TO: DAC Secretary
APPLICATION ON NOTIFICATION – CROWN DEVELOPMENT Applicant: Neoen Australia Pty Ltd Development Number: 354/V003/18 Nature of Development: Crystal Brook Energy Park - Hybrid renewable energy project comprising a wind farm (26 turbines with a capacity up to 125MW), a solar farm (400,000‐500,000 solar panels with a capacity up to 150MW), an energy storage facility (Lithium-ion battery with a capacity up to 130MW / 400MWh) and associated infrastructure for connection to the electricity grid (including a 33kV/275kV substation and a 300m long 275kV transmission line between the substation and the 275kV Para-Bungama transmission line).The energy storage facility (and substation, operations & maintenance building and storage facilities) would be located on a separate site (Lot 56 Collaby Hill Road), with the wind farm and solar farm sites connected to the battery site via an underground transmission line comprising 33kV cables. Crystal Brook Energy Park - Type of development: Crown development Zone / Policy Area: Primary Industry Zone - Port Pirie Regional Council Subject Land: 32 allotments, approximately 3.5km north of Crystal Brook and 23km south-east of Port Pirie. Contact Officer: Lee Webb Phone Number: 7109 7066 Start Date: 31 May 2018 Close Date: 29 June 2018 During the notification period, hard copies of the application documentation can be viewed at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Level 5, 50 Flinders Street, Adelaide during normal business hours. Application documentation may also be viewed during normal business hours at the local Council office (if identified on the public notice). Written representations must be received by the close date (indicated above) and can either be posted, hand-delivered, faxed or emailed to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP).
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