And Jewish Refugees, II6 Aden
Index Acland, Sir Richard: and Jewish refugees, II6 at (October 1943), 158; the truth revealed Aden: So, 199,244 again, but without impact (March 1944), Afghanistan: seeksJewish refugees, 134-5 179-80; aerial reconnaissance over, 190-1, Akzin, Benjamin: urges bombing ofAuschwitz, 216,222,249-50,275,302-3,309,317,321; 246-8, 312; biographical sketch, 342 escape from (7 April 1944), 192-7; further Albania: 152; 157 escape from (27 May 1944), 215--{); the Aleppo: emissaries reach, 222, 226, 228, 268 gassings continue at (April-November 1944), Allam, Major: fliesover Auschwitz, 317 201, 205,209,210-11,216,220,222,225,228, Allen, David: 59,60,96,97,290 231-2,249,25~,260,281,292,301-2, Allen, Floger: ISO,3°3, 3°5,319-20 3°8-9,314,322,324,326,327; reports about, Alter, Viktor: shot, 13I reach the west (June 1944), 231, 23H, American Palestine Committee: 176 244-5, 248,251-3, 262-5, 268; bombing Amiens: attack on prison at, 285,328 appeals concerning, 216-7, 236-7, 245, 246-8, Amsterdam: Jewish Council in, 105, 121; 252,255,264,269,278-9,285,301,303--{), deportations from, 145; exchange lists sent 312,318-20; and the 'goods for blood' to, 174 proposal, 243; a poet deported to, 306-7; Anderson, SirJohn: and aid to Jews, 178 bombed in error, 315; a further revolt at Angola: possibleJewish 'asylum' in, 289 (October 1944), 324; Polish Government's Anti-Semitism: referred to by Winston appeal concerning, 324-5; broadcast over the Churchill, 49, 76,164; by AdolfHitler, 72; BBC concerning, 325, 326; publication of by Herbert Morrison, 77,109; in a Foreign report by escapeesfrom, 327; further Office telegram, IIO; by the Archbishop of photographs over, 331, 332, 334, 335; last Canterbury, 126; at the War Cabinet, 133; deaths at, 332; last days of, 333--{); liberated in the House ofCommons, 139, 140; in (27January 1945), 337-8.
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