
Reversing Racial Segregation in U.S. Cities: Making a Magic Strategy

Mindy Thompson Fullilove, MD, Hon AIA The New School

George Engel, 1980 Dr. Alexander Leighton’s endpoints of the social integration continuum

Disintegration Integration • Few and weak leaders • Small number of strong leaders • Small, fractured • Large networks that can pass networks information • Differing sentiments • Shared sentiments • Concern for self, “I” • Commitment to collective good, • Higher rates of illness “WE” and social pathology • Rates of illness comparatively • Illness more difficult to low manage • Management facilitated All data from: Watkins, 2000 Destabilization of Harlem, New York *for year 1953 †Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis Year Key Events Population Housing Labor Force Two- Infant Mortality Units Participation Parent (rate per 1000 births) Families

Harlem Manhattan Harlem Manhattan

1950 Urban 264,000 1,960,101 69,962 61% 72% 40* 30* renewal

1960 Loss of 232,792 1,698,281 87,380 63% 65% 49 33 industry

1970 Planned 182,779 1,539,233 73,703 54% 58% 40 22 shrinkage

1980 AIDS and 121,898 1,428,285 63,570 43% 22% 26 14 crack era

1990 MDR TB† 115,413 1,487,536 54,090 49% 16% 29 11 All data from: Watkins, 2000 Destabilization of Harlem, New York *for year 1953 †Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis Year Key Events Population Housing Labor Force Two- Infant Mortality Units Participation Parent (rate per 1000 births) Families

Harlem Manhattan Harlem Manhattan

1950 Urban 264,000 1,960,101 69,962 61% 72% 40* 30* renewal

1960 Loss of 232,792 1,698,281 87,380 63% 65% 49 33 industry

1970 Planned 182,779 1,539,233 73,703 54% 58% 40 22 shrinkage

1980 AIDS and 121,898 1,428,285 63,570 43% 22% 26 14 crack era

1990 MDR TB† 115,413 1,487,536 54,090 49% 16% 29 11 All data from: Watkins, 2000 Destabilization of Harlem, New York *for year 1953 †Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis Year Key Events Population Housing Labor Force Two- Infant Mortality Units Participation Parent (rate per 1000 births) Families

Harlem Manhattan Harlem Manhattan

1950 Urban 264,000 1,960,101 69,962 61% 72% 40* 30* renewal

1960 Loss of 232,792 1,698,281 87,380 63% 65% 49 33 industry

1970 Planned 182,779 1,539,233 73,703 54% 58% 40 22 shrinkage

1980 AIDS and 121,898 1,428,285 63,570 43% 22% 26 14 crack era

1990 MDR TB† 115,413 1,487,536 54,090 49% 16% 29 11 All data from: Watkins, 2000 Destabilization of Harlem, New York *for year 1953 †Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis Year Key Events Population Housing Labor Force Two- Infant Mortality Units Participation Parent (rate per 1000 births) Families

Harlem Manhattan Harlem Manhattan

1950 Urban 264,000 1,960,101 69,962 61% 72% 40* 30* renewal

1960 Loss of 232,792 1,698,281 87,380 63% 65% 49 33 industry

1970 Planned 182,779 1,539,233 73,703 54% 58% 40 22 shrinkage

1980 AIDS and 121,898 1,428,285 63,570 43% 22% 26 14 crack era

1990 MDR TB† 115,413 1,487,536 54,090 49% 16% 29 11 Urban renewal Stage-State Model MODEL of Community Collapse Deindustrialization confusion Planned shrinkage

disorder Gentrification


COLLECTION Band getting ready to march in the Hill District. Urban renewal demolishing the Lower Hill. The loss of physical infrastructure. Photo taken about 1940 by Charles Harris Photo taken about 1960 by Charles Harris Photo taken about 1998 by Mindy Fullilove

“The closeness of the houses created a “Neighbors were no longer people you “When [Shanika] was a child, ‘everybody strong sense of community and shared shared your life with because you knew cared about everybody back then. Now public life, and the inhabitants of a their families, their churches, their work, everybody’s for their self. Now it’s just - I’m particular block knew each other well and and if they treated their neighbors well over scared for my boys now. Because it’s watched out for each other’s children.. time; neighbors now were often strangers horrible now...You don’t see kids outside ‘We knew each other, the neighbors knew next door who were tied to the ‘little block,’ anymore just to play...’” us, they’d look out for us, it’s much and no attachment to its inhabitants.” different than it is now... we weren’t afraid From Eva-Maria Simms, in Humanistic Psychologist, 2008 of anything.’”

Simms, Period 1 Simms, Period 2 Simms, Period 3 1930 - 1960 1960 - 1980 1980 - 2004

Urban renewal and other city, People also lost jobs as industry left. Drugs became the state, and federal policies tore the new employer and the new solace. The government ignored neighborhood apart. epidemics of addiction, but started mass incarceration. “Stand by me” “What’s going on?” ”Fuck the police” “For a long time, I have been trying to mobilize our leaders so that the cities, where our money and brainpower are concentrated, innovate for better functioning. What is the problem we must solve? It is the fracture that exists between the wealthy neighborhoods and the others… “But paradoxically, if we want to improve life in those neighborhoods, we can’t just treat the neighborhoods… we must treat the whole city. We must eliminate the fracture.”

Michel Cantal-Dupart

Colloque Triville, 1993 What is a ”magic strategy?”

Human ecologists Rodrick Wallace and Deborah Wallace have argued that “magic strategies” – multi- system, multi-scale health promotions – fit best with the basic biology of people and offer the most hope for the future. These are interventions that address the large-scale social inequalities and injustices, are sensitive to local culture, and include the voices of all the people.

From: Homebody Came to Orange, by Ernest Thompson and Mindy Thompson Fullilove

http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/ sites/default/files/styles/resource_ima ges/public/resources/2016CHRmodel.j pg?itok=RHMD1jfY

http://streetsense.org/article/zoning-protest-midcity- brookland-manor-one-dc-grandfamilies/#.WNvPExLyto6

Jamestown, 1619 Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 Mother Jones, 1890 Oxford OH, 1964 Baltimore, 2015

