Ilouisviihc, My. TRIUMPHANT
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Louisville Business. Stevenson-Lawre.nckblrg- , he will let the people know in due time. I, for THE Tlil-WEEK- YEOMAN. Eon. John W. LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. In our advertising columns will be found Kv , Sept 20th, 1653. one, from central Kentucky, will give him, or the cards of a number of mercantile and To the Editor of the Frankfurt Yeoman: any other sound, national, conservative Democrat, C. FKINTED AND PCELI5HED BT DURKEE HEATH & CO, WILLIAM DODGE, & CO., manufacturing houses of Louisville. Most of Sir : As a private citizen, and one at least that my hearty support, who may be the choice of the MANUFACTURER OF S. I. M. MAJOR feels some interest hi the affairs of the Govern- convention, and will do the best battling in my LOUISVILLE, KY., CABINET AVAItr, IPHOLSTEUY, COURT-HOUS- retail establishments, some Ac. ST.CLAIR ST., OPPOSITE THE these are while Xj. 97 Fourth ment, boh State and Tederal, I shall presume, pow er for the great cause. Beyond all things we IMPORTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL- Strert, lettcecn Mirkctand are both wholesale and retail. All of them ERS IN ALL KINDS OF LouUvlllr, Ky. with your permission, to advance a few thoughts in should try to preserve order, peace, and harmony are known to the publishers of this paper, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HAVING engage! in the manufacture cf Cottage 00 view of the approaching in our party, and let no predilection for our own I wish to c.f One copy, per annum, in advance .$ Gubernatorial election, Carpet. Oil House & cad the attention deal- and we take pleasure in recommending them which discord, Silk, Cloth, er in and out of the city to m. large stock of near comes off in Ibbd. It is now currently particular favorites engender strife, or Steamboat tiooels, 2,000 Redstead. of Cherry, Walnut, Sycamore to our readers in all parts of the State. The it Ac. Oak. THURSDAY. ..SEPTEMBER 23. It5d. believed that the Democratic party, in the presi- bad feeling of any kind among ourselves. Iam lit;, .Hat, .nannies, Gum. and I'oplar warranted equal to. and will be proprietors are honorable and reliable busi- take pl. amre in announcing ti eur friends at Suldus low, any manufactured in the West dential contest of will have to contend with sure this will not be the case, as harmony and W1 Frankfort ami the surrounding country, that WM. C. DODGE. No. 97 Fourth street. Nominations for Governor. oll'c-- be we are now prepared to them, upon the md( II r"C ollege-- . Boarding-house- ness men, and customers will dealt with the Abolition party of the North, all its good feeling seem to prevail throughout the en- - Schools. Hotels, and s standard-beare- with a I rnnttirjrtm ( , the largest, best selected, ami Deeming the proper selection of a r furnished at wholesale price. sep wAt-w6- fairly. As many of our readers will be in concomitants and combinations from the South tire Democracy, not only in Kentucky, but limst complete stoe-- of the above goods over before in the approaching State election the exhibited in this t.r any other west of New York. Louisville next week attending the State and West. It is als-- true that, if we de.-ii- e suc- throughout the Union. Our , in all its various departments, has been THlGRK most interesting suLject of a political charac- gelee'ted a AT LlOTHiNGllOUSE Agricultural Fair, for their convenience, in cess, we must exercise that prudence and discre- The difference of political opinion that existed with special view to meet the wants of every class of cutnn-r- s that visit our city, and com- OF ter now before the people, we have given up, tion artie-l- case any of them should want to make pur- that should characterize an intelligent politi- a short time since upon the construction of the prise every in the above varieties desired by even to the exclusion of editorial matter, al- cal Kansas the Lady of Fashion, the Domestic Housekeeper, or SPROULE & M 5 NDEVILLE, chases, we name these houses party. One of the most important political Nebraska bill, and the admission of Kan thf l'lanter. in the order of 4S7 A most the whole of our present issue to corres- elements of strength is a knowledge, i.ot only sas into the Union under the Lecompton constitu- Every article in our stock has been purchased di- No. Corner of Main Fourth their locality: rect of the Importer or Manufacturer, thus enabling LOUISVILLE, KY. !., pondence and editorials from other papers, of availability, but of