Excuse Me, but I Was Next

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Excuse Me, but I Was Next Title Author 1 Author 2 Imprint On-Sale Date "Excuse Me, But I Was Next..." Post, Peggy Wellness & LifeStyle 10/03/2006 100 Simple Secrets of Great Relationships Niven, David HarperSanFrancisco 11/07/2006 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People, The Niven, David HarperSanFrancisco 11/07/2006 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People, The Niven, David HarperSanFrancisco 11/07/2006 101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived, The Lazar, Allan Karlan, Dan Harper Paperbacks 10/17/2006 101 Reasons to Dump Your Man and Get a Cat Katz, Molly William Morrow 10/31/2006 2006 Commemorative Stamp Yearbook (US Postal SeUnited States Postal Service Reference 10/10/2006 24 Declassified: Cat's Claw Whitman, John HarperEntertainment 12/26/2006 3-Hour Diet (TM), The Cruise, Jorge Wellness & LifeStyle 12/26/2006 A Home on the Field Cuadros, Paul Rayo 09/05/2006 Abnormal Psychology Sifers, Sarah Reference 12/26/2006 Abundance, A Novel of Marie Antoinette Naslund, Sena Jeter William Morrow 10/03/2006 Access London 10e Wurman, Richard Saul Reference 10/17/2006 Access Los Angeles 12e Wurman, Richard Saul Reference 11/07/2006 Access Paris 10e Wurman, Richard Saul Reference 10/31/2006 Alchemy of Desire, The Tejpal, Tarun J. Ecco 12/12/2006 Alexis de Tocqueville Epstein, Joseph Eminent Lives 11/07/2006 Alimentos que Luchan Contra las Enfermedades CardiSonberg, Lynn Rayo 10/10/2006 All the Money in the World Mudd, Douglas Smithsonian 10/10/2006 American Game, The Rosen, Ira Smithsonian 09/26/2006 American Pie West, Michael Lee Harper Paperbacks 09/05/2006 Anansi Boys Gaiman, Neil HarperCollins 09/26/2006 And Only to Deceive Alexander, Tasha Harper Paperbacks 10/10/2006 Angel In a Red Dress Ivory, Judith Avon 09/26/2006 Art of Buying Art, The West, Paige ReganBooks 10/10/2006 Art of Discworld, The Pratchett, Terry Kidby, Paul Harper Paperbacks 10/10/2006 Art of Loving, The Fromm, Erich Perennial 11/21/2006 Assassins, The North, Oliver Musser, Joe Avon 09/26/2006 Assorted Fire Events Means, David Perennial 11/07/2006 Autism Sourcebook, The Exkorn, Karen Siff ReganBooks 09/19/2006 Autumn in Scotland Ranney, Karen Avon 11/28/2006 Awesome Bill from Dawsonville Elliott, BIll Millard, Chris HarperEntertainment 10/10/2006 Awful Truths, The Thomsen, Brian M. Reference 09/05/2006 Baby Love Anderson, Catherine Avon 11/28/2006 Backward-Facing Man Silver, Don Ecco 09/19/2006 Balance Thing, The Dumas, Margaret Harper Paperbacks 09/05/2006 Baltimore Blues Lippman, Laura William Morrow 12/26/2006 Barbarians at the Gate Burrough, Bryan Helyar, John HarperBusiness 12/12/2006 Be Pretty, Get Married, and Always Drink TaB Anders, Gigi Rayo 10/17/2006 Beauty Buyble, The Conway, Paula Regan, Maureen ReganBooks 10/31/2006 Becoming Charlemagne Sypeck, Jeff Ecco 11/21/2006 Bell Jar, The Plath, Sylvia Perennial 10/10/2006 Berlin Conspiracy, The Gabbay, Tom HarperCollins 12/26/2006 Best American Crime Writing 2006, The Bowden, Mark Penzler, Otto Ecco 09/05/2006 Best American Science Writing 2006, The Gawande, Atul Ecco 09/05/2006 Between the Wingtips Ostling, Brutus Ullman, Magnus Reference 10/03/2006 Beyond the House of the False Lama Crane, George HarperSanFrancisco 