Slovak Geol. Mag., 18, 2 (2018), 71 – 88 4. Hydrogeologic Characteristic of the Podunajská Rovina Flat Katarína Benková, František Bottlik, Dušan Bodiš, Daniel Marcin & Juraj Michalko State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava, Slovak Republic,
[email protected] Abstract: The Podunajská rovina Flat (hereinafter Danubian use the hydro-energetic, navigational and recreational Flat) represents one of the most important hydrogeological re- potential of the two most watery surface streams (Danube gions in Slovakia, situated in the Danube Basin. Its fill consists and Váh) of the Danubian Flat, also affects the regime of of alternating aquicludes (clays, claystones) and aquifers (sands, surface- and groundwaters. sandstones, gravels) of Neogene and Quaternary aquifers (gravel The hydrological axis of the area is formed by the and sand), which are characteristic of intergranular permeability. The importance of the Quaternary aquifers is emphasized by the Danube with a rich branch and channel system with most fact that they were deposited directly on the Neogene aquifers in important branch of the Little Danube. The Váh River a large part of the area of interest and often together they form (with its mouth into the Danube in Komárno) with a left a single aquiferous hydrogeological complex with ambiguous tributary of Nitra represents a significant water course of boundaries. The considerable thickness of the Neogene (max. N-S direction. The streams of local importance are mainly 3,000 m) and the Quaternary (max. 600 m) sediments thus create represented by the left tributaries of the Little Danube, conditions for significant accumulation of groundwater. which drain the eastern slopes of the Malé Karpaty Mts.