Paleobiology, 27(3), 2001, pp. 539-563

Floral response to rapid warming in the earliest and implications for concurrent faunal change

Scott L. Wing and Guy J. Harrington

Abstract.—During the first 10-20 Kyr of the Eocene temperatures warmed by 4-8°C in middle and high latitudes, then cooled again over the succeeding ~200 Kyr. Major changes in the composition of marine and terrestrial faunas, including one of the largest mammalian turnover events of the Cenozoic, occurred during this temperature excursion. To better understand the effects of rapid climatic change on continental biotas, we studied 60 pollen samples collected from 900 m of section spanning approximately three million years of the late Paleocene and early Eocene; the samples come from the Fort Union Formation and Willwood Formation in the Bighorn Basin of northwestern Wyoming, paleolatitude approximately 47°N. There are 40 samples from the 500 m of rock deposited during the one million year interval centered on the Paleocene/Eoceneboundary, although pollen was not preserved well in rocks representing the short warm interval at the base of the Eocene. Overall, the palynoflora shows moderate change in composition and diversity. Two pollen taxa clearly expanded their ranges to include North America in the first 400 Kyr of the Eocene, Platycarya (Juglandaceae), and Intratriporopollenites instructus (cf. Tilia), but they account for less than 5% of pollen grains in the early Eocene. There are no last appearances of common taxa associated with the Paleocene /Eocene boundary. The most noticeable palynological changes are the decrease in abundance of Caryapollenites spp. and Polyatriopollenites vermontensis (Juglandaceae), and the in- crease in abundance of Taxodiaceae (bald cypress family), Ulmaceae (elm family), and (birch family), particularly Alnipollenites spp. (alder). There are 22% more species in the Eocene samples than in the Paleocene samples; mean richness of Eocene samples is 17% higher than the mean of Paleocene samples. The mean evenness of Eocene samples is higher than that of Paleocene samples, but the difference is not significant. The modest level of floral change during the late Paleocene and early Eocene contrasts with the major taxonomic turnover and ecological rearrangement of North American mammalian faunas observed at the same time. Faunal change probably resulted from intercontinental range expansion across Arctic land bridges that became habitable as a result of high-latitude warming, so it is sur- prising that climatically sensitive did not also experience a major episode of interchange. The absence of fossil plants from the temperature excursion interval itself could prevent us from recognizing a transient shift in floral composition, but it is clear that the flora did not undergo a major and permanent restructuring like that seen in the mammals. The contrast between the mod- erate floral response to warming and the strong faunal response is consistent with the idea that interactions between immigrant and native taxa, rather than climate directly, were the primary cause of terrestrial biotic change across the Paleocene /Eocene boundary.

Scott L. Wing. Department of Paleobiology, MRC121, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. E-mail: [email protected] Guy J. Harrington.* Centre for Palynology, Department of Animal and Sciences, University of Shef- field, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, United Kingdom 'Present address: Department of Geology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: g][email protected]

Accepted: 28 November 2000

Introduction Alroy et al. 2000). Most of these studies have The potential for human activities to gen- used stable oxygen isotope records from ma- erate global and regional climatic change has rine cores as a proxy for climatic change be- stimulated paleontologists to study the effects cause such records are temporally detailed of past climatic changes on biotic systems, and moderately complete. Most studies of the Some have argued for a tight linkage between continental fossil record have considered biotic and climatic change (e.g., Vrba 1985; mammalian faunas in isolation from other or- Janis 1993), while others have failed to find ev- ganisms in the ecosystem. Here we examine idence for such a correlation (e.g., Behrens- floral change across the Paleocene/Eocene meyer et al. 1997; Prothero 1999; Alroy 1998; transition in North America and compare our

© 2001 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/01/2703-0009/$1.00 540 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON results with previous studies of mammalian al. 1999). The very negative carbon isotope faunal change through the same time. value of the released methane (—60 %o) is We expect the comparison of plants and thought to explain the sharp negative excur- mammals to be informative because of the dif- sion in carbon isotope values in a variety of ferent ways in which land plants and mam- reservoirs that is synchronous with the warm- mals react to climate. The distribution of many ing (Dickens et al. 1997). Recently a working plant species is strongly controlled by climate, group of the International Commission on and although individual plants have some ca- Stratigraphy has decided that the base of the pacity for physiological adaptation to climate, carbon isotope excursion associated with this they have no ability as individuals to migrate abrupt warming should be used to recognize away from unfavorable conditions. In con- the base of the Eocene (Luterbacher et al. trast, many mammals are homeothermic, have 2000). Therefore, we will refer to this warming behavioral and physiological mechanisms for as the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum, or tolerating climatic extremes, and are highly IETM (Schmitz 2000). mobile. Therefore when the fossil records of In addition to the appearance of new orders plants and mammals living in the same region of mammals in North America at the IETM are compared, we expect floras to be more there were also changes in mammalian spe- strongly affected by climatic change than cies richness, intra- and interspecific body size mammalian faunas. distributions, trophic adaptations, and rela- The Paleocene/Eocene boundary in North tive abundance distributions (Gingerich 1989; America has long been recognized by a major Clyde and Gingerich 1998; Gunnell 1998). immigration event among mammals, includ- During the IETM immigrant taxa accounted ing the first appearances of artiodactyls, pe- for approximately 20% of species and individ- rissodactyls, primates, and hyaenodontid con- uals in samples from the Bighorn Basin; in the dylarths (Rose 1981; Gingerich 1989). This is succeeding part of the early Eocene 35% of one of the largest faunal turnover events of the species and 50% of individuals belonged to Cenozoic in North America, and the new or- immigrant lineages (Clyde and Gingerich ders probably appear at the same time in Eu- 1998). Immigrant mammals were significantly rope as well (Hooker 1998). The continent of larger than natives; they also were more likely origin for the immigrants is disputed, but to be herbivorous, frugivorous, or carnivorous Asia is considered a likely source (Beard rather than insectivorous or omnivorous 1997). (Clyde and Gingerich 1998). Within lineages, In North America the immigrant mammals body sizes were small during the IETM, appear at the same time as a rapid warming which is consistent with the correlation of of 4-8°C at middle and high latitudes that has smaller body size with higher temperatures been called the late Paleocene Thermal Maxi- seen geographically within many extant spe- mum (Koch et al. 1992, 1995; Zachos et al. cies of mammals (Clyde and Gingerich 1998). 1994; Fricke et al. 1998; Clyde and Gingerich The changes in the richness, evenness, and 1998). This warming is estimated to have last- guild structure of the mammalian fauna dur- ed ~200 Kyr, and the time from the onset of ing and after the IETM could be attributed di- warming to peak temperatures is estimated to rectly to climatic change, or somewhat less di- have been 10-20 Kyr (Kennett and Stott 1991; rectly to changes in vegetation that were Bains et al. 1999; Norris and R6hl 1999; R6hl caused by climatic change. If this was true, the et al. 2000). This, one of the most abrupt large driving force behind faunal change would warming events known in the geological past, have been shifts in the distribution of resourc- was probably caused by the dissociation of es that favored different species and trophic large amounts of methane hydrate in the sea- adaptations. An alternative hypothesis is that floor, followed by warming as the result of mammalian change at the IETM was a re- high atmospheric concentrations of methane sponse to the appearance of immigrant spe- and/or its oxidation products, carbon dioxide cies. In this explanation faunal change would and water vapor (Dickens et al. 1997; Katz et have been driven by a new set of predators, BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 541

Exposed Sediments of IETM age Covered Sediments of IETM age


FIGURE 1. Bighorn Basin. Outcrop of IETM-age sediments indicated by line (dashed where covered). The four main areas from which palynological samples were taken are the Clarks Fork Basin, Antelope Creek, Elk Creek, and North Butte. prey, and competitors, rather than by climate to be large. If faunal change was largely a con- or vegetation. Clyde and Gingerich (1998) sequence of the arrival of immigrants, then the clearly favored this second hypothesis as play- floral and faunal changes could be offset in ing the more important role in affecting com- time, or floras may have changed little. munity composition, although they consid- ered within-lineage body size change to be a Geological and Stratigraphic Context direct result of warming. The most extensively exposed and studied In this paper we examine the timing and continental sections of the late Paleocene and amount of floral change across the Paleocene/ early Eocene are those of the Fort Union and Eocene boundary period and compare it with Willwood Formations in the Bighorn Basin of faunal changes occurring during the same northwestern Wyoming (Fig. 1). In most areas time. If faunal changes were largely a direct of the Bighorn Basin the formational contact is consequence of changing climate and vegeta- coincident with the Paleocene/Eocene bound- tion, then we would expect faunal and floral ary, although in the eastern basin the upper- change to be synchronous, and floral change most Fort Union Formation produces Eocene 542 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON

