Satisfactory Ticket Saleslreported for Troub Play
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'The South's 'Best • 'By the Students, College ?X ewspaper t For the Students Z·779 Wuhinaton and Lft University Semi-Weekly VOL.XLID LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1940 NUMBER 58 Assimilation Conventional Dress Satisfactory Ticket The studen t body executive committee last week adopt· Committee ed the following resolution regarding conventional dress: " During the past several years we have noticed a ten· SaleslReported dency by some members of the student body toward de Is Named parting from the campus tradition governing con ven tional Baldwin, Hobson, Hunt, dress in the period immediately preceding and during ex· Dobbins, Kenna, Price, aminations. The appearance during the last few years of For Troub Play polo shirts, play suits, no ties and coats at examination Levy Are Appointed time is a fad that has been indulged in by only a few, b ut Reviewer Cites Seats Also to Be AI Snyder, president-elect of the with each year this number increases. student body, yesterday announced Hf eeling that this is a dangerous tendency the Execu Alnutt, Sugrue Available at Door the appointment of nve Juniors tive committee of the student body hereby resolves that and two sophomores to posts on As Stars of Play On Both Nights the Freshman Assimilation com coats and n eckties be wom by Washington and Lee stu By FRED FARRAR Ticket sales for the Troubadour mittee for the 1940-41 session. dents at aU times when they appear in public except when production of "Of Mice and Men" Dodo Baldwin was named chair participating in athletics. have been proceeding very satis man of the committee, which mel Despite the ra.ct that they are " W e are confident that we sh all receive the wholeheart· backed by one of the best support· factorily, Francis Sugrue, president yesterday afternoon in a prellml or the dramatic club. announced nary organization session. Others ed cooperation of the student body in the accomplishment lng casts to be seen on the Trou badour stage, John Alnutt and today. He added, however, that apPOinted were' Howard Dobbins, of this request. It should be borne in mind that at some tickets will be kept out ror Oharlle Hobson, Stu Hunt, Lee Francis Sugrue were the undisput particular time of the year our campus entertain s its yeady ed stars of ''Of Mice and Men·• as door sales for the two shows to bl• Kenna. Bud Levy, and Jim Price. given Wednesday and Thursday. maximum of guests and we believe all Washington and it appeared to this observer after Hobson was elected secretary or Price of the Uckets are 25 cents the group at yesterday's meeting. Lee students wish to continue making the good impres watching dress rehearsal last night. it bought in advance. They will lx' In naming seven to the commit· sion th at they have in the past in all matters of dress. From the ftrst minute when on sale tomorrow afternoon nt tee, which during the past year George and Lennie walk upon the McCrum's, and will be sold to was made up of four students, uy cry sincerely, stage, they completely domJnate morrow night and Thursday for Snyder exPressed the belief that the attention of the adience by the 40 cents. No one will be admitted an Increased membership would " Student Body Executive Committee.'J force of thelr sklll and personal on a campus tax card. as this is result in a proPOrtionate Increase ity. Four years of experience ln the third Troubadour show to be given this year. in effectiveness. every branch of theatrical work "These seven boys cannot do the has paid dividends In enabling Sec:ond Time ln Hls&ory Job alone, however," Snyder said. these two actors to give watchers This Is the second time in re "They formulate the rules of as Presentation to Stephenson a thrill which Is seldom known in cent history that the students have slmllatlon and centralize the work. college dramatics. had an opportunity to see three but their purpose is larrely to carry LuciUe Dlxon Acta Well Troubadour plays In one year. Su out student body desires. SulleS· Features Forensic Banquet grue declared that tbls was made MISS PEGGY RAY, Randolph-Macon student from St. Louis, tions and ideas from students will Miss Lucille Dixon. makin1 her Presentation of the annuai*------------ debut as a Troubadour leading possible only by the whole-hearted Missouri, who will lead the Final ball figure o n the night of help the committee in lts work, as support of the student body, th Washl.ngton award for outstanding lady. is close behind these two stars J un e with set p resident