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, NATIONAL OFFICI! SSCExe9J,ltive .Committee 46Q ·Jamtt8.. ~obert$on .Parllway Nashville,· Tennessee 37219 - BAPTIST PRESS (615) 244-2355 W. ".Flelds, Dll'$ctor (BP) News Service of the Southem Baptist ConventiOll Robert J. O'Brien, News Editor Norman Jameson,Feature Editor BUREAUS ATLANTA Walker L. Knight, Chief, 1350 Spring st., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30309, Telephone (404) 873-4041 DALLAS Richard T. McCartney, Chief, 103 Baptist Building, Dallas, Tex. 75201, Telephone (214) 741·1996 MEMPHIS Roy Jennings, Chief, 1548 Poplar Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 38104, Telephone (901) 272-2461 NASHVILLE (Baptist Sunday School Board) L. Bracey Campbell 1/1, Chief, 127 Ninth Ave., N., NashVille, Tenn. 37234, Telephone (615) 251·2798 RICHMOND Robert L. Stanley, Chief, 3806 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va. 23230, Telephone (804) 353-0151 WASHINGTON W. Barry Garrett, Chief, 200 Maryland Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002, Telephone (202) 544-4226 October 2, 1978 78-160 EDITOR'S NOTE: Pope John Paul I, the spiritual leader of 600-million Catholics,died Friday, Sept. 29, after a 34-day reign. C. Brownlow Hastings, assistant director of the department of interfaith witness at the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board I reflects on his death and what it may mean to Catholics and to Southern Baptists. Hastings has covered Baptist-Catholic relations on special assignment for Baptist Press. World's Catholics Mourn Death of Pope John Paul I By C. Brownlow Ha stings ATLANTA (BP)--IIIsn't it too bad that the Catholics have lost their new Pope," said the widow of a Baptist minister. III liked his looks and had high hopes for what he might do." She summarized about as much as one can say about the sudden death of Pope John Paul I after only 34-days of leadership of the world's 600-million Roman Catholics; unfilled hopes coupled with a renewed sense of tentativeness.
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