493*. faunas and floras (Wing and Bown 1985), and in the northwestern Bighorn Basin (= Clarks Fork Basin) the lower Willwood Formation produces Paleocene faunas and floras (Rose 1981; Hickey 1980). The negative excursion in carbon isotope ra- tio that is characteristic of the IETM has been measured in soil nodules and mammalian tooth enamel from stratigraphic sections in four areas of the Bighorn Basin (Koch et al. 1992; 1995). Koch et al. (1992, 1995) recog- nized that in each of these areas the carbon isotope excursion was for the most part strat- igraphically coincident with a distinctive mammalian fauna that includes the first re- cords of Eocene immigrant mammals (WaO fauna of Gingerich 1989). In all areas where the isotopic excursion has been observed in the Bighorn Basin it also coincides with 20-40 m of distinctive thick, red paleosols (Koch et al. 1995). For this study we collected 60 samples from four areas of the Bighorn Basin. The bulk of the samples (35) come from a ~500-m-thick stratigraphic section measured in the upper Fort Union Formation and lower Willwood Formation exposed on Antelope Creek (Figs. 1, 2). The Antelope Creek section is advanta- geous for paleobotanical study because of the high stratigraphic density of organic-rich li- thologies. The carbon isotope excursion has not been observed in the Antelope Creek sec- tion because neither mammalian teeth nor pa- leosol nodules have been recovered from the base of the Willwood Formation in this sec- tion. Although direct evidence is lacking, we think the IETM is represented in this expo- sure, because the basal 30 m of the Willwood Formation has two very thick red paleosol ho- rizons similar to those that characterize the IETM elsewhere in the southeastern Bighorn 1.4 Basin, and a mammalian fauna from 50 m 1.3 above these red paleosols is similar in com- *—1.2SLW976 position to very early Eocene faunas from oth- er parts of the Bighorn Basin (Schankler 1980). Antelope Crk. Section Furthermore, fossil teeth of the Eocene index

FIGURE 2. Stratigraphic sections at North Butte (left two), Antelope Creek (middle), and Saddle Mountain in the Clarks Fork Basin (right). Pollen samples indicated by arrows. Stratigraphic positions of samples from other Creek Divide. The stratigraphic position of these sam- areas are not shown: nine from the Elk Creek section, ples with regard to the Paleocene / Eocene boundary and four from the Clarks Fork Basin, and one from the Sand IETM has been measured. BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 543 fossil Hyracotherium recovered from laterally from the Willwood Formation in the northern equivalent red paleosols about three kilome- Bighorn Basin (Fig. 1). One sample came from ters to the north of Antelope Creek (Johns a carbonaceous shale that is stratigraphically Hopkins/USGS locality WW-39 [K. D. Rose just above an early Clarkforkian (late Paleo- personal communication 1999]), have carbon cene) mammal locality (University of Michi- isotope values of -13.63 %•> and -14.00 %, (P. gan SC216). Two samples come from below L. Koch personal communication 2000). Else- the IETM on Saddle Mountain, and three from where in the Bighorn Basin such low values above the IETM on the Big Sand Coulee di- have been observed only in Hyracotherium vide. In this area the IETM has also been rec- specimens from the stratigraphic interval that ognized lithologically, faunally, and isotopi- represents the carbon isotope excursion the cally, although the sequence occurs entirely base of which marks the Paleocene / Eocene within the Willwood Formation (Gingerich boundary (Koch et al. 1995). The Hyracother- 1989). In no part of the Bighorn Basin did sam- ium teeth from WW-39 are larger than those ples from the IETM produce pollen that was of the WaO species H. sandrae, and probably be- well-enough preserved to be identified and long to H. grangeri (P. D. Gingerich personal counted. communication 2000), which is more typical To include samples from different strati- of slightly younger (Wal) faunas in the north- graphic sections in the same analysis, we have ern Bighorn Basin. The negative carbon iso- converted meter levels to time through linear tope values of these specimens indicate either interpolation of sediment accumulation rates that H. grangeri occurs in the WaO fauna or that between dated levels. The dates used are 56.2 the carbon isotope excursion overlaps with Ma for the base of C24R, 55.2 Ma for the base the lower part of the Wal faunal zone. (Later of the Eocene (= base of the carbon isotope ex- Wal faunas have normal carbon isotope val- cursion and IETM), and 53.7 Ma for the first ues [Koch et al. 1995].) In either case, we con- appearance of the index mammal fossil Bun- clude that the lowest red beds in the vicinity ophorus. The age models for the sections are of Antelope Creek formed during the carbon described in greater detail by Wing et al. isotope excursion and therefore represent the (2000) as age model 2. IETM. Lithology and Environment of Deposition.— Nine of our samples come from stratigraph- Within the Fort Union and Willwood Forma- ic sections of the upper Fort Union Formation tions organic matter is preserved in a variety and lower Willwood Formation near North of sedimentary environments (Wing 1984a; Butte (Figs. 1 and 2). As in the Antelope Creek Farley 1989, 1990; Davies-Vollum and Wing section, the IETM here coincides approximate- 1998; Kraus 1998). II carbonaceous beds ly with the Fort Union/Willwood Formation are laterally extensive, tabular deposits, each contact; however, at North Butte both the car- of which represents a suite of environments of bon isotope excursion and the WaO fauna have deposition on distal, wet, vegetated flood- been observed to coincide with the distinctive, plains (Wing 1984a; Davies-Vollum and Wing thick paleosols (Koch et al. 1995; Wing 1998; 1998). Fades within Type II beds include gray, K. D. Rose personal communication 1999). poorly bedded mudstones / siltstones that rep- One sample (PS949) came from the upper resent wet or seasonally wet soils; thin coals, Fort Union Formation on the north end of the coal shales, and carbonaceous shales that rep- Sand Creek Divide north of Worland, about 15 resent vegetated swamps; and interlaminated m below the base of the Willwood Formation silts and fine sands with small-scale cross The lowest red beds in the Willwood Forma- stratification that represent levees or crevasse- tion in this area have produced a small WaO splays (Wing 1984a; Davies-Vollum and Wing fauna, and paleosol carbonate nodules from 1998). Organic matter is also preserved in len- these red beds have carbon isotope values typ- ticular bodies of a few hundred meters lateral ical of the excursion at the base of the Eocene extent that represent deposition in standing (Gingerich 1989; Koch et al. 1995). water within abandoned channel segments The remaining six samples were collected (Type I bed of Wing 1984a). 544 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON

