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The Moral Mappings of South and North ANNUAL of EUROPEAN and GLOBAL STUDIES ANNUAL of EUROPEAN and GLOBAL STUDIES The Moral Mappings of South and North ANNUAL OF EUROPEAN AND GLOBAL STUDIES ANNUAL OF EUROPEAN AND GLOBAL STUDIES Editors: Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski, Johann P. Arnason and Peter Wagner An annual collection of the best research on European and global themes, the Annual of European and Global Studies publishes issues with a specific focus, each addressing critical developments and controversies in the field. xxxxxx Peter Wagner xxxxxx The Moral Mappings of South and North Edited by Peter Wagner Edited by Peter Wagner Edited by Peter Cover image: xxxxx Cover design: ISBN: 978-1-4744-2324-3 1 The Moral Mappings of South and North Annual of European and Global Studies An annual collection of the best research on European and global themes, the Annual of European and Global Studies publishes issues with a specific focus, each addressing critical developments and controversies in the field. Published volumes: Religion and Politics: European and Global Perspectives Edited by Johann P. Arnason and Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski African, American and European Trajectories of Modernity: Past Oppression, Future Justice? Edited by Peter Wagner Social Transformations and Revolutions: Reflections and Analyses Edited by Johann P. Arnason & Marek Hrubec Annual of European and Global Studies The Moral Mappings of South and North Edited by Peter Wagner Edinburgh University Press is one of the leading university presses in the UK. We publish academic books and journals in our selected subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, combining cutting-edge scholarship with high editorial and production values to produce academic works of lasting importance. For more information visit our website: © editorial matter and organisation Peter Wagner, 2017 © the chapters their several authors, 2017 Edinburgh University Press Ltd The Tun – Holyrood Road 12(2f) Jackson’s Entry Edinburgh EH8 8PJ Typeset in Minion Pro and Gill Sans by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Stockport, Cheshire, and printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 4744 2324 3 (hardback) ISBN 978 1 4744 2326 7 (webready PDF) ISBN 978 1 4744 2327 4 (epub) The right of Peter Wagner to be identified as the editor of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and the Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003 (SI No. 2498). Contents List of Figures vii Notes on the Contributors viii Acknowledgements xi 1 Finding One’s Way in Global Social Space 1 Peter Wagner 2 Does the World Have a Spatio-political Form? Preliminaries 18 Gerard Rosich 3 The BRICS Countries: Time and Space in Moral Narratives of Development 51 Cláudio Costa Pinheiro 4 Russia between East, West and North: Comments on the History of Moral Mapping 72 Maxim Khomyakov 5 Digging for Class: Thoughts on the Writing of a Global History of Social Distinction 107 Jacob Dlamini 6 North–South and the Question of Recognition: A Constellation Saturated with Tensions 127 À. Lorena Fuster 7 On Spaces and Experiences: Modern Displacements, Interpretations and Universal Claims 161 Aurea Mota The Moral Mappings of South and North 8 The South as Exile 183 Nathalie Karagiannis Index 217 vi Figures Figure 6.1 The Centaurus constellation, in Johann Bayer, Uranometria: omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa, Augsburg: Christoph Mang, 1603 134 Figure 8.1 William Kentridge, drawing from ‘Felix in Exile’, 1994, charcoal and pastel on paper, 120 × 150 cm / 47-1/4 × 59-1/16 in. Courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery. Copyright: William Kentridge 183 vii Contributors Jacob Dlamini is Assistant Professor of History at Princeton University. He obtained a PhD from Yale University in 2012 and is also a graduate of Wits University in South Africa and Sussex University in England. Jacob held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Barcelona, Spain, from November 2011 to April 2015, and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University from August 2014 to May 2015. His research inter- ests include the intellectual history of pre-colonial Africa, the social and political history of modern Africa, comparative histories of violence and political collaboration, and the environmental history of Africa. His is the author of Askari: A Story of Collaboration and Betrayal in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle (2015) and Native Nostalgia (2009). À. Lorena Fuster holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona, where she works as a postdoctoral researcher. On the one hand, her research is focused on the conceptualisation of political