...._1'-- .......;::-- .... ?!3;.?ug -, I . -- ~...-- .-- i t!I~- -Bu,y lDiel Uat!· '~uy Easter seals .1 : - £Uter SeaLt I ~'-Help I Biillg Joy to cnppie<1 I ·~ Crippled Boy~ wJ"d-'GiJis CbildreD I lVSiW 1_' . Volum~ )69, Number 39 $1.50 ~ER ~AR IN ADV~~~ ~North~neGTonpsl,,;:~~Ub_G~';~ift~eaIil.SefJPOll J * _.~_ :Juvenile '1rial'; ~IPresidesat CQur~!NOttbYille'S rIVe SponsorInler"pubi- "", -,:jWillMar;~Ea~ter : 1 " .~' IsLegion Projecl ; ~hurches To .Hol~ Banqu~t,March~71 JSDndaY-~II.Vdlagel ~ ~. 'Tuesday, Mar.-26i Ire ·o.:eSer~ces Philip _ Apter ana W.eish! - '~~';<Lrrhree Churche; Plan __S~·j, ' - Villag~~s Will Participate T1u'ee Protestant Chuh:!h<!s . _.}. t~ ~~'ili! - , in:' Male QUar~et Will -Bef Y,: ~"""~ _ 1.1.1 ~ rille Servic:es; Min~$tersl' -', ' , , ""-~~A:\~<' Court Proep.dure-;-_!;?etroit - Unjte for Afternoon Ob- _ Feat1;t;'?s of Progra~. at: - : ~?~ <'}'~;",1:~~'~JtPrepat'"~o-S~ecial S'ermons} />'- ~ , w- :<:;<~! Offidals Assist Amerman,' r servance; LutheraD5 an!! P P~~byt~rian __Chur('h;~ . ";'. ':: ttt~~~;;i f~~ ;V0rshI _ Hours - , t? ,.J,f Of iJ ~ i!1'1'",~\.;;~< ~ h; Owe~-and¥r~: q~tholis Meet in E.venin~ tfarris0J?-Presid~s 1 ~>- _, ISpecIal Easter MUSl~! •. " . ~~ , ~t, ~ t' ~)J3~Y Will Be 'Tried' I ~StQres·Win~iQ5e -?ctaRans. 'Exchangit~ and Leg-; I ~~ter mil be ,r,ar.ced m. N0x:th-~" l <:) 'J \ ,,'I>, ""'~ ;~~ I~.. :I. ~l A J;veIllie :oun_m~k tnal F."}:J In observ== of GOOd Friday fonIlair~.smIl spoiisoi" thlJ .first I:~]]:s~nday.",M:U-_ 2~. _\\i.~ servlces-lfiU~'" ~-__ •i' ••J)~ :11' '? '~' " !be llejd :~esa;ay e"enm~. ~1ar_ ;5 ]- ~.North~8e:s m·e.,-churcoeS Will hold 6rth {' - al Inter Cl b ban ' '-, SOI'o, pagean, "no .,GnIlon lll_ all, ) ~ -' 1~ .....~-at the NgrLbvllle lugh S<.~ool un~er I a-fte:noon and 01lellng serVICes Fn N VU1e"annu~? : _ u ""' -~I ::fJNart1lvf~le"s flv~ clnzrclle;.s~ - '-it.: :. ~ >. _ ....- \.i ....:" tJJ~~ /5...~ ~.,:..;;,tile auspices of "'We Amehea-l"llZ..':\- rt;v·_~~...,.;.... ~ - - ,quet ~t ~:30})~. ·1V~esaay.",.Mar., , A d!-amace- p.r~ntation __,@ be ~ -". ',> _ '~ , • ~\'.j< M ~f '" .... - tl~n- Comrmctee of the - IJoyd Ii ' ~p;, - 1 -:. {~C'; !he &_~'o 27,~<theP:-_'-;Sb~c1l.urc'hbc>~., 19l'''~ll..at !h3Q d:.m. Ea$;er-SJ.,ngay-ml . _ . On-en Post cf tne<Amencan L-eg-. ' r _om 'to pm~ _¥w..<ts, where Philip' Adler of PJ.e. Detrolt{ ti,e BaJ)tJSt. csw:ch by tl:re Frie::l4:-, I,., - . IOn. The mal. mil 6= at e'gb: _ :'lethoplStS and Pre.~..er=ms- w-.;ll "NeWS"':edito-'ial_ -staff ~-WilJ. pe - ~e I IshlP- Class. - _Br€S.kfa..o;twill followr - ~ - ~0'clock shaJ'1>- - ,-"- ~ i :, m~t m <:!:e B~t1st ch~ f~. ~ o guest s~er._-·-, _ ~-~. / ;:. I t:1e ~IaZIt\~tlon. 'Chu.z.,..h'SchOOI+ ,- ,- Villa~ers T~I..(' Part _ i. D. 'J'~ !leafy, ~ anr_ual_illUOfi GOod. Friday serv1t',e.- 'A-.4S-inlnufe'con:tert-willlirenq-:j e.