I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, 14 March 2018 Time: 5.30pm Location: Council Chambers Minlaton Town Hall 57 Main Street Minlaton


Ordinary Council Meeting

14 March 2018




Members are reminded of the requirements for disclosure by Members of direct or indirect pecuniary benefit or detriment and non-pecuniary benefit or detriment in relation to a material conflict of interest in accordance with Section 73, or an actual or perceived conflict of interest in accordance with Section 75 of the Local Government Act in items listed for consideration on the Agenda. Section 74 and 75A of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Elected Members declare any interest and provide full and accurate details of the relevant interest to the Council. In relation to actual or perceived conflicts of interest a member has an obligation to outline how they propose to deal with the actual or perceived conflict of interest prior to consideration of that item on the Agenda.

This requirement does not apply to Ordinary Business Matters prescribed by regulation 8AAA Local Government Act (General) (Accountability and Governance) Variation Regulations 2016.

Each Member of a Council has a duty to vote at all meetings unless excepted by legislation.

The major exception being where a Member has a material conflict of interest.



1 Welcome by Mayor ...... 5 2 Opening Prayer ...... 5 3 Present...... 5 4 Leave of Absence ...... 5 5 Apologies ...... 5 6 Conflict of Interest ...... 5 7 Minutes of Previous Meeting – for Confirmation ...... 5 8 Motions on Notice ...... 5 Nil 9 Questions on Notice ...... 5 Nil 10 Questions without Notice ...... 5 11 Petitions ...... 5 Nil 12 Mayor ...... 6 12.1 Mayor's Monthly Report February 2018 ...... 6 13 Councillors’ Report ...... 8 13.1 Cr Naomi Bittner - 19th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration ...... 8 13.2 Cr Adam Meyer - Berry Bay Surf Jam ...... 10 INFORMATION AGENDA ...... 13 14 Items for Exclusion ...... 13 15 Receipt of Information Reports ...... 13 16 Chief Executive Officer ...... 14 16.1 CEO Activities February 2018 ...... 14 16.2 Action Listing Report ...... 16 16.3 Correspondence in Relation to Litter ...... 21 17 Corporate and Community Services ...... 25 17.1 Art Exhibition Working Party Minutes - 1 February & 15 February 2018 ...... 25 18 Assets and Infrastructure Services ...... 33 18.1 Construction and Maintenance Works ...... 33 18.2 2018 LGA Roads and Works Conference ...... 38 19 Development Services ...... 40 19.1 Inspectorial Report ...... 40 19.2 Development Application Decisions ...... 42 19.3 Wastewater System Application Decisions ...... 46 20 Visitors to the Meeting ...... 48 Nil


DEBATE AGENDA ...... 50 21 Mayor ...... 50 Nil 22 Chief Executive Officer ...... 50 Nil 23 Corporate and Community Services ...... 51 23.1 Debt Write Off - Stansbury Progress Association ...... 51 23.2 Financial Report as at 28 February 2018 ...... 53 23.3 Authority to apply Common Seal - Point Turton Caravan Park...... 59 23.4 Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2019 - 2028 ...... 77 24 Assets and Infrastructure Services ...... 81 24.1 Coastal Management Strategy Working Party ...... 81 25 Development Services ...... 92 25.1 Bush Camping Working Party Minutes ...... 92 25.2 Access Advisory Working Party Minutes ...... 98 25.3 Revocation of Community Land - Ardrossan Museum ...... 104 25.4 Revocation of Community Land Classification - Section 100, Hundred of Ramsay ...... 109 26 General Business ...... 115 CONFIDENTIAL AGENDA ...... 116 27 Confidential Items ...... 116 Nil 28 Next Meeting ...... 116 Wednesday 11 April 2018 29 Closure ...... 116



Meeting declared opened






Cr Trevor Davey.



Ordinary Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 5.30pm Confidential Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 6.30pm Confidential Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 6.31pm Confidential Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 6.37pm Confidential Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 6.40pm Confidential Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 6.49pm Confidential Council Meeting - 14 February 2018 at 6.52pm










12.1 MAYOR'S MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 2018 Document #: 18/14643 Department: Executive Services

PURPOSE To keep Elected Members updated on Mayoral activities during the month of February 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

DISCUSSION 1st February Chaired the Legatus Audit Committee meeting at Mt Remarkable Council offices in Melrose. 8th February Attended a Senior Sides Planning Meeting with local StarClub Field Officer, Giles Ellis, and representatives from Bowls Australia, and . Flow FM Radio in Barossa Valley first interview, to promote our Council area to listeners with the latest news and upcoming events in the Council area. This will be an ongoing monthly segment. 14th February Attended the Coastal Management Strategy Working Party – Council Chamber Participated in the Bush Camping Working Party meeting – Council Chamber Monthly Council Meeting – Council Chamber 16th February Attended the Legatus Group Meeting with CEO Andrew Cameron held in the Plains Council Chamber in Mallala. 20th February Hosted international and interstate delegates from the 19th International Shellfish Restoration Conference and Shellfish Reef Restoration Network Meeting on the cliff top at Ardrossan with CEO Andrew Cameron, Cr Scott Hoyle and Cr Naomi Bittner. Delegates were able to view examples of the concrete structures and limestone used to build the nearby Windara Reef whilst enjoying a kangaroo sausage. Thanks to the great work by staff and the Ardrossan Progress Association and Tidy Towns group. We then joined the delegates on the beach at Stansbury where local oyster farmers, Steve Bowley and Paul Dee, spoke about local oyster aquaculture and shared oysters with the guests. Lunch followed in the Dalrymple Hotel before they returned to Adelaide for the rest of the conference. 21st February Attended day 3 of the 19th International Shellfish Restoration Conference and Shellfish Reef Restoration Network Meeting in Adelaide with CEO Andrew Cameron and Cr Naomi Bittner.


23rd February Invited to attend and speak at the Official Opening of the new Ardrossan Community Men’s Shed. Very proud members were delighted to show us their achievements to date. The ribbon was cut by the State President of the Men’s Shed Groups. Mayor Cynthia Axford Barunga West Council was also an invited guest. Bute have recently established a Men’s Shed Group

24th February Accepted the invitation to be a guest at a special function to celebrate Goyder Council Mayor Peter Mattey’s 40 years of service in Local Government, held in the Unicorn Brewery Cellars in Burra. 26th February CEO Andrew Cameron and I met with local SA Best Candidate, Sam Davies, at the Maitland Council Office. 27th February Attended the Council Assessment Panel Meeting – Council Chamber 28th February Elected Members Workshop – Council Chamber




13.1 CR NAOMI BITTNER - 19TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SHELLFISH RESTORATION Document #: 18/15344 Department: Executive Services

PURPOSE To provide Elected Members with a summary of my recent attendance at the 19th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration held at the University of Adelaide and including a field trip where delegates visited Yorke Peninsula.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

