NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (INDIA) ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 NAMS House Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110029 Postal Address: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (INDIA) NAMS House, Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110029 Telephone: 011-26588718 President : 011-26588792 Secretary : 011-26589289 Fax No.: 011-26588992 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: CONTENTS Page No. The Council ─ 2015-16 1 Officers & Executive Staff 2 Editorial Board of Annals of NAMS 3 A. Organizational Activities 5 Organisational Activities & Annual Meeting 7 Award of Fellowships & Memberships at the Annual Meeting 8-17 Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2014 18 Orations and Awards 19-24 NAMS 2007 Amritsar Award 25 Prof. J.S. Bajaj Award 25 Meetings of the Council 26 Election of Fellows – 2015 26-30 Election of Members – 2015 31-40 Candidates proposed for Membership (MNAMS) on passing DNB Examination 41-48 Fellows/Members on rolls of the Academy 49 Nominations of Medical Scientists for Orations and Awards – 2015-16 50-54 Golden Jubilee Commemoration Award Lecture 55 Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2015 55 Maintenance of Building 55-56 Publication of Annals 57-59 Obituary 60 Text of the address by the President Dr. Mukund Sadashiv Joshi, delivered at the Annual Convocation on 17th October, 2015 at Patna, Bihar (Annexure I) 61 Text of the address by the Chief Guest Dr. Ram Nath Kovind, Governor of Bihar, GoI, at the Annual Convocation on 17th October 2015, at Patna (Annexure II) 62-63 B. Academic Report 65 Continuing Medical Education Programme 67 Report of activities April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 67-71 State-wise distribution of Extramural CME Programmes 72 Extramural CME Programmes of NAMS Chapters (Annexure III) 73-74 Report on Extramural CME Programmes (Annexure IV) 75-87 The Medical Scientists’ Exchange Programmes (Health Manpower Development) 88 Report on Intramural CME Programmes (Annexure V) 89-96 NAMS Chapters (Annexure VI) 97-100 Emeritus Professors of NAMS 101-103 NAMS Website 104 C.