

• PJ project in

• Dispatches from South Korea, Cameroon, Uganda, Ghana

• Jake Lynch: 20 years of media

At Park University, discussing with Prof. Raj A publication of the Center for Global at Park University Vol 8 No. 2 - October 2019 October 2019 October 2019 Contents 3 Gandhi at Park U. 14 U.S. Was Gandhi a peace ? Filmmaker meets “The Enemy” Cover photos-- Left and top right by Phyllis Gabauer Park Univ. 16 Worldwide peace stud- The Peace Journalist is a semi- Lynch: 20 yrs of peace media ies student annual publication of the Center Alyssa Williams for Global Peace Journalism at Park 18 South Korea discusses the University in Parkville, Missouri. The gather to discuss PJ elements of Peace Journalist is dedicated to dis- peace with Prof. seminating and 19 Ghana Raj Gandhi. for teachers, students, and Radio as a change agent practitioners of PJ. 6 Gandhi, Hate speech 20 Kashmir Submissions are welcome from all. Gandhian principles combat hate We are seeking shorter submissions Outlet gives voice to youth (300-500 words) detailing peace S. Sudan-Uganda journalism projects, classes, propos- 8 21 Cameroon als, etc. We also welcome longer Network connects communities PJ prize;Community media Prof. Gandhi enlightens Park University submissions (800-1200 words) By Steven Youngblood of our opponents.” journal, Gandhi said, “I about peace or conflict sensitive 10 Northern Ireland 22 South Sudan When asked to describe Mahatma cannot recall a word in those articles journalism projects or programs, as Project energizes journalists Govmt. crackdowns target journos Professor Gandhi agreed, adding that Gandhi, most would say he was an down without it is “certainly correct to describe well as academic works from the Indian independence leader, human thought or delibera- Northern Ireland U.S. Gandhi as a journalist.” His grandson field. We do NOT seek general sub- 11 24 defender, and spiritual guide. tion, or a word of con- said Gandhi was a staunch defender missions about peace projects, but Honoring journalist Lyra McKee Media, society and multicultural ed However, “People don’t think of him scious exaggeration, of the free press who nonetheless are instead focused only on articles as a journalist” even though “he was a or anything merely to understood the need to avoid inflam- with a strong media angle. 12 Northern Ireland 26 Uganda journalist from an early age, and died please…” matory rhetoric, to “put a curb on his PJ and The View magazine Journalists team up to build home as a journalist.” Deadlines: March 3 (April edition); own pen.” The truth, and facts, This is according to professor, histori- had no more strident September 3 (October edition). I gave the next presentation, which an, and author Rajmohan Gandhi, the champion than Gan- What is Peace Journalism? supported the thesis that Gandhi was Editor: Steven Youngblood, Director, grandson of . Profes- dhi. I presented this telling quote from indeed a peace journalist. I listed sev- Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices that improve the sor Gandhi was the featured speaker 1926: “The way to peace is the way Center for Global Peace Journalism, eral characteristics shared by Gandhi- prospects for peace. These choices, including how to frame stories and care- in several classes and a program at of truth. Truthfulness is even more Park University an and peace journalism. These fully choosing which words are used, create an atmosphere conducive to peace Park University titled “Gandhi: The important than peacefulness. Indeed, Proofreading: Carol Getty, Ann include rejecting “us vs. them” narra- and supportive of peace initiatives and peacemakers, without compromising First Peace Journalist,” held on Mon- lying is the mother of . The Schultis, Park U. emeritae faculty tives; journalism as public service; me- the basic principles of good journalism. (Adapted from Lynch/McGoldrick, Peace day evening, Aug. 26. truth of a few will count; the untruth dia as a tool to de-escalate conflicts; Journalism). Peace Journalism gives peacemakers a voice while making peace of millions will vanish even like chaff Contact/Social Media: using journalism as a means to foster initiatives and non-violent solutions more visible and viable. The evening began with a presenta- before a whiff of wind.” [email protected] reconciliation; carefully choosing one’s A number of valuable peace journalism resources, including back issues of tion by Gandhi documentarian Cynthia Twitter-@Peace Journ words to avoid ; giving Professor Gandhi agreed with my as- The Peace Journalist can be found at www.park.edu/peacecenter. Lukas about Gandhi’s background as a Facebook-Peace Journalism group journalist. Gandhi was a prolific jour- a voice to the voiceless; and empha- sessment that Mahatma Gandhi was Center for Global Peace nalist and editor who was well-known sizing facts and truth. indeed a peace journalist. He cited an Journalism, Park University in for his articles stressing social incident where the Mahatma called Center for Global Peace Journalism Regarding language, I shared a quote 8700 NW River Park Dr justice in such publications as Indian out those who had labeled an oppo- with the audience. Writing about the The Center for Global Peace Journalism works with journalists, academics, and Opinion, , and Navajivan nent a snake. “To liken someone to a students worldwide to improve reporting about conflicts, societal unrest, rec- snake…is a degrading performance,” (A New Life). Lukas said his writing Steven Youngblood is director of the onciliation, solutions, and peace. Through its courses, workshops, lectures, this the professor quoted his grandfather. avoided inflammatory, “poisonous Center for Global Peace Journalism magazine, , and other resources, the Center encourages media to reject journalism” (as Gandhi termed it). (Park University), author of Peace The final speaker was Park professor sensational and inflammatory reporting, and produce counter-narratives that Instead, Mahatma Gandhi emphasized Journalism Principles and Practices, Abhijit Mazumdar, who discussed offer a more nuanced view of those who are marginalized—ethnic/racial/ civility and politeness in his articles, and editor of the Peace Journalist inflammatory and often hate-filled A Park University Publication religious minorities, women, youth, and migrants. striving always to “step into the shoes magazine. Continued on next page pg 2 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 3 By Steven Youngblood

October 2019 October 2019 Gandhi from Pg 3 speech in South Asian media. He cited interest