DISCUSSION Australian Shellfish Restoration Network and 19th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration 20-21 February University of Adelaide & Yorke Peninsula I had the privilege of representing the at the latter part of this conference last week. We first met up with delegates at Ardrossan Lookout where the local progress association members had cooked kangaroo sausages (a big hit with the international visitors) and council staff handed out YPC goodie bags filled with local produce and information promoting our region. After Mayor Agnew & Anita Nedosyko both spoke about the Windara Reef’s construction, the group moved down to Stansbury and were met by local oyster farmers Steve Bowley and Paul Dee. Steve in particular spoke passionately about the detrimental impact that the POMS virus has had on the industry and of the positive outcomes the habitat restoration reefs and native Angasi Oyster could have for them as well as the gulf overall. I recall the concerns that the local oyster farmers displayed in the early days of community consultation about the reef, so it’s a huge credit to both the farmers and Anita and her team that they have worked collaboratively to the point that the oyster farmers feel they have co-ownership of the project and enthusiastically promoted “our reef” to fifty or so global experts last Tuesday. Steve and Paul also shucked their diploid & triploid pacific oysters along with native Angasi oysters for comparison, which provided entrée before a lovely lunch for the contingent at the Dalrymple Hotel. The weather was gorgeous and showed off our land- and seascapes to their absolute best for our visitors. Wednesday saw the conference return to the lecture theatre, and the morning was opened by Chris Gillies, who once again spoke positively of YPC’s commitment from the very early stages, both financially and with the logistics of the reef’s planning and construction. Each session comprised of 15 minute plenaries, case studies, community engagement program updates, research and development and recovery goals (all summarised for you in the conference guide). Personally, I was most interested in the ways to best engage local residents and visitors in seeing the reef as an environmental and scientific attraction as well as something to fish near. The citizen science https://csna.gaiaresources.com.au and Reefwatch https://www.conservationsa.org.au/reef_watch concepts or similar are something that council should certainly consider supporting in the future. The more people who are engaged with our reef (and future reefs), the greater the community ownership of and advocacy for our unique asset; Australia’s largest shellfish reef development. The conference closed with a networking dinner on Wednesday evening. I was so pleased to again hear many positive comments throughout the night, from interstate and international visitors, about

Item 13.1 Page 8 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 14 MARCH 2018 the vision and commitment of the YPC CEO, Elected Members and Staff. To have such passion for reef restoration from Local Government is apparently unusual and I know that we have set a benchmark that many scientists hope other councils will strive for.



13.2 CR ADAM MEYER - BERRY BAY SURF JAM Document #: 18/15520 Department: Executive Services

PURPOSE To provide Elected Members with a summary of my recent attendance at the 2018 Berry Bay Surf Jam, a local event sponsored by Council.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

DISCUSSION On Saturday February 17th 2018, Yorkes Junior Surf Club, hosted the annual Berry Bay Surf Jam, at Berry Bay North. This year the event saw 80 competitors enter the open and white water competitions, from Under 18 down to under 10’s, boys and girls. Competitors came from all over SA including Yorke Peninsula, Copper Coast, Adelaide, South Coast and a family travelled from Sydney to compete. Many rented accommodation locally for the weekend. I attended as a father of a competitor and a representative of Yorke Peninsula Council who sponsors the event. I would like to congratulate the organisers/volunteers and the sponsors of the event, who helped make it happen. Well done to Council staff who have been involved in the improvements at Berry Bay over recent years including the boardwalks and more recently, the toilets and car park improvements. These improvements helped reduce the human impact on the surrounding area and allows events, that help tourism and promote activities that assist youth health outcomes, to occur. I was a proud father and also proud to represent Council on the day. I wish for the efforts of Council Staff to be formally recognised by this report.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Photos - Berry Bay Surf Jam 2018

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16.1 CEO ACTIVITIES FEBRUARY 2018 Document #: 18/14814 Department: Executive Services

PURPOSE To keep Elected Members informed of other meetings and activities during the month of February 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.2 Effective leadership and informed decision making

BACKGROUND The CEO activities report is provided to Council on a monthly basis to inform Elected Members of other meetings and activities during the preceding month.

DISCUSSION 1 February Corporate Management Team Meeting 2 February Legatus Regional Management Group Meeting held at Port Broughton 7 February Met with Giles Ellis in relation to StarClub funding Corporate Management Team Meeting 8 February Yorke Peninsula Community Transport Financial Review Meeting at Maitland Council Office Met with CEOs from Copper Coast Council and Barunga West Council 9 February Met with DPTI representatives in relation to the Marion Bay Boat Launching Facilities Upgrade project and government funding for jetty repairs 13 February Corporate Management Team Meeting 14 February Ardrossan Community Hospital Board Meeting Monthly Council Meeting 16 February Attended the Legatus Group Board Meeting with Mayor Agnew at Mallala 20 February Hosted international and interstate delegates from the 19th International Shellfish Restoration Conference and Shellfish Reef Restoration Network Meeting on the cliff top at Ardrossan with Mayor Ray Agnew, Cr Scott Hoyle and Cr Naomi Bittner before joining the delegates at Stansbury

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21 February Attended day 3 of the 19th International Shellfish Restoration Conference and Shellfish Reef Restoration Network Meeting in Adelaide 23 February Attended the Local Government Professionals Annual Conference in Adelaide 26 February Mayor Agnew and I met with SA Best local candidate, Sam Davies, at the Maitland Council Office 28 February Ardrossan Community Hospital Board Meeting Corporate Management Team Meeting Monthly Elected Member’s Workshop


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16.2 ACTION LISTING REPORT Document #: 18/16192 Department: Executive Services

PURPOSE To keep Elected Members updated on the status of the Action Listing.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.5 Undertake effective risk management

BACKGROUND The Action List was implemented to keep Council informed about the current status and outcomes of Council decisions.

DISCUSSION The Action List included in the Council Agenda each month will incorporate action items from Council along with current status.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Council Meeting Action List - March 2018 2. Council Meeting Completed Action List - March 2018

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16.3 CORRESPONDENCE IN RELATION TO PORT WAKEFIELD ROAD LITTER Document #: 18/16486 Department: Executive Services

PURPOSE To provide Elected Members with correspondence sent and received in relation to litter along Port Wakefield Road.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 3 Valued and Restored Environment Strategy: 3.8 Continue to effectively manage the collection, recycling and disposal of waste

BACKGROUND At the October 2017 Ordinary Council Meeting, Cr Trevor Davey raised his concerns in relation to rubbish coming out of trucks along the Port Wakefield Highway and what could be done about it. The CEO advised Cr Davey that he would take the matter on notice and follow it up.

DISCUSSION In January 2018 Council’s CEO, Andrew Cameron, wrote to Member for Goyder, Mr Steven Griffiths MP, informing him of Elected Member concerns in relation to the excess litter along the Port Wakefield Highway and asking for his assistance in addressing these concerns with the most appropriate party. After receiving Council’s correspondence, Mr Steven Griffiths MP wrote to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Hon Stephen Mullighan MP, informing the Minister of Council’s concerns and his own concerns in relation to the matter. The Minister responded to Mr Steven Griffiths MP in February 2018 outlining the Department’s position in relation to the matter and informing him of a planned programme aimed at reducing this issue. Copies of each piece of correspondence mentioned above has been attached to this report for Elected Member’s information.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Roadside Rubbish - Port Wakefield Highway - Request for Follow-up - Member for Goyder 2. Roadside Rubbish - Port Wakefield Highway - Letter from Member for Goyder to Minister Mullighan 3. Roadside Rubbish - Port Wakefield Highway - Response from Minister Mullighan to Member for Goyder

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17.1 ART EXHIBITION WORKING PARTY MINUTES - 1 FEBRUARY & 15 FEBRUARY 2018 Document #: 18/14490 Department: Corporate and Community Services

PURPOSE The Art Exhibition Working Party is a Working Party of Council. A copy of the minutes from their meetings held on 1 February and 15 February are attached.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 1 Economically Prosperous Peninsula Strategy: 1.4 Support local events and help attract new events 1.5 Partner and build positive relationships with key stakeholders to progress tourism and business growth, including enabling the attraction of niche businesses

BACKGROUND To keep Council and the community informed of progress in delivering the 2018 Yorke Peninsula Art Exhibition.