Palynofloras preserved in various litholo- samples and the aggregated Eocene samples gies of Type II layers represent pollen accu- using the program Estimates®, Version 5.01 mulation on a stable and vegetated distal (Colwell 1999) to determine the effect of the floodplain surface where the dominant source number of samples on both observed richness of pollen was the local forest (Farley 1989, (Sots) and richness estimated by the nonpara- 1990). The palynofloras of the abandoned- metric Chao 2 statistic (Schao2). The formula for channel deposits represent pollen accumula- the Chao 2 estimator is given by Colwell and tion in small ponds, where there was some Coddington (1994) as possibility of longer-distance transport of grains because of the absence of a canopy, and S^ + (Q,)V2Q2 (1) also the potential for water transport of pollen where Qt = the number of species in the sam- through intermittent channel reactivation ple that are unique to that sample, and Q2 = (Farley 1989, 1990). the number of species in the sample that occur For this study we noted lithological features in only one other sample in the data set. For in the field; different lithologies in the same both bootstrap analyses the resampling rou- bed were sampled as often as possible so that tine was iterated 50 times. We used the Chao the effect of environment of deposition on pa- 2 estimator because Schao2 calculated from rel- lynofloral composition could be evaluated. atively few samples has been shown to con- Forty-four of the samples were taken from car- verge on the true number of species from bonaceous shale or siltstone fades within which a set of samples was drawn (Colwell Type II layers; 14 of the samples came from and Coddington 1994). abandoned-channel fill deposits. One sample We performed rarefaction analyses of indi- was taken from a coal, and one from a levee/ vidual Paleocene and Eocene samples to stan- crevasse splay deposit within a Type II layer. dardize comparisons of richness across sam- ples of different size and to determine the ef- Methods fect of sample size on Sobs. We used the pro- Sample Processing and Counting.—Sample gram Biodiversity Professional® Version Beta preparation followed a basic process of rock One (McAleece et al. 1997) to perform the rar- maceration, chemical digestion, and residue efactions, as well as to calculate the evenness concentration. Typically, 15-30 g of rock were of abundance distributions (E) within sam- processed for each sample. The mineral matter ples. Sobs was calculated for every sample at a was removed through digestion with hydro- standard 281 grains. E is the ratio of the Shan- fluoric acid followed by centrifugation in non index (H) to the maximum possible Shan- heavy liquid (zinc chloride). Organic matter non index for that sample (Hmax), and express- was concentrated at various stages of prepa- es the evenness of the abundance distribution ration by sieving with a 7-(jim mesh. Oxidation of a sample relative to the maximum possible was kept to a minimum to preserve as much evenness for a sample with the same number organic matter as possible: the residue was of species. washed for a maximum of two minutes in con- To visualize differences in floral composi- centrated nitric acid before thorough rinsing. tion that relate to stratigraphic level and de- An aliquot of the original residues was taken positional environment, we conducted four and mounted onto four slides. A total of 300 detrended correspondence analyses (DCAs) palynomorphs were counted per sample, al- using the program MVSP®, Version 3.1 (Ko- though when more than 100 of the grains be- vach 1999). Correspondence analysis (Hill longed to a single taxon (such as Cupressacites 1973,1979) is commonly used in plant ecology hiatipites or Polyatriopollenites vermontensis), ad- because it effectively displays gradients in flo- ditional palynomorphs were counted until a ral composition in a few dimensions and can total of at least 200 grains of the nondominant be used with presence/absence as well as taxa had been counted. abundance data. When the samples in a data Analysis.—We conducted separate boot- set encompass great variation in floral com- strap analyses of the aggregated Paleocene position, correspondence analyses can be sub- BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 545 ject to the arch effect, in which samples at the cad pollen is rare but present through the ends of the gradient expressed on the first axis sequence; palm pollen is uncommon but pre- of the ordination are crowded together. The sent in a number of early Eocene samples. In "detrending" in DCA refers to the removal of general, the palynoflora is composed of a mix the arch effect by dividing the first axis of the of groups with modern subtropical and tem- ordination into segments and adjusting the perate distributions, as is characteristic of mean score of the points within each segment many Eocene mid-latitude floras (e.g., Hickey to be equal to the mean score of the other seg- 1977). ments. This may distort some small-scale pat- Effect of Environment of Deposition on Com- terns in the ordination, but it makes longer position and Diversity.—Most taxa were found gradients more linear. in all lithologies, although gray mudstones The DCAs of palynological data were per- and siltstones have lower palynomorph den- formed on the relative proportions of each tax- sity and quality of preservation than carbo- on in each sample (calculated by dividing the naceous shales. The one coal sample was no- number of grains of the taxon in the sample table in having a very high abundance of by the total number of grains counted for that Momipites, a common characteristic of paly- sample). Rare species (i.e., those that occurred nofloras from coals of similar age in the Pow- in fewer than 20% of the number of samples der River Basin (Pocknall 1987). that the most ubiquitous species occurred in) In general, palynofloras from abandoned- were down-weighted because we felt that channel fills are moderately distinct from taphonomic processes and long-distance those in the various lithologies of the Type II transport might account for the occurrence of layers. Paleocene abandoned channels have rare grains, and we were trying to detect significantly higher proportions of Appendicis- changes in local floodplain vegetation. DCAs porites, Insulapollenites, Jarzenipollenites, Panda- were performed separately for the Paleocene niidites, Plicatopollis, Triatriopollenites/Triporo- sample set, the Eocene sample set, and the pollenites, and reworked dinocysts combined sample set. The separate analyses of than coeval floodplain deposits, and lower the Paleocene and Eocene were done primar- proportions of Retitrescolpites and Eucommia ily to look for the effects of depositional en- sp. A. DCA of the Paleocene samples shows vironment and geography on floral composi- that the abandoned-channel samples have a tion. When all of the samples are analyzed to- somewhat, though not wholly, distinct flora gether, these effects tend to be masked by the (Fig. 3B). stratigraphic component of palynofloral vari- In the Eocene there is a less prominent dis- ation. The DCA of the megaflora was per- tinction in floral composition between aban- formed on a presence/absence data matrix be- doned-channel fills and floodplains than in cause too few sites had been collected quan- the Paleocene. Eocene channel-fill palynoflor- titatively (Wing 1998). as tend to have high proportions of Caryapol- lenites spp., Camarozonosporites, Bisaccates, Results Erdtmanipollis, Nyssapollenites, Paraalnipolleni- The 60 samples produced a total of 93 ter- tes, Peripollenites, Polyatriopollenites vermonten- restrial palynomorph types (Appendices 1 sis, Triatriopollenites subtriangulus, T. convexus, and 2). The most diverse groups are Juglan- Triporopollenites spp., and reworked dinocysts daceae (14 forms), fern spores (11), and Be- compared with Eocene floodplain samples, tulaceae / Myricaceae (9). Other palyno- but many of these differences are not statisti- morphs are similar to pollen of extant Ana- cally significant by simple (-test. Laevigatospor- cardiaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Simaroubaceae, ites, Cupressacites hiatipites, Sequoiapollenites, Sapindaceae, Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, Euphor- and I. instructus tend to be less common in Eo- biaceae, and Malvaceae. Typical sample rich- cene abandoned-channel floras than in flood- ness is 25-35 pollen types. The most impor- plain assemblages (on average half a standard tant families in terms of abundance are Jug- deviation unit below their mean overall abun- landaceae, Taxodiaceae, and Betulaceae. Cy- dances). The Eocene abandoned-channel sam- 546 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON

Eocene 9 Eocene abandoned-channel fill samples (mean richness of 35.1 species) are not signif- icantly more diverse than the 18 Eocene flood- plain samples (mean richness of 33.0 species; p < 0.15). An Composition of palynofloras also varies to • some degree with geographic position within the Bighorn Basin (Fig. 3). As with smaller- 0.5- • carb shale, ACEC scale fades differences, the heterogeneity is A pond, CFB A pond, NB stronger in the Paleocene samples than the Eo- A pond, ACEC O levee, NB cene samples. Regardless of small-scale li- thology Paleocene samples from the north- western (Clarks Fork) and southeastern Paleocene B (North Butte) parts of the Bighorn Basin plot in the same region of the DCA (Fig. 3B). These ? D samples probably contain larger numbers of A D D D A N " reworked grains, presumably because they A 0 D were closer to the uplifting margins of the ba- • • n a? sin, but they also share greater than usual a n n abundance of several probably autochthonous

• carb shale, ACEC taxa (e.g., Camarozonosporites, Cicatricosispori- • carb shale, CFB • carb shale, NB tes, Cyathidites, Gleicheniidites), suggesting that A pond, CFB D A pond, NB these forms were more abundant at the mar- O coal, NB gins of the basin. It may seem surprising that

Axis I these fern and lycopsid spore taxa are more common at the basin margins, which are likely FIGURE 3. Detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) of Eocene (A) and Paleocene (B) pollen samples based to have been better drained than the basin on relative proportion data. NB = North Butte section, center, but many tropical ferns, including ACEC = Antelope Creek and Elk Creek sections, CFB = some in the families represented by these Clarks Fork Basin. Note that the Paleocene abandoned- channel samples (triangles in B) form a moderately dis- spores, are important in open habitats on tinct cluster, and that most samples from the margins of well-drained soils (Tryon and Tryon 1982; Ar- the basin (NB and CFB) are in the upper left of the plot. ens and Baracaldo 1998). Eocene abandoned-channel samples (triangles in A) ap- pear to be more variable in floral composition than Pa- Diversity Change Through Time.—The com- leocene abandoned-channel samples and less distinct bined richness of the late Paleocene samples is from coeval carbonaceous shale samples. The analyses 73 taxa (31 samples, 11,653 grains counted), suggest some variation in floras that relates to fades and geographic position in the basin. See methods section substantially less than the 89 taxa seen in the for details of analyses. For A, Axis I accounts for 19% of early Eocene samples (29 samples, 9779 grains the variation, axis II for 9%; for B, Axis I accounts for counted). The Paleocene samples have signif- 30% of the variation, axis II for 9%. icantly lower richness at all levels of sampling effort, as seen in the effect of sample number pies do not plot in a distinct group on the on richness in bootstrap analyses (Fig. 4). The DCA, showing nearly the full range of axis I Eocene samples do span approximately twice scores. Their scores on axis II are above the the time interval of the Paleocene samples median, however (Fig. 3A). (~2.3 Myr for Eocene, ~1.1 Myr for Paleo- Paleocene abandoned-channel samples are cene), but because taxonomic turnover is low significantly richer in species than coeval in the Eocene this is not likely to explain the floodplain palynofloras; the five abandoned- higher diversity of the Eocene sample set. channel samples have a mean richness of 34.6 Even the 24 samples representing the first taxa, the 24 floodplain samples a mean of 26.4 ~1.2 Myr after the IETM contain 83 taxa, ten taxa (p < 0.06 by f-test, with richness based on more than are seen in 31 samples spanning an counts rarified to 281 grains). In contrast, the equal amount of time in the late Paleocene. BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 547

120 50 Paleocene vs. Eocene richness






20 - Paleocene richness - Eocene richness - Paleocene Chao 2 early Eocene samples - Eocene Chao 2 late Paleocene samples