First conference on 1865 1881 July 25 – U.S. health officials 1606 1650 1652 1718 The Purchase 1820 1822 1832 1848 Women’s Rights 1886 1758 1781 1846 Black codes are passed by 1920 1968 admit that African-Americans 1977 King James establishes The 1705 British government subsidized 1754 The Missouri Compromise The Philadelphia Female Anti- at Seneca Falls Sioux chief Sitting Bull leads the final group of his tribe, 1916 1917 1959 May 6 – President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act Connecticut legalizes slavery. Massachusetts requires all Articles of Confederation adopted January 7, 1822 - The first The Wilmot Proviso, introduced by Southern states, drastically Haymarket Uprising was the aftermath March 16 – Vietnam War: My Lai were used as guinea pigs in the Virginia Company of London. Massachusetts makes the shipment of convicts Jefferson doubled the size of the nation by bans slavery north of the Slavery Society was founded Convention. 1875 The 369th Infantry Regiment, July 15 – Steel strike of 1959: of 1960 into law. It established federal inspection of local voter Jimmy Carter succeeds Gerald Ford as the 1609 The war was a conflict still fugitive from the reservation, and surrenders to Tuskegee Study of Untreated 1754 - 1763: The 1849 black and Indian servants to group of freed American slaves Democratic representative David Wilmot of a bombing that took place at a labor 1896 1924 massacre: American troops kill 1984 1770 restricting the rights of newly a highly decorated unit of registration polls and introduced penalties for anyone who marriage and sexual relations purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France on this date in 1833. This was Harriet Tubman escapes from The Civil Rights Act, giving equal rights to Margaret Sanger, eventual founder New York grants women the right to The immigration act of 1924 Labor union strike in the U.S. steel 1965 39th President of the United States and in his British Colonization in North (Transportation Act of 1718) southern boundary of Missouri. 1947 1653 between British forces 1803 United States troops at Fort Buford, Montana. Syphilis in the Negro Male. French Indian War 1964 receive military training settle a black colony known as demonstration on Tuesday May 4, 1886, Jackie Robinson breaks color scores of civilians. 1999 of Pennsylvania, attempts to ban slavery freed slaves. Plessy v. Ferguson: This landmark Supreme Court entirely African-American obstructed someone’s attempt to register to vote. 2010 in 1803-thus extending the western frontier from of Planned Parenthood, opens vote. industry. The union eventually April 4 – U.S. President Ronald 2012 2018 2019 2020 America begins (Jamestown) Casor Suit- first ruling in between blacks and whites an abolitionist group that also slavery and becomes one of the blacks in jury duty and accommodation, is limited immigrants into the January 20 – Lynd on B. Johnson first day in office pardons Vietnam War draft 1652 (1754-1763) is won by in North America and the Republic of Liberia when in territory gained in the Mexican War. at Haymarket Square[2] in Chicago. It decision holds that racial segregation is constitutional, soldiers, returns from World barrier in baseball 1960 January 8 – In his first State of Seattle World Trade Organization The Boston Massacre occurs as a mob harasses the Appalachians across the . retained a contract clause which Reagan calls for an international #BlackLivesMatter was created 1607 Thirteen Colonies stating illegal. Cherokee Indian tribes championed racial and sexual most effective and celebrated passed by the United States Congress. America’s first birth-control clinic in US through a quota system is sworn in for his own full term as evaders. Pres. Obama won a second term Rhode Island passes laws Great Britain. France 1775 they arrive on African soil at The proviso is blocked by Southerners, began as a peaceful rally in support of paving the way for the repressive Jim Crow laws in the War I to Harlem limited management’s ability the Union Address, U.S. President March 19–23 – Afrocentrism, ban on chemical weapons. or Battle of Seattle was a series British soldiers who then fire their muskets point Brooklyn, New York. She is arrested February 1 – Greensboro sit-ins: In after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, against Republican Mitt Romney British Colonization in North 1654 a person who committed during the French and equity. leaders of the Underground U.S. President. Hubert Humphrey Black power, Vietnam War: restricting slavery and gives England all blank into the crowd, killing three instantly, 1783 Providence Island. The capital, but continues to enflame the debate over workers striking for an eight-hour day and South. ten days later. to make major changes and Greensboro, North Carolina, four black Lyndon Johnson declares a “War of marches, direct actions and George Zimmerman, was America begins (Jamestown) 1614 A Virginia court grants blacks no crime could be held in New York declares that Indian War. The British George Washington Railroad. May 9 – The U.S. Food and Drug becomes Vice President. Students at Howard University forbidding enslavement for French territory east of mortally wounding two others and injuring six. Monrovia, is named after slavery. 1882 in reaction to the killing of several workers won minimal wage increases. students from North Carolina Agricultural on Poverty”. A year and a half December 22 – Four African-American protests against globalization. acquitted for his crime, and Powhatan Chief agreed to servitude for life. Suit brought punishment by execution will and the Cherokee had become commander or The United States and Great Britain sign 1920 Administration announces that it will in Washington, D.C., signal a new 1973 the right to hold slaves. more than 10 years. 1719 the , 1822 President James Monroe 1836 Frederick Douglass launches his abolitionist the previous day by the police. An unknown 1918 On the other hand, the strike and Technical State University begin a sit-in later, in July of 1965, he signs the youths (Barry Allen, Troy Canty, James dead 17-year old Trayvon was After the incident, the new Royal Governor of peace after kidnap of daughter by Anthony Johnson, an be applied to certain runaway the Continental Army. the The American Colonization Society, founded by Oahu Sugar Strike of 1920 - approve birth control as an additional Malcolmx X is killed in the era of militant student activism Slave importation except New Orleans. been allies at the start Denmark Vesey, an enslaved newspaper. person threw a dynamite bomb at police as World War I ends. led to significant importation of at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter. Social Security Act of 1965 into January 20 – U.S. President Ramseur, and Darrell Cabey) board an posthumously placed on trial for Pocahontas African was won against a slaves. Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson, at the 1850 1872 Presbyterian minister Robert Finley, establishes the a multiracial strike in Hawaii indication for Searle’s Enovid, making it the Audubon Ballroom by 21 gunshot increases dramatically of the war, but each 1791 Texas breaks off from Mexico 1916 law, establishing Medicare and on college campuses in the U.S. Richard Nixon is inaugurated for 1610 The Spanish give up insistence of Sam Adams, withdraws British The Treaty of Greenville - This African-American carpenter they acted to disperse the public meeting. foreign steel for the first time in Although they are refused service, they are world’s first approved oral contraceptive pill. express train in The Bronx borough of New his own murder white man on appeal in 1655. 1775 1795 and declared itself the “Lone Sojourner Truth delivers her famous colony of Monrovia (which would eventually become of two unions, the Filipino wounds to the chest, left shoulder, Students stage rallies, protests Powhatan tribe observe the due to introduction of rice Florida to the British. party had suspected Whiskey Rebellion treaty marked the end of an who had purchased his Civil rights are restored to citizens of t he South, The bomb blast and ensuing gunfire U.S. history, which replaced the allowed to stay at the counter. The event Medicaid. his second term. York City. They attempt to rob Bernhard troops out of Boston to nearby harbor islands. 