Local Regulatory Bodies of Education on The
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Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016) History and archaeology ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) УДК 37.014 (477.54) “1917/1921” DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJH-16-11.12-10-14 D. O. TSEPKOV 1 1 Postgraduate student of the Department of Ukrainian history, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) LOCAL REGULATORY BODIES OF EDUCATION ON THE TERRITORY OF UKRAINE DURING THE REVOLUTION OF 1917–1921 YEARS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE KHARKIV GOVERNORATE) Abstract Purpose: to study the structure, main tasks and peculiarities of the functioning of the regional regulatory bod- ies of education in the Kharkiv Governorate, created by different governments, that struggled for power in Ukraine during the revolution of 1917–1921 years. Methods: comparative, chronological, system analysis and quantitative research methods. Results: Using the example of the Kharkiv Governorate, the struggle for power in Ukraine during the fight for national liberation of 1917–1921 years is considered. The activity of different governments on the territory of Ukraine in the scope of regional education management is analyzed. The place of education in the revolutionary plans of the Central Rada, the Hetmanate of P. Skoropadskyi and the representatives of the Soviet government is defined. Scientific novelty: For the first time, the basic subdivisions of the local regulatory bodies of education in Kharkiv and their activities during the revolution of 1917–1921 years are studied. A comparative analysis of different models of education management, created by the Ukrainian and Soviet governments is made. Keywords: zemstvo; ukrainization; teacher’s conference; governorate department of education; state bodies’ structure. Introduction lishment of the local regulatory bodies of education, that The fight for national liberation of 1917–1921 years is had to create schools (national as well as Soviet, labor). one of the most difficult and controversial periods in The question of the establishment and the activi- the history of Ukraine. The revolution that began in St. ties of the local regulatory bodies of education in the Petersburg in February, 1917 swept Ukrainian lands, Kharkiv Governorate during 1917–1921 years has not raised the local national question. The Central Rada was been a subject of a special scientific research. However, established to represent Ukrainian people’s interests to it is necessary to highlight the modern Ukrainian scien- the Interim Government. Later, the General Secretariat tists who while exploring the issues of the educational was founded. It was the first Ukrainian government. The policy during the revolution casually touched Kharkiv. newly formed government could not solve many ques- These are monographs of A. Borovyk, V. Maiboroda, tions, so the process of the struggle for power was in- V. Lypynskyi and an article N. Ivanova. Moreover, scien- tensified. National (by turns the Central Rada, then the tists N. Sorochan, S. Zhukov have revealed the activities Hetmanate of P. Skoropadskyi and the Directorate) and of the individual local authorities in the field of education monarchical (the Volunteer Army of A. Denikin) po- management in their articles. litical forces and the Bolsheviks struggled for Ukrainian THE studY’S results lands. Each of these forces had its own idea and views on In the period from March to June, 1917, i. e. before the future of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. They tried to the proclamation of the I Universal, the Central Rada did get the victory not only with the help of weapons but also not make serious steps to reforming the regulatory bod- through the dissemination of their ideology among the ies of education. Educational districts were the basis of population. Education has become one of the most effec- education management in the times of the Russian Em- tive channels of their own ideas popularization. There- pire. The eponymous educational district was in charge fore, each of these forces paid great attention to the estab- of the educational processes of the Kharkiv Governorate. D. O. TSEPKOV LOCAL REGULATORY BODIES OF EDUCATION ON THE TERRITORY OF UKRAINE DURING THE REVOLUTION OF 1917–1921 YEARS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE KHARKIV GOVERNORATE) 10 History and archaeology Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016) ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) In addition, the Kharkiv educational district also includ- of education was introduced in many governorates. In ed Voronezh, Tambov, Kursk, Penza governorates and the Kharkiv region from November until the beginning the Region of the Don Cossack Host. The Head of this of December, 1917 this position was held by a famous educational district in 1917 was I. A. Krasuskyi, a profes- historian, professor of Kharkiv University D. I. Bagalii, sor of Kharkiv Institute of Technology [17, 2]. and