DISCUSSION Business discussed at the meetings centred around: • Photography Workshop in Yorketown • Entry forms received to date and website update • Judges for exhibition • Financial update • Advertising leading up to and for the exhibition • Lighting for exhibition • Invitations and Opening Night • Review of Action List

ATTACHMENTS 1. Minutes - Art Exhibition Working Party Meeting - 01 Feb 2018 2. Minutes - Art Exhibition Working Party Meeting - 15 Feb 2018

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18.1 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE WORKS Document #: 18/15939 Department: Assets and Infrastructure Services

PURPOSE To provide a summary of capital and maintenance works undertaken within Assets and Infrastructure Services throughout the month preceding the March 2018 meeting of Council.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 2 Community Connected through Infrastructure Strategy: 2.5 Explore provision of new infrastructure 2.6 Install and upgrade appropriate traffic control device management 2.7 Upgrade and beautification of open (recreation) spaces (e.g. playgrounds, water parks, BBQ areas etc.)

BACKGROUND This report provides Council with a summary of the capital and maintenance works undertaken within Assets and Infrastructure Services throughout the month preceding the Council meeting.

DISCUSSION • Roadside vegetation clearance by contractor (Mechanical Vegetation Solutions Pty Ltd) has ceased with activities recommencing in March/April 2018. The table below reflects the current status of this contract. The statuses are defined as follows:

o Not Commenced o Stage 1 – Bulk horizontal cut o Stage 2 – Bulk horizontal cut / vertical removals / envelope widths o Completed Road Name Start Point End Point Status South

Hickman Road Old Coast Road Dans Road Completed

Mulburra Park Road Cemetery Road Old Coast Road Completed

Sheoak Flat Road Old Coast Road Cemetery Road Completed

Main Road Port Vincent Road Completed

Powerline Road Port Vincent Road Completed

Item 18.1 Page 33 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 14 MARCH 2018

Twelve Mile Road St Vincent Highway Yorke Highway Completed

Vinecombe Road St Vincent Highway Twelve Mile Road Completed

Sparrow Road Yorke Highway Redding Road Completed

Bittner Road Yorke Highway Sparrow Road Completed


Porky Road Yorke Highway Germein Road Completed

Boundary Road St Vincent Highway Sparrow Road Not Commenced

Ross Road St Vincent Highway Yorke Highway Not Commenced

Yorke Valley Road Yorke Highway Not Commenced

Black Bobs Road Yorke Highway Wauraltee Road Not Commenced

Mount Rat Wells Road Spencer Highway Mount Rat Road Completed

Nelligan Road Spencer Highway Wauraltee Road Completed

Andrews Road Spencer Highway Davies Road Not Commenced

McFarlane Road Pine Point Road Davies Road Not Commenced

Davies Road Yorke Valley Road Boundary Road Not Commenced

North South Road Clinton Road Germein Road Not Commenced

Yarrum Road Spencer Highway Pine Point Road Not Commenced

James Well Road Yorke Highway Pine Point Road Not Commenced

Lodge Road Standpipe Road Piggery Corner Road Not Commenced

Hasting Road Piggery Corner Road Pine Point Road Not Commenced

Back Road Maitland Road Pine Point Road Not Commenced

Lizard Park Road Barley Stacks Road Port Victoria Road Completed

South Kilkerran Road Spencer Highway Balgowan Road Completed

Miller Road Port Victoria Road Balgowan Road Completed

Cross Road Miller Road Nalyappa Road Completed

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• Information regarding roadside vegetation maintenance activities undertaken by Council are detailed in the table below: Road Name Start Point End Point Status South McKenzie Road South Coast Road Wild Dog Hill Road Completed

Olive Tree Road Stansbury Road Weavers Road Completed

Balaklava Road Little Sheoak Road Levens Road Current North Barley Stacks Road Spencer Highway Port Victoria Road Completed

Thiepvale Road Spencer Highway Port Victoria Road Completed

Dutschke Road Port Victoria Road Nalyappa Road Programmed

• Patrol Grading is ongoing throughout the district aligned with current circuit, technique and available resources. The following matrix provides percentage (%) output over the twenty-four (24) day period for respective areas (sectors): Area Output (%) Factors Influencing Productivity North 92 Operators – 2 days Annual Leave

Maitland 75 Operators – 6 days Annual Leave

Operators – 3 days Sick Leave / 2 days Annual Minlaton 70 Leave / 2 days Training Operators – 3 days Annual Leave / 2 days Sick South 75 Leave / 1 day Training • The status of road construction and maintenance outcomes is summarised in the table below, complementing 2017/18 budget allocations: Estimated Completion Road Description of Works Work Status Date 6 sections of patch Black Swamp Road sheeting (total area Completed 6,800m2) 2 sections of patch Thompson Road sheeting (total area Completed 4,200m2) 3 sections of patch Weetulta Road sheeting (total area Completed 4,200m2)

Honner Road Patch sheeting (sections) Current

Bowden Road Patch sheeting (sections) Programmed

Harmer Road Patch sheeting (sections) Programmed

Item 18.1 Page 35 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 14 MARCH 2018

Reconstruct and resheet South Coast Road an estimated 14kms of Ongoing End-June 2018 identified sections. Grain Stack Road, Construct and bitumen Ongoing End-March 2018 Stansbury seal a 400m section. Construct and bitumen Elliot Street, Ongoing End-March 2018 seal a 95m section. Daniell Street, Construct and bitumen Ongoing End-March 2018 Coobowie seal a 140m section. Tidal Pool Construct and bitumen Ongoing End-March 2018 Car Park seal defined car park • The following works/upgrades have been applied to Council’s Community Wastewater Management Schemes (CWMS): CWMS

o Gravity drain blockages cleared Ardrossan o WWTP electricals upgraded Balgowan o Boundary connections replaced Maitland o Maintenance shaft installed to gravity drain Maitland o WWTP aerator replaced Point Turton o Sludge pump repaired Point Turton o WWTP chlorine dosing line replaced Port Vincent o Infrastructure installed to connect the foreshore toilets Stansbury o Oyster Drive pump station electrical upgrade Stansbury o Maintenance shaft installed to gravity drain Yorketown (All CWMS, Water Schemes and Stormwater Harvesting Schemes are monitored with water quality testing in accordance with SA Health and Environmental Protection Authority [EPA] licence conditions.) • Attention to parks, gardens and reserves is scheduled in accordance with available resources. Weed spraying has also been undertaken within some reserves and footpaths. • In excess of forty-five (45) Customer Service Requests (CSRs) have been attended to by operational staff throughout February with activities including:

o Footpath maintenance o Installation and replacement of advisory signs o Maintenance to public buildings o Responding to acts of vandalism o Sealed and unsealed road maintenance o Stormwater infrastructure maintenance o Tree trimming • The status of works forming part of the Main Township Footpath Replacement Programme in Yorketown is summarised in the table below: Location Area Work Status Between Tonkin Street and Hermann Street Minlaton Road Completed (east side) Between Hermann Street and Stansbury Minlaton Road Completed Road (east side)

Warooka Road Between Charles Street and William Street Commenced

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Between William Street and the YP Ag Warooka Road Proposed Building • The Minlaton Powerline Undergrounding Project (PLEC) is progressing in a timely manner, in line with agreed schedules, with the following update provided by the project manager:

o Civil Tech have completed the conduit proofing, as well as the pole footing excavations and pole footing pours.

o Nilsen have finished installing the low voltage cables, and are mid-way through the low voltage terminations.

o Nu-Gen Power & Storage have finished the AS3000 preparations, with the changeovers to be completed once the low voltage network has been energised.

o The following activities will take place in the near future: . Civil Tech will finalise any outstanding works such as concrete kerbing, spoon drains, etc. . Nilsen will finish the low voltage terminations and will then commence pulling through the high voltage cables. • Surface rework has been completed upon identified sections of footpath within the townships of Minlaton, Port Clinton, Port Victoria and Yorketown. • Repairs to the Ardrossan and Port Victoria Boat Ramp ticket machines have been completed. • Remedial work has been applied to the concrete launching ramp in Port Victoria. • Street sweeping activities have been undertaken within the southern sector of the district. • Staff assisted with the installation of a mural at the Edithburgh Tidal Pool. • Bird proofing of the Marion Bay toilets has been completed (to the best of intention). • Shoulder replenishment along identified sections of Dans Road, Curramulka has been completed by staff.