10/03/2006 Big Book of Jewish Humor, The Novak, William Waldoks, Moshe Reference 10/31/2006 Billionaires Prefer Blondes Enoch, Suzanne Avon 10/31/2006 Bioblogs Smith, Michael Holley Reference 11/07/2006 Bite Size Payard, Francois Cookbooks 10/17/2006 Black Dahlia Files, The Wolfe, Don ReganBooks 09/05/2006 Black Girl/White Girl Oates, Joyce Carol Ecco 10/17/2006 Black Sun, The Twining, James HarperCollins 12/12/2006 Blood Fugues Vega Yunque, Edgardo Rayo 09/05/2006 Blood Money and Other Stories Leonard, Elmore HarperCollins 09/26/2006 Blood Relation Konigsberg, Eric Perennial 10/03/2006 Blue Christmas Andrews, Mary Kay HarperCollins 10/31/2006 Bodies and Souls Vincent, Isabel Perennial 12/12/2006 Body in the Ivy, The Page, Katherine Hall William Morrow 10/31/2006 Bone Valley Matturro, Claire William Morrow 10/24/2006 Brainless Maguire, Joe William Morrow 10/17/2006 Braise Boulud, Daniel Ecco 10/31/2006 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous Perennial 10/17/2006 Brave New World Revisited Huxley, Aldous Perennial 09/05/2006 Bread for the Journey Nouwen, Henri J. M. HarperSanFrancisco 11/21/2006 Break on Through Riordan, James Prochnicky, Jerry Harper Paperbacks 11/07/2006 Breaking Open Japan Feifer, George Smithsonian 10/17/2006 Bridge Across Forever, The Bach, Richard Harper Paperbacks 11/21/2006 Bridge of Souls McIntosh, Fiona Eos 12/26/2006 Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart, The Block, Lawrence HarperCollins 10/31/2006 By Myself and Then Some Bacall, Lauren Harper Paperbacks 10/24/2006 Cabala and The Woman of Andros, The Wilder, Thornton Perennial 11/28/2006 Care and Repair of Antiques and Collectables Jackson, Albert Day, David Smithsonian 11/07/2006 Care and Repair of Furniture Jackson, Albert Day, David Smithsonian 11/07/2006 Cartoon History of the Modern World (Part 1), The Gonick, Larry Reference 12/26/2006 Carved in Bone Bass, Jefferson HarperCollins 12/26/2006 Case for Hillary Clinton, The Estrich, Susan ReganBooks 10/10/2006 Cat Breaking Free Murphy, Shirley Rousseau Avon 09/26/2006 Cat People Korda, Michael Korda, Margaret Perennial 10/03/2006 Century Girl Redniss, Lauren ReganBooks 10/24/2006 Champagne Kladstrup, Don Kladstrup, Petie Perennial 11/28/2006 Change or Die Deutschman, Alan ReganBooks 12/26/2006 Checklist SPA, The Alvarez, Manny Rayo 12/26/2006 Checklist, The Alvarez, Manny Rayo 12/26/2006 Chief Joseph & the Flight of the Nez Perce Nerburn, Kent HarperSanFrancisco 10/10/2006 Child's Anthology of Poetry, A Sword, Elizabeth Hauge Ecco 10/17/2006 Choosing My Religion Dubner, Stephen J. Perennial 11/07/2006 Christianity for the Rest of Us Butler Bass, Diana HarperSanFrancisco 09/19/2006 Christmas Caroline, A Smith, Kyle William Morrow 10/31/2006 Christmas, Present Mitchard, Jacquelyn HarperCollins 10/31/2006 Cities of God Stark, Rodney HarperSanFrancisco 10/31/2006 Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3, The Lewis, C. S. HarperSanFrancisco 11/28/2006 Collected Poems 1947-1997 Ginsberg, Allen HarperCollins 10/17/2006 Collins Chinese Concise Dictionary HarperCollins CollinsReference 10/24/2006 Collins French Concise Dictionary, 3e HarperCollins CollinsReference 12/26/2006 Collins German Concise Dictionary, 3e HarperCollins CollinsReference 12/26/2006 Collins Italian College Dictionary, 3rd Edition