1832 extemporaneous speech on women’s the country of Liberia) in western Africa. 1889 The Adamson Act mandates a American and Japanese arms and legs, including ten and a 5-day sit-in, laying siege cultivation. the other of betrayals. The first major fight between 1787 freedom, plans a slave revolt Star Republic.” except for five hundred Confederate leaders, resulted in the deaths of seven police domestic steel industry in the triggers many similar nonviolent protests December 2 – U.S. President Dwight D. Goetz, who shoots them. The event starts 2010 Pres. Obama The war 2016 English settling in on their land The captain of the British soldiers, Thomas undeclared and multi-tribal war rights, later known as “Ain’t I a Woman.” 8-hour workday for all railroad 1918 American union buckshot wounds from the initial 1706 Tensions between British and American troops with the intent to lay siege on 1850 with the passage of the Amnesty Act of 1872 officers and at least four civilians; scores of long run. The strike remained to the administration building, entered a new phase on 1 Hillary Clinton becomes the first 1657 Preston, is then arrested along with eight of his begun in the late 1770s and led by Black Hawk War In defiance of their team owners, throughout the Southern United States, and Eisenhower authorizes the use of $1 million shotgun blast. a national debate about urban crime, New York declares blacks, occurs at Boston in the Battle Shays’ Rebellion was an armed workers. shutting down the university. September 2010,[116] with woman to be nominated as a Virginia passes a fugitive slave British-American the Shawnee who fought to resist Charleston, South Carolina. The continuing debate whether and its signing by President Ulysses S. Grant. others were wounded. baseball players attempt to form The amendment granting women the longest work stoppage in the 6 months later the original 4 protesters are for the relief and resettlement of Cuban which is a plague in 1980s America. Indians, and slaves who kill men and charged with murder. uprising in Massachusetts during the official end of U.S. combat presidential candidate by a major law. settlers and the of Bunker Hill. American American expansion into Ohio. The plot is discovered, and territory gained in the Mexican Victoria Woodhull is the first woman to run 1883 their own league, owned and the right to vote, originally drafted American steel industry until the served lunch at the same counter. refugees, who have been arriving in Florida at white people to be subject to 1786 and 1787. Revolutionary 1916 1923 April 11 – U.S. President Lyndon B. operations. The last U.S. troops party. She runs opposing Donald Cherokee increased troops are dug in along the Vesey and 34 coconspirators War should be open to slavery 1867 for President of the United States. operated by the players, in direction by Susan B. Anthony five decades steel strike of 1986. the rate of 1,000 a week. 1661 the death penalty. War veteran Daniel Shays led four The U.S. Supreme Court finds part of the Civil Rights The Rosewood Massacure Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act 1970 exited Iraq on 18 December 2011. during the 1750s, high ground of Breed’s Hill 1798 are hanged. 1837 is decided in the Compromise of A series of Reconstruction acts are passed, Jeannette Rankin, prior, is finally passed by the Trump winning the popular vote 1616 1660 1761 thousand rebels in an uprising competition with the National occurs in Flordia, as a race New York servant rebellion Act of 1875 unconstitutional, allowing individuals and of 1968, which includes the Fair June 25 – United States After campaigning by Anita but losing the electoral vote. John Smith publishes “A culminating in open (the actual location) and are 1850: California is admitted as a carving the former Confederacy into five League. from Montana, is the House of Representatives and the Mary Dyer, a Quaker who followed Hutchinson’s (planned and then thwarted). Connecticut requires Indians, against perceived economic and Flour Riot of 1837. During the crisis of that year, 50,000 persons corporations to discriminate based on race. riot that killed six black Housing Act, which protects the Supreme Court, Engel v. Vitale: 1994 Jupiter Hammond was a black attacked by a frontal assault of The Sedition Act made it a crime to say or write anything 1889 first women elected 1952 Bryant and her anti-gay “Save Description of New England” 1619 hostilities in 1758. 1826 free state, Utah and New Mexico military districts and guaranteeing the civil 1876 Senate. residents beliefs, was hung in Massachusetts for Servants were angry about the mulattos, and black servants poet who in 1761 became the civil rights injustices. (one-third of the working class) were without work in New York buyer or renter of a dwelling from the court rules that mandatory Our Children” crusade, Miami- Clinton’s Violent Crime Control 20 Africans brought to over 2000 British soldiers who “false, scandalous and malicious” against the government, 1823 “With 17,000 Cherokees surrounded by 900,000 whites in territories are left to be decided rights of freed slaves. to the U.S. House of Puerto Rico becomes a self- continually preaching of Quakerism. lack of meat in their diet. gain permission from their first African-American writer City alone, and 200,000 (of a population of 500,000) were The Battle of Little Big Horn occurs when Lt. Colonel Congress authorizes settler usage 1896 governing commonwealth 1954 seller or landlord discrimination prayers in public schools are Dade County, Florida voters and Law Enforcement Act of Jamestown are the first storm up the hill. Congress, or the President, with intent to de-fame them, Supreme Court rules Georgia, Alabama, and , the Cherokees decided by popular sovereignty, and the Representatives. masters to engage in trade living, as one observer put it, “in utter and hopeless distress.” George Custer and his 7th U.S. Cavalry engage the Sioux 1886 of Oklahoma Territory, land the The National May 17 – Brown v. Board unconstitutional. overwhelmingly vote to repeal 1994 “decimated Black America” slaves imported into Britain’s to be published in the present- bring them into disrepute, or excite popular hatreds against American Indians do not 1838 slave trade in Washington, DC, is 1906 1925 of the United States April 4 – Martin Luther King, Jr. is that survival required adaptation to the white man’s world. 1618 Royal African Trade Company granted charter English colonists create day United States. Additional 1776 and Cheyenne Indians on the bluffs above the Little Big federal government had originally Association of Colored of Education: The United the county’s gay rights ordinance. according to experts. North American colonies. 1787 them (Zinn, 2015). own land. They became farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, prohibited. The American Negro Labor shot dead at the Lorraine Motel in Powhatan dies and brother with English. Barbados slave code. On October 1, 1838, the first 1868 Horn River. At Fort Bowie in southeastern Arizona, Geronimo and guaranteed to Native Americans. Women is formed in 1905 The International Ladies’ Garment States Supreme Court rules poems and sermons were Forced to labor in the mission fields owners of property.. Congress is founded in Memphis, Tennessee. Riots erupt detachment set out in what Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution his band of Apaches surrender to Brigadier General 1906 Workers’ Union begins to strike in that segregated schools are Opechancanough, assumed also published. Born into Congress enacts the Northwest Fugitive Slave Law is passed Washington D.C. 1920 Chicago 1953 in major American cities, lasting Illegal Immigration Reform and and to worship according to the Nelson A. Miles. This signaled the end of warfare W.E.B. DuBois founds the Niagara movement, power 1811 was to be known as the Trail is ratified, defining citizenship. Individuals New York for stable hours and higher March-June: Operation Upshot– unconstitutional. The passage of the Community Reinvestment Act—a slavery, Hammon was never missionaries’ teachings, the Indians Ordinance which establishes making it illegal to assist a a forerunner to the NAACP. The movement The Nineteenth for several days afterwards. Immigrant