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18.2 2018 LGA ROADS AND WORKS CONFERENCE Document #: 18/15216 Department: Assets and Infrastructure Services

PURPOSE To seek expressions of interest from Elected Members to attend the 2018 Local Government Association (LGA) Roads and Works Conference, which is being held in in the Barossa Valley from Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 August 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 2 Community Connected through Infrastructure Strategy: 2.5 Explore provision of new infrastructure

BACKGROUND The LGA Roads and Works Conference is an annual event, which provides attendees with the opportunity to meet and discuss issues relating to the provision of roads and works services. The Conference includes networking opportunities, information sessions and presentations. In 2017 the Conference featured information sessions covering a range of topics including: • infrastructure development; • the new Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial datasets; • producing successful grant applications; • asset management; • bitumen treatments; • use of technology; • integrating natural and built assets in road reserves; • community engagement through social media; • flood damage assistance; • the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Portal; and • public place security bollards.

DISCUSSION The 2018 LGA Roads and Works Conference is being held at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre in Tanunda from Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 August 2018. Travel to and from the Barossa Valley will occur on Wednesday 29 and Friday 31 August 2018 respectively. Further information regarding the Conference will be available in May 2018, and it is anticipated that registrations for the Conference will open in June 2018.

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To secure early registration for the Conference Elected Members are encouraged to express their interest in attending to the Executive Assistant to the Director Assets and Infrastructure Services, Kira Tapps, by Friday 1 June 2018.


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19.1 INSPECTORIAL REPORT Document #: 18/14266 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE To inform Council of the activities of the Inspectorial Team.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.3 Meet all legislative requirements and compliance with Council’s internal controls

BACKGROUND This report provides Elected Members with information relating to activities of the Inspectorial Staff.

DISCUSSION During the past month Council’s Inspectors have dealt with many routine matters including By-Law Compliance, Nuisance Complaints and Dog and Cat Management issues. Wandering Dogs A person walking her dogs reported being harassed by a dog near Park Road, Maitland. A patrol of the area located the offending dog which was being cared for at a Park Road address, however those persons no longer wanted responsibility of the dog, as the registered owner had relocated to . The dog was kept in the pound for a week before being returned to the owner, who received an Expiation Notice for a dog wandering at large. Bush Camping Rangers have conducted regular patrols at the bush camping reserves. Those campers that had not obtained a bush camping permit prior to setting up camp were requested to obtain a permit in the normal manner. The Bush Camping locations have been very popular over the past month. A motor cycle club used Barkers Rocks camp ground as their designated overnight stay. As a result of a complaint by other campers, Councils Rangers inspected the site, finding the site littered and left in an unacceptable condition. The captain of the motor cycle club was contacted and promptly attended Barkers Rocks. He was embarrassed at the state his club had left the camp site and spent several hours ameliorating the site. The club was advised that any future event of this nature will require them to complete Council’s Special Event Application form, which would enforce the club to abide by strict conditions. Whilst checking on campers at Port Minlacowie, a Ranger came across a person at the camp ground that required urgent medical attention. An ambulance was subsequently called to deal with the situation. Council’s Ranger was about to enter the Bamboos camp ground on a Saturday morning when she spoke to people parked at the entrance. They advised they had called the emergency number (000), as they were concerned about a group of people camping within the Bamboos, who were behaving antisocially and appeared to be affected from illegal substance abuse. Emergency crews, including

Item 19.1 Page 40 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 14 MARCH 2018 the Police and Ambulance attended the location. As a result of this incident, six people required medical attention. Once Emergency Services arrived, the Ranger entered the campground and was able to ascertain that the group had a valid bush camping permit. Two separate incidents occurred whereby campers set up their mobile homes in the Ardrossan Jetty car park adjacent to the “no camping signs”. They were both issued an Expiation Notice for camping illegally. Boat Ramps Routine patrols of boat ramps have been performed to ensure that users are paying for the use of the facilities. Fifteen notices have been placed on vehicles where a launch permit/ticket could not be observed. Those who can produce a valid permit/ticket and reason why the ticket was not displayed are cautioned for failing to display the ticket. As a result of our enquiries during the past month, seven Expiation Notices have been issued to persons for failing to purchase a launch permit/ticket. Traffic Management Council Rangers routinely patrol all townships for traffic management, including foot patrols, paying particular attention to disabled parking bays and vehicles parking on yellow lines. Two Expiation Notices were issued for vehicles parking on a continuous yellow line in Maitland and Edithburgh. The owner of a vehicle which was left on the side of the road near Pentonvale Corner, Yorketown, was contacted and assistance provided for the removal of the vehicle. Fire Prevention Fuel loads continue to be monitored within townships. Several S105 Notices pursuant to the Fire and Emergency Services Act have been issued to property owners to reduce the fuel loads on their land. Property owners in Minlaton and Port Turton were issued an Expiation Notice for failing to reduce the fuel loads on his land. The burn-off season, whereby farmers can obtain a permit to burn off their land, commenced on 15 February 2018. Council’s Fire Prevention Officers inspect burn-offs to ensure permit holders are complying with their permit. Local Nuisance and Litter Control Council Rangers have received complaints in relation to bees being a nuisance in Stansbury. The owner of the bees was spoken to, resulting in the hives being removed. The owner of a rooster in Balgowan was also spoken to, as a result of a complaint received regarding early morning crowing.


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19.2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION DECISIONS Document #: 18/15877 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE To inform the Elected Members of Development Application decisions for the period 4 February to 2 March 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 1 Economically Prosperous Peninsula Strategy: 1.1 Provide easier, streamlined development approval application process

BACKGROUND To keep Elected Members informed of Development Application decisions under delegated authority.

DISCUSSION The following is a list of all Development Applications processed for the period 4 February to 2 March 2018. Yorketown 544/1016/2017 544/1104/2017 544/1223/2017 544/1304/2017 544/1314/2017 544/1323/2017 544/1353/2017 544/1418/2017 544/1444/2017 544/1463/2017 544/1479/2017 544/1006/2018 544/1009/2018 544/1013/2018 Maitland 544/1002/2017 544/1297/2017 544/1435/2017 544/1449/2017 544/1466/2017 544/1467/2017 544/1007/2018 544/1017/2018 544/1030/2018 544/1048/2018

ATTACHMENTS 1. Approval Listing - Development Application Decisions - February 2018

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19.3 WASTEWATER SYSTEM APPLICATION DECISIONS Document #: 18/15924 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE To inform the Elected Members of Wastewater Application decisions for the period 4 February to 2 March 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be received.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 1 Economically Prosperous Peninsula Strategy: 1.1 Provide easier, streamlined development approval application process

BACKGROUND To keep Elected Members informed of Wastewater Application Decisions under delegated authority.

