^A<ac FOtJRl®® Manchester Evening Herald WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 ,194J Make Yoi^ Dollars Fighting Dollars— Thirdprive Starts 4>. The Mothers Circle of St. Anne Xeland Spalding, Jr., o f 53 Ger­ Corporal Harold J. Derry, J'f., Souvenirs Are Received will meet at 8 "o'clock this evening ard street, who is In training at df 19 Fairfield atreet, la now lo­ From Son in Africa at the home of the leader, Mi.s. the Santa Ana, California, Air V The Weather About Town cated at the Pecos Air Field, Tex­ John Prior, 8 Hackmatack street. base, has been made sOi aviatidn /Average Daily Circulation as. Ha graduated in February Mrs. William S. Popoff, of cadet and selected f<y pilot train­ HALE’S SEPTEMBER For tlie Mouth o f August, IP4S Forecast of U. S. H'eatber Bureau from toe New England Aircraft 423 Lydall street, ha* just re­ ing. A graduate of Manchester Mr*. Harry F. Sweat o t M Put: school in Boston and aUicfe May Mr*. EdwaVd Daley of 33 Ste­ ceived an Interesting package phen street has left for Detroit, High school, he enlisted In the Air Uontinued oool-innight and Fri, nam atxaet, who w m w anU y haa received three promotions. from her son. Pfc. Alexander Cotps before he was 18 and left in 8,258-. alacted Siatetot p r w l ^ of toe Before entering the service he Mich., where she and Mr. Daley day morning. W. Popoff, who is with the will make their honje, while their his freshman year at the Univer- SPECIAL Member , ot toe Audit .. was employed, in Cheney Brothers AmwtMn Lafioo U. S. Army In North Africa. daughter, Carolyn, iita student at .«ity of Connecticut. Bureau of CIrcnIationa a fun acbedul* toe neat week. She engraving department. It came duty free at a value of haa bean laeitod to atterrd^toe the University of'-Michigan, and Manchester— A City o f Village Charm 600 francs and contains French their son, John, who is in the serv­ atallation of officers o t toe Rocky 'Qfficera-elect of. the American money, paper and coins of dif­ Hill unit, tomorrow evening, X-egion Poet and Auxiliary will be ice, iQ taking a pre-me4ical course (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ferent kinds, ..^re^ch face pow­ at the University o f New Hamp­ (Classified AdverUaIng oa Page Ifi) MANCHESTER, CONNm THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 194.1 'Hartford. Saturday evening. With seated at a Joint installation Mon­ der and rouged" two leather OLD day evenlhgf September 13. At the shire at Durham. Mrs. Daley W'as VOL. LXIL, NO. 290 her team of officer* ahe win In­ handbags, beautifully made by a membg^ of the Chamihade and V stall toe officer* of the Eaet Hart­ L«gion hall ori'l^onard street. The hand and lined with blue RECORDS installing officer Yor the auxiliary other clubs and prominent in music ford Aiolllary, Sunday evening, leather, a hand made leather circles in town. 5Iiiet be turned In for Sal­ September 12. The follo^ng will be Mrs. KathleemSweet ot this wallet for a man. Also in the vage 11 you want to keep kittle Italy’ CAilebrates Italian Surrender town, district president;and her evening she vdll Install the local packag... was a game of chess plqylng the new Ones. -ataff. The officers will dre^s in Mrs. Edward Blovish, the'form ­ O ffe n siv e E 4 g h t^ n its ' .tmit officers, and thoee of Thdmp- with the "men" beautifully il'zO each paid foe old ree- A e ria l 'i:- white. Retiring officer* are ufgrd carved, lovely little sea shells er Miss Margaret Hennequin of aonvUle on the Hlh. to turn in their badges before the nrds Irrespective ot Quantity. .M d other, items. Knighton street, has received a ceremony. ' . Mr> and Mr*. Fred Starkweather ^Heynolds, M r.' and Mr*. letter from -her husband who is of 7S4 Parker street, have returned Popdtf;* third son. who ip- in stationed in North Africa stating KEMP'S M ay B e P relu d e Beverly, small daughter ef Mr. the Navfy who enlisted in ,'July that he_^has been promoted, from , alter apendlng the holiday and and Mr*. C. H. Rudolph of 9 Deep- Inc. Landed Near Naples; Private ^First Class to Corporal week-end In New York City. has completed hia boot train­ 768 Main St. Xel. 5680 wood Drive, was the honor guest ing, and Robert is at Camp He Is with the 21st Engineer* of were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. at a surprise birthday party given Chaffee, Ark. the Air Corps. Roger Gilbert of 25 Apel Place. for her Sunday afternoon by her T o Invasion Try aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rudolph at their home in West­ Because of improvements t^ h e Occupy North Italy brook. T\velve little children had been invited and they had. a merry vestry, the prayer service of toe Greatest Formations of Any time playing games and . enjoying Church of the Nazarene will b( Stiff Stand the good things provided for them. held In the main auditorium toi American and British North End The table decoration! and favors night. The monthly board meeting Bombers Pound Today Claim. Ilalian. 