imagination, especially from the perspective of contemporary philoso- phers, and in relation to the historical genealogy of social imaginaries or collective self-understandings. On the other, she makes contribu- tions to the field of gender studies and is a specialist in the work of women philosophers. She has published several papers on these topics in books and scholarly journals. Nathalie Karagiannis is a sociologist who also holds degrees in law and political science. Her interests have included the relation between the social and the political, the ambiguities of solidarity, and democracy. She has published Avoiding Responsibility: The Politics and Discourse of European Development Policy (Pluto Press, 2004); European Solidarity (ed., Liverpool University Press, 2007); and Varieties of World-Making: Beyond Globalization (co-ed., Liverpool University Press, 2007). In viii Contributors 2014, she published Saranta (Athens: Agra), a book of poetry, together with the artist Christina Nakou, and in 2016, Exorismos (Athens: Melani) and La búsqueda del Sur (Barcelona: Animal Sospechoso). She also translated Peter Wagner’s Sauver le progrès (Paris: La Découverte, 2016) into French. Maxim Khomyakov is Vice-President for International Relations and Director of the BRICS Studies Centre at Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. He is author of more than sixty publications on the history of medieval philosophy, the history of Russian phi- losophy and on contemporary political theory. His most recent English- language works include ‘Toleration and Respect: Historical Instances and Current Problems’, European Journal of Political Theory, 12: 3 (2013), 223–39; ‘Building a World-Class University and the Role of the University Rankings: A Russian Case’, in K. Downing and F. Ganotice (eds), World University Rankings and the Future of Higher Education, IGI Global, 2016, pp. 396–422; and ‘Mastering Nature: A Russian Way in Modernity?’, Social Imaginaries, 2: 2 (2016), 165–81. His works in Russian language include Deus ex machina: Rationalism i mysticism v philosophii obshego dela Fedorova (Rationalism and Mysticism in Fedorov’s ‘Philosophy of the Common Task’) (Ekaterinburg, 1995); and Problema tolerantnosti v christianskoy philosophii (The Problem of Toleration in Christian Philosophy) (Ekaterinburg, UrGU-press, 2000). Aurea Mota is an interdisciplinarily oriented sociologist whose main research interests lie in social theory and comparative historical sociol- ogy. She studied Sociology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte (BA in 2004, MA in 2010), and her PhD is from the Institute for the Study of Society and Politics (IESP, formerly IUPERJ) in Rio de Janeiro (2012). She is a member of the Political Philosophy Group of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and an associate researcher of the ‘Participatory Democracy Project’ (PRODEP) at UFMG. Aurea was a Visiting Researcher in the Department of Sociology, Sussex University, UK (2010). She was the recipient of two awards from CLACSO in 2006 and in 2010. Her publi- cations are about Latin America, social participation in contemporary Brazil and social theory. Cláudio Costa Pinheiro is Professor at the Institute of History of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University and Chair of the Sephis Programme ix The Moral Mappings of South and North (South-South Programme for the History of Development). His research interests include sociology of knowledge and epistemologi- cal frameworks in contemporary human sciences, with concerns to colonialism, postcolonialism and aspects of the institutionalisation of power, comparing Asia (particularly India) and Latin America. Recent research projects involve the dynamics of the international scientific production developed outside the hegemonic centres, analysing aca- demic dependency at peripheral areas in relation to the international academic mainstream. He has been a Visiting Scholar and/or Professor at the Bukkyo University (Kyoto, 2001–2), the University of Lisbon (Lisbon, 2003), the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (New Delhi, 2005), the University of Delhi (2005), the University of Calcutta (Kolkata, 2005), at Goa University (Panjim, 2006) and Free University (Berlin, 2012–13). Gerard Rosich holds a PhD in Philosophy. Located in the areas of conceptual history, historical sociology and political and social theory, his present work is centred on the current reinterpretations of the modern foundations of politics, focusing on the concept of collective autonomy and evaluating its conceptual and normative adequacy in terms of understanding the current global/local transformations. His research interests include modern theories of autonomy, cosmopolitan studies and theories
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