DISCUSSION The following is a list of all Wastewater System applications processed for the period 4 February to 2 March 2018. Maitland 050/086/2017 050/103/2017 050/107/2017 Yorketown 050/066/2017 050/096/2017 050/106/2017 050/110/2017 050/005/2018 050/006/2018

ATTACHMENTS 1. Approval Listing - Wastewater Systems - February 2018

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23.1 DEBT WRITE OFF - STANSBURY PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Document #: 18/14476 Department: Corporate and Community Services

PURPOSE To obtain Council approval to write off the amount of $10,000 invoiced to the Stansbury Progress Association Inc. (Invoice number 49590 issued in September 2017) as a contribution towards the Stansbury Playground Re-fencing project included in the 2017/2018 Budget.

RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the write off of this debtor account for the Stansbury Progress Association Inc. totalling $10,000.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.3 Meet all legislative requirements and compliance with Council’s internal controls

BACKGROUND During the 2017/2018 Budget preparation period Council made contact with the Stansbury Progress Association (SPA) to request they consider a contribution toward the cost of re-fencing the Stansbury playground – a project that was submitted by SPA for consideration by Council during the 2017/2018 Elected member and Community Budget Request process. Originally the project was costed at $40,000 and the request to SPA was for a contribution of $20,000 towards the project. This cost was later revised to $20,000 and a request for a contribution of $10,000 from SPA was proposed by Council during its 2017/2018 budget deliberations.

DISCUSSION The original request for a contribution of $20,000 towards this project was presented to the SPA committee at their meeting held on 11th July 2017. The SPA committee voted to not contribute this amount to this project. This decision was recorded in the SPA minutes of their meeting. The project was revisited by Council in the meantime and the scope of works was reduced to ensure unsafe fencing was replaced rather than the entire fence. Council reconsidered its request for a contribution from SPA and proposed a contribution of $10,000 be referred to the SPA Committee. This proposed arrangement was included in the 2017/2018 Draft Budget and Draft Annual Business Plan for the 2017/2018 financial year which was subsequently endorsed by Council in June 2017. The project was completed early in the 2017/2018 financial year and an invoice was issued to SPA for their contribution of $10,000. On 26th October 2017 an email was received from SPA advising that the invoice for $10,000 would not be paid as the request for this contribution had not been referred to the SPA committee and therefore had not been approved by them. The email in part stated: “Regarding the invoice which appears on the Association’s (debtor account 743/91) statement dated 30/9/17 for “contribution towards the Stansbury playground fence” – invoice number 49590 - $10,000.

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Please note that I have never received this invoice and as discussed, it was resolved by the Association’s Committee that a contribution to this project would not be made (minutes of the meeting held 11/7/16 attached).” The SPA meeting minutes from their meeting held 11th July 2017, which was held after the date of adoption of the 2017/2018 Budget by Council, recorded the decision to not contribute the original request of $20,000 to the project with the reason for non-contribution reading: “It was resolved not to contribute to the funds required for the playground fence, as substantial funds have already been contributed to other council-owned areas such as the boat ramp.” Discussions with SPA since that date have failed to resolve this issue and as such Council’s approval is sought to write off this invoice in accordance with Council Policy PO008, Bad Debts – Delegation of Authority Policy, which restricts the delegation of the Chief Executive Officer to write off invoices to amounts not exceeding $1,000.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Level 1 - Inform The Community will be advised of this write off as part of the March quarterly budget review report due to be submitted to Council in May 2018.

CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Corporate Management Team • Manager Financial Services • Senior Rates Officer In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Stansbury Progress Association Inc.

POLICY IMPLICATIONS PO008 – Bad Debts – Delegation of Authority Policy

BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS If the write off is approved by Council the amount of $10,000 will be removed from Council’s expected revenue in the 2017/2018 budget during the scheduled quarterly budget review in April 2018.



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23.2 FINANCIAL REPORT AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 2018 Document #: 18/14486 Department: Corporate and Community Services

PURPOSE For Council to consider the financial report and capital projects update report as at 28 February 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That Council receive the financial report and capital projects update report as at 28 February 2018.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.1 Openness and transparency of reporting Council’s performance 5.2 Effective leadership and informed decision making

BACKGROUND A financial report and a capital projects update report (projects over $25,000) is presented monthly for Council’s consideration in accordance with Policy PO142 Budget Reporting and Amendment. These reports encompass results to the end of each calendar month preceding each scheduled Council meeting.

DISCUSSION The attached financial reports are submitted with the following qualifications, comments and notes: • Actuals included in the Uniform Presentation of Finances (UPF) are as incurred at close of business on the last day of the month being reported and may be subject to end of month adjustments. Any such adjustments will be incorporated in the following monthly report. • The reports do not include year-end income and expense accruals. • Both reports include year to date Commitments i.e. orders raised but not yet paid for. • Attachment 1 - Uniform Presentation of Finances (UPF)

o Note 1 - Rates, Service Charges (Waste, CWMS and Water), NRM Levy and Rate Rebates, totalling approximately $22m, have been raised for the entire 2017/2018 financial year but are due and payable either in full in September 2017 or by quarterly instalments in September 2017, December 2017, March 2018 and June 2018.

o Note 1 - grants, subsidies & contributions of $2.5m received to date. o Note 1 - dog registration income totalling approximately $109k has been collected. o Note 1 - income from building and planning activity of approximately $117k and septic tank registration fees of approximately $23k is included.

o Note 1 - also included here are approximately $578k of reimbursements and miscellaneous income.

o Note 1 - $2.3m collected for user charges (boat ramps, caravan parks, cemetery fees, hall hire, etc.) are included in the total income.

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o Note 2 - the following major expenditure has been paid in advance at the start of the 2017/2018 financial year as per the required payment terms included in the figures is: . Memberships/Subscriptions/Contributions/Donations - $470k; . Licence Fees - $246k; . Plant & Equipment Registration - $120k.

o Note 2 - commitments of approximately $2.1m include orders worth approximately $1.1m for waste management and refuse collection and disposal services in 2017/2018.

o Note 2 - finance costs (interest on loans) of approximately $219k are included. o Note 2 - depreciation for eight months of the financial year (being 8/12ths of the 2017/2018 budget estimate) has been included in the YTD expenditure.

o Notes 3 & 4 - commitments of approximately $3.4m for various capital projects, details of which can be found in Attachment 2 of this report.

o It should be noted that the Elizabeth Street Kerb and Water table budget of $122k and associated budget adjustments, endorsed by Council at its February 2018 meeting has been included in the attached UPF. This has resulted in the attached UPF being different to that endorsed as part of the 2nd quarterly budget review. • Attachment 2 – Capital Projects Update Report

o All Year to Date expenditure in this report includes invoices paid to date and orders outstanding. The total of this amount is then compared against the current budget to provide the budget remaining.

o It should be noted that the month end balances in the capital report are different to those in Attachment 1 – UPF. This is due to the UPF reflecting the actuals as at the last day of the month, whereas the capital report includes some month end adjustments, correction to existing purchase orders and raising of new ones, backdated journals and correction of incorrectly allocated amounts. Making these adjustments means the report shows expenditure incurred as well as expenditure forecast for the remainder of the year along with budget remaining against each project.


CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Corporate Management Team • Manager Financial Services • Budget and Project Managers • Accountant – Financial Management • Accountant – Financial Operations In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Nil

POLICY IMPLICATIONS PO 142 Budget Reporting and Amendment Policy

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BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS This is the eighth update since the endorsement of Council’s 2017/2018 Budget adopted in June 2017. After eight (8) months of the financial year financial performance remains on track against the revised Budget. Elected members should note that the second quarterly review of Council’s 2017/2018 budget was endorsed by Council at the February 2018 meeting. All adjustments are now included in Council’s revised 2017/2018 Budget. Expenditure on capital projects including commitments continues to increase as projects progress towards completion. After eight (8) months of the year 25% of budgeted capital funds remain to be committed. A number of projects carried forward from 2016/2017 are complete or nearing completion.

