Council Agenda – 10 June 2020

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Council Agenda – 10 June 2020 I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on: Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2020 Time: 5.30pm Location: Via Zoom Video Conferencing from 8 Elizabeth Street Maitland AGENDA Ordinary Council Meeting 10 June 2020 Andrew Cameron CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 10 JUNE 2020 CONFLICT OF INTEREST Members are reminded of the requirements for disclosure by Members of direct or indirect pecuniary benefit or detriment and non-pecuniary benefit or detriment in relation to a material conflict of interest in accordance with Section 73, or an actual or perceived conflict of interest in accordance with Section 75 of the Local Government Act in items listed for consideration on the Agenda. Section 74 and 75A of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Elected Members declare any interest and provide full and accurate details of the relevant interest to the Council. In relation to actual or perceived conflicts of interest a member has an obligation to outline how they propose to deal with the actual or perceived conflict of interest prior to consideration of that item on the Agenda. This requirement does not apply to Ordinary Business Matters prescribed by regulation 8AAA Local Government Act (General) (Accountability and Governance) Variation Regulations 2016. Each Member of a Council has a duty to vote at all meetings unless excepted by legislation. The major exception being where a Member has a material conflict of interest. Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 10 JUNE 2020 Agenda 1 Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country by Mayor .................................................... 5 2 Opening Prayer .................................................................................................................... 5 3 Present ................................................................................................................................. 5 4 Leave of Absence ................................................................................................................ 5 5 Apologies ............................................................................................................................. 5 6 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................... 5 7 Minutes of Previous Meeting – for Confirmation ............................................................... 5 8 Motions on Notice ................................................................................................................ 5 Nil 9 Questions on Notice ............................................................................................................ 5 Nil 10 Questions without Notice .................................................................................................... 5 11 Petitions ............................................................................................................................... 5 Nil 12 Mayor .................................................................................................................................... 6 12.1 Mayor's Monthly Report May 2020 ........................................................................... 6 13 Councillors’ Report .............................................................................................................. 7 Nil INFORMATION AGENDA .............................................................................................................. 9 14 Items for Exclusion .............................................................................................................. 9 15 Receipt of Information Reports ........................................................................................... 9 16 Chief Executive Officer ...................................................................................................... 10 16.1 Action Listing Report .............................................................................................. 10 16.2 CEO Activities - May 2020...................................................................................... 15 16.3 Update - Development Services Review Recommendations .................................. 16 16.4 Correspondence Received From Wellbeing SA ...................................................... 23 16.5 Media Release Received from the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development - SA the Seafood State - a stronger fishing future .............. 25 16.6 Correspondence received from the Port Julia Progress Association ....................... 28 16.7 Correspondence received from the Premier of South Australia .............................. 30 16.8 Correspondence received from the State Planning Commission ............................ 33 16.9 Further correspondence received from the State Planning Commission................. 36 16.10 Announcement from the Deputy Prime Minister & Local Government Minister ....... 39 16.11 Correspondence received from Minister for Human Services ................................. 42 17 Corporate and Community Services ................................................................................ 45 17.1 Audit Committee Minutes - 25 February 2020 ........................................................ 45 17.2 Audit Committee Minutes - 26 May 2020 ................................................................ 53 Page 3 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 10 JUNE 2020 17.3 Art Exhibition Working Party Minutes - 05 May 2020 .............................................. 65 18 Assets and Infrastructure Services .................................................................................. 71 18.1 Construction and Maintenance Works .................................................................... 71 19 Development Services ....................................................................................................... 75 19.1 Inspectorial Report ................................................................................................. 75 19.2 Development Application Decisions ....................................................................... 77 19.3 Wastewater System Application Decisions ............................................................. 82 20 Visitors to the Meeting....................................................................................................... 84 DEBATE AGENDA ....................................................................................................................... 86 21 Mayor .................................................................................................................................. 86 Nil 22 Chief Executive Officer ...................................................................................................... 86 Nil 23 Corporate and Community Services ................................................................................ 87 23.1 Financial Report as at 31 May 2020 ....................................................................... 87 23.2 Draft 2020/2021 Annual Business Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges - Public Consultation................................................................................................. 95 23.3 Treasury Management Performance 2018/2019 .................................................... 98 23.4 Bad Debts Write-Off ............................................................................................. 103 23.5 Policy Review - PO084 Corporate Purchase Card Policy ..................................... 107 23.6 Central Yorke Little Athletics - Community Grant Extension ................................ 113 23.7 Pine Point Progress Association - Community Grant Extension ........................... 116 23.8 Edithburgh Museum Incorporated - Community Grant Extension ......................... 119 23.9 Policy Review - PO149 Community Grants Scheme Policy .................................. 122 23.10 Rate Rebate Request - Balgowan Progress Association ...................................... 131 24 Assets and Infrastructure Services ................................................................................ 146 24.1 Policy Update - PO056 Council Infrastructure Policy ............................................ 146 25 Development Services ..................................................................................................... 153 25.1 Member Appointment to the Council Assessment Panel ...................................... 153 26 General Business............................................................................................................. 161 CONFIDENTIAL AGENDA ......................................................................................................... 162 27 Confidential Items ............................................................................................................ 162 27.1 Independent Appointment to Audit Committee ..................................................... 162 27.2 Request for Dissolution of Deed via Discounted Payout ....................................... 162 28 Next Meeting .................................................................................................................... 164 Wednesday 8 July 2020 29 Closure ............................................................................................................................. 164 Page 4 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 10 JUNE 2020 1 WELCOME AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY BY MAYOR Meeting declared opened 2 OPENING PRAYER
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