10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Samples Pooled 200 400 FIGURE 4. Bootstrap analysis of richness in Paleocene Number of pollen grains vs. Eocene samples. Curves show the mean number of taxa recovered (y-axis) for a given number of samples FIGURE 5. Rarefaction analyses of Paleocene and Eo- (x-axis), and the number of taxa estimated to exist using cene samples. Curves show the number of taxa expected the nonparametric Chao 2 estimator (Colwell and Cod- for the sample size given on the x-axis. The shaded area dington 1994). The resampling routine was iterated 50 encloses the curves for all Eocene samples. Note the 15 times, and the error bars represent one standard devi- Paleocene samples (about 50%) that accumulate taxa ation. Eocene diversity is higher and increases more rap- slowly with increasing sample size. Details of the rare- idly with increasing sampling effort. The higher Chao 2 faction analyses are given in the methods section. estimates for the Eocene samples reflect the higher pro- portion of taxa occurring in only one sample. Details of analysis are given in the methods section. richness increases very slowly with increasing sample size (Fig. 5). The higher mean sample The larger number of species in the Eocene richness in the Eocene reflects not so much an flora in part reflects the larger number of rare increase in maximum sample richness as an taxa in the Eocene (eight singletons and eight absence of samples with low richness (20-28 doubletons in the Eocene vs. four singletons taxa). Low richness in Paleocene samples is and seven doubletons in the Paleocene). The correlated with high dominance of either Po- larger number of singletons in the Eocene lyatriopollenites vermontensis or Cupressacites leads to higher estimates of richness using the hiatipites. This is probably the cause of the Chao 2 estimator (Fig. 4). weak positive correlation between greater Within-sample richness also increased from richness and greater evenness of species abun- the Paleocene (with a mean of 30 taxa) to the dances in the Paleocene samples (r2 = 0.36). Eocene (mean of 35). This difference in rich- Paleocene samples are more variable in both ness is highly significant (p < 0.001 by a Kol- richness and evenness than are the Eocene mogorov-Smirnoff nonparametric test). Eo- samples, and samples from the 200 Kyr im- cene samples have a significantly higher mean mediately preceding the IETM are particular- richness than Paleocene samples even if all ly variable (Fig. 6). samples are rarified to a count of 281 grains Although sample richness is significantly (mean of 27.8 taxa for Paleocene samples, higher in the Eocene than the Paleocene, the mean of 33.4 taxa for Eocene samples; Fig. 5). increase in evenness (E) is not significant. Rarefaction analysis also shows that in ap- Mean Shannon index (H) is 1.02 for Paleocene proximately half of the Paleocene samples, samples and 1.11 for Eocene samples (p < 0.1 548 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON

Richness (rarified) C ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 52.5

• o 53.0

• • o 53.5 D o • o o 54.0 :

54.5 CO 0 o o ° o o 9Ann ° oo ° &-o 55.0 -_ n£_tfijl _l ] _ o _?_ q>%° _ _ _ IE:ei o 9 • o^o 9 55.5 O g ° 0 o • o o 56.0 o • n rP o °° o 0 o

56.5 °n °°o

57.0 10 20 30 40 50 Evenness (E)

FIGURE 6. Change through time in richness and evenness of abundance distributions (E) within samples. Richness was calculated for a standard sample of 281 grains. Details of rarefaction analysis are given in the methods section. Ages for samples were calculated by linear interpolation using stratigraphic thickness between levels for which ages had been calculated. Details of the age model are described by Wing et al. (2000). IETM = Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum.

by (-test); mean E is 0.69 for Paleocene sam- the Eocene. It occurs in the lowest Eocene ples and 0.72 for Eocene (p < 0.38 by f-test). sample (1 m above the top of the section rep- Thus the greater within-sample richness in the resenting the IETM), is found in 76% of the Eocene is not the result of a more even distri- Eocene samples, and has a total abundance of bution of pollen grains among species. There 340 or 3.5% of the Eocene grains counted. Of is no correlation within the set of Eocene sam- the five other moderately abundant taxa that ples between richness and H (r2 = 0.02). first occur in post-IETM samples, three are Compositional Change.—Twenty taxa occur types of Platycarya pollen (Juglandaceae) that in the Eocene but not the Paleocene; however, may represent a single biological species. The 14 of these are known from four or fewer first occurrences of P. and P spp. grains and from three or fewer samples (Table are at 37 m, and the first occurrence of P an- 1, Fig. 7A). The observed stratigraphic ranges ticyclus is at 38 m above the top of the IETM of such rare taxa probably are not a good re- barren interval. A total of 143 grains of the flection of their true stratigraphic ranges, and three Platycarya pollen types were recovered therefore we place little importance on their from all Eocene samples, less than 1.5% of the distributions. Only six moderately abundant grains counted. The 37 m of section between pollen types have first appearances in the Eo- the top of the IETM barren zone and the first cene. Intratriporopollenites instructus (cf. Tilia) is occurrence of Platycarya is probably not an ar- the most abundant palynomorph restricted to tifact of sampling because there are ten sam- BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 549

TABLE 1. Palynomorph taxa present only in the Paleocene or the Eocene.

No. of No. of post- % Post- post- % Post- FAD level FAD time IETM IETM IETM IETM Taxa appearing post-IETM (m)* (Ma) FAD sample grains grains samples samples Intratriporopollenites instructus 1.0 55.11 GH97-1.28 340 3.48 22 76 Platycarya platycaryoides 37.0 54.97 GH97-1.38 74 0.76 7 24 Platycarya spp. 37.0 54.97 GH97-1.38 47 0.48 10 34 Punctatisporites 1.0 55.11 GH97-1.28 38 0.39 6 21 Platycarya anticyclus 38.0 54.96 GH97-1.35 22 0.22 2 7 Triatriopollenitcs triangulus 40.0 55.08 PS97-02bsc 15 0.15 5 17 Celtispollenites 311.0 53.88 LB 7 0.07 1 3 Siltaria pacata 468.0 53.33 Pn 4 0.04 1 3 Zlivosporis 1.0 55.11 GH97-1.28 3 0.03 3 10 Baculatisporites 40.0 55.08 PS97-05bsc 3 0.03 2 7 Echitricolpites 353.0 53.71 DCF 3 0.03 1 3 Momipites triradiatus 37.7 54.97 GH97-1.36 2 0.02 1 3 Aesculiidites circumstriatus 86.5 54.77 GH97-1.42 2 0.02 2 7 Stereisporites distgranisporis 90.5 54.76 GH97-1.43 2 0.02 1 3 Bombacacites 620.0 52.84 AL 2 0.02 1 3 Reticuloidosporites 22.5 55.03 GH97-1.31 1 0.01 1 3 Ilexpollenites 22.5 55.03 GH97-1.31 1 0.01 1 3 Liliacidites 79.0 54.80 GH97-1.41 1 0.01 1 3 "' CercidiphyUites" 102.0 54.83 PS944 1 0.01 1 3 Cyrillaceaepollenites 620.0 52.84 AL 1 0.01 1 3

No. of No. of pre- % Pre- pre- % Pre- LAD level LAD time IETM IETM IETM IETM Taxa only in pre-IETM (m) (Ma) LAD sample grains grains samples samples Ericipites -67.0 55.50 GH97-1.2 3 0.03 2 6 Cingulatisporites -20.0 55.31 PS945 3 0.03 3 10 Porocolpopollenites -33.0 55.37 GH97-1.27 2 0.02 2 6 Platycaryapollenites sp. B -156.4 55.86 GH97-1.17 1 0.01 1 3 * Datum level is top of IETM. pies in this interval, and the longest consecu- the abundance of immigrants reaches 10-25% tive run of Eocene samples lacking Platycarya, in some samples in the half-million years fol- after its first appearance, is four. The first oc- lowing the IETM, this is almost entirely be- currence of Platycarya is stratigraphically cause of one taxon, Intratriporopollenites in- higher than the first occurrence of I. instructus structus. High proportions of grains of immi- in other Rocky Mountain intermontane basins grant taxa are not a common feature until as well (Bebout 1977; Pocknall 1987). about 52.8 Ma, nearly 2.5 Myr after the IETM, The remaining two moderately abundant when Platycarya values reach >40% in many taxa with first occurrences in the Eocene are samples (Wing 1984b). Punctatisporites (Lycopodiaceae) and Triatrio- There are four Paleocene taxa that were not pollenites triangulus (Betulaceae/Myricaceae). found in any Eocene samples: Ericipites, Cin- Punctatisporites is represented by 38 grains gulatisporites, Porocolpopollenites, and Platycar- (0.39%) in six samples (21%) and first occurs yapollenites sp. B. All of these taxa are repre- at the 1-m level; T. triangulus is represented by sented by three or fewer grains (Fig. 7B) in 15 grains (0.15%) in five samples (17%) and three or fewer samples, and all of their last oc- first occurs at the 40-m level. currences are 20 m or more below the base of In aggregate, the immigrant taxa (including the IETM. There are no palynomorph last ap- rare species for which first occurrence levels pearances convincingly associated with the are of uncertain significance) account, on av- IETM. erage, for about 6% of the grains and 7% of the Several taxa are substantially more abun- species in Eocene samples (Fig. 8). Although dant in Eocene than in Paleocene samples. Pol- 550 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON

Megaflora Palynoflora Mammals Eocene o abundance Clyde & Gingerich 1998 • diversity ' . /~0-* —i 1 T X / ^L*-*> ' A - jj f ° ' " i 0 cf^ i 0 ___i__ o ir.TM fe f ^Z 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Proportion of Immigrants

FIGURE 8. Proportional abundance and proportional diversity of possible Eocene immigrants in megaflora, palynoflora, and mammalian fauna. Error bars are one standard deviation. Faunal data from Clyde and Gin- gerich 1998. Age model as in Figure 6.