RISKS/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE/ IMPLICATIONS Monthly financial reporting provides a transparent and comprehensive reporting regime that allows Council to track performance against financial targets established in its annual budget. Council risks being seen as not being transparent if financial performance is not reported periodically and Elected Members could be asked to make decisions without knowing the impact on Council’s financial position. There is a significant risk that non-achievement of agreed milestones for grant funded capital projects could result in a delay in Council receiving grant funds, not receiving funds or having to return funds already received. This would have a significant negative impact on Council’s budget and cash flow. Local Government Act 1999 Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011

ATTACHMENTS 1. Uniform Presentation of Finances as at 28 February 2018 2. Capital Projects Update as at 28 February 2018

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23.3 AUTHORITY TO APPLY COMMON SEAL - POINT TURTON CARAVAN PARK Document #: 18/14576 Department: Corporate and Community Services

PURPOSE To seek Council approval to apply the Common Seal to the Deed of Indemnity between the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Resources and Conservation and the Yorke Peninsula Council (Council) over a section of the land within the area commonly known as the Point Turton Caravan Park.

RECOMMENDATION That Council authorise the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to sign and affix Council’s Common Seal for the execution of a Deed of Indemnity, as presented, in regard to the construction of the Fixtures and Fittings on the land described in Crown Record Volume 5425 Folio 593, being Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 32852 at Point Turton in the Hundred of Para Wurlie.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.3 Meet all legislative requirements and compliance with Council’s internal controls 5.5 Undertake effective risk management

BACKGROUND A Deed of Indemnity has been requested from Council, by the Crown, to provide the Crown a full indemnity from and against all claims arising from, or in connection with, the construction of the Fixtures and Fittings on the land described in Crown Record Volume 5425 Folio 593, being Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 32852 at Point Turton in the Hundred of Para Wurlie which forms part of the Point Turton Caravan Park. In 2005 Council constructed cabins at the Point Turton Caravan Park partially on the land detailed above which had not been dedicated by the Crown for such purpose due to potential exposure under the Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA).

DISCUSSION The ILUA is an agreement in regard to the use and management of land and waters made between people who hold, or may hold, native title in the area, and other people, organisations or governments. The ILUA is complimentary to the requirements of the Native Title Act 1993. It allows agreements to be made about how land or waters are used without necessarily entering into the full native title process. The ILUA therefore allows developments on land independently of any application for a determination of native title, or before a determination of native title is reached. In 2004 Council sought to extend the boundary of the Point Turton Caravan Park to accommodate new cabins and an effluent treatment plant. At the time, the land required for the extension was un- alienated Crown land over which native title had not been extinguished, therefore it could not be lawfully developed for that purpose without resolution of native title and dedication by the Crown. In December, 2004 Council and the State signed the ILUA with the Narungga people allowing such development to occur under agreement and without a full native title process being required.

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The ILUA provided for validation of invalid past acts by Councils and the State and also provided a process to validate future acts in these circumstances by following a consultation protocol set out in the ILUA. In late December, 2004 (between the time the ILUA was signed and then subsequently registered in September, 2005), Council was advised it would be prudent to delay the cabin project, wait for registration of the ILUA and then seek validation under the future act provisions and notification protocols. This process, however, constituted a significant delay in the planned project. In the belief that retrospective approval under the ILUA would apply to this project if it commenced prior to registration of the ILUA, Council elected to proceed with construction of 10 new cabins in two stages, with stage 1 being in the first quarter of 2005. Cabins were then constructed either partly on the Crown land or wholly on the Crown land in question. Further legal advice was sought when the application of retrospective approval was questioned and that advice concluded that any project undertaken in the period between execution and registration of the ILUA was not covered by the invalid past act provisions, nor could it be validated under the registered ILUA future act provisions and notification protocol as that process had not been registered at the time of construction. The Crown process for dedication of the land in question was subsequently put on hold due to this legal advice and the process has remained unresolved to this day despite many discussions between the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) and Council. DEWNR now reason that should the Crown proceed and dedicate the land, the Crown would be open to any claim for damages by the native title holders in addition to the compensation payable by the Crown to the Narungga under the ILUA emanating from the construction undertaken by Council. The Crown, looking to resolve this issue, has requested that Council offer the Crown a full indemnity from, and against, all claims arising from, or in connection with, the construction of the Fixtures and Fittings on the land described above. In return the Crown would proceed to dedicate the land in question as requested. Alternatively Council would be forced to relinquish the land and remove all infrastructure that is either partly or fully located on that land.


CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Corporate Management Team • Corporate Services Officer In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources


BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Costs in regard to the requested indemnity process are minimal. Cost to Council should a claim be registered in respect of the land are not known but, under the terms of the indemnity sought, would be the sole responsibility of Council.

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RISKS/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE/ IMPLICATIONS By affording indemnity to the Crown, Council becomes liable for any claims for compensation or damages arising from any issue in respect of the land. Unless indemnity is given to the Crown, Council will be required to remove, at its cost, all infrastructure either fully or partly located on the land and relinquish the land thereby reducing the capacity of the Point Turton Caravan Park. Section 38 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, provides that the Common Seal of a Council must not be affixed to a document except to give effect to a resolution of Council.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Deed of Indemnity - Land Management - Point Turton Caravan Park

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23.4 DRAFT LONG TERM FINANCIAL PLAN 2019 - 2028 Document #: 18/15379 Department: Corporate and Community Services

PURPOSE To seek Council endorsement to engage in the public consultation process for the Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2019 – 2028 (LTFP).

RECOMMENDATION That Council endorse the Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2019 – 2028 for public consultation.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.1 Openness and transparency of reporting Council’s performance 5.2 Effective leadership and informed decision making 5.3 Meet all legislative requirements and compliance with Council’s internal controls 5.4 Seek alternate income streams and ensure financial sustainability

BACKGROUND As required by the Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011, Council must regularly review its Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) in accordance with actual and budgeted financial results to be used as a tool in the decision making process. As part of this process Council consults with the community and considers all feedback prior to adoption of the revised LTFP. Council currently has a LTFP (adopted in May 2016) however it is outdated and does not reflect current income and expenditure trends and indicators, internal and external factors impacting Council operations, the current political and economic environment and available asset information. As a result a comprehensive review of Council’s LTFP has been undertaken using a new, fully integrated model, which is considered by Council to be more accurate and sophisticated than the model used to derive the previous LTFP.

DISCUSSION While the principals of financial sustainability previously adopted by Council remain relevant and, the draft LTFP as presented has been built from the ground up using as a base, the 2017/2018 September Quarter revised Budget estimates and the 2016/2017 audited Annual Financial Statements. In the preliminary stages of development Council’s Corporate Management Team (CMT) provided input and direction on the key objectives and outcomes expected of the LTFP. They endorsed key financial strategies and income and expenditure parameters for Council to achieve financial sustainability in the medium to long term (5 – 10 years). Various models were developed to arrive at the draft model which was then presented to CMT where it was endorsed for presentation to Elected Members. The draft LTFP was presented to EM’s at the February 2018 workshop and any concerns and questions addressed. The detailed presentation touched on all aspects of the Plan and also included modelling to show the impact of rate capping, should it be introduced by the State Government in SA in the future.