6ive Up G o O l Powerful British and were pink. Beverly who was six will follow this servic*. Upon Secret Ameriran Force Un- years old received- many dainty At Enemy Ports, Nav­ A.rnifi Withoiil Offtr- gifU. Mrs. Edwin C. Higgina, rtialr- Aiiy ResiHtaiice; tier General Clark ictiyity man of the Memorial Hospital al Vessels and Air PpLcts Urged » n g To Occupy Mr. and Mrs. Arvld W. Carlson Auxiliary's card party, September Fields in France. Military 8|ioke8tiian Surges Ashore in Vi­ a and daughter Valerie Mae of 90 T4. In Miss Mary Chapman's gar­ cinity of Naples; At- Woodbridge atreet, have returned den at 75 Forest street, has called Solon Proposes Action Declares Allied'* UnitH A ir Bases home after spending the week-end a meeting of the committee of ar­ ■ London, Sept. 9.—(/P)— Landed North of Paliiii — .lied Headipiarters An- Public Nature and holiday with. Mr. and Mr*. rangements for tomorrow after­ X With Allied forces swarming As Warning to World Leon A. Baust and family of Wil­ noon at 2:30 in the Board room of noiinees Operations mington, Del. Corporal and Mrs. the Memorial hiospltal, when de­ into the heart of fallen Italy, Such Agreement^^ill. Enveloped and Their Allies Would Be Able to Has Francis J. Baust of 90 Woodbridge tails of the affair will be planned, the greatest formations of Annihilation Imminent Destroy Germany's Oil Aeeordinjf to Plan. street returned home today. Mrs. at American and British bomb­ Not Bind Count Baust was the former Miss Julia Pfc. Robert L. Brown. *on of Sources in Rumania ers ever hurled across the London, Sept. 9;/v(^)— A Allied Headquarters, North Our Backing! ‘ Mitchell. Mrs. Grace V. Brown, of North Washington, Sept. 9—lA*)— A Elm street, haa been graduated channel by daylight pound^ German military spokesman And Hungary Easily. Africa, Sept. 9.—(/T*) — A stiff, plain-spoken congressional Boys of Pack 2, Cub Scouts, are from the parent radio school of today at enemy ports and air announced today that “ north powerful American and Brit­ stand against secret -agreements Due to an oversight my urged, to be present at the first the Air Forces at Scott Field, III., fields in northern France, car­ and central Italy have been Washington, Sept. 9—i/pi— Allied ish force under U. S, Lieut. fall meeting Friday evening at and expecta" to be sent to an ad­ H a le ’s Serve rying into the eighth consecutive between this nation and foreign advertisement failed to ap­ occupied by German troops,/ forces sweeping through fallen It­ Gen. Mark W. Clark surged seven o'clock at the Seoond Con­ vanced schoid for instrucUona a* day a terrific aerial offensive powers was proposed by Repre­ ashore in the vicinity of Na-, pear with the other North gregational church. part of a bombing team. which niay form the final prelude a Berlin broadcast said to­ aly are believed to have one prime to Invasion from the west. sentative Cole (R., N. Y.): today pies, a third of the Way up' End merchants sponsoring as a warning to the world that day. “ in so far as the occu­ military objective—the occupation No Allied Plane# Downed pation had not been carried of air ba.ies from which to destroy the Italian boot, at 4 a. m. to- ^ the Labor Day Bond Sales The unprecedented asaault, auch pacta will not be binding up­ on the American people.' out already it has now been Germany’s oil sources. In Rumania day. It was immediately en­ Event. ' launched in conjunction with toe , This scene of jubilation occurrei! In the Italian Canteen In Boston's "Little Ttaly ' when word wa.-- and Hungary. gaged by German forces fighting lafgest invasion exercises ever In the midst of mounting de­ in Boston's north done, in mo.it towns of Italy the bate over United States foreign received of Italy's unconditional aurrender. The ta.ein, freQuented by service men, armed force* allowed those forces Bases w’ithin easy bombing reach fiercely in the midst of the chaos seen in the channel, climaxed 18 of the great oil. center at Ploestl, of Italy's unconditional surrender, hours of steady pounding of Hit­ policy after the war. Cole drafted end. ' V to be disarmed (by Gerrtiana) without offering resistance,” de­ Rumania, and the le.sser fields in but Allied headQuarters announc­ ler's .Atlanttc fortifications during a 64-word, one-sentence measure ed that operations were going ac­ which would sei’ve notice upon clared the broadcast, still Quoting Hungary may prove to be the key HALE’S w a u w o o i which not a single Allied plane to Hitler’s whole European fort­ cording, to plan and that prisonerfl-j ^ ^ - the Nazi military spokesman.
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