worthiness also. But I tions, I. as been removed, and, with a very few ex- to cave at least two profit to the consumers who ui VYTE are in weekly receipt nt FOURTH STREET. purchase their giiod' of We pledge? ourselves to of rich and setting forth the claims and pretensions of shall not pretend to dictate us to who is availa- ceptions, the Democracy everywhere throughout t lotting and tlentiemen' Furnishing G.n.d Durkee, Heath & Co. Dry Goods. sell the cheapest goods in the State, therefore invite from New ork. Having a ble or who is worthy. I merely desire the Union are coming together as a unit for the an inspection of our stock before purchasing else- resilient partnerin New prominent Democrats in different sections of to suggest, i ork. we are enabled to have the very latest style Tripp & Cragg Pianos, Music, &c. e where. very in my judgment, who is; and in doing is great coming contest of 1KG0. let c very-tru- andjhe best material. so, it not Then Terrnn cnih pr-V- the State. Aside from the public interest in Vy on' ny, V ? Extra ?argo eize Garments always Dolfinger Jeweler. e Dl'iiKKK HhATH A on ban! J. mypuipo.-- to attempt a disparagement of any- and noble Democrat unfurl our proud banner CO., f.r sale low by the sul ject, we give up our paper to these 1117 st., between Market and wAt--t- D. of 1".")G Fourth Jetfernn, sepi3 j- SPKOU LE 1 MANDEVILLE F. Ilogan Fancy Hair Work. one who may be an aspirant for Governor. ujion the political breeze again, inscribe scp-,'- WJtt-w- tf Ky. publications from a disposition to do equal and The LoiiNville. Peter Buhl Trimmings, tire. contest for Governor in in Kentucky will upon its ample folds "Democracy and the Union exact justice to all our political friends who SWAIN, William C. Dodge Furniture. necessarily exirt a most powerful influence on one and inseparable now and forever," ami the SUMS & CLAM'S may desire position, and who are worthy of it. eagles M E 11 CHANT TAILOR, W. W. Talbot Willow Ware, Arc. the presidential contest of Hence it is proud of success will perch upon our glori- A we o. I Ituildiii,I.ouisvilIr Kjr an individual member of the party incumbent upon us to be very pru- ous Democratic standard. Then can we ce;.se ?Iaouic John A. Dickinson Upholstery. cautious and f undersigned takes pleasure in informing the Lave distinguished PHE our preference among the dent in our se'ection for Governor, and endeavor from our labors, and say all things are well with J- - citizens of Frankfort and the surrounding coun- T. G. Waters Boots and Shoes. try, is now opening e mentioned in connection with the nominate in us, and rest satisfied with a consciousness we that he at the abo mentioned TRIUMPHANT. gentlemen to our next convention the one least that stand a new and stock ed' ttic latent styles of X. V. Gerhart Head Dresses, S:c. - nomination for the first office on our ticket, exceptionable to the people of Kentucky, and who have discharged ou- whole duty. CLOTHS, CAJjSLMERES, AND VESTINGS, Sproule & Mandeville Clothing. and on suitable occasions hold it not improjK.r is sound on the question of slavery, and who is a A Citizkx of Amdfrsoi County. which he is prepare! to manufacture to order in th T. Thornton Laces most approved fashion. Call and examine my stock J. and Embroideries sound, consistent, prudent, nnd Demo piIKKEKINC, Jt SONS have to express it; but as a journalist, it is right intelligent From and work before purchasing elsewhere. withdrawn the M. B. the Louisville Courier.! 1 sepCtt wAt-wt- W t.,r tne sale of their Pianos Swain Merchant Tailor. crat. That man, in my humble is JO3 will Sell rt rtt rhmp for vnnh. f from our that we should give the friends of the several opinion, John The Gubernatorial Race. ,r; ir n"t bein;j to com. J. W. Clarke Books efc Stationery. W. Stevenson, of Kenton Among lhl,hrliihvviltL-- aspirants an equal chance for a hearing from county. the The nomination of Col. Preston for Governor, t r;,V sPer MAIN' bTIiEET. many distinguished men of Kentucky, there is by the Democratic State Convention, which We shall hereafter keep full and complete our readers, and we shall endeavor to do so. cto ment ef assort- U. B. Evarts Wall Paper, Mirrors, &c. none mote worthy than he. I have for some meets in Frankfort next March, is strongly urged JAMES II. M OOD. If we are mistaken as to popular sentiment in in some of the State. We d n't know m a n r r a c r r e r .Vines &. Clark's Jas. G. Mathers Carpets, House Furnishi- years past been an observer of the political course t and dealer cPIasritr.i Pianos, and another not what Col.