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    Register: www.pfi.edu info@pfi.edu (503) 927-5457 2111 NE 43rd Avenue Portland OR CLASS SCHEDULE SUMMER 2021 Classes for fun. Classes for careers. We are all things fashion. SEWING, PATTERNMAKING, DESIGN, FABRIC PAINTING Take a sewing vacation with one of PFI’s many Summer intensive classes. HIGHLIGHTS SEWING CLASSES, p 2-3 DESIGN CLASSES, p 5 Beginning Sewing • Apparel Construction • Overseas Production • Sustainable Design Activewear • Swimwear • LeSage • Lace Shaping • Industrial Machine Sewing • Pants| TRISH LANGMAN TEXTILE DESIGN, p 5 Jeans • Outerwear • Overalls|Jumpsuits REGISTRATION FORM, p 6 PATTERNMAKING CLASSES, p 4 PFI SUPPLY: Fabric • Tools • Notions Advanced Pattern • Pattern Design• Pattern Grading • Knock It Off • Make Your Body Monday & Friday: 10 am-2 pm Double • Bra Pattern|Construction • Panty 4225 NE Tillamook Pattern|Construction 24-7 online: www.pfisewing.com www.pfi.edu (503) 927-5457 1 SEWING CLASSES Apparel Construction Activewear Swimwear LeSage Embroidery BEGINNING SEWING $338 FOR SERIES; $125 each level (includes patterns & handouts) Couture Dress LEVEL 1: Monday-Thursday, July 12-15, 10 am-1 pm LEVEL 2: Monday-Thursday, July 19-22, 10 am-1 pm LEVEL 3: Monday-Thursday, July 26-29, 10 am-1 pm Learn basic stitches, techniques and how to use your machine while making an apron (Level 1), robe (Level 2) and pjs (Level 3). Step up your skills with each level. Learn to use commercial patterns, layout and cut fabric. APPAREL CONSTRUCTION $473 FOR SERIES; $166 each level (includes patterns & handouts) LEVEL 1: Monday-Thursday, July 12-15, 6-9 pm LEVEL 2: Monday-Thursday, July 19-22, 6-9 pm LEVEL 3: Monday-Thursday, July 26-29, 6-9 pm Upgrade your skills.
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    1. Vansport Omega Solid Mesh Tech Polo Shirt Our best-selling, moisture-wicking golf shirt keeps you cool and comfortable during active wear. Vansport fabric is specially engineered to resist snags and pulls, with a lighter and smoother hand than other polos at comparable prices. Micro-mesh knit body, UV protection, solid rib-knit collar, Vansport tagless neck label, three-button placket, dyed-to-match buttons, hemmed sleeves. Not all sizes available in all colors. Die-Mold transfer is an available imprint method, call for details. 1st Price = S, M, Lg, XL (1) 2XL, 3XL, ADD $4.00 per shirt 4XL, 5XL, ADD $8.00 per shirt Colors: Deep Maroon Red 1 Your Price $37.00 2. Women's Vansport™ Omega Solid Mesh Tech Polo Shirt Easy-care and easy to wear! Our Women's Vansport™ Omega performance polo has been carefully designed to offer a comfortable and flattering fit throughout our entire size scale offering. Tuck it in, or wear it out – it's ladies choice on this one. 4½ Oz. Vansport™micro-mesh knit body, UV protection, solid rib-knit collar, three-button placket, dyed-to-match buttons, hemmed sleeves. Not all sizes available in all colors. Sequin embroidery & Die-mold transfer available. 1st Price = S, M, Lg, XL (1) 2XL, 3XL, ADD $4.00 per shirt Colors: Deep Maroon Red 1 Your Price $37.00 3. Cambridge Henley Shirt Rich in tradition, the Henley as long been a go-to stable for uniforms, outdoor apparel and casual sportswear. Our modern twist involves a subtle slub-jersey texture.
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    University of North Dakota UND Scholarly Commons Settler Literature Archive Department of English 1894 Seven Little Australians Ethel Turner Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.und.edu/settler-literature Recommended Citation Turner, Ethel, "Seven Little Australians" (1894). Settler Literature Archive. 112. https://commons.und.edu/settler-literature/112 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of English at UND Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Settler Literature Archive by an authorized administrator of UND Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SEVEN LITTLE " for a Everyone fetched some offering to lay at Judy's shrine keepsake." (Chapter V.) Seven Little Australians] 'J-ronli^'f SEVEN LITTLE AUSTRALIANS By ETHEL TURNER (MRS. CURLEWIS) Author of "The Family at Misrule," Th Little Larrikin," etc. ILLUSTRATED BY J. MACFARLANE WARD, LOCK & CO., LIMITED LONDON, MELBOURNE AND TORONTO 1912 Co MY MOTHER. TR- too 5* TO MY READERS. MY Publishers have asked me to add a preface to this sixteenth edition of my first book. What is it I should say ? Suppose you knew a child not a well-behaved one a little by any means ; just rough everyday boy with tousled hair and ungrammatical tongue. And suppose this lad in some way introduced you to a wide circle of valued and delightful friends and set your feet in the path of a career that brought you, not only good fortune but many gratifications of an innocent vanity. The probabilities are that you would feel very kindly to such a youngster and would not investigate too closely his actual merits.
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