although they did not become rare. Boehlensi- Rank taxon abundance pollis (Sapindaceae/Myrtaceae), which was

FIGURE 7. Dominance /diversity curves. A, Eocene pol- 0.2% of the Paleocene grains counted, de- len samples. B, Paleocene pollen samples. Taxa are ar- clined to only 0.02% of Eocene grains. ranged in order of relative abundance. Black bars in A Together, the first appearances and changes indicate taxa not detected in the Paleocene (possible im- migrants). Black bars in B indicate taxa not detected in in abundance result in a somewhat different the Eocene (possible ). All possible extinc- flora following the IETM, although there is tions are of rare taxa, as are most possible immigrants, much fluctuation in composition from level to except for I. instructus and Platycarya spp. level within each epoch, particularly in the lat- est Paleocene. We calculated Spearman rank- len of taxodiaceous conifers (Cupressacites hia- order correlation coefficients between all pairs tipites) became approximately 50% more of samples. The mean correlation coefficient abundant, both overall and based on its pro- between Paleocene samples was 0.58 (SD = portion in individual samples. Alnrpollenites is 0.11), and between Eocene samples was 0.50 six times more abundant in the aggregate Eo- (SD = 0.1). The mean rank-order correlation cene samples than in the combined Paleocene coefficient between Paleocene and Eocene samples. Ulmaceous pollen increased by 60- samples was 0.48 (SD = 0.1). Differences be- 80% from the Paleocene to the Eocene. A num- tween the three sets of comparisons are statis- ber of palynomorphs that were less than 0.5% tically significant (p < 0.0001 by Kruskal-Wal- of the flora prior to the IETM are 5 to 40 times lis ANOVA), demonstrating that samples more abundant in the combined Eocene sam- within each epoch are on average more similar ples: Camarozonosporites (Lycopodiaceae), Eu- to one another than to samples from the other commia sp A, Monocolpopollenites (cf. Ginkgol), epoch, and that in terms of rank-order abun- Pandaniidites (aquatic monocot—probably Ar- dance Eocene samples are more heteroge- aceae), Plicatopollis (Juglandaceae), Spargani- neous than Paleocene samples. aceaepollenites (Sparganiaceae), and Triporopol- To illustrate the overall change in floral lenites infrequens (Betulaceae/Myricaceae). composition, we performed a DCA on the sites A smaller number of taxa decreased in by species matrix of proportional abundances abundance following the IETM. Caryapolleni- (Fig. 9A, Appendix 2). Rare taxa were down- tes, Polyatriopollenites, and Momipites, all jug- weighted in the analysis, and some similar pa- landaceous forms, declined to between one- lynomorphs were lumped because we think half and one-fifth their Paleocene abundance, they may represent a single taxon (all Alnipol- BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 551

Mamma Ma Palynoflora Meqaflora zones 52.5 A. B. : : -i-i..- Lost- * cabinian 53.0 1 1 Lysitian * —;...... ; .-...: 53.5 r B. 1. Z. V-__ • • Upper 54.0 _i ;_•• ; Hapbmylus- i i i Ectocion • Carb Shale N, O Coal Zone 54.5 « Pond Lower * Near Channel *--- Hapbmylus- >• • Ectocion 55.0 Zone JNITIAL EOCENE THERMAL MAXIMUM ^ Wa0_ Cf3 55.5 • ••ji "" • • •! Cf2 * 1... 56.0 ^-~--+-~-\ T^#