Responsiblity Act of Tecumseh organized in 1811 an 1824 of Tears. As they moved born or naturalized in the United States are between the United States Army and Indian tribes. Congress passes the Antiquities Act wages. This protest eventually United States federal law designed to encourage 1662 1666 1696 emancipated. He was living in runaway slave. Reconstruction ends in the South. Knothole: a series of eleven April 12 – In Detroit, Michigan, 1996 vastly changed immigration at San Diego rebelled against the formal procedures for transforming Indian gathering of five thousand, May 24, 1824 - In The Cherokee nation adopts a American citizens, including those born as is formed in part as a protest to Booker T. which declared all Native American attracts 20,000 female protesters Amendment, granting January 22 – Roe v. Wade: The commercial banks and savings associations to help New Amsterdam is renamed The Royal African Trade 1758 1790 at the age of 79, and died 1795 westward, they began to Federal attempts to provide 1929 nuclear bomb tests in Nevada September 7 – 150 women laws because it expanded the Hereditary Slavery law Christopher Columbus lands upon Spanish, burning every building territories into states. It provides Pawtucket, Rhode Island, written constitution declaring Washington’s policy of accommodation artifacts found on federal land, women the right to vote, is Malcolm X delivers a speech U.S. Supreme Court overturns meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their Company loses its monopoly on the bank of the Tallapoosa die—of sickness, of drought, slaves. This nullifies the Dred Scott Case to the cause. It remains the largest 1929 A “Hooverville” was a over the course of four months. (Virginia). New York. North America on an expedition The African Baptist or by 1806. A devout Christian, and killing most of the inhabitants, for the eventual establishment of Martha Moore Ballard, who “baked the first strike by female themselves to be a sovereign some basic civil rights for African to white society; the Niagara movement including the bones of the deceased, ratified. entitled “The Ballot or the Bullet.” (members of New York Radical state bans on abortion. grounds for detaining and NURP 522: 400 Years of Inequality River in Alabama, and told them: of the heat, of exposure. There (1857), which had ruled that blacks were not 1889 1898 union protest organized by women President Herbert Hoover 1929 Some argue that this might have communities, including low- and moderate-income 1692 and New England colonists 1852 shanty town built by 1620 to find gold for Spain. “Bluestone” Church is founded he is considered one of the including the mission’s head priest. three to five states in the area north and brewed, pickled and preserved, workers occurs. nation. Americans quickly erode. 1903 embraces a more radical approach, calling for as federal property. Women) arrive in Atlantic City, deporting immigrants. citizens. 1877 in American history. 1929: Stock market crashes 1955 neighborhoods. “Let the white race perish” (Zinn, 1827 says, “Any lack of confidence been the cause of numerous were 645 wagons, and people The Sioux reach an agreement with 800 ‘choice persons’ sent It was declared that children enter the slave trade. on the William Byrd plantation founders of African-American spun and sewed, made soap Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, U.S. annexes Hawaii. immediate equality in all areas of American life. homeless people in the US New Jersey to protest against December 15 – Gay rights: The Thanks to a Spanish sharpshooter, of the Ohio River, to be considered 2015). Mother Jones leads march of child factory workers in the economic future or the unprecedented tornado March 2 – Claudette Colvin, Mindy Fullilove, MD, Hon. AIA to Virgina for indentured 1670 near the Bluestone River, literature. and dipped candles” and who, in marching alongside. Survivors, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is published. the federal government that divides during the Great Depression. the Miss America Pageant, as American Psychiatric Association of black mothers “shall be the Indians were finally driven off equal with the original 13. The demanding safer working conditions. basic strength of business in a fifteen-year-old African- Professor of Urban Policy and Health, Milano School Virginia prohibits free blacks 1699 in Mecklenburg, Virginia, 1827 years later, told of halting at It becomes one of the most the Sioux territory into six smaller They were named after outbreaks occuring thereafter. exploitative of women. Led by removes homosexuality from its 2017 servitude bond or free according to the and the Spanish retained control of Ordinance includes a Bill of Rights twenty-five years as a midwife, 1869 American girl, refuses to 1961 1812 the edge of the Mississippi in reservations. the United States is foolish.” Herbert Hoover, who was Over 400 deaths were caused of International Affairs, Management and Urban and Indians from keeping At this point the US has: becoming the first known black delivered more than a thousand July 4, 1827 - In New York influential works to stir anti-slavery activist and author Robin Morgan DSM-II. DJT inaugurated as 45th condition of the mother.” their outpost. that guarantees freedom of religion, by over 30 tornadoes across the give up her seat on a bus January 20 – John F. Kennedy 1978 Policy Mayflower sets out with Christian (i.e. white) servants. 96,600 indentured servants babies (Zinn, 2015). The War of 1812 lasted from June 1812 to February State, slavery is legally the middle of winter, the river sentiments. Howard University’s law school becomes 1898 President of the United April 28 – WAC (Women’s POTUS in the wake of sexist, the right to trial by jury, public nation. in Montgomery, Alabama, becomes the 35th President of Kent State shootings: Four 1995 along with about 33,200 1770 1775 1815, fought between the United States of America and running full of ice, “hundreds the country’s first black law school. 1879 States during the onset of homophobic, xenophobic, and George Thorpe to build a “Women servants gott with education and a ban on slavery in abolished. Passed as federal law, the Erdman Act 1907 to a white woman after the United States. students at Kent State University Army Corps) abolished; women slaves Thomas Preston (1722— the United Kingdom, its North American colonies,and of sick and dying penned up in the Depression and widely December 1 – Rosa Richard Nixon becomes the first Senate passed the Defense of racist comments during his middle school to Christianize child by their masters...to be “Give me liberty, or give me death!” is a quotation 1788 the Northwest. The Black Exodus takes place, in which prohibits discrimination against railroad the driver demands it. in Ohio are killed and 9 wounded integrated into regular Army. Students c.1798) was a British officer, a its Native American allies. Causes of the war included wagons or stretched upon the Charles Curtis is the first blamed for it. Parks is arrested for President of the United States Marriage Act (DOMA) which campaign. Indian children and teach the sold by the Churchwardens for 1763 attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he Slavery is abolished in tens of thousands of African Americans workers due to union membership. She is carried off the bus December 11 – The Vietnam by Ohio State National American of Indian descent to Rawan Albaghli captain who served in Boston made to the Second Virginia Convention on British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, the Royal Navy’s ground.” 