Beitbridge District
Z-W2tJO? J/~~ l RHODESIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SHORT REPORT No. 40 The Karoo· Rocks in the ~ Mazunga Area, Beitbridge District by A. 0. THOMPSON, M.Se. • ISSUED BY AUTHORITY SALISBURY-- -1975 3 Pri./t' ", ,be Go""" ...., Pri.,", S.lisbury The Karoo Rocks in the Mazunga Area, Beitbridge District INTRODUCTION This account of the Karoo rocks in the Mazunga area is an explana tion to accompany three geological maps, the Tull, Mazunga and Gongwe maps, which are published separately. They were compiled during a geological reconnaisance of the outcrop of the Karoo System during 1971 and 1972 using air photographs and 1 : 50000 topographic maps. The mapped area lles between latitudes 21 ° 30' and 22° 12' south and longtitudes 29° 00' and 30° 36' east and covers an area of 6825 km' of which 2125 km' are in the Tull, 2800 km' in the Mazunga, and 1 900 km' in the Gongwe map areas. The area is mainly in the Beitbridge District, but includes parts of the Gwanda and Nuanetsi Districts. It is subdivided into several large ranches and 'African Tribal Trust Lands with no large settlements. Mazunga and Tull are the largest. The main road from Beitbridge to Bulawayo crosses the Mazunga map area, and the main road to Fort Victoria and Salisbury crosses the eastern part of the Gongwe map area. Away from these main roads there are earth roads and tracks, mainly on the ranches, as well as several airstrips. The large rivers affect communications, being wide stretches of sand in the winter and often floods in the summer.
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