from December 8 N. Syniavskyi [3, 45]. With the beginning of the February Revolution of But the most important issue was reforming the 1917, educational districts were subordinated to the activity of the educational districts. On 28 December, Ministry of Education being a part of the Interim gov- 1917 the Central Rada signed a decree on the elimination ernment. The governorate zemstvo and the special de- of all three educational districts that had been “inherited” partment of public education at the local district сouncil by the UNR from the Russian Empire: Kiev, Kharkiv and were a separate structure, that managed education in the Odessa [15, 111]. On January 14 the Central Rada ad- governorate. H. I. Korkushko was the Head of the depart- opted another decree and liquidated the directorate and ment in the period from 1917 to may, 1918. [2, 55]. the inspectorate of public schools. The greatest problems With the proclamation of the I Universal in June, arose during the liquidation of the Kharkiv educational 1917 and the creation of the first Ukrainian govern- district, since by the moment of the decree adoption the ment, the General Secretariat, the question of creating Kharkov governorate had been seized by the Bolsheviks. the Ukrainian school is often raised at the meetings of the Only from March, 1918, after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Ukrainian authorities. To reform education in Ukraine was signed and the Bolsheviks left the territory of the fast and fundamentally, it was necessary to change the UNR, the process of reforming the educational authori- regulatory bodies’ structure. Moreover, the Kharkiv ties in the Kharkiv region was resumed. The education educational district also included Russian governorates. management in Kharkiv Govermorate moved to the edu- District and volost departments of education as a part cational commissariat, which had to include 7 people: of the relevant local district сouncils had been addition- four Ukrainians, and three ethnics (the Poles, Jews and ally generated by June, 1917 [3, 42]. During July-August, Russians). The work was distributed between commis- 1917, the plan of creating the Ukrainian schools in all sioners [17, 1]. the Ukrainian governorates for the 1917/1918 academic The first staff of the commissariat was formed of year was approved. At the end of 1917 the schools of the Ukrainians, the Poles and Jews. Among the Ukrainian Kharkiv Governorate began to report to the governor- teachers’ union there was O. N. Syniavskyi, a former gov- ate zemstvo on the number of schools with Ukrainian ernorate commissioner of education and a teacher of a language of teaching. According to the statistical infor- Ukrainian school, M. A. Plevako — a director of a Ukrai- mation given by 159 primary schools of Kharkiv and the nian gymnasium, O. I. Sokolovskyi, a member of the city Kharkiv district as of 20 December, 1917, 44 schools with council and a secondary school teacher, V. N. Fisenko — Ukrainian language of teaching in the first form were es- a teacher of mathematics of a Ukrainian gymnasium. tablished (37 of them — on the initiative of the district L. I. Feldman became a member of the commissariat be- and volost zemstvos), there were still 108 schools with ing a teacher of a Jewish gymnasium, K. I. Okonskyi — a Russian language of teaching, 7 schools did not submit teacher of a Polish trade school. On 25 April, 1918, the such information. In addition, the task of the governorate final cut of the staff of the commissariat was approved. zemstvos was to place parish schools under the manage- H. I. Yushchenko was also included as a representative ment of the local authorities [5, 3–154]. of Russian teachers. O. N. Syniavskyi was appointed After November 7, when the power in Petrograd was the chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Commissariat of seized by the Bolsheviks, and the adoption of the III Uni- Education [15, 112]. However, it was not clear how the versal, the Central Rada became the only state body that powers would be distributed between the educational exercised the education management in the Kharkiv re- departments at zemstvos and district commissariats, so gion [1, 46]. Educational departments at governorate, technically, there was a diarchy in the education manage- district and city councils did not provide an adequate ment. level of education ukrainization in most governorates, On 29 April, 1918 as a result of a military coup a Het- including the Kharkiv one [1, 48]. In this regard, on No- man P. Skoropadskyi came to power in Kiev. On 3 May vember 10 the position of a governorate commissioner the changes happened in the central government in Kyiv: D. O. TSEPKOV LOCAL REGULATORY BODIES OF EDUCATION ON THE TERRITORY OF UKRAINE DURING THE REVOLUTION OF 1917–1921 YEARS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE KHARKIV GOVERNORATE) 11 Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 11-12 (2016) History and archaeology ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) M. Vasylenko became a minister of education [19, 6–7].