739 Fo Graduate at Fisher College «Fjj Workers' Hopes Not in Marxism
•*•> *^-" •I ^w «fjj Kenneth John Williams, David[ Honorary Degree for Bishop Casey SJohn ZiiS6er. " Lithuania s Anglicans Study Program BACHELOR OF Last Bishop BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Of French Worker Priests Vatican City — (RNS) — 739 fo Graduate at Fisher College Donald Michael Cerra, John Bishop Peter Mazelis of Telsiai London — (RNS) — A more men concerned with a modern Patrick Collins, George Francis realistic and fearless approach approach to pastoral problems. Commencement exercises for cis Augustine, Bruce Elnathan cis Schafcr, George Alptionse —the only Roman Catholic bish BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Davin, George Jaunes Del Vec-op permitted to function as a by Anglicans to modern prob Jl3aLs8niors-wbo-aEe-candidates Babcock, Thomas-George -Bahr, Schelly - -' - chio, Lawrence MCichael Discoll, lems, notably the1 closing of The Rev. Tony Foottit, a team for degrees at St. John Fisher Robert Vincent Bates, Thomas Robert Peter Cellura, Law Richard Leland Taust, Joseph diocesah leader in Soviet-ruled churches in "dead communi member who wrote the report, College will be held Sunday, Lithuania, died at'the age of - James Battel, C.S.B.; Louis Frank Melchlor Schexkey, rence Michael Clar, Daniel Frank Fusco, Donald Bert Hof- ties" reducing the number of described how the party toured -June^5, af 3" p~m7 iirthe campus FrederielrBieckrRobert Vernon Vito Joseph' Sciscibli, Eclward Delia Tietra, Joseph Anthony fend, Michael Clark Holvey. 71, according to,a Vatican Radio services, and greater" use of a large "dechristianized' area Athletic Center. Bindert, Richard Allen Bircher, Joseph Sloan Jr., Uarryl Hay- Thomas Brosnahan Hughes, broadcast. transportation was urged here of France in the Tours region, Dragon, Richard Eric Fuierer, ary Patrick heard of the new ''pagans!" and John Leonard Boscoe, C.S.B.; ward Sly, Fraser George Smil- JohnJMichael Hphftiwr Jami>dP Kalleen, Daniel A5.iLr^PPJl on a Church of Eng - Bishop Lawrence B.
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