1932 refusing to give up 1974 to resign from office, an action rejected prohibiting employment English culture two yeares” Treaty of Paris Massachusetts migrated from southern states to backwards whilst being War officially begins, as the Guardsmen, at a protest against in the Massachusetts Bay 1828 1870 1890 be elected into the U.S. Senate. FDR Elected her seat on a bus to a Alberta Williams King, mother of taken to avoid being removed discrimination based on sexual Women’s March on Washington Bailey Baerwolf March 23, 1775, at St. John’s Church in Richmond, impressment of American seamen and America’s desire Kansas. kicked and handcuffed and first American helicopters arrive the incursion into Cambodia. I 1662 The Battle of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, occurs in He would later go on to serve white person. Four days orientation in the private sector 2003 Colony. He commanded some The first strike of mill 1854 the late Martin Luther King, Jr., occurs the next day to advocate to expand its territory. by impeachment and conviction Lisa Banfield “The ground was strewn Four men hanged after Mass reverses a ruling dating The , Virginia. He is credited with having swung the In Massachusetts, following an Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is harassed on the way to the in Saigon along with 400 U.S. troops in the Boston Massacre women on their own Congress passes the Kansas- the last major battle between United States troops and 1899 as Hoover’s Vice President. later, the Montgomery is killed during a church service in response to his role in the 1998 Bush enacted the Medicare legislation and policies regarding Heather Beck with the skulls and bones of known in Europe as the Seven balance in convincing the convention to pass ratified, giving blacks the right to vote. 1933 police station. She becomes personnel. planning a raid in Gloucester back to 1652, which allowed incident in which free blacks in 1770 and was tried for took place in Dover, New Nebraska Act, establishing Indians. Hundreds of Indian men, women, and children NRA, AAA, FDIC, TVA, FERA, Improvement Association August 26 – The Women’s Strike in Atlanta, Georgia by Marcus Watergate scandal. 1979 al-Qaeda struck the U.S. Prescription Drug, Improvement, human rights and other issues to Divya Bhardwaj thousands of Indians who had Year’s War, ends with the a resolution delivering Virginian troops for the The federal government grants a plaintiff in Browder v. August 11 – The Watts Riots begin in Los Angeles, County. blacks to train in arms. murder, but he was acquitted. were kidnapped and transported Hampshire. are slain, along with twenty-nine soldiers. (image) is formed in Montgomery, August 6 – U.S. President Lyndon For Equality takes place down Wayne Chenault October 14 – A major gay rights and Modernization Act, resist the 45th. Attendees wear Sherian Feaster died and none were left to bury 1674 Treaty of Paris. Under the Revolutionary War. the territories of Kansas and Hiram Revels of Mississippi is elected the railroad companies unrestricted CCC - The New Deal Gayle (1956) which rules California after an African-American motorist was embassies in Kenya and Historians have never settled to the island of Martinique, the Alabama by Dr. Martin B. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Fifth Avenue in New York City. march in the United States also called the Medicare pink hats in solidarity. Rumbidzai Joyline Gostosa treaty, France gives England Nebraska. The legislation country’s first African-American senator. access to Native American land. 1909 Social Security Act, WP, bus segregation to be 1962 Mississippi civil rights arrested for suspicion of drunk driving. Over five days Tanzania, killing 224 people, them.” Gloucester County, Virginia New York, Connecticut, and New York declares that blacks Massachusetts legislature declares Luther King, Jr. and Act of 1965 into law. takes place in Washington, D.C., Modernization Act or MMA whether he ordered his men to Several hundred women repeals the Missouri During Reconstruction, sixteen blacks unconstitutional. June 25 – United States workers’ murders: three there were 34 deaths and more than $40 million in including 12 Americans. Alfred Hutchinson the first documented slave New Hampshire pass similar who convert to Christianity all French territory east of the the slave trade illegal and provides The National Association for the Advancement of NLRA, CIO, U.S. Neutrality other Black ministers A Freedom Riders bus is fire- involving many tens of thousands fire on the colonists. Preston paraded with banners 1829 Compromise of 1820 and served in Congress and about 600 served in 1890 Supreme Court, Engel v. Vitale: Congress of Racial property damage. Gabriel Kissoon rebellion in the colonies takes laws restricting the bearing of after their enslavement will not Mississippi River, except New for monetary damages to victims of 1839 Colored P eopleis f ounded i n N ew Y o r k by p r ominent black Legislation to coordinate a Black bombed near Anniston, Alabama of people. was originally from Ireland; and flags. They shot off Andrew Jackson is elected President. renews tensions between anti- Equality workers, Taylor Morton be freed. Orleans. The Spanish give up states legislatures. Congress passes the Sherman and white intellectuals and led by W.E.B. Du Bois. For the 1934 August 28 – Emmett Till and the civil rights protestors the court rules that mandatory place (attempted) arms. 1728 his people were among the 1776 kidnappings. gunpowder, in protest and proslavery factions. 1899 boycott of city buses. The April 24 – Five hundred thousand people in 1829 Michael Schwerner, prayers in public schools are Evelyn Ontaneda east and west Florida to the The Amistad Slave Ship Anti-Trust Act. Originally designed next half century, it would serve as the country’s most Redlining practices begin is lynched in Mississippi following year, Browder v. are beaten by an angry mob Mercy Otis Warren is born. Protestants settled there. 1813 against new factory rules, In September 1829 Walker President McKinley is shot unconstitutional. Andrew Goodman and 1971 Washington, DC and 125,000 in San Francisco march at the age of 14 after of Ku Klux Klan members. Ten Amu Ptah-Riojas Maryland legalizes slavery. English in return for Cuba. Cherokee Indians attacked a Jackson became a national to combat industrial monopolies, 1910 influential African-American civil rights organization, to determing mortgage Gayle: The United States 2013 By 1775, Mercy was the which charged fines for James Chaney, are in protest against the Vietnam War. A few weeks later, 1675 first published his famous 53 African slaves on board the provisions within the bill are used to by anarchist Leon Czolgosz eligibility based on race reportedly flirting with a days later, Freedom Riders are Zion Sage settlement in western North hero when in 1814 he fought coming late, forbade talking dedicated to political equality and social justice. Supreme Court declares a Harris Poll claims that 60% of Americans are against 2004 President Barack Obama 1662 leading woman writer of the seventy-six-page pamphlet 1871 abducted and murdered Popi Sen King Philips/ slave ship revolted against their prosecute unions instead. while in Buffalo, NY for his 20,000 female textile workers go white woman. Alabama laws requiring arrested in Jackson, Mississippi 1985 Carolina. Militia forces retaliated 1776 the Battle of Horseshoe Bend the Vietnam War. announced that the United States Maryland mandates lifelong Revolution. She participated 1798 on the job, and required Walker’s Appeal in captors, killing all but the ship’s second inauguration. Later on strike to protest unsafe working for “disturbing the peace” after 1963 near Philadelphia, 2004 George W Bush elected for Gamal Walker 1622 Metacom’s War in by destroying a nearby Cherokee KKK members tried and convicted by federal segregated buses January 20 – U.S. President against a thousand Creeks and was no longer pursuing a War on servitude for all black slaves. 1729 in politics through her older 1772 Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” church attendance. They Four Articles; Together with navigator, who sailed them succumbing to his wounds, conditions. disembarking from their bus. January 14 – George Wallace Mississippi, by local second term as POTUS MA village. The Battle of Fallen Timbers 1857 courts in Mississippi. Many Blacks elected illegal, thus ending the The 26th Amendment Ronald Reagan is privately sworn Following the Natchez is published in Philadelphia. The killed eight hundred of them, were forced to return to the becomes governor of Alabama. members of the White Terror, Designer Powhatan Uprising brother Jemmy Otis and later Genocide of Native People 1787 a Preamble, to the Coloured to Long Island, N.Y., instead 1890 he is succeeded in office by Montgomery Bus Boycott. to political office. to the United States Richard Nixon becomes the first in for a second term in office Wars of 1716, 1722 through her husband James 50 page pamphlet is highly critical with few casualties on his side. mill, their demands unmet, Citizens of the World, but in of their intended destination, The Dred Scott case holds that Theodore Roosevelt. In his inaugural speech, he Knights of the Ku At the constitutional convention, Roger Sherman The final battle of the Northwest United Mine Workers of America is Constitution, formally President of the United States (publicly sworn in, January 21). Paul Beasley Opechancanough’s Indians and 1723 the Natchez Warren and her friend John 1763 Eighty percent of the Arikara of King George III and attacks The Cherokees helped United and their leaders were fired Particular and Very Expressly Africa. They secured passage Congress does not have the defiantly proclaims “segregation Klux Klan with local founded. 