Access to Berlin, 90, 96, 202, 204, 206–207 Acheson, Dean, 24, 27
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85824-3 - Kennedy in Berlin Andreas W. Daum Index More information Index access to Berlin,90,96,202,204,206–207 Albertz,Heinrich,18,196 Acheson,Dean,24,27,35,44,50 Alexanderplatz,185 Ackermann,Volker,190 Allemann,Fritz Ren e,204´ Adenauer,Konrad,16,50,81,103,126, Allied Control Council,96–98 136,148,156,168,183 Allied Museum,222 de Gaulle visits to Germany,64–65,174 Alternative Liste,209 France visit (1962),35,61–63,85,170 America Institute,160 Franco-German relationship,34–36 America Memorial Library,44 invitation to JFK,70–71,75,76,79–80 American Academy,222 and JFK motorcade,1,111,119,127–30 American Berliners,48–50,56,60,126, and Khruschev,186 145,150,158 LBJ visit (1961),51 American Council on Germany,47,48 politics of,23–25,29,31,36,66,86–87, American Federation of Labor–Congress of 89,98,107,126,174 Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), and protocol,70,93,95,98–99,105–11, 48,149 113 American Friends of the Captive Nations, relationship,meetings with JFK,14,16, 47,48 34–36,66–67,69–70,84–87,90–91, American Jewish Committee,222 113,132,162 American Memorial Library,135 retirement of,22,76,200,216 American University at Schoneberg¨ City Hall,136,138–39, June 10,1963,speech by JFK,81–82, 145,147 93,142,146,159,172,173 as symbol of an older generation,18,34, Americanization,19–20,168–69,218 66–67,84 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), and Willy Brandt,3,28,29,33,98–99, 48 126,200 Amerika Haus,Berlin,60,129,205,206 Adenauer,Max,85 Amrehm,Franz,46 AEG (Allgemeine Anhalter Bahnhof,134 Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft),102,203¨ anthems.
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