Bobby H ob son . Will full cooperation ln turnina tn Executive committee. as well a11 7 extra-curricular service to the in her artistry. The part of CUr the names or freshmen who tail the members of the club. to observe the few simple rules set University to Harry fSteve> Ste ley's wife is one of the hardest fe down for them." phenson. of Greenville, S. C.. fea· male roles In the modem Ameri During the past year the Trou tured last night's Forensic union can theatre. Her character Is one badour activities were more prom· "Freshman asslmllatlon has lnent than ever before on lhe cam Finals to Portray been one of the more or less ne· banquet at the R. E. Lee hotel. which may well ba.ffle the most The award was presented by Dan experienced actress. In the hands pus. A series of weekly radio pro· glected parts of the student body grams. featuring original radio organization in the past few years". Lewis. president of the Washing- of Miss Dixon, she realistically and Snyder continued. "The system has ton society. primarily on Stephen dramatically becomes the enigma plays written by Washington and tHa waiian Farewell' come down from the old 'vlrllance son's "revitalization of school solr and the anamoly that Steinbeck Lee men. was Inaugurated. and committee.' which was very strlct. it last fall. and his belng largely so carefully created. As Curley's wUl probably be continued next The romantic farewell scenes work out some or the details of to one whereby we merely concede instrumental In maldng OOK, or wile appears on the stage, we year. The programs were broad· stared by t.he lslanders or Hawaii the ftgure and to reproduce some that every man 1s a gentleman . which he Is president. a society gather that her real and terrible cast over station WDBJ In Roa noke. and drew considerable prahe are famous the world over. VIsitors typical scene of the islands. The result has been dlftlculty 1n of leaders In fact.. as well as in traredy was that she really did The climax of the Finals ftgure "Just want to talk to somebody." from omcials or that station. to the Islands never forget this keeping alive the traditions which name." will be reached when the girls place have long been an important part The committee which elected Th1s character ls one of the ex Three stand-out plays were prt>· last "rood-bye," and their vivid the ftoral leis around the necks or of ce.mpus life." Stephenson was comPOSed of Dean amples of the way that author sented on the stage or Ule Trou· detcrtptlons of the picturesque de the boys who will be saying rare F. J . Gilliam. Dr. L. J . Desha. Cecil John Steinbeck works ln his doc· badour theatre this season: "The parture sound more like an en well to Washington and Lee uni Taylor, Ernest Woodward II. and trines of social life ln au his writ Play's the Thing." by Ferenc versity. Thus, the 1940 nrure will mrs. ·• of Mlce and Men" is one or chanted story-book tale. Lewis. Molnar, which was a rip-roaring be styled as a modifted replica of ODKElects his earlier books, but even in It Won by Alnutt Lut Year comedy, In which the cast did ev To Featlll"e li1oral Lea. that heart-warming and celestial we see always present the result erything except throw dishes at John Alnutt won the award. Deslrned to capture some of this Hawaiian farewell. STEVE STEPHENSON or human belnrs caught in a so the audience; "Winterset," mov rich aentlment and deep sincerity, A specially constructed Island In Taylor, Hobson: presented last year by the Wash· cial life that they are unable to lna traredy from the pen of Max Wuhin1ton and Lee's 1940 Finals the center of the gymnasium ftoor Student Body Presldent CecU ington society for the ft r~~t tlme, ftgbt or even to understand. well Anderson: and now ·• or Mice ftpre wlll portray ln pareant form wUl probably be used ln atarina Taylor was named president of for hla orrantzatlon or W&L's ia· made Patrick Henry the ·•greatest Ted Lawrence, one of the more and Men" will otJer John Alnutt crosse team. a "HaWilian Farewell," it waa an· the ceremony. The gymnasium it· the Alpha circle of Omicron Delta orator, actor, and artist America promising of the Troubadour new In hls sixth and grea~st starring nounced this afternoon by Bob self wlU be decorated ln a "Tropi· Kappa, national honorary society, The annual F o r e n s I c union has ever produced-simple speech. comers of this year, 1s outstanding role. with Francis Sugrue, playln(l Bobeon. president ol the Finals cal Nlaht" motif to blend with the at the organization's annual elec award. presented by the union ex· humor, and reason." ln the supporting cast aa Candy.