1938 to resign from office, an action 1629 Rebellion (1729–1731) allegiance to Monarchy in principle proposes a compromise which allows for Indian War, a struggle between States to victory. and blacklisted. 1911 now, segregation tomorrow, and law enforcement certified by President 1628 Adams. The Proclamation of 1763, to Those of the United States right to ban slavery in states 1912 attacked in 1622. After home to Africa with the help died of smallpox, measles, etc. Native American tribes United States Housing Richard Nixon, lowers the taken to avoid being removed Right wing extremist David Lewis England enters a recession. San Esteban del when Natchez Indians while providing strong arguments representation in the House of Representatives and, furthermore, that slaves 1881 Margaret Sanger writes a column on segregation forever!” officials involved in of America. 1962 killing Ralph Dickenson, the signed by King George III of sympathetic missionary The Society of American Indians is founded in Authority, Fair labor Standards 2005 affiliated with the Western voting age from 21 to 18. by impeachment and conviction Rice murders civil rights attorney Rey Mission massacre 250 people for American independence. based on each state’s population and equal are not citizens. It held that Spelman College, the first college for black women in the U.S., sex education for girls titled “What October – November: Cuban the conspiracy. July 2015 Pamunkey Indians held Jane of England, prohibits any societies in 1842. Columbus, Ohio to provides Indians with a political Act, Hurricane Katrina devastates representation for all of the states in the Senate. Confederacy, including support is founded by Sophia B. Packard and Harriet E. Giles. 1890 1902 February 19 – The publication 2 – President Lyndon in response to his role in the Charles Goldmark as well as at Fort Rosalie 1736 “a negro, whose ancestors Every Girl Should Know”. The frank Missile Crisis: The world is on the Dickenson prisoner for ten English settlement west of the platform to better lobby for their interests to the of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Watergate scandal. Goldmark’s wife and 2 children in the Gulf Coast displacing Obergefell v. Hodges declares 1633 The numerous black slaves in the South are to from the British led by Captain were imported into [the U.S.], Textile workers in New York win the 147,000 miners go on strike in Colorado to demand discussion of sexuality in the column brink of nuclear war due to Soviet Johnson signs the Civil A revolt breaks out at the months until Dr. John Pott, The Wars Appalachian mountains and federal government. Mystique launches the reawakening Seattle. millions of people same-sex marriage as legal October 12: counted at only three fifths of their total number. Alexander McKillop, against the Booker T. Washington founds the Tuskegee Normal and right to unionize in state court. union representation. They are evicted from the weapons in Cuba. In December, Rights Act of 1964 into maximum-security prison October 12: October 12: a Jamestown physician and Dutchman David Pieterson (1736, 1739 and 1752) requires those already settled and sold as slaves”, whether embroiled Sanger in controversy. of the Women’s Movement in 1980 2000 nationwide and protected under A rough draft of the constitution is then drawn United States for control of the 1844 Industrial Institute in Alabama. The school becomes one of the premises after a week-long standoff with federal police. Cuba releases the last 1,113 law, abolishing racial in Attica, New York. In the January 20 – Ronald Reagan succeeds Jimmy Carter, as future Virginia governor, DeVries visits Virginia were fought between in those regions to return east enslaved or free, could not the United States as women’s November 14 – Yale University announces it is going 2000 George Walker Bush the 14th Amendment’s Equal 1675-76 up. Northwest Territory 1830 Protestant-Catholic riots in leading schools of higher learning for African Americans, and 1890 participants in the Bay of Pigs segregation in the end, state police and the the 40th President of the United States. Minutes later, Iran and notes poor servitude the Chickasaw allied 1746 in an attempt to ease tensions be an American citizen and to admit women, 267 years after its founding in 1707. became 43rd POTUS Protection Clause. ransomed her freedom for two organizations and consciousness- 1630 Bacon’s Rebellion Lucy Terry was Indian Removal Act moves Kensington, Philadelphia. stresses the practical application of knowledge. The National Woman Suffrage Invasion to the U.S., in exchange United States. United States National releases the 52 Americans held for 444 days, ending the 1844 therefore had no standing to conditions “immigrants died with the British with Native Americans. 1859 raising groups spread. It is the third oldest institution of higher education in pounds of beads. Association and the American Guard storm the facility; like cats and dogs”. Winthrop’s Fleet against the French brought to Rhode eastern Indians west of Mississippi: Fewer than 30,000 Indians John Brown and 21 followers sue in federal court. for food worth $53 million. 1967 the United States. Iran hostage crisis. 1776 In 1896, George Washington Carver begins teaching there as Woman Suffrage Association join April 12 – Martin Luther King, Jr., e4 2k iar lled, 10 of them King Philip’s/Metacom’s War in Massachusetts Island as a slave from In 1830, just a year after taking living east of the Mississippi July 12 – After the arrest of an 1986 About 20 English women and their allies the capture the federal arsenal at 1700 office, Jackson pushed a new piece of director of the department of agricultural research, gaining an together as the National American 1911 Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth African-American cab driver for hostages. Africa. Her future were held captive during and Illini. July 1-4: Congress debates and revises the River left. Harpers Ferry, Va. (now W. Va.), in Three African Americans are Pennsylvania legalizes slavery husband purchased legislation called the “Indian Removal Susan B. Anthony, women’s suffragette, illegally international reputation for his agricultural advances. Woman Suffrage Association. and others are arrested in a allegedly illegally driving around the massacre and little Declaration of Independence. See Chronology of an attempt to launch a slave revolt. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire kills assaulted by a group of white her freedom before Act” through both houses of Congress. casts a ballot at Rochester, New York in the Birmingham protest for “parading a police car and gunning it down documentation remains for 1775 the Declaration 150 workers. 