FIGURE 9. Changes in palynofloral and megafloral composition through the late Paleocene and early Eocene as measured by DCA. For both graphs the x-axis is the first axis of a DCA of the sites by species matrix (see methods section for details). A, Palynofloral analysis based on relative proportion data (Appendix 2). Rare species were down-weighted for the analysis. B, Megafloral analysis based on presence/absence data (from Wing et al. 2000). Age model as in Figure 6. Mammalian zone abbreviations: BIZ = Bunophorus Interval Zone, WaO = Wasatchian 0, Cfl-Cf3 = Clarkforkian 1-3. lenites spp., Caryopollenites imparalis + veripites, many other first appearances are documented Cupressacites + Sequoiapollenites, Momipites in the megaflora from the upper part of the anellus + ventifluminis, M. coryloides + walt- section (Wing 1998). A very similar pattern of manensis + wyomingensis, all Platycarya spp., results was obtained with other ordination and all Triporopollenites spp.). The first axis of methods (e.g., nonmetric multidimensional the DCA explains 15% of the variation in the scaling). data set, the second axis 9%. Plotting the first Like richness and evenness, palynofloral axis value of each sample against time (Fig. composition was rather variable within the 9A) shows that although the composition of latest Paleocene. Samples with negative axis I the flora can vary sharply between closely scores in the DCA are those with high abun- spaced stratigraphic levels, there is a shift in dance of Polyatriopollenites vermontensis, and average composition across the IETM, and these samples also have low richness and that the composition of the youngest Eocene evenness. P. vermontensis appears to have un- sample is different from that of all older Eo- dergone rapid fluctuations in abundance dur- cene samples. A very similar pattern of tem- ing the last 200 Kyr of the Paleocene, and also poral change in floral composition is also seen during a period approximately 1 Myr before in megafloras (Fig. 9B) (Wing et al. 2000). In the boundary. both the palynoflora and the megaflora, high abundance and ubiquity of Platycarya are a Discussion significant reason for the distinctness of the Regional Climatic Change.—Temperature youngest samples (Wing 1984b), although fluctuations in the Bighorn Basin have been 552 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY I. HARRINGTON documented by changes in leaf physiognomy Ma 5180 of hematite and oxygen isotopic measurements of soil -18.0 -17.0 -16.0 -15.0 -14.0 -13.0 -12.0 -11.0 -10.0 L minerals and biogenic phosphate (Wing et al. 52.5-I ' ' ' 1 1 1 1991, 2000; Fricke et al. 1998; Bao et al. 1999). Leaf margin analysis shows that over the last ~2 million years of the Paleocene mean an- 53.0 nual temperature (MAT) increased from 12.9(±2.4)°C to over 15(±2.4)°C. MAT was i 4 1 53.5 18.2(±2.3)°C immediately following the IETM, but dropped to 10.8(±3.3)°C within about 750 Kyr. The strong temperature decline 54.0 was followed by a rapid increase to 15.8(±2.2)°C then 22.2(±2.0)°C between about 53.5 and 52.8 Ma, which corresponds to the 54.5 Eocene thermal maximum seen in marine ox- ygen isotope records (Fig. 10) (Wing et al. 2000). The fluctuations in the temperature 55.0 curve are corroborated by oxygen isotopic IETM. data from paleosol nodules (Bao et al. 1999). I o 1 • The absence of megafloras during the IETM 55.5 precludes temperature estimates based on leaf • hematite margin analysis, but oxygen isotopic analysis o leaf margin of biogenic phosphate in mammalian tooth 56.0 enamel indicates that temperatures during the IETM were about 4°C higher than in the latest Paleocene (Fricke et al. 1998). Warming from 56.5 the late Paleocene to early Eocene has also 10 15 20 25 been documented by paleobotanical work in Mean Annual Temperature other parts of North America (Hickey 1977; FIGURE 10. Temperature change from late Paleocene to Wolfe 1978; Wilf 2000). mid-early Eocene based on data from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Oxygen isotope measurements of pedogenic Increasing oxidation and variegation of pa- hematite nodules are from Bao et al. 1999; leaf margin leosols, and decreasing carbon content, which estimates of mean annual temperature are from Wing are the major lithological changes from the 1998. The 4°C temperature increase during the IETM (white square) is based on oxygen isotope measure- Fort Union Formation to the Willwood For- ments of biogenic phosphate made by Fricke et al. mation, suggest greater fluctuation in the level (1998). of the water table through the Paleocene/Eo- cene transition, presumably indicating greater seasonality of precipitation (Bown and Kraus fore attributing floral change to large-scale 1981). Within the Willwood Formation in the processes such as immigration or climatic central Bighorn Basin, carbonaceous sedi- change, we should consider the possibility ments and hydromorphic paleosols are more that nonuniform sampling of depositional en- common in the bottom and top of the forma- vironments, or variable preservation or pro- tion, implying that the best-drained flood- duction of pollen, might also have important plains, and perhaps the driest climate, char- effects on palynofloral composition or diver- acterize the middle of the early Eocene se- sity. To a large degree, the sample set is iso- quence (Davies-Vollum and Wing 1998). Leaf taphonomic, with 43 of the 60 samples (72%) size data from southern Wyoming indicate de- coming from laterally extensive carbonaceous creasing mean annual precipitation from the units. There is, however, a larger proportion of late Paleocene to the late-early Eocene (Wilf abandoned-channel fill samples in the Eocene 2000). than in the Paleocene (31% vs. 16%). Because Potential Biases in the Palynofloral Record.—Be- abandoned-channel fills tend to have higher BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 553 richness than floodplain samples, this might cause the Eocene palynoflora to appear more diverse than the Paleocene even in the absence of secular change. This effect is small; only 6 CD early Eocene of 89 Eocene taxa are restricted to abandoned- • late Paleocene channel fill samples, so that the Eocene has more species than the Paleocene even if Eo- cene abandoned-channel samples are re- moved from the analysis. Furthermore, de- trended correspondence analyses of palyno- floral composition (Fig. 3) suggest that aban- doned-channel fills are insufficiently distinct in composition to create the impression of changing floral composition from the Paleo- cene to the Eocene. Although variations in environment of de- position do not appear to be a major factor in- fluencing stratigraphic change in the palyno- flora, palynofloral change still cannot be as- sumed to correspond directly to change in flo- ral composition. Pollen production varies greatly among plant species, with wind-pol- linated forms being more common than in- Pollen Size Categories sect-pollinated forms in sediments because the former produce more pollen that is more FIGURE 11. Pollen size distribution for Paleocene and Eocene floras. Size categories: 1 = <19 (xm, 2 = 20-24 easily carried by the wind to depositional set- H,m, 3 = 25-29 [xm, 4 = 30-39 jjum, 5 = >40 um. The size tings (Traverse 1988). If the proportion of in- distributions are not significantly different by (-test (p sect-pollinated species in the Bighorn Basin < 0.11). increased from the Paleocene to the Eocene, which would be consistent with the higher proportion of insect-pollinated species in portion of insect-pollinated taxa was different warmer climates today (Livingstone 1971; in the two epochs, it is possible that the chang- Bawa et al. 1985; Ritchie 1995), the actual in- es in the original flora are underestimated or crease in diversity might be underrepresented disguised by a consistent underrepresentation in the palynoflora. of insect pollinated forms or because of the We evaluated representation of insect-pol- low taxonomic resolution of the palynoflora. linated taxa by comparing the size of Paleo- Comparison of Palynofloral and Megafloral cene and Eocene palynomorphs. In general, Change.—Pollen and leaves reflect the same wind-dispersed pollen is 20-30 (xm in diam- original flora through different taphonomic eter, large enough to escape the boundary lay- filters. Pollen disperses more readily and er of air around floral parts, but small enough therefore individual samples represent a larg- to be effectively borne on the wind (White- er area than do leaf samples, although re- head 1969, 1983; Crane 1986). Insect-dis- mains transported from far away are rare in persed pollen can be larger or smaller than either type of assemblage (Farley 1989, 1990; this (Whitehead 1983). We compared the dis- Behrensmeyer and Hook et al. 1992). Compar- tribution of Paleocene and Eocene palyno- ing the patterns of change through time in the morph sizes and found no significant differ- palynoflora with those in the megaflora may ence in the size distributions (p < 0.11 by t- help reveal which changes reflect taphonomic test), although there are two more taxa in the effects and which result from real floral smallest size category in the Eocene (Fig. 11). change. Although we found no evidence that the pro- The largest changes in megafloral compo- 554 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON sition occurred near the IETM and during the decline in richness during the early Eocene temperature increase leading to the Eocene cool period nor an increase during the Eocene thermal maximum (Fig. 9) (Wing 1998; Wing thermal maximum. The small diversity chang- et al. 2000). The first of these shifts is also seen es in the palynoflora may relate to low taxo- in the palynoflora, although the numerical nomic resolution and/or poor sampling in the and taxonomic abundance of immigrant taxa upper part of the section. in early Eocene palynofloras is lower than in Combining information from the palyno- early Eocene megafloras (Fig. 8). The smaller floral and megafloral records indicates that number of immigrant taxa and lower abun- there is a small amount of floral immigration dance of immigrant individuals in the paly- associated with the IETM, and that there are noflora might result from underrepresenta- also changes in the relative proportions of Pa- tion of insect-pollinated forms and/or from leocene taxa across the boundary. Changes in the lower taxonomic resolution of palyno- richness are equivocal, with the megaflora morphs. It appears that the increased strati- showing a decrease from the latest Paleocene graphic resolution provided by palynomorphs to the early Eocene, and the palynoflora an in- is bought at the price of decreased ability to crease. The megaflora clearly indicates a major detect the magnitude of floral change. immigration event and increase in richness in Palynofloral changes in the later early Eo- the mid-early Eocene at about the time of the cene are difficult to detect in this data set be- Eocene thermal maximum (Wing 1998; Wing cause only the highest sample clearly repre- et al. 2000). The palynoflora indicates the com- sents the Eocene thermal maximum. This positional change less strongly and does not sample does have a distinctive composition, show the increase in richness; this is almost however, suggesting that more-thorough sam- certainly the result of poor sampling in the pling of the palynoflora would document a upper part of the section. shift in composition corresponding to the one Implications of the IETM for Change in Plant detected in the megaflora. Differences be- Distributions.—We see neither palynological tween early and later early Eocene palyno- nor megafossil evidence for major floras in the Bighorn Basin have been noted or immigration in Bighorn Basin floras be- previously (Bown 1982; Wing 1984b; Farley tween the late Paleocene and the early Eocene. 1989). Furthermore, the modest change across this Although the general timing of composi- time is consistent with palynofloral and me- tional change is congruent in the palynoflora gafloral studies elsewhere: North Dakota and megaflora, patterns of change in richness (Hickey 1977; Bebout 1977), eastern Wyoming are not. Megafloral richness increased sub- (Pocknall 1987), the Gulf Coastal Plain (Har- stantially during the latest Paleocene, declined rington 1999), and the North Sea (Beerling during the early Eocene cool period, and then and Jolley 1998). In spite of the lack of evi- increased dramatically again with the early dence for dramatic floral change across the Pa- Eocene thermal maximum (Wing 1998). The leocene /Eocene boundary, the absence of pol- decline is more apparent in stratigraphic len or leaf from the IETM itself leaves range data than in the mean number of species open the possibility that floras during this per locality, and does not appear to result time were different in composition and/or di- from changes in sampling intensity (Wing et versity from preceding Paleocene or succeed- al. 1995; Wing 1998). The increase in megaf- ing Eocene floras. This hypothetical, distinc- loral richness in the mid-early Eocene is more tive "IETM flora" would have to be confined evident at larger spatial scales (transects com- to the unpalyniferous interval of approxi- posed of many sites) than in the mean number mately 40 m that corresponds to the IETM in of species found in individual samples (Wing the Bighorn Basin; pollen samples just 13 m et al. 1995). In contrast, palynofloral data in- below the IETM red beds are typically Paleo- dicate an increase in mean sample richness cene, and those from 1-2 m above the IETM and total richness from the late Paleocene to red beds are typically Eocene. On average, 1 the early Eocene, but demonstrate neither a m of rock in these sections represents no more BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 555 than about 3 Kyr, yielding an estimate of an, and Asian faunas in the early Eocene has about 120 Kyr for the IETM (Wing et al. 2000), led to the idea that interchange across high- which is consistent with some estimates from latitude land bridges played a major role in marine cores based on cyclostratigraphy (Mor- the faunal turnover at the Paleocene/Eocene ris and Rohl 1999), but shorter than more re- boundary (e.g., Beard 1997). North Atlantic cent estimates of 220 Kyr (Rohl et al. 2000). and Beringian routes have also been proposed Until we have data from the IETM, two pos- as important corridors for exchange of plants sibilities must be considered: either there was (e.g., Tiffney 1985a,b; Manchester 1999). Be- a large change in floral composition during cause the high latitudes today are extremely IETM and the flora had returned to a more Pa- cold in the winter, minimum temperatures are leocene-like composition by the time of our a major factor determining northern distri- first Eocene samples, or the flora simply did butional limits (e.g., Thompson et al. 1999). not change much. We consider the implica- One might think that during the IETM, when tions of these possibilities below. winters are thought to have been extremely The existence of a distinctive IETM flora warm at high latitudes (Peters and Sloan should be expected if rates of plant population 2000), thermophilic plants could have rapidly movement observed in the Holocene can be extended their ranges to the northern limits of generalized to the early Paleogene. During the the continents. This disregards the effects of last deglaciation many tree species shifted polar light regimes. Regardless of winter tem- ranges at rates averaging hundreds of meters peratures during the IETM, light regimes at to kilometers per year (e.g., Davis 1981; Del- high latitudes would have been as they are to- court and Delcourt 1987; Webb 1988). Even if day, and plants would have experienced long the warmest part of the IETM lasted only 20 periods of darkness or low light. Broad- Kyr (Morris and Rohl 1999; Rohl et al. 2000), leaved, evergreen taxa, with poorly developed plant populations migrating at Holocene rates physiological mechanisms for leaf abscission should have been able to move from low to or dormancy, may have been less successful high latitudes within North America and than deciduous plants under warm, dark con- across Arctic land bridges between the north- ditions (Read and Francis 1992), precluding ern continents, as has been proposed for the dispersal to North America across the Berin- mammalian fauna. Following the Holocene gian and Greenland land bridges, both of analogy, we would also predict that during which were above the Eocene Arctic Circle the later IETM, as temperatures cooled, plant (Mclver and Basinger 1999). Polar light re- ranges would have shifted southward once gimes could have been a barrier to intercon- again. If the IETM is found to possess a dis- tinental expansion of plant ranges during the tinctive flora, this would be important evi- short IETM, because there would have been dence for the generality of the rates of plant insufficient time for evolutionary changes in population movement observed in the Holo- dormancy mechanisms. cene. It is also possible that, in general, plant The absence of a distinctive IETM flora ranges changed much less rapidly during the would be harder to explain in terms of the early Paleogene than in the Holocene. During standard Holocene model because a small the Holocene many plant populations were ex- amount of floral change during the large tem- panding into areas undergoing primary suc- perature fluctuation in the earliest Eocene cession in the wake of retreating glaciers. would imply some sort of barrier to range Models and data both suggest that rare, long- changes in plants, or at least rates of popula- distance dispersal and successful establish- tion movement far slower than those shown ment of outlier populations are necessary to by Holocene populations. Although direct ev- account for the high rate of population range idence is lacking, several mechanisms might change in the Holocene (Clark et al. 1998; Neu- have slowed or prevented plant range changes bert and Caswell 2000), and that successful in- during the IETM. vasion is associated with disturbance (Rich- The similarity of North American, Europe- ardson and Bond 1991; Rejmanek and Rich- 556 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON ardson 1996). The probability of these rare persal and/or those capable of establishing events may have been elevated during the Ho- populations in small, disturbed areas such as locene because there were large areas syn- fire scars and tree falls that must always have chronously undergoing primary succession. occurred. This would not have been true during the The megafossil taxa with first appearances IETM. Even in the Arctic, woody vegetation near the base of our Eocene sections in the Big- existed throughout the Paleocene (e.g., Hickey horn Basin are the ferns Lygodium kaulfussi, et al. 1983; Mclver and Basinger 1999), so that, Salvinia preauriculata, and Cnemidaria magna unlike the Holocene situation, any long-dis- and the dicotyledonous angiosperm Alnus tance dispersal events would have had to es- (Wing 1998). The geographic source of these tablish new populations in the face of existing taxa is hard to determine. The genera Lygo- forest. dium and Salvinia are known from the Late Biotic interchange following the connection Cretaceous and Paleocene of all Holarctic con- of North and South America in the Pliocene tinents (Brown 1962; Martin 1976; Nambudiri may provide a better analogue for IETM in- and Chitaley 1991; Rozefeld et al. 1992), so the terchange than does the Holocene response to Eocene index species could be either immi- deglaciation. Since the Panamanian Isthmus grants or natives. We are not aware of older rose about 3 Ma there has been extensive, megafossils of Cnemidaria, but the spore Kuy- though asymmetrical, interchange between lisporites waterbolkii, which is thought to rep- North American and South American faunas. resent Cnemidaria, is found exclusively in Ce- Approximately 50% of the extant South Amer- nozoic sediments of the Southern Hemisphere, ican mammalian fauna is derived from North although other species in the are known American lineages, and about 10% of North from the Cretaceous and Paleogene of the American mammals are derived from South Northern Hemisphere (Mohr and Lazarus American lineages (Webb 1991). In contrast, 1994). The Alnus leaves and pistillate inflores- there has been more limited interchange in the cences from the early Eocene of the Bighorn flora (Hooghiemstra 1989; Burnham and Gra- Basin may be the oldest reliable megafossils of ham 1999). Burnham and Graham (1999) es- the genus, but Alnus pollen is found through- timated that approximately 10% of living out the Northern Hemisphere in the Late Cre- South American plants are derived from taceous-Paleocene, making it difficult to de- northern lineages, and noted that the ecolog- termine if Alnus is an immigrant and, if so, ical importance of North American lineages is from where. much greater in alpine areas that were strong- The palynofloral taxa with earliest Eocene ly influenced by Pleistocene glacial climatic first appearances in the Bighorn Basin are Pla- variation. tycarya and Intratriporopollenites instructus (cf. Source and Ecological Characteristics of Eocene Tilia). First occurrences of these palyno- Immigrants.—The two explanations outlined morphs just following the IETM have been above for a small floral response to the IETM documented over a broad area of North Amer- make different predictions about the charac- ica (Wing 1984b, Frederiksen 1998). In the Ca- teristics of the plants that did appear in the nadian Arctic and the U.S. Western Interior, early Eocene of North America. If a high-lat- the first occurrence of Intratriporopollenites in- itude barrier was the major factor, then plants structus is noted at or just before a peak of new in the Eocene of the Bighorn Basin should Apectodinium dinocysts (Doerenkamp et al. either be derived from within North America, 1976), which at these latitudes coincides with or should have been capable of winter dor- the IETM (Bujak and Brinkhuis 1998). On the mancy (e.g., herbs or deciduous woody U.S. Gulf Coast and eastern Atlantic seaboard, plants). If rates of range change during the the first occurrence of Platycarya pollen is not- IETM were low because of the difficulty of es- ed after the IETM (N. O. Frederiksen personal tablishing new populations in existing forest, communication 1998). Both Platycarya and In- the successful immigrants should be species tratriporopollenites instructus have late Paleo- with a high frequency of long-distance dis- cene (Thanetian) occurrences in northwestern BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 557

