[email protected] www.concordheritage.asn.au EDITOR No.121 June 2006 LOIS MICHEL 9744-8528 PRESIDENT Metropolitan Fire Brigade JANN OGDEN 9809-5772 The Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB), the to easily confirm if the premises were in- precursor to the NSW Fire Brigade, was es- sured and by which company. PUBLIC RELATIONS tablished on 14th February, 1884. TRISH SKEHAN The Companies employed small boys as 4369-4172 MFB headquarters began operating from the runners to notify their brigades of any fires. old Insurance Brigade Headquarters in Upon arrival at the fire the men would in- SECRETARY/TREASURER Bathurst Street but with demand for a new spect the building for the “firemark” to see LOIS MICHEL central fire station the government purchased if the premises were insured by them. If 3 Flavelle Street a site on the western side of Castlereagh not, then they would take no action but (P.O. Box 152) Street and in 1888 the new station was com- probably wouldn’t leave the scene in case Concord 2137 pleted. the fire spread to adjoining buildings which Phone: 9744-8528 might be insured by them. Fax: 9744-7591 From dusk to dawn junior fire fighters spent ----------------- three hours on a twenty metre high tower In 1854 Andrew Torning inaugurated the first MEETINGS (called the pigeon box) undertaking fire spot- Volunteer Fire Brigade in Sydney and also General Meetings ting duty. assisted in the formation of others. 2nd Wednesday of month A watchroom was located on the northern In the days of the Volunteer Fire Brigades, at 7:30 pm in the side of the ground floor and telephone ex- payment was made to the brigade which Concord Citizens’ Centre 9 Wellbank Street, Concord change board, fire alarms and electrical ap- discharged the first stream of water on the Phone: 8765-9155 paratus were operated from there.