1912 teens in the Howard Beach their marriage in It gave the president power to negotiate The Seminole people lived More than 17,000 Cherokee presidential election to publicize the cause of a without a permit”. Four days the road, race riots break out in this. The Shot Heard Around the World July 4: Congress adopts the Declaration of 1981 neighborhood of Queens, 1682 removal treaties with Indian tribes living woman’s right to vote. Workers go on strike in later, King issues his Letter from Newark, New Jersey, and these 1972 1680 1756. She composed in Florida and were once people began the 1,000 1872 New York. One of the victims, Independence; it’s sent to the printer 1890 1969 Virginia declares that all 1702 Massachusetts in what becomes 1946 Birmingham Jail. riots last for six days. 1636 Virginia forbids blacks and a ballad, “Bars Fight”, The first battle of the war, Lexington marked the July 8: The Declaration of Independence is read east of the Mississippi. part of the Creek Nation. mile walk through the harsh The Seventh Cavalry under the command of Lt. 1940 1943 January 25 – Shirley Michael Griffith, is run over imported black servants are New York passes An Act for Wyoming is the first state that known as the “Bread and Roses” Detroit Race Riots Employment Act August 5 – Ronald Reagan fires 11,359 First American slave slaves from bearing arms/ about a 1746 incident. beginning of the American Revolution. Although publicly 1800 1818 The Seminoles refused to winter to Indian Territory. The Confederacy is founded when Colonel George Armstrong Custer, protecting a 1913 Franklin D. Roosevelt wins 1956 June 12 – Loving v. Virginia: The Chisholm, the first and killed by a motorist while slaves for life. 1873 grants women the right to vote. strike, culminating with 23,000 striking air-traffic controllers who carrier, Desire, is built and congregating. Regulating Slaves It was preserved Lexington and Concord were considered British move west and fought three More than 4,000 Cherokee the deep South secedes, and the railroad survey party in Montana, engage the reelection to a record third July 30 – A Joint Resolution United States Supreme Court January 20 – Richard M. Nixon African American workers on strike. succeeds Lyndon B. Johnson as ignored his order for them to return to launched in Massachusetts orally until being military victories, they gave a moral boost to the Gabriel’s Conspiracy wars trying to stay. When men, women and children Civil War begins. Sioux for the first time near the Tongue River in The Congressional Union for 1941 term of Congress is signed by June 11 – Alabama Governor George Wallace declares all U.S. state laws Congresswoman, Seminole War of 1818 the 37th President of the United work. marking the start of Colonial Mandates harsh punishment Prohibitions of this act include published in 1855. American colonists. the wars ended, fewer than died on the journey. 1861 one minor clash of the Indian War. Women Suffrage is created to Japanese Internment begins President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1958 stands in the door of the University of Alabama to prohibiting interracial marriage to announces her candidacy 1684 advocate for a constitutional States. America’s slave trade for slaves who assault meetings of more than three 1702 It is considered the Gabriel Prosser, was a literate enslaved Otherwise known as the Florida Purchase of 1819 - really 1830 500 Seminoles remained in 1893 authorizing “In God We Trust” as January 18 – Battle of Hayes protest against integration, before stepping aside be unconstitutional. for President. New York makes it illegal for slaves, trading by slaves, and 1764 Florida. amendment ensuring a woman’s 1913 Best-selling book in London blacksmith who planned a large slave rebellion in 1945 the U.S. national motto. Pond: Armed Lumbee Indians and allowing African Americans James Hood and June 12 – A rally against nuclear weapons draws 750,000 2008 Christians or attempt escape. oldest known work of a campaign by Andrew Jackson to conquer Indian land The Panic of 1893, a massive slaves to sell goods. The Currency Act prohibited The Underground Railroad is right to vote. Having agreed in principle A blowout on Union Oil’s Platform Rhode Island founded by testimony by slaves in court. read in the Colonies is “Advice literature by an African the Richmond area in the summer of 1800. throughout the West and South. Andrew Jackson’s military 1873 economic depression, begins. Banks The U.S. Department of Labor is attack and defeat Klansmen Vivian Malone to enroll. to New York City’s Central Park. Jackson Browne, James the colonists from issuing any 1775 established, a network of white 1903 to unconditional surrender 12th Street Riot: In Detroit, one of 1975 Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is to a Daughter”. The were the The Creeks never signed 1944 during a KKK rally in Maxton, A in the Dos Cuadras Offshore Oil Taylor, Bruce Springsteen, and Linda Ronstadt attend. Roger Williams Pueblo Revolt takes place in American. campaign came across the Florida border, burning Seminole The Women’s Crusade of 1873-74 is started when financing railroad companies had established. 2001 1790 G.I. Bill - African American on August 14, 1945, Japan the name given to a protest legal tender paper money. This Thomas Preston (1722— Abolitionists and free blacks first people to be removed a treaty. They fought the worst riots in United States Field spills 80,000 to 100,000 May – The unemployment rate New Mexico. 1686 villages, seizing Spanish forts, until Spain was “persuaded” women in Fredonia, New York march against overextended themselves and now Department of Labor and Commerce North Carolina. A KKK leader’s President John F. Kennedy delivered a historic Civil 1703 act threatens to destabilize c.1798) was a British officer, a Indian Trade and Intercourse Act assisting runaway slaves escaping Soliders benefit less formally surrenders, ending history begins on 12th Street barrels of crude oil into a channel peaks at 9.0% ending the Post- The September 11 attacks (also movement that began on Royal African Trade Company from their homeland in back, killing white settlers, 1863 retail liquor dealers, leading to the creation of the lacked the liquidity to cover their created. wife publicly refers to the Lumbee Rights Address, in which he promises a Civil Rights John Mason raid on the 1773 captain who served in Boston to sell. He acted, he said, by the “immutable laws of self- from plantations to Free States and World War II. referred to as 9/11)[nb 1] were a September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Massachusetts requires 1787 in the predominantly African and onto the beaches of Santa War Boom. brings around 5,000 slaves/ the entire colonial economy of Mississippi. There were about destroyed crops and stole fiduciary obligations. 1957 Tribe as “group of kinky haired so- Bill, and asks for “the kind of equality of treatment Pequot village on Block December 16, 1773 - About 8000 Bostonians The US Constitution is adopted defense” (Zinn, 2015). Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. 1892 series of four coordinated terrorist Park, located in New York City’s masters who liberate slaves to both the industrial North and in the Massachusetts Bay The Indian Trade and Intercourse . Slaves were hid in churches, 20,000 Choctaws living in cattle. President Jackson President Lincoln issues The Civil Rights Commission is that we would want for ourselves.” American inner city: 43 are killed, Barbara County in Southern 1688 year at this point. 1715 January 23 – Ku Klux Klan members force truck called Indians.” attacks by the Islamic terrorist Wall Street financial district, Island, RI. provide a bond of 50 pounds or gather to hear Sam Adams tell them Royal Colony. He commanded some boats, sheds, houses, and basements the Emancipation Homestead Strike: The Carnegie Steel Company hired 1903 established in the USA under the 342 injured and 1,400 buildings California Pennsylvania Quakers pass The Yamasee War against the agricultural South, thus uniting Act is passed, placing nearly all Mississippi. Three groups of called in the US Army to stop driver Willie Edwards to jump off a bridge into the more. Governor Hutchinson has repeated his troops in the Boston Massacre as they moved along a perilous 1914 burned. 1976 group al-Qaeda on the United receiving global attention and Proclamation, declaring private security force, the Pinkerton Agency, to violently Civil Rights Act of 1957. February 11 – Ruth Carol Taylor is Medgar Evers, an American civil rights activist the first formal antislavery white settlements in South the colonists against it. interaction between Indians and Choctaws made the 500-mile the Creek War. The Army 1894 The first female labor union, the Alabama River; he drowns as a result. June 28 – The Stonewall riots in States spawning the movement against command not to allow the ships out of the in 1770 and was tried for 1789 non-Indians under federal, rather journey to freedom. journey, walking the entire forced about 15,000 Creeks “that all persons held repress a strike by the Amalgamated Association of Iron World War I starts. the first African American woman from Mississippi was killed by a segregationist. resolution. 