Europe (Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978; Schumacker- winter (Whiteman and Room 1991). Growth Lambry 1978; Jolley 1998), suggesting they of S. molesta is severely slowed by salinity moved into North America across high-lati- higher than 5%, and it is killed by salinity tude land bridges. In sum, megafossil taxa above 7% (Divakaran et al. 1980). that appear just after the IETM in the Bighorn Extant Cnemidaria are small tree ferns (Cy- Basin are from lineages with Holarctic distri- atheaceae) of the montane Neotropics (Stolze butions in the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene, 1976). Although the successional and light en- but the two clear immigrants in the palynoflo- vironments of several other genera of Cy- ra appear to have come from outside of North atheaceae are reasonably well known, we are America, possibly from Europe. only aware of one report on a species of Cnem- In terms of ecological attributes of living idaria, C. quitensis (Arens and Barracaldo relatives, the Eocene immigrants do appear to 1998). These authors found individuals of C. show a pattern—they tend to be early succes- quitensis in areas of primary forest, secondary sional and easily dispersed. Lygodium (Family forest, and abandoned pasture, but they were Schizaeaceae) has 35 living species distributed not abundant in any environment. C. quitensis largely in tropical and warm temperate cli- usually occurs as isolated individuals and ap- mates, although the native eastern North pears to grow slowly (N Arens personal com- American species occurs as far north as New munication 2000). Like any spore-bearing England (Nauman 1993). All species are plant, Cnemidaria presumably has the capacity scrambling, viny ferns that tend to grow in for long-distance dispersal by wind. relatively open areas, and two Asian species Early Eocene megafossils of Platycarya (P. (L. microphyllum and L. japonicum) have be- castaneopsis and P. americana) are thought to come naturalized following human introduc- have been early successional plants based on tion to eastern North America (Pemberton and their small, wind-dispersed seeds, pinnately Ferriter 1998). L. microphyllum is a highly in- compound leaves, and the growth habit and vasive weed even in its native habitat and has habitats of their living congener (Wing and spread over a large area of central Florida in Hickey 1984). Living (and presumably fossil) just a few decades (Pemberton and Ferriter Platycarya are also deciduous. Intratriporopol- 1998). The long-distance dispersal capability lenites instructus may be derived from Tilia, a of L. microphyllum is demonstrated by its oc- genus with extant species that are mostly tem- currence on remote oceanic islands such as perate, deciduous trees with large, although Mauritius and Tahiti. wind-dispersed, seeds. There are 13 living species of Salvinia (Sal- In sum, the earliest Eocene immigrants de- viniaceae), all of which are small, floating tected in the Bighorn Basin include two prob- aquatic ferns of subtropical and tropical areas. ably deciduous dicotyledons from other con- Sexually reproducing Salvinia disperse via tinents, and three highly dispersible and per- water-borne megaspores and massulae, but haps "weedy" ferns of unknown geographic even the asexual triploid S. molesta disperses source. These geographical and ecological effectively by breaking up into small sections data are consistent both with barriers to range (Room 1983). Viable pieces of S. molesta float expansion caused by polar night and with to new locations or are transported by water- slow rates of range expansion caused by the fowl that feed in and on Salvinia (Henderson difficulty of establishing populations in pre- and Harper 1992). S. molesta, originally from existing forest vegetation. Brazil, has become a major aquatic weed in Comparison of Floral and Faunal Change.—Re- tropical areas of Africa, Asia, and Australia, as gardless of whether there was or wasn't a dis- a result of its extremely rapid growth and tinctive flora during the IETM, there is a clear high dispersal capabilities. Experimental difference between the patterns of floral and work on S. molesta shows that temperatures faunal change during the late Paleocene and less than — 3°C and greater than 43°C for more early Eocene. Mammalian faunal composition than a few hours are fatal, and it does not oc- changed strongly and irrevocably at the IETM; cur on bodies of water that freeze over in the floral composition did not. Associated with 558 SCOTT L. WING AND GUY J. HARRINGTON the taxonomic change in the fauna were major pearance of two relatively rare new taxa, pos- shifts in body size distribution, guild struc- sibly arriving from Europe; and (3) shifts in ture, richness, and evenness (Clyde and Gin- relative proportions of forms that were pres- gerich 1998). The flora does not show major ent throughout. The megaflora shows a small changes in richness or evenness. Later in the number of migrants (probably early succes- early Eocene (~52-53 Ma), megafloras do sional plants) following the IETM, some show a major burst of first occurrences and a changes in the relative proportions of species strong increase in richness and evenness at already in the region, declining rather than in- roughly the same time as the Eocene thermal creasing richness during the earliest Eocene, maximum (Wing et al. 1995; Wing 1998), but and a strong increase in immigrant taxa and at this time mammalian faunas do not show diversity about 2 Myr following the IETM at large changes in diversity or composition, the time of the Eocene thermal maximum. In though there are some shifts in body size sum, the paleobotanical record for this region (Bown et al. 1994). documents only moderate floral change from If the composition, diversity, and guild the latest Paleocene to the earliest Eocene, al- structure of the fauna were controlled directly though the absence of plant fossils from the by climate or vegetation, we would expect ear- IETM itself leaves open the possibility of a ly Eocene faunas to resemble late Paleocene transient change in the flora lasting for less ones because the climate and flora of the two than -220 Kyr. periods are similar. We would also expect the The observed pattern of floral change al- climatic warming and vegetational changes of lows two alternative hypotheses. If there was the mid-early Eocene to have caused changes an unobserved, large, transient floral response in the taxonomic and ecological structure of to the IETM, this would be consistent with the fauna on a scale similar to that seen at the Holocene data showing that plant ranges usu- base of the Eocene. Although faunal change at ally change fast enough to keep pace with cli- the base of the Eocene is clearly synchronous mate change. If data from the IETM fail to with, and presumably related to, the IETM, show such a transient response, this would climate may have played an indirect rather imply that some factor(s) in the nonglacial than a direct role. Warming climate during the world of the early Paleogene limited the rate IETM made migration of mammals across at which plants changed their ranges. We sug- high-latitude land masses possible, but it was gest two possible factors: polar light regimes likely the biotic interactions among the im- might have been a barrier to intercontinental migrant and native species, rather than the di- dispersal of warm-adapted lineages, and the rect effects of changing climate and vegeta- absence of continental-scale disturbance by tion, that resulted in the major changes in fau- glaciation may have reduced opportunities for nal structure (Clyde and Gingerich 1998). The successful establishment, thus retarding the relatively modest faunal changes of the mid spread of plant populations. This latter idea is early Eocene may be an example of what oc- particularly interesting because, if borne out, curs when climate changes of similar magni- it implies that the Holocene cannot be used as tude (though slower rates) take place in the ab- a general model for understanding the re- sence of major immigration. sponse of plants to climate change. Regardless of whether there was a transient, Conclusions as yet undetected, floral response to the IETM, The Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum the pattern of floral change during the late Pa- (IETM) is one of the largest and most rapid leocene and early Eocene is clearly different warming events known during the Cenozoic. from that of faunal change through the same Palynofloral changes from the late Paleocene period. Faunal changes at the IETM were large to the early Eocene in the Bighorn Basin of both taxonomically and ecologically, and they northern Wyoming include (1) an increase of were irreversible. Furthermore, significant flo- about 17% in mean sample richness and an ral immigration and increasing diversity dur- overall increase in richness of 22%; (2) ap- ing the mid-early Eocene thermal maximum 2 BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 559

