5.27.20 “Landmines – and ” 1. Jealousy is a landmine that strikes hard. It has the ability to cause a great deal of harm to our faith, ______us from enjoying ’s richest blessings. 2. We must remember that just because we see someone advancing before us does not mean that God is ______His goodness toward us. 3. God want to ______us, but He also wants to reveal the deeper motivation of our hearts. 4. Whenever you and I sense feelings of envy and jealousy growing, we must answer 2 questions: A. HOW will I ______to the jealous feelings? B. HOW will I deal with my ______, which usually include feelings of ? 5. Satan’s primary goal is to shift our ______away from God and onto our circumstances. 6. Satan loves for our eyes to become ______on our feelings – our rights, and our needs. 7. The enemy will stop at nothing to create an atmosphere brimming with jealousy, which can lead to other problems such as discouragement and ______. 8. You and I do not have to ______to the enemy’s temptation. 9. When we become jealous, we risk missing His best gifts because we are focused only on what we do ______have. 10. The truth is that before we can deal with jealousy appropriately, we must come to the conclusion that God ______us and has not forgotten about us. 11. When you set the focus of your heart on ______God, you may go through times of envy when you feel as though your Christian walk is leading you nowhere fast. 12. As long as you and I maintain our ______to live for God, He will show us how to right our course so that we do not drift away from the center of His love. 13. God’s number one goal is to draw us into a ______relationship with His Son. 14. Feelings of jealousy can ______us to His goodness. 15. If you only set your life in light of what you do not have when compared to someone else, you will never learn to ______what God has given you. 16. Jealousy does NOT belong in the path of the disciple of Christ, because it goes against the very ______of God. 17. God’s jealousy is a ______jealousy that is much greater than a loving parent would have for a son or daughter. God is NOT envious OF us; He is jealous FOR us, which means He desires our fellowship and love. He has a passionate commitment for us because we rightfully ______to Him and He wants to protect us from evil. Therefore, He watches over us with extreme care. 18. Jealousy can create an atmosphere of ______and within out hearts. 19. If you are struggling with jealousy, you are probably experiencing ______in other areas. 20.Psalm 84:11 says: “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He ______from them that walk uprightly.” 21. God is only interested in one thing, and that is HOW you live your life before Him. Make sure you are ______with Him and you will have much more than you can imagine. 22. Learning to ______God starts with a heart that is turned toward Him. Anything that threatens to erode our relationship with God should be avoided at all costs. 23. Here is a powerful antidote for jealousy and envy: When we come to a point where we ______how important we are to God, feelings of jealousy will fade. After all, WHY would we want any MORE than what God, in His goodness and grace, has given to us right now. 24. Feelings and thoughts of jealousy lead to only one destination - ______. 25. God wants us to live in ______with others. He never planned for us to become envious of what those around us have or what they do. His plan for our lives is one of peace, hope, and steadfast faith, especially in times of difficulty. 26. There will be ______room for jealousy if we would remember who holds our lives within His righteous hand. 27. Jealousy starts ______us – usually with a thought or a feeling that another person has more than we do. 28. The earmarks of jealousy include the following: A. ______B. competition C. ______D. a critical spirit E. a ______mind F. anger, bitterness, resentfulness G. a loss of privileges and opportunities H. ______fellowship with God I. physical illness