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Goals and Desired Outcomes The objective of the draft LTFP for the financial year commencing 2018/2019 through to 2027/2028, is to ensure that Council is financially sustainable in the medium to long term (5 – 10 years) and able to provide at least the current level of services over the ten (10) years of the plan in line with Council’s five (5) goals as stated in its 2016 – 2020 Strategic Management Plan (SMP). This LTFP builds on the current version adopted by Council on Wednesday, 11th May 2016 and will replace it should Council adopt this version following community consultation. This LTFP has been developed taking into account current data (financial and service level), cost indices, internal and external factors, forecast trends, current political environment, revenue streams, limitations and community needs. The key targets in this LTFP are:  Positive Operating Surplus Ratio (OSR) i.e. operating surplus, in the medium to long term (5 – 10 years);

 Spending on asset renewal consistent with AMP identified needs, depreciation levels and Local Government recommended Asset Sustainability Ratio (ASR) minimum (90%) and maximum (110%) targets from Year 1 (2018/2019) of the Plan;

 Net Financial Liabilities Ratio (NFLR) to be within the recommended Local Government target of 100% of Operating Income from Year 1 (2018/2019) of the Plan;

 No new services or assets or increases to existing services to be introduced without consideration of the impact on the LTFP;

Outcomes Achieved This Plan recommends a rating strategy that seeks to achieve a degree of stability and predictability over the next ten (10) years, while ensuring current levels of service and infrastructure are maintained for the Community. Rates will be set at affordable levels having regard to Council’s strategic direction and its social and economic goals balanced against the Community’s ability to pay and its desire for services and infrastructure. Rate revenue forecasts are based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) (All groups CPI, Adelaide) plus a ‘financial sustainability’ increase over and above CPI. This increase over and above CPI is 2.5% in Year 1, followed by 2.85% per annum in Years 2 – 4, then reducing to 1.35% per annum in Years 5 and 6. From Years 7 – 10 this increase is no longer required based on current income and expenditure forecasts. Other sources of income continue to remain stagnant or diminish with reliance on rate revenue increasing as the biggest source of revenue for Council. Grants and subsidies from various levels of Government continue to remain uncertain due to the volatile political environment. Continuing with the increased focus on renewal of existing assets, Council over the life of this Plan, is proposing to allocate $94 million towards renewal of existing assets, with 80% or $75.5 million of that specifically for transport assets (mainly roads). An additional $2 million over ten (10) years is allocated for upgrades to existing assets and acquisition of new assets. Based on the proposed income and expenditure forecasts in the draft LTFP and a ‘business as usual’ approach, Council will achieve a positive Operating Surplus Ratio in Year 4 (2020/2021) and maintain that for the rest of the Plan. The minimum Asset Sustainability Ratio target of 90% is achieved in Year 1 (2018/2019) and maintained for the rest of the Plan, however, the average over the Plan is 95% which is below the desired 100% average. Council’s forecast Net Financial Liabilities Ratio continues to be well below sector recommended maximum limits. While there has been significant financial improvement in the last five (5) years, Council is still not financially sustainable in the long term. If the draft LTFP is adopted and annual Budgets are in line with the draft LTFP, Council will achieve its aim of financial sustainability in the medium to long term. This is clearly demonstrated by the attached draft LTFP. Council must continue to increase the funds

Item 23.4 Page 78 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 14 MARCH 2018 it invests in asset renewal and continue to review its operations to realise savings resulting from increased productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Level 2 - Consult If the recommendation above is endorsed by Council the draft LTFP will be advertised for public consultation commencing Thursday, 15th March 2018 and concluding Wednesday, 4th April 2018. The outcome of the public consultation process will be reported to Council at its April 2018 meeting along with a recommendation (if warranted) to adopt the draft LTFP.

CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • CMT • Budget Managers • Accountant – Financial Management • Accountant – Financial Operations In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Nil

POLICY IMPLICATIONS PO142 Budget Reporting and Amendment Policy The LTFP is part of the suite of Council’s Strategic Management Plans.

BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS The budget and resourcing implications are as detailed in the attached draft LTFP. As mentioned earlier the LTFP is developed on a ‘business as usual’ model.

RISKS/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE/ IMPLICATIONS 1. Local Government Act 1999 2. Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 2011 3. Not having an LTFP or having one that is outdated could result in Council making decisions without knowing the impact on its long term financial position. Further there is a risk that Council may not know what financial strategies it needs to adopt and implement to achieve financial sustainability.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Community Engagement Plan - Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2. Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2019 - 2028 (under separate cover)

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24.1 COASTAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY WORKING PARTY Document #: 18/13235 Department: Assets and Infrastructure Services

PURPOSE For Council to receive the Minutes of Council’s Coastal Management Strategy Working Party meeting held on 14 February 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. receive the Minutes of the Coastal Management Strategy Working Party held on 14 February 2018; 2. endorse the final Mission Statement agreed to by the Working Party be included in the Strategy; 3. endorse that the Scope be accepted subject to the edits being made; and 4. endorse the formation of the Project Management Steering Committee.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 3 Valued and Restored Environment Strategy: 3.7 Develop and implement a Coastal Management Strategy

BACKGROUND The Minutes are provided to keep Council informed of regular Coastal Management Strategy Working Party meetings with the intent to develop a Coastal Management Strategy as identified in the Strategic Plan.

DISCUSSION Attached are the Minutes of the Coastal Management Strategy Working Party meeting held on 14 February 2018. Item 4.1 of the Minutes recommends that the following motion be adopted: Cr Naomi Bittner moved Cr Scott Hoyle seconded That the final Mission Statement agreed to by the Working Party be included in the Strategy. CARRIED Item 4.2 of the Minutes recommends that the following motion be adopted: Cr Naomi Bittner moved Cr Alan Headon seconded That the Scope be accepted subject to the following edits being made: • Section boundaries to be modified to ensure whole townships are not spread across Sections; • Mission Statement to be included as the first paragraph in the section ‘Project objectives and outcomes’; • Second dot point of ‘Scope of services’ to be edited to include a review of legislation; and

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• The Second Draft is to be presented to the Working Party prior to the Elected Member Workshop, with timeframes adjusted accordingly. CARRIED Item 4.3 of the Minutes recommends that the following motion be adopted: Cr John Rich moved Cr Alan Headon seconded The Steering Committee is to consist of the three (3) staff members of the Working Party (that are not ex-officio), namely the Operations Manager, Natural Environment and Sustainability Officer and Ranger, with Working Party Elected Members to be included as required with consideration of geographical areas. CARRIED

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Level 1 - Inform Minutes will be available on Council’s website.

CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Operations Manager • Natural Environment and Sustainability Officer In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Nil




ATTACHMENTS 1. Minutes - Coastal Management Strategy Working Party - 14 February 2018

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25.1 BUSH CAMPING WORKING PARTY MINUTES Document #: 18/14296 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE For Council to receive the Minutes of Council’s Bush Camping Working Party meeting, held 14 February 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. recieve the Minutes of the Bush Camping Working Party held on 14 February 2018. 2. not proceed with any further consideration in regard to the expansion of bush camping on the parcel of land being a Reserve, Allotment 23, CT Volume 5863, Folio 105, Bluff Beach. 3. consider allocating $80,000 to the Bush Camping Working Party for the 2018/2019 financial year.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 1 Economically Prosperous Peninsula Strategy: 1.3 Improve visitor experiences, infrastructure, signage, information and support

BACKGROUND As a result of an internal audit and subsequent recommendations from the Audit Committee in September 2014, the Bush Camping Working Party was established in April 2016, to address the recommendations.