Myr following the IETM were not accompa- Grayum. 1985. Reproductive biology of tropical lowland rain forest trees. II. Pollination systems. American Journal of Bot- nied by large changes in faunal composition. any 72:346-356. The disparate timing and magnitude of Beard, K. C, 1997. East of Eden: Asia as an important center of change in the flora and fauna suggests that taxonomic origination in mammalian evolution. In K. C. Beard and M. R. Daw son, eds. Dawn of the age of mammals these two major components of the terrestrial in Asia. Bulletin of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History ecosystem were not responding in a simple 34:5-39. way to the same forcing factor. This strength- Bebout, J. 1977. Palynology of the Paleocene-Eocene Golden Val- ley Formation of western North Dakota. Ph.D. dissertation. ens the argument that faunal change was not Pennsylvania State University, State College. a direct consequence of climate or changing Beerling, D. J., and D. W. Jolley. 1998. 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Appendix 1 Palynomorph Taxa

SPORES: ?Araceae MOSSES Pandaniidites typicus Sphagnaceae Palmae / Cycadales Cingulatisporites sp. Arecipites sp. Stereisporites distgranisporis Incertae sedis Stereisporites stereiodes Liliacidites sp. (?Palmae) LYCOPSIDS DICOTS Lycopodiaceae ?Anacardiaceae Camarozonosporites sp. Rhoipites bradleyi Punctatisporites sp. Anacardiaceae / Caprif oliaceae FERNS Caprifoliipites spp. Cyatheaceae Cyathidites diaphana ? Anacardiaceae / Simaroubaceae / Sapindaceae Aesculiidites circumstriatus Gleicheniaceae Ailanthipites berryi Gleicheniidites sp. (cf. Gleichenia triangulus) ?Aquifoliaceae Osmundaceae Ilexpollenites sp. Baculatisporitcs primarius (cf. Osmunda) Betulaceae Schizaeaceae Alnipollenites scoticus (Alnus) Appendicisporites sp. Alnipollenites verus (Alnus) Cicatricosisporitcs dorogensis Deltoidospora spp. ?Betulaceae ]arzenipollcnites trinus INCERTAE SEEMS Laevigatosporites haardtii Betulaceae/Myricaceae Microfovcolatosporis pscudodentatus Paraalnipollenitcs confusus Reticuloidosporites sp. Triatriopollenites convexus Triatriopollenites subtriangulus GYMNOSPERM POLLEN: Triatriopollenites triangulus Pinaceae Triporopollenites infrequens Bisaccates group (cf. Pinus, Picea) Triporopollenites pulcher Taxodiaceae Bombacaceae Cupressacites hiatipites (Glyptostrobus /Metasequoia) Bombacacidites nacimientoensis Sequioapollenites polyformosus (Glyptostrobus / Metase- quoia) Buxaceae Erdtmanipollis cretaceus (cf. Sarcococca, Pachysandra) Incertae sedis ?Cercidiphyllaceae Cycadopites follicularis (?Cycad) Monocolpopollenites tranquillus (?Gingko) "Cercidiphyllites" (ICercidiphyllum) sp. ANGIOSPERM POLLEN: Cyrillaceae MONOCOTS Cyrillaceaepollen ites megaexactus Sparganiaceae ?Ericaceae Sparganiaceaepollenites sp. (cf. Sparganium globites) Ericipites sp. BIOTIC RESPONSE TO RAPID WARMING 563

Appendix 1. Continued.

Eucommiaceae ?Platanaceae Eucommia sp. A (cf. Eucommia) Tricolpites Mans (IPlatanus) Fraxinoipollenites variabilis (?Platanaceae) ?Fagaceae Siltaria hanleyi Sapindaceae /Myrtaceae Siltaria pacata (?Cyrillaceae) Boehlensipollis minimus Insulapollenites rugulatus ?Gunneraceae Tricolpites rcticulatus (cf. Gunnera?) Symplocaceae Symplocoipollenites thalmannii (Symplocos) Juglandaceae Porocolpopollenites sp. (cf. Porocolpopollenites ollivi- Caryapollenites imparalis/ inelegans (Carya) erae) Caryapollenites veripites (Carya) Caryapollenites wodehousei Tiliaceae / Sterculiaceae Momipites anellus Intratriporopollenites instructus (Tilia?) Momipites coryloides Intratriporopollenites vescipites Momipites waltmanensis Ulmaceae Momipites wyomingensis Momipites triradiatus Ulmipollenites krempii (Ulmus/Zelkova) Momipites ventifluminis Ulmipollenites tricostatus (Ulmus/Zelkova) Platycaryapollenites sp. B ?Vitaceae Platycarya anticyclus (Platycarya) Horniella spp. Platycarya platycaryoides (Platycarya) Plicatopollis sp. Incertae sedis Polyatriopollenites vermontensis (Cyclocarya, ?Pterocar- Aquilapollenites spinulosus "Araliaceoipollenites" sp. Celtispollenites sp. ?Leguminosae Echitricolpites supraechinatus Tetracolporopollenites sp. Intratriporopollenites sp. (cf. Tilia tetraforaminipites) Malvaceae/Euphorbiaceae/Tiliaceae Periporopollenites spp. (Liquidambar, Chenopodi- Malvacipollis sp. aceae) Pistillipollenites mcgregorii Nyassaceae Retitrescolpites anguloluminosus Nyssapollenites kruschii (Nyssa) Zlivosporis novamexicanum ?01eaceae / ?Salicaceae Rousea spp. * Taxa in quotes probably belong to the specified genus, but the match is not exact.

Appendix 2. Available online at