HarperCollins CollinsReference 11/21/2006 Como Hablar con Sus Angeles O'neill, Kim Rayo 10/10/2006 Como Llegue Aca? De Angelis, Barbara Rayo 12/12/2006 Complete Organic Pregnancy, The Dolan, Deirdre Zissu, Alexandra Wellness & LifeStyle 09/26/2006 Condi vs. Hillary Morris, Dick McGann, Eileen ReganBooks 10/10/2006 Confession, The McGreevey, James E. ReganBooks 09/19/2006 Confessions of a Video Vixen Steffans, Karrine Hunter, Karen Amistad 10/17/2006 Confessions of a Viscount Karr, Shirley Avon 11/28/2006 Conservative Soul, The Sullivan, Andrew HarperCollins 10/03/2006 Conservatize Me Moe, John William Morrow 10/03/2006 Consuming Passions West, Michael Lee Harper Paperbacks 09/05/2006 Correcting the Landscape Cole, Marjorie Kowalski Perennial 12/26/2006 Court Lady and Country Wife Betcherman, Lita-Rose Perennial 10/24/2006 Court TV Presents: Murder in Room 103 Ryan, Harriet Avon 09/26/2006 Crack in the Edge of the World, A Winchester, Simon Perennial 10/10/2006 Craftivity Carson, Tsia Wellness & LifeStyle 10/10/2006 Creole Thrift Parlange, Angele ReganBooks 10/31/2006 Cruciverbalism Newman, Stanley Lasswell, Mark Reference 10/31/2006 Crusader, The Kengor, Paul ReganBooks 10/17/2006 Crying of Lot 49, The Pynchon, Thomas Perennial 11/07/2006 Cucina of Le Marche Trabocchi, Fabio Ecco 10/17/2006 Cycle Savvy Weschler, Toni Wellness & LifeStyle 10/31/2006 Dale Brown's Dreamland: End Game Brown, Dale DeFelice, Jim HarperCollins 10/31/2006 Dance of the Dissident Daughter, The Kidd, Sue Monk HarperSanFrancisco 12/26/2006 Dark Cosmos Hooper, Dan Smithsonian 10/31/2006 Dead Center Ribowsky, Shiya Shachtman, Tom ReganBooks 09/05/2006 Death on the Family Tree Sprinkle, Patricia Avon 12/26/2006 Deliciously Wicked DeHart, Robyn Avon 09/26/2006 Desire in the Sun Robards, Karen Avon 12/26/2006 Desire Never Dies Petersen, Jenna Avon 12/26/2006 Don't Get Scrooged Carlson, Richard HarperSanFrancisco 10/31/2006 Dreamgirls Millner, Denene HarperEntertainment 10/31/2006 Driving Dilemma, The Dugan, Elizabeth Wellness & LifeStyle 10/31/2006 Dry White Season, A Brink, Andre Perennial 09/19/2006 Duke of Her Own, A Heath, Lorraine Avon 10/31/2006 Dying to Be Famous Hiltbrand, David HarperCollins 12/26/2006 Earl of Her Dreams, The Mallory, Anne Avon 10/31/2006 Ecco Book of Christmas Stories, The Manguel, Alberto Ecco 10/17/2006 Eighth Day, The Wilder, Thornton Perennial 11/28/2006 El Asesor del Presidente Minutaglio, Bill Rayo 09/19/2006 El Tesoro de Noelle Estefan, Gloria Garland, Michael Rayo 10/10/2006 Elementary Algebra Van Glabek, Joan Reference 12/26/2006 Elia Kazan Schickel, Richard Perennial 11/21/2006 Emily Post's Wedding Planner, 4e Post, Peggy Wellness & LifeStyle 11/07/2006 E-Myth Mastery Gerber, Michael E. HarperBusiness 12/26/2006 Entrepreneurial Imperative, The Schramm, Carl J. HarperBusiness 10/10/2006 Epidemic, The Engel, Jonathan Smithsonian 09/19/2006 Essays of E. B. White White, E. B. Perennial 10/03/2006 Eunuch's Heir, The Isaak, Elaine Eos 10/10/2006 Every Book Its Reader Basbanes, Nicholas A. Perennial 12/12/2006 Everything About Me Is Fake . And I'm Perfect Dickinson, Janice ReganBooks 09/05/2006 Evolution Zimmer, Carl Perennial 09/05/2006 Executive Intelligence Menkes, Justin HarperBusiness 11/21/2006 Fallen, The Parker, T.
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