\.er~.JSeSt~ .. ;>e hela.,a~:lO-a.m. , L:>ciI1_ persons ""':II aSsist""' th",;jucjge ot probate'~ cbarge of the The Rev;_"Ilr ~owa~ ~_ Ch~man _. ~_er!Jd ~~_ tb~l,.:v,,*~ M.a:~ qua,~y",ot: w:th tl1f(Ji~1"S ~~ter m~ be~! '" _ ': cour.;-~I1.IfeLm· pre$eil.ting the: relr~r of. tb~' .Tuvemle Ccurt,'''Ul r 0 -:;- , - ,~ ~'f = _ DetroIt, 'Sl:IIU'lll.? ,. pr~.!'m ~~hono:sJ l;!:t; del~v~r~at p. ~:IJ?_by th,&Re-. '1"-- " _ '-, idea15 and, jdeas -of juvenile, ceurt pres;ile T>.,u,.,tJ:ar: ..e~mg. :::I1ar.-26 a; SC!l(JOLS .• :STORJ?S TO CLO~~ with M;. A,clIft _\Vive$.Of tEe mem-l ~r~ 'Eoward ~ .8hapms;n. " -. ;: _ > ' • A < " _ -:. - I PT-o.CfAU[e' and. tbe value of neigh~! the InOck tna:; eO hela m the, ~onhV1ne.s SC!:0915 were di,.<;- h gh '* ecess t _ be~ _"C;! tJie~three sponsoring- ?!&'I, .< ,~eaI!t at S~~ Co t _-S : N- . ~?or;}'?Oda,,"eDcl~_iribelPing to 9On._: : ,<;choo1 - , ~ed. lor - t1;e- ~~ r. llmzan~DS' and their gues"<S -wm, -_ I ~ SUD}""=obser:;anc.e mll_lllso_be) .~ ftrp~ Jurenlle dennquencv. - , , ~ ,Tl'u.'>4ay et'emng anCl-WID-con- makeupt.'le;.tudienee. _.;" ,i "- , - PbilipAd!~ co>. ' • .<' '1~~;:U:c~~~~r~~inD~g~e~~i \J :0 ;tl.~fu~_~,_t?:namesLare.fl~·'I'N/ "'·c - - !\eii;;~~:!:on:,~~c;'~'~f Prin.oersldv.1IaxIisOn;:a.mem-=-~mewber of jJle edlto,illl staff of, :-'-0 i' -;. _". l ' w"'~=u ",-,~re_l5-llo s.hl'mpt to; -tt ,,< -. ~_."~~",,,c.~" .-,=U~ her of the ExCpRtige C!u~. will pre-l_Th.e Detroit News arrd wnter on,,,,:;mona.: "':J:'_t.e~mU ee conaucted., •• - N R ,= any refkcuoI), upon !he co~-: ame omml ee ~t.s _ar;o:s.~-omd~to.,s £.DhPri. si,:!e.. .., ~ " _ r - ilntexnatlonal affaJrs wlll speaJe atl ;:le~C"Olr _~:CLd by. Le&!1l'",?' Lee,J - ' ·mymt.Y_ The prograrrt.,lS free tot 'lJI}, .0, ,._e GOOD Fnda;. ooserv- , Mr.- Adler wnter or'ir:fernatlOual tue Inter-Clu'!> banquet to bl' held, _ ~_?a~rP~:e bI¥ember~ ~~~~ D - T I~h adU1ts - and the publ:c IS U!1;ed~fol" Thl-1":dS fl-n ances - ~ - -, ;; 1 lfff:ui-s, ~e to J..merica in lOO'l,'at 6:30'[) m. WednesclaY;_\illr 27,' - -_ cP :'-g\.Ct'~ >-€rV: ,f a 1 H~' l:O ll.;1;eil_d" ,'=, :" - J.' p g -. ,- from hIS oirtImlace in Vilna RUS-',ill t.!l€' .Pre.sbyten".n church house I .J 1\.:;}el~?o,Iraf~ thl!' ~ean~ I A ,- ~""t'e E:<perience'd ,Witnesses -f ~ - . fo%~L" -BaDt'_s c1JUIGh,: the Rev. Sla IDs e£!UUitloIllll bae~CJui"td lD.- - ,- 0 - - r" 'll: r;"- ~ J~mor:u: ];'<l- V 1 '!he :'ttla['" ~ ];l«,.sided "mer by j H SL- 'j.Harr:: J Lord of. the ~ethodiSt elUdes atter\du:ig oiemental:-Y and:, _ ~ - -, ' 11:~~\ ..=1~~::Safi1~:r~~~~-1 y !the_J;ioro.rableCD. J :nealy, judge Of'/ orse nOW _.d:u:c~h. and t:'e ~v_ nr""TbOm2.s mt.ermechate schools 1p. Vilna. eHe, G d S ll~ -Th'. l '-lad: \\" c' hou;. will' I :'p'robate h,: charge 9f tl-e :-eglSt.eJC6f , W...SIT'..llh0; In'" Presb..