For A More Humane World: A Family Oral History of Professor Jasper Rose Interviewed by Cameron Vanderscoff Edited by Cameron Vanderscoff and Irene Reti Santa Cruz University of California, Santa Cruz University Library 2020 While this oral history is Jasper’s story, it is also fundamentally a shared effort by the Rose family. These interviews with Jasper, Jean, William, and IniGo Rose took place in June 2018; Jasper passed away exactly a year later, on June 12, 2019. This oral history is covered by copyriGht aGreement between Jean Rose (also siGninG for Jasper), IniGo Rose, and William Rose and the Regents of the University of California. Under “fair use” standards, excerpts of up to six hundred words (per interview) may be quoted without the University Library’s permission as lonG as the materials are properly cited. Quotations of more than six hundred words require the written permission of the Head of Special Collections and Archives and a proper citation and may also require a fee. Under certain circumstances, not-for-profit users may be Granted a waiver of the fee. For permission contact: Irene Reti
[email protected] or ReGional History Project, McHenry Library, UC Santa Cruz, 1156 HiGh Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064. Phone: 831-459-2847. Contents Interview History______________________________________________________________ 1 Early Life ___________________________________________________________________ 12 Cambridge University: Attending King's College ____________________________________ 31 Meeting Jean Rose ___________________________________________________________