INFRASTRUCTURE AND REGULATORY COMMITTEE 1 March 2021 Order Paper for the meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt, on: Tuesday 9 March 2021 commencing at 2.00pm Membership Cr D Hislop (Chair) Mayor C Barry Cr D Bassett Cr K Brown Cr B Dyer Cr S Edwards Cr A Mitchell (Deputy Chair) Cr S Rasheed Cr N Shaw Cr L Sutton For the dates and times of Council Meetings please visit Have your say You can speak under public comment to items on the agenda to the Mayor and Councillors at this meeting. Please let us know by noon the working day before the meeting. You can do this by emailing
[email protected] or calling the Democratic Services Team on 04 570 6666 | 0800 HUTT CITY INFRASTRUCTURE & REGULATORY COMMITTEE Membership: 8 Meeting Cycle: Meets on an eight weekly basis, as required or at the requisition of the Chair Quorum: Half of the members Membership RMA Hearings: An independent Commissioner plus a minimum of either 3 or 4 elected members (including the Chair) and alternates who have current certification under the Making Good Decisions Training, Assessment and Certification Programme for RMA Decision- Makers. Reports to: Council OVERVIEW: This is an operationally focused committee, overseeing Council’s above and below ground core infrastructure needs, and core regulatory functions. The Committee is aligned with the Economy & Development, and Environment & Sustainability, Directorates. Its areas of focus are: . Three waters infrastructure . Roading/transport . Infrastructure strategy . Integrated transport strategy . Wharves . Environmental consents .