1348 Flygtningenævnets baggrundsmateriale Bilagsnr.: 1348 Land: Syrien Kilde: Udlændingestyrelsen Country Report Country of Origin Information (COI) Titel: Syria Security and socio-econimic situation in the governorates of Damascus and Rural Damascus Udgivet: oktober 2020 Optaget på 5. oktober 2020 baggrundsmaterialet: Flygtningenævnet • Adelgade 11-13 • DK-1304 København K Telefon +45 6198 3700 • E-mail
[email protected] • www.fln.dk COUNTRY REPORT OCTOBER 2020 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION (COI) SYRIA Security and socio-economic situation in the governorates of Damascus and Rural Damascus This brief report is not, and does not purport to be, a detailed or comprehensive survey of all aspects or the issues addressed in the brief report. It should thus be weighed against other country of origin information available on the topic. The brief report at hand does not include any policy recommendations or analysis. The information in the brief report does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Immigration Service. Furthermore, this brief report is not conclusive as to the determination or merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Terminology used should not be regarded as indicative of a particular legal position. October 2020 All rights reserved to the Danish Immigration Service. The publication can be downloaded for free at newtodenmark.dk The Danish Immigration Service’s publications can be quoted with clear source reference. © 2020 The Danish Immigration Service The Danish Immigration Service Farimagsvej 51A 4700 Næstved Denmark SYRIA – SECURITY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION IN THE GOVERNORATES OF DAMASCUS AND RURAL DAMASCUS Executive summary Since May 2018, the Syrian authorities have had full control over the governorates of Damascus and Rural Damascus.