Govlprnment GAZETTE
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ZIMBABWEAN GOVlpRNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. LXVII, No. 58 13th OCTOBER. 1989 Price 40c General Notice 590 of 1989. The service operates as follows— (a) depart Zvishavane Monday and Wednesday 8 a.m., ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] arrive Kafusi Dam 5.30 p.m.; (b) depart Zvishavane Friday 8 a.m., arrive Gwanda A[^lications in Connexion with Road Service Permits 2.30 p.m.; (c) depart Hugh Phoenix Saturday 6 p.m., arrive Kafusi Dam 11.30 p.m.; IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor (d) depart Kafusi Dam Tuesday and Thursday 7 JO a.m,, Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that arrive Zvishavane 3.50 pjn.; the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or (e) depart Gwanda Friday 2.30 p.m., arrive Hugh Phoenix amendment of road service permits, have been received for 5 p.m.; the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transporta (f) dmart Kafusi Dam Sunday 9.45 a.m., arrive Zvishavane tion. 6.S0 p.m. Any person wishing to object to any sudi application must lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. The service to operate as follows— Box 833^ Causeway— (a) depart Zvishavane Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a.nL, arrive Kafusi Dam 1.10 p.m.; (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to reai^ the Controller’s office not later than the (b) depart Kafusi Dam Tuesday, Thursday and Rinday 5 a.m., arrive Zvishavane 10.10 a.m. 3rd November, 1989; « ■ ( b ) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 24, togeAer with two copies tiiereof, so as to 0/619/88. Permit: 23549. Motor-omnibus Passenger-capa reach the Controller’s office not later than the city: 76. Route: Bulawayo - Esigodini - Mbalabala - Filabusl - Hippo 24dr November, 1989. Pools - Zvishavane - Mashava - Masvingo - Chibi Clime - Any person objecting to an ai^catkm for the issue or Ngundu Halt - Triangle - Buffalo Range - Hippo Valley - amendment of a no^ service permit nrust confine his groimds Chiredri. of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations By: referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of section (a) Alteration to times. 8 of the said A ^ (b) Deletion of interstages, Esigodini, Filabusi, Hippo Pools, Chibi Clinic, Buffalo Range and H i ^ Valley. V. M. MUPAWO^, 13-1049. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. The service operates as follows— (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Wednesday and Friday SCHlBDaU! 7 a.m., arrive Chiredzi 3.16 p.m.; (b) depart Chiredzi Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday MOTOR-OMNIBUSES 5.45 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 2.03 p.m. Amendmerttii The service to operate as follows— P. Hall and Co. (Pvt) Ltd. (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Wednesday and Friday 0/194/88. P^m it: 13116. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- 7 a.m., arrive Chiredzi l.^p.m .; capsidty: 76. (b) depart Chiredzi T u esd a^ Thursday andnd^^iSunday Route; Zvishavane - Mberengwa - Costas Raft - Vangitard 4.45 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 10.54 a.m. Mine - Yoit Store - C h in ^ Township - Hugh nioenix - Masasa Mission - West Nicholson - Collen Hawn - Gwanda 0/621/88. Permit: 14100. Motor-omnibns. PassMger-capa- - Gwatanyemba - Sengezani - Tidi Breediu Station - city: 75. Manana Hospital - Mapate School - Kafusi Dam. Route: Chatikobo Township - Shotuaniso - Zano - Mashenjere By: - ^onm nise - Matsikidze - Mushawasha Township - Mqpa- (a) Alteration to times. nzure Township - Musingarambwe - Mafuba - Masvingo - Mashava - Mandamabwe - Zvishavane - Bulawayo. (b) fixtensicm of Friday outward service from Gwanda to K i ^ i Dam. By: (c) Deletion of Saturday outward and Ftiday inward (a) Alteration to timrt. sendees. (b) Adjustment to route kilometres. 918 (e) depart Harare Saturday 1Z30 p.m., arrive Gandadhi- (c) Deletion of '“‘=” “ 8“ : (d) d ep m & ^ h i b v u v a Wednesday and Friday 7.30 a.m., arrive Harare 1.15 pjn.; Harare (e) depart Gandachibvuva Saturday 7 a.m.. amve Harare The service operates as foUows- (a) depart Chatikobo Monday Wetowday and Fn y (f) dlp^'^dachibvuva Sunday 12 noon, arrive Harare ^ 6 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 11.40 a.m., fM deoart Bulawayo Tuesday, niutsday and Sunday 4.30 p.m. f S . , ” & atikobo 11.40 a.m. N ote.-rhii appUcation is m ^ e to relMtote permit 25557 which ejtpirM on the 31st January, 1989. The service to operate as follows- (a) depart Bulawayo and Sunday Add'tronals fi am. arrive Chatikobo 11.24 a.m., _ .j , . Trek Express Services (Pvt.) Ltd. (b) depart’ Chatikobo Monday, W ^esday and Fn y G/266/89. Goods-vehicle. Load: 6 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 11.24 a.m. Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Poet Zimbabwe Omnibus C o .-a division of ZUPCO. Office, Bulawayo. nt all N a^e of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of aU 0 /429/88. Permit; 27361, Motor-omnibus. Passenger capa- w S - ^ i s .application which expired on the 31st May, 19»v. TAXI-CABS aeiT-°!cr"MiS^ ssi'f ' Amendments (b) Aiteration to times. E. and E. Muchirahondo. TX/67/89. Permit: 24623. Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: 4. The service operates as follows— Area: Within a 20-kilometre radius of the post office, (a) depart Gweru M o n d a y to Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m., arrive Cross Roads 4.30 p.m., (b) depart Gweru Friday 5.30 p.m.. arrive Cross Roads ^“b S n g <i^tee c S « it sS^els'M ^ek" (c) S r t ”Gweru Sunday 4.15 p.m., arrive Cross Roads only. Extension of the eMting arw of (d) depirf aoss Roads Monday to Saturday 5 a.m., amve a 120-kilometre radius of the post ofBce, Mwvmgo . fhl of the existing condition and si^tuhon of (e) Sspart Cross Roads Sunday 12.15 p.m., arrive Gweru “The vehicle to stand lor hire at any 3 p.m. rank within the area imder the junsdiction of the . Masvingo Town Council”. The service to operate as follows (a) depart Gweru Monday to Wednesday 1.30 p.m„ am ve Additionals (b) Friday 5.30 p.m., arrive M arapira C. Kazenga. tX/59/89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capadty: 4. (c) Sart^G ^eru Saturday 1.30 p,m., arrive Marapira Area: Within a 404:ilometre radius of the post office, Kftdoma< (d) S a rt“oweru Sunday 4.30 p.m., arrive Marapira Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Camroon Square and MajoreHbtel. (e) Lpart Nkayi Monday to Friday 4 a.m., arnve Gweru A. Hendrick. (f) ^depart Marapira Saturday 5 a.m., arrive Gweru TX/62/89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. <g) depart Marapira Sunday 5 a.m., amve Gweru 11 a.m Area: Within a 40'kilometre radius of the post ofBce, Chi- nhoyL . , Additionals Condition: The vehide to stand for hire ^ “ y t ^ ”^ within tte atea under the junsdictaoa of the Zemmcojbls, t/a Mukwa Motors (Pvt.) Ltd. Municipality of Chinhoyi. 0/35/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Route: Beitbridge - West Nicholson - G ^nda - Bulawayo B. Sakile. Gwaai River - Hwange - Victoria Fails. XX/97 /89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4, The service to operate as follows— Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, (a) depart Beitbridge Tuesday, Friday and Sunday 9 a.m., Kadoma. arrive Victoria Falls 7.35 p.m.; CondiUon: The vehicle to stand for hire at Rimuka ta a - (b) depart Beitbridge Thursday 9 a,m., amve Bulawayo rank, only. (c) depart^Vic’toria FaUs Monday Wednesday and Saturday TX/98/89.Taxi-cab.JLA./::^0/07. iaA,s-v«as^. Passenger-capadty:o --------- -- 4. _ - — . St_ j 9 a.m., arrive Beitbridge 7.35 p.m.; ^ Area: Within a 40-kilometre radiu* of the post office, (d) depart Bulawayo Thursday 2.45 p.m., arrive Bmtbndge Kadoma. i 7.35 p.m. I Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Manjoro Hotel, only. G. Joseph. 0/74/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. M. C. Dube. Route 1: Harare - Lawdas - Mudzimurema - M^asa Fam - T X /140/89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capadty: 3. Tliatter Estate - Manyene - Mukuruva - W^toro ■ Area: Within a 40-kiiometre radius of the General Post Office, quarters - Masasa Township - Unyetu - Nyahom - Zheke - Daramombe - Gokomere - Gandachibvuva. Buiawayo. Condition: The vehicle to stand lor W - The service to operate as follows— taxi-rank within the area under the jurisdiction of the (a) depart Harare Tuesday and Thursday 8.30 a.m., arrive Bulawayo Munidpelity. Gandachibvuva 1.25 p.m.; JVotc—^This application is made to reindate permit 24570 (b) depart Harare Friday 6.30 p.m., arrive Gandachibvuva which expired on the 30th September, 1987. 11 p.m.; 919 Zimbabwean Governm ent G azette, 13t h O c t o b e r , 1989 an exclusive prospecting order, in favour Pm A f r b ^ GenMRl Notice 591 of 1989. (Private) IJmitod over the area desCTibed hnwinder, to TO URBAN COUNCILS ACT {CHAPTBR 2ffl Harare mining district, in relation to lasp mooSS 1730D3 of the Second Edition and of ^e^»cale 1. produced by the Surveyor-General, subject to the followmg Chirundu Local Board: Ajpointinent of Membera conditions— (a) the order is made in respect of gold and other precious r r is hereby notified, metals; (12) of section 5 of the U ibm C o u n a b A rt die Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban (b) the concession holder shaU carry M t operations in a manner satisfactory to the Minister oi Development has:— . ^ a.