1691 Carolina 1764 1800 Eugene Debbs organizes the Pullman National Women’s Trade Union New York City mark the start of Nearly 2,000 students economic inequality worldwide. harbor until the tea taxes are paid. That night, murder, but he was acquitted. 1831 as slaves” within the and Steel Workers. Virginia prohibits the Congress submits 12 proposed than state control. By 1800, 10 to 15 million blacks had been distance. They had neither to move west. Almost all the League, is founded. September 4th – Little Rock Nine: hired as a flight attendant. Hired the modern gay rights movement become involved in a 1640 1705 The Sugar Act is passed by the English the Boston Tea Party occurs as colonial activists Historians have never settled 1776 Nat Turner, an enslaved Confederate states “are, Strike in Illinois. August 28 – Martin Luther manumission of slaves within constitutional amendments to the transported as slaves to the Americas, food nor clothing. 2,500 babies, children and elderly Governor Orville Faubus of Arkansas by Mohawk Airlines, her career in the U.S. racially charged riot at Barrack Hussein Obama became The Virginia Slave Code disguise themselves as Mohawk Indians then African-American preacher, King, Jr. delivers his “I Have a John Punch, sentenced to life 1644 its borders. Manumitted slaves Parliament.This act increases the duties on whether he ordered his men to states for ratification. The first ten Choctaws died on the journey people died. When the Creeks and henceforward shall be calls out the US National Guard, lasts only six months, due to Escambia High School 1641 codifies slave status. It defines San Francisco is established by Spanish representing perhaps one-third of those originally leads the most significant Dream” speech on the steps the first African American/mixed of servitude for running away imported sugar and other items such as board the ships and dump all 342 containers of fire on the colonists. Preston will be ratified and added to the from sickness, freezing finally reached the Indian free.” 1903 1914 to prevent African-American another discriminatory barrier— United States Postal Service in Pensacola, Florida; 30 Last Powhatan Rebellion are forced to leave the colony. all slaves as real estate, acquits missionaries on the California coast. seized in Africa. 1831 slave uprising in American of the Lincoln Memorial race POTUS becomes first documented Massachusetts is the first textiles, coffee, wines and indigo (dye). It tea into the harbor. was originally from Ireland; Constitution in 1791 as the Bill of weather, hunger and by Territory, there were only 1894 The Supreme Court rules in Lone students from enrolling in Central the airline’s ban on married flight workers in New York City go on students are injured in the June 19 – Vincent Chin, a 27 year old colony to legalize slavery. masters who kill slaves during William Lloyd Garrison begins history. He and his band President Wilson signs the to an audience of at least The Pruitt–Igoe housing “slave for life”. Two white 1692 Virginia General Assembly doubles the duties on foreign goods reshipped his people were among the Rights. bandits who attacked them. about 7,500 people left 6000 workers march on the U.S. Capitol to Wolf v. Hickcock that the federal High School in Little Rock. Twenty attendants. strike; the strike spreads to the 4-hour fray. Chinese American, was beaten to April 1644 - In the last Indian 1753 publishing the Liberator, a of followers launch a Clayton Act, which prevents 250,000, during the March development is The Salem Witch punishment, forbids slaves days later, U.S. President Dwight D. death by two white auto-workers companions are given passes act ‘under gods Phyllis Wheatley had been from England to the colonies and also forbids Protestants settled there. Congress establishes the Freedmen’s Bureau to protect the rights of newly emancipated blacks protest the massive unemployment following the government retains the right to April – Unemployment in Detroit state of California and the cities demolished in Saint Louis, rebellion in the region, and free colored peoples from weekly paper that advocates short, bloody, rebellion in unions from being prosecuted Eisenhower sends federal troops to on Washington for Jobs and Gregg v. Georgia: The Supreme Court of who thought he was Japanese and the extended terms of servitude. Trials begin in name’ to supress fornication educated during the 1700s. the import of foreign rum and French wines. (March). Panic of 1893 annul any former treaties made with reaches 20%, marking the height of Akron, Ohio, Philadelphia, Missouri. Opchanacanough and the physically assaulting white 1764 the complete abolition of Southampton County, Virginia. under the Sherman Anti-Trust Arkansas to provide safe passage Freedom. the United States rules that the death cause of the declining prosperity of the 1642 Massachusetts. and relationships amongst Wheatley’s literary and 1845 The Civil War ends (April 9). Native Americans. of the Recession of 1958 in the Pennsylvania, Chicago, Boston, Powhatan Indians attack the persons, and denies slaves 1790 slavery. He becomes one of The militia quells the rebellion, Act. into Central High School for the penalty is not inherently cruel or unusual American auto industry. 1637 1774 Frederick Douglass publishes his Lincoln is assassinated (April 14). and Denver, Colorado; 210,000 20,000 settlers have arrived in The French & Iroqouis Wars servants. artistic talents helped show United States. English at Jamestown, but the right to bear arms or Pontiac’s Rebellion against the 1777 The first U.S. Census count included slaves and the most famous figures in the and Turner is eventually Little Rock Nine. and is a constitutionally acceptable form of September 5 to October 26, the First Continental autobiography, Narrative of the Life of The Ku Klux Klan is formed in Tennessee by ex-Confederates (May). 1895 out of 750,000 U.S. postal Pequot War on Block Island, the Colonies. begin. Also called the Beaver their effort is repulsed and that African Americans were British in the Ohio River Valley abolitionist movement. move abroad without written Lydia Chapin Taft of Uxbridge, Massachusetts became the only free African-Americans, but Indians were not hanged. As a consequence, employees walk out. punishment. Rhode Island. Wars. English joined South Carolina passes the first equally capable, creative, Congress meets in Philadelphia with 56 The first congressional Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 1865 Slavery in the United States is effectively ended when 250,000 slaves in Texas finally receive the Women in Colorado are granted the right to vote. proves unsuccessful. permission. colonial woman known to vote, casting a vote in the local town included. Virginia institutes much 1970 delegates, representing every colony, except standard for official United detailing his experience as a slave. It news that the Civil War had ended two months earlier (June 19). to defeat French by 1698. comprehensive slave codes intelligent human beings who stricter slave laws. 1905 hall meeting in place of her deceased husband. Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, prohibiting slavery (Dec. 6). benefited from an education. 1756 Georgia. Attendants include Patrick Henry, States was established becomes a national bestseller. The New England Confederation of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1646 In part, this helped the cause George Washington, Sam Adams and John Connecticut, and New Haven adopts a fugitive slave law. Several laws Powhatans make peace with of the abolition movement. Hancock. 1643 passed to lengthen servitude. the English. October 12, 2017 People’s History October 12, 2018 People’s Power October 12, 2019 People’s Opportunity 400 Years of Inequality, 1619-2019 Sometimes, when you don’t know where you’re going, you have to remember where you’ve been Remembering Jamestown Week, 2017 October 12 to 18

TASK: Organize a group to read Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” and make timelines of your history in the context of the history of the US