
Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1939)

Heft 895

PDF erstellt am: 28.09.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, 2580 THE SWISS OBSERVEE. .January 7th, 1939. dividual visitor valuable information on all that and the distinguished Kandahar Races at Murren offers for the satisfaction of his per- on the 18th and 19th. wishes and : kind of BANK sonal requirements every In Switzerland mountain ski-lifts SWISS CORPORATION, climate, form of , sanatoria, and spas, railways, every and eliminate strenuous Company Zimited «STiar« incorporated in «SMtwrZand) her centres and methods of education, means cable-sleighs ascents, all skiers several extra of and modes of II will en- enabling to enjoy downhill, 99, GRESHAM STREET, E.C.2. access conveyance. runs. deavour to give visitors from other countries an and 11c, REGENT STREET, S.W. 1. idea of the unspoilt picturesqueness of life as it Ski-ing is undoubtedly the most popular may he met with in every part of Switzerland in snow in Switzerland, but Tobogganing and consequence of the habits and customs of a people Bobsleighing also have a host of enthusiastic profoundly attached to its work and its country. adherents. The upkeep and constant improve- these is of Capital Paid up s.f. 160,000,000 is too early for further details, but one ment of courses a matter personal It in the with the breadth- Reserves - - s.f. 32,000,000 is certain, that no visitor to the World's pride respective resorts, thing taking, mile-a-minute Cresta Toboggan Run at Fair will ever regret having paid a lengthy visit Deposits - - s.f. 1,280,000,000 section. This gives us St. Moritz a, shining example. Races for both to the Swiss certainty of vehicles the calendar in to come and see us types are on throughout much pleasure inviting you the The Cresta Run Skeleton at home at Flushing Park Meadow at any date season. Toboggan 1939. Race for the Curzon Cup is usually held middle All Descriptions of Banking and from April 30th, the the of January and Grand National in first Business Transacted 8. J. & T. half of February. Outstanding events of the Foreign Exchange coming Swiss winter season will be the Bohlet Grand Prix at St. Moritz on February 4-5, and : : Correspondents in a// : : WINTER WILL BE A SPARKLING SEASON the two-seater Bob World Championship in the : : parts of the Wor/d. : IN SWITZERLAND. same resort on February 8-9. Another feature of the Swiss Winter are the Horse Races on frozen lakes. At St. Moritz, Switzerland, where dreams come true for all where the annual International Horse Races will and winter lovers of Alpine winter splendour be held from 29-February 5, the great Telephone : Telegrams : with excit- January sports, promises a programme replete sheet of snow-covered ice is fenced in to form an MUSeum 2982 Foysuisse London ing attractions from end of December well into exceptionally fine course. Immense grandstands, April. Among these doings, ski-ing, easily a totalisator, a band and crowds of fashionably learned and permitting unrestricted freedom, clad visitors contribute to the perfection of this FOYER SUISSE quite naturally heads the list. Every important unique horse racing picture. Winter horse races the 12 winter resort has its own ski-school, where are also seen at Gstaad, Lenk, Les Diablerets, BEDFORD WAY, Swiss standardized technique is uniformly Arosa, Montana-Vermala and other resorts. Pro- and to under- RUSSELL SQUARE, taught. The method is simple easy grams include ordinary flat-racing, for which the stand and those who adopt it are able to master horses are specially shod in order to gain a firm LONDON, W.C.I every kind of terrain without falling. Beginning foothold on the white turf." There are trotting of December is the opening date of these popular and sleigh races also, as well as ski-kjöring Quiet position (in centre of London. establishments and there are classes for begin- events, in which not only the speed of the horses, Central heating and hot

7 Uhr abends : Gottesdienst. Pfr. E. APPLE GOLD FORTHCOMING EVENTS. Bommeli. ON YOUR XMAS TABLE Töchterverein, Schwvzerchränzli : Jeden Tuesday, January 10th, 1938 (Dinner 7,15 sharp) SWISS APPLE JUICE NOT CIDER Mittwoch Nachmittag. IT'S - — City Swiss Club — Monthly Meeting, at LITER BOTTLES (If pints) 1/6 + 3d. deposit Pagani's, Great Portland Street, W.l. Jeden Donnerstag abend 7 Uhr Versammlung CRATES OF 25 BOTTLE 29/2 + 6/3 deposit Christlicher Verein junger Männer, 28-29, Saturday, January 14th, at 3 p.m. — Song- Bedford Place. W. Obtainable from : Recital by Madame Nina Nfiesch, at Aeolian Con- BARTHOLDI'S 4, Charlotte Street, W.I. Hall. (See notice in this issue) (Tickets at Anfragen wegen Religions — bezw. Box Office, Aeolian Hall.) Armanden Unterricht und Amtshandlungen Tel. : MUSeum 3762, sind erbeten an Herrn Pfarrer Ernst " APPLE GOLD, " Friday, January 20th, at 8 o'clock, (Supper at Bommeli, 12. Bedford Way, W.C.I. 18, Finsbury Street, E C.2 3/- to be served at 6.30 p.m. sharp) — Non- Tel.: National 1076. velle Société Helvétique — Annual General Meeting — at Foyer Suisse, 15, Bedford Printed and Published by The Frederick Printing Co.,, Way, Russell Square, W.C. at 23, Leonard Street, London, E.C.2.