DISCUSSION Attached are the Minutes of the Bush Camping Working Party meeting held on 14 February 2018. Item 5 of the Minutes recommends that the following motion be adopted: 4. Mayor Ray Agnew moved Cr Naomi Bittner seconded 5. It is recommended that Council not proceed with any further consideration in regard to the expansion of bush camping on the parcel of land being a Reserve, Allotment 23, CT Volume 5863, Folio 105, Bluff Beach. CARRIED 6. Cr Naomi Bittner moved Cr Scott Hoyle seconded 7. It is recommended that Council consider allocating $80,000 to the Bush Camping Working Party for the 2018/2019 financial year. CARRIED

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Level 1 - Inform Minutes will be available on Councils website.

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CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Manager Development Services

• Senior Compliance Officer In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Bush Camping Working Party


BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Consistent with the 2017/2018 budget allocation.

RISKS/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE/ IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act National Competition Policy - 1995 Competition Principles Agreement Council must ensure competitive neutrality principles are applied in accordance with 1995 Competition Principles Agreement.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Bush Camping Working Party Minutes - February 2018

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25.2 ACCESS ADVISORY WORKING PARTY MINUTES Document #: 18/14348 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE For Council to receive the Minutes of Council’s Access Advisory Working Party meeting, 16 February 2018.

RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. receive the Minutes of the Access Advisory Working Party held on 16 February 2018. 2. commit $2,700 towards the disabled access ramp to be constructed by the Combined Anglican Vestries of SYP on the condition that the remainder of the cost to be met by the Combined Anglican Vestries of SYP. 3. commit $1,000 for the replacement of an access ramp at the north east corner of Second Street and Fifth Street, Ardrossan.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 2 Community Connected through Infrastructure Strategy: 2.3 Provide disability access infrastructure

BACKGROUND To keep Council informed of regular Access Advisory Working Party meetings and to consider identified projects to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

DISCUSSION Attached are the Minutes of the Access Advisory Working Party meeting held on 16 February 2018. Item 2.1 of the Minutes recommends the following motion be adopted: 8. John Edwards moved Anne Brown seconded 9. It is recommended that Council commit $2,700 towards the disabled access ramp to be constructed by the Combined Anglican Vestries of SYP on the condition that the remainder of the cost to be met by the Combined Anglican Vestries of SYP. CARRIED 10. Richard Carruthers moved John Edwards seconded 11. It is recommended that Council commit $1,000 for the replacement of an access ramp at the north east corner of Second Street and Fifth Street, Ardrossan. CARRIED

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN Level 1 - Inform Minutes will be available on Councils Website.

CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted:

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• Director Development Services • Operations Coordinator In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Access Advisory Working Party • Progress Associations

POLICY IMPLICATIONS Yorke Peninsula Council Disability Action Plan.

BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Consistent with the 2017/2018 budget allocation of $25,000.


Council has adopted a Disability Action Plan to ensure that people with disabilities can access Council functions, facilities and services.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Access Advisory Working Party Minutes - February 2018

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25.3 REVOCATION OF COMMUNITY LAND - ARDROSSAN MUSEUM Document #: 18/14449 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE To consider submissions received in relation to the public consultation process for the revocation of Community Land classification, for the purpose of transferring ownership of Council property to the Ardrossan Progress Association Inc. (Progress).

RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. receive and consider written submissions in response to the public consultation on the proposed revocation of the Community Land classification for Allotment 888, File Plan 197449, in the area named Ardrossan, Hundred of Cunningham, Certificate of Title Volume 5794 Folio 735, commonly known as the Ardrossan Museum; and 2. resolve to proceed with the revocation process and proceed to seek Ministerial approval for the revocation of the Community Land Classification (in accordance with Section 194(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1999); and 3. authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to sign and affix Council’s Common Seal to the relevant documents necessary to execute the revocation and transfer of properties.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 1 Economically Prosperous Peninsula Strategy: 1.5 Partner and build positive relationships with key stakeholders to progress tourism and business growth, including enabling the attraction of niche businesses Goal: 4 Community Engaged and Supported Strategy: 4.7 Foster productive working relationships with Progress Associations

BACKGROUND A report was presented at the 17 January 2018 Council meeting, requesting approval to proceed with a community engagement process for the proposed revocation of the community land classification over the Ardrossan Museum. The revocation would enable Council to transfer the property to Progress. As a result of the report, a resolution was carried to commence the public consultation process.

DISCUSSION A Public Consultation notice was advertised in the Yorke Peninsula Country Times and Council’s website, with a detailed report available at Council’s offices and website. The public notice was also posted to neighbouring property owners of the Ardrossan Museum and community organisations. At the close of the public consultation period on 14 February 2018, two submissions had been received. Both submissions received are very positive and in favour of the transfer. - Jan Hall, daughter of Mr & Mrs Bob Sanders who gifted the land to the National Trust of SA. (See Attachment 1) - Avian Pink, Secretary Ardrossan National Trust Museum (See Attachment 2)

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CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Manager Development Services • Property Tenure Officer POLICY IMPLICATIONS PO057 Community Engagement Policy PO072 Disposal of Land and other Assets

BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Conveyancing costs, Stamp Duty and Registration fees associated with the transfer equates to $9,550 based on a current Capital Value of $180,000. Ardrossan Progress Association have agreed to contribute to half of the costs, with the remaining half absorbed within Councils 2017/2018 budget. If National Trust of (NTSA) require a new Encumbrance to be prepared, NTSA will be responsible for costs.

RISKS/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE/ IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1999 Division 3, Section 194 – Revocation of classification of land as community land.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Submission - Jan Hill 2. Submission - Ardrossan National Trust Museum 3. Community Engagement Plan

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25.4 REVOCATION OF COMMUNITY LAND CLASSIFICATION - SECTION 100, HUNDRED OF RAMSAY Document #: 18/15835 Department: Development Services

PURPOSE To seek Council approval to revoke the community land classification for Part (Pts) Section 100, Hundred of Ramsay for the purpose of subdividing the subject land for sale.

RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. pursuant to Section 194(3)(b) of the Local Government Act 1999, revokes the community land classification for Pts Section 100, Hundred of Ramsay, Certificate of Title Volume 5451, Folio 338, for the purpose of subdividing and sale of surplus land. 2. authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal any documents in relation to the transfer of the property.

LINK TO STRATEGIC PLAN Goal: 5 Responsible Governance Strategy: 5.4 Seek alternate income streams and ensure financial sustainability

BACKGROUND At the 11 October 2017 Council meeting, Council endorsed the recommendation to seek Ministerial approval for the revocation of community land classification over Pts Section 100, Hundred of Ramsay, for the purpose of subdividing and sale of surplus land.

DISCUSSION An application was submitted to the Minister for Planning seeking approval for the revocation of Pts Section 100, Hundred of Ramsay. Ministerial approval to revoke the land was received in writing on 2 March 2018. (See Attachment 1) If Council wish to proceed with the revocation, in accordance with Section 194 (3)(b) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council is required to carry a resolution to revoke the community land classification. If approved, a Public Notice will be advertised in the Yorke Peninsula Times and Government Gazette giving notification of the revocation.


CONSULTATION PROCESS In preparing this report, the following Yorke Peninsula Council officers were consulted: • Property Tenure Officer In preparing this report, the following external parties were consulted: • Nil

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POLICY IMPLICATIONS PO057 Community Engagement Policy PO072 Disposal of Land and other Assets

BUDGET AND RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Alexander Symonds subdivision fees approximately $7,479.20 (See Attachment 2)

RISKS/LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE/ IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1999 Section 194(2) Local Government Act 1999 Section 201(1)(2)

ATTACHMENTS 1. Ministerial Approval for Revocation of Land 2. Alexander Symonds Quotation 3. Map of Proposed Land Division

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Council has resolved that an Agenda Item “General Business” be included on the Council Agenda to enable members to raise matters of a minor nature for action by the Administration, or to call for reports






Wednesday 11 April 2018


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