THE PORTUGUESE INQUISITION, The Portuguese Inquisition remains THE PORTUGUESE INQUISITION The case of Maria Lopes, burned at the stake in 1576 largely obscure. This book provides A INQUISIÇÃO PORTUGUESA, context and presents the tragic case of O caso de Maria Lopes, queimada na fogueira em 1576 !"#$"%&'()*+%,-)%.#*,%/'0"1%2#'0% the Azores burned at the stake. Ladinabooks NONFICTION Cover image by Kriszta Hernadi Porto, Portugal ISBN 978-0-9919946-0-1 Ladinabooks 90000 > Porto, Portugal
[email protected] 9 780991 994601 Manuel Azevedo Fernanda Guimarães IV THE PORTUGUESE INQUISITION A INQUISIÇÃO PORTUGUESA Ladinabooks I 3$#*,%(456$*-)7%$1%89:;+%.#*,%(#$1,$1< =66%#$<-,*%#)*)#>)7%)?@)(,%2'#%,-)%A4',",$'1%'2%*-'#,%("**"<)*%2'#%,-)% (4#('*)*%'2%*,47B+%@#$,$@$*0%'#%#)>$)/C D'(B#$<-,%E%89:;%!"14)6%=F)>)7'%"17%3)#1"17"%G4$0"#H)* Ladinabooks I'#,'+%I'#,4<"6 ///C6"7$1"5''J*C@'0%% ///C6"7$1"5''J*C56'<*(',C@" 6"7$1"5''J*K<0"$6C@'0 3#'1,%@'>)#%"#,$*,L%M#$*F,"%N)#1"7$ D'>)#%7)*$<1%"17%,)?,%6"B'4,L%O"1B"%P"1,-'4#1'4, O#"1*6",'#*L%!"14)6%=F)>)7'+%=7)6$1"%I)#)$#"+%Q'H'%R)6<"7' I'#,4<4)*)%,#"1*@#$5)#L%3)#1"17"%G4$0"#H)* S7$,'#L%!"14)6%=F)>)7' Printed and bound in Canada ISBN 9780991994601 (pbk) 9780991994618 (ebook) 3'#,-@'0$1<%2#'0%&"7$1"5''J*L% The Portuguese Inquisition, the case of 12 yearold Violante Francesa, 1606.