-tena.tfcllurch was gfuduated froID,the Unpersltyj ra e pe log J);,-e c~a-~~e~ o~ ~fer music! L J rnt Jln"nil~ourt_ Tne def~ at-, E. L, Wie'drick Me; ar;d Mrs.' ,:JI ~e cha,,-ge of the ceremony: Of Wibt.-onsin in 1917, wrU1 ~ A. B.I " ~ ',c ..; . c torne~ 15 .....us Walker. regJSter _of. ' , L.:llS oo..-e.ryar.ce1$ SpG1:~sore<1by the egrec in PhllOSOph~ nO took postJJ W- '7 -, l~ndd-ermhon ~YIilie .~v. Harry, J., L' t'le JU\'enile C-o\U* Prosecuf:n';I' DGwlmR", Ha;ney Clark Are K1?1'';; D3aghlers " ~, a , ... ee Inner~ II L{)T W Q Wl! -r€'Cet\e new metW- I '~tt{l ey E. of' B d .,..f"" .....'!"l -... - -.--: me ....... gmguatc wark'the n('xt rear lli the V' _bel';; 'mlo' fhe- cJ·Ulr~h.· C - l E ' .t r- hIS ,u rI~gc. 3S,1S""'U{, Officers for Ring. EveYJtl! , ' '.at :.a cvcnmg rnembeI;S of <:aml' subject _ From 1924. '21, _he' I' m 1>- 'fa T' ". -'" c ' N ,:Clli'" p!'o atlon offIcer Tl,e ,,-.ner, _ "51 Pa li < Lutheran c111Irch W'~ t.aught lnt.ernationaJ relations and A L· t d "A I - g ~ ~ -~l~Ul;f 13 - - " ,Vo-'1.ta<'SS for,the Courr is Pre<!:C With the aumu:ncpmen1 cf 1J,e g,Hl'er Be 7 ,!5 odock for -commun- l.:cononuc ,.eograllhy at the vlli;-ers-' re IS e !S1md~~' ~3SS~ ~d_;e of a V1C~:' ' ,~B.-"t::r, _~m_"'f prob3JlO[l officer of I dates fer ..tl,e WrIn'S norse sho~ a, ,,,n and confesslon - GQou. Fnday lb' .Qr Detlolf - - , ... _" h' tl h Re '.",;; J _, TY : > .h" "u<"!!U1le (',ourt. "no has beel~1t:le Northvlll(';Rilli.'ltr dub r,o ce ~Hn-cCS will gegm 2! l! pm" With • I ' I ",~urc 'Xl 1 t e V.. osepb,. 1S a~,at€ll Wltll n (' o:.rt fa • 2l:.' - ~ , , ti R C - Sell Jt - f De' t In hL~ .. OIld trayrls, Ml Adter'NoethVille Wixom Waned,&hra~m smgrng thJl hll!h :haSS of, \~&.rs Tile IJnba~on\'f11cer ~ R jh;~d ]'la:l ~q-'l_6,.~'h~er ,L_ ~~~dC1cJ;.:Co~t._a;~g tr', ,U L 0_ ,rm. has illV'rvJewed many pronunentJ '- < ' '~I'.surreehQil at TOo'c'ock I J "0 ' t,. cs:·,en,. IS IOC"".no: ,,'l:Cue '1 0" men cmclUdl'ng~ M"lLssd.m,,"Cx-ilres;,1 LakE' and Novi Spelict"sf 'Presb)i~naIis Pla~ ServirtoS ' J ~ncnc nrotbal~n ofr~cer of thelthe tpl?-day e,en's - . In 0'.11" ~l!~-: oi VIC~OD eblin-h, , r ' - h ~I kl' Ei. I h ' • I "" ~, ut'euJe Ol1r Li.e fl'(.lH~r is R: ,R Ec.m'mtl Dowlmc- '< n e <'PC~\ L':Ie-SJa[lO:1., of th;; Cross WIll be ,den\:. Bene,; ° ~ l).'; ova. d, _n- ~om~t~ In Contt'llt '_ 'l!le ~_mDr Ohnstlap ,Er.d.ea"orl ,G 'lIIath:e,<Cl1"dcpu(;- ,cg-.s{{'r of th~ - + _ - f •- -; " g1,pn at :: pm. R'1d a<;<\1na' 7 30 ~te1n, F;lJ1~.ror PU YI or Y-unrhuJ;:ao I C' ' I SOL'cl~ 01 'the t'rf>';bytenan church' ( J' Cowi Tfif' cleTk :Jf I!\e Dour' -.s rc.~r:- lJ".a~,,!\ee 0_ :~: .n~' _ ",tn ., 1'1 - , - GardInr~ Czcn~ocJJ the Duk2 0 f Nonhl1Jc'~ rrtlde and junior high ,,~ll IIan' a sunr~P serVice p' 6 30' 'r; .,.
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