonb\'ille We

nIW \\ Lre 'Oo\\ers to any parl of ~h("United State:t fer 9 j - nomloaJ cllargp U~... lhlC; f)cl-vice to remenlb~J: }'our PRICE lNCLUDE$. Palent",,-oouble. Sgh Brake",tne anty fl'r'dr1tiuhc:s with frienrLc.; and l pLI\UveE t:1 othPI c'fH~S on Ea..')lcr or an~yUrr.e a sepotc.te t.'S9'rve mec.hG'"1,c.Q~ S1yshHTl tho) tak-rrl hoid nutomatlc~Uv from. PHONE 1'/6 thEt tame fbot pll!duf if o'Yer nilloded. Uasf).. L"~d:.l['l9 :£"afery Hood, hingf'd a.F .... (rant; HandyShlftat&lG'umg 'wheol ~ ~~

, , A.'M. Zimmer HUDSON SALES =& SERVICE 220 Hutton " Northville, Mich.

Maple rich warm glowing tones m authentic style

"!~dvet1:isin9 Gives You Better Gas for Less Money"

"'You see that gas pamp? \\en.= eH;rv" 0,-al-, loon of g::LScoming out of that pump is

good; and what's more. yOlJ h..no\,it's ~oGd. That's J.n-gely hecause the compau:: "hose "A PENNY A MILE gas t. sell adv~rt:L""-s,'That comp;my has THROUGH del-eloped a reputation for ~l"niI1gol.prod- u..-t of high qaality. It has improv~d its pl()duc~ from tiJp.e to time,- ;u.,l ~las told ADVERTISING',' y'lU about the improvem=ts through ad. This Bed Room Suite is Simple Says Gas Station Man* vertising . _ '_Today, you know that yuu can go into any -gas ~tion wher:e "lhat Pignifielland Unusually Lovely compaJJy's sign

reputation fC'I sellin~ a sound prodl1ct is kno\'m to you, and is constantly kept be.

Y'he charm of the' Colonial P€riod is faithfulIv mir- fore you, hy advertising _ 0 • Nowadays, rored in this truly lovely M!lple Suite. Bed, Chest, your gas cost!; you about a penny a mile, Vanity and Bench-':'each .piece a "masterpiece in probably l~ tb~ that. Do you think you maple"-the hand-rubbed fin~sh is truly exquisite! could get good..-gasoiin'e so chveip if there wasn't any .'!.dverti$ng--Aone-by IDo.tor car . lUld gasoline companies, hy chamhe~ of OOl':1Il1el"ce,resor.to, and other arlvermers to make ',you want to go places and lice ~PETZ BROTHERS SCHRADER'S F1cet- W!;1g .8ernce things? I don't thin1: 50, Mister-that XORTffi~LE wouldn't make 8£-R8e to' me." Phone.. ~ 48 •.• Northville- .-

--.Sally Bell • -. - SPECIAL for SATURD~Y, Banana Cake 29c - \ With Banana lcing~ = ,


o SpecialCakes· for Easter ~l~;nd -~_.__ .~ --~~ --~- --. ------29: c' TEA RlNGS .. ' _each, ... -~--'-'--~------.. "= ; • COFFEE CAKES 0 • So BUTTER RINGS - R~al Home Made - Rich in -25C Buttel' and Eggs ea<:h ,

l BUTTE.RFfELO ? _ 12 MAfAlC ART DECALS Only FRENCH FRIED E:.ASY AND SIMPLE TO USe;:: -~~~ch 7c ,I One CeJil .• SZ::::OpUFF~-"-. H4hd-JN1ntrd de.s!Jj.l$ - hu::no.rous dlJc.ks. nUnrl.les. --:t:hrck~t Cet c:::::tTa w;t". Filled with Real Wh;pJling Cream POTATOES £616, lor c:hHdret',c dl~bcj; •• nurse.,. dozen of ~_...-:_------rurr ..ture! Fun '0 us,. - rep~oduc.e J1"T;~c:tl)' ! :£8'&0 al 20c each 5c They're for a full • CREAM HORNS ".0 0 '. _Delit.ioua" 10-C No. 2 ~C:-.n Filled with Real Whipping Cream Here's a washer wat includes .-:------, the 5 big reamres housewives 'know are important in choos- EASTER .CANDIES • CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS-" . each 5c KROGE:.R'S LATONIA CLUB . - ing a ne!' "washer; Get your Euler Candie. at 2:~39c Krosero - High QualilY - L<>W Exclusive Fabric-Sawer "BEVERAGES Prices. wringer with Pr=e-.PiID-r. ~SALLVBELL Bakery I You select,automatically, the c correct- -pressuu' for every '2~~·25 122 East: Main Street Northville I* m.e.tertal Safe for clothes- EGGsBD . ~·-1DC safe for you, T....ty. Attricti'vc Exclu..ive Pin-Flex" .Agitator. - Lifts and :flexes fanries,- gen- II i!i .,·1O~ ~ , tlyro-rnlngand bending them • • - - - $V' eveiy partIcle of dirt is EGGS • ~.1.DC -- flushed off" Cho=late Cootd Ao$orta OC' Chick O>ld< 1b c name-makers of line ho~e· HERSHEY'S • ~ : lb~t3= EGG DYE:. " pk~ 10c II 10 s.49 bold aPEliances fer 26 years. • !* Another Buy on Choco!ate There are many more features in- ~i·lb bar small fue 1940 Kelvinator-fcamres that HERSHEY'S 12c National Biscuit - _ »kg.9c I make it easy to have whiter clothes CREAMJER-LIGHTER 2-~~~:37c in faster time. CcIe in today and see the complete li"e-you'U be RITZ CRACKERSl~e. plcg·23c I Del Monte - CHICKEN OF 1'HE SEA lo~ pd~ ... N~Y~ -CANNED FIGS 23c .CRISCO II II can I ,,",,'''''''"'. II Kroger's Embassy -. 15c PRH:ES MUSTARD. -" • qt. 1 Oc START ;~ogcr'& Suda~ As.s.tH1:ed c I AS lOW SPfCES • 3;>k9,·251: 3;46c • • 3, b~[s 17 1 r.:lcoW.50 50 % Faster ~t Kroger"" now Buy any Kroll''''' item, like it,", ....,,11 or Better than any other' Brand -or ~turZl un- I ,A~(; as pound' <:&n 1ge ~ portionin original container and get Free aD:f:oth"r Br:tnd we ~ll. regardl••; of 2 cans 15~ p:nee! ~ :J.. - • OLD DUTe1J -. ,<, I Hormei's, Famous, Luncheon Meat 3to-oz. i .~::t~~ -SPAM -f~~::,~h~~:Hd.y1;;:z:29~ WHEAyLU:-FIAkES pkgs. 25c~ I M.

lal'3e pkg . I -"., I' I A~Gi5k~D ~~G ~z~IP~O • • -19c 1 "'::1 ~ , l'.} H -l L L mETS"'B·C S .I~.O'RT V E"'" 2'gc I' .-=tfu .'!- ~I ~ i~~~~~ ~~!~te-AIL~r=25c.",,~~.t.., f' ~~"~ili >- ,-~ ...... !;r.,'-" ~ ~; ~:-I,"," '~"j...,f~';: ... 1~~.[~;;J "'):;~JL~:~~1}~:"1~'-';<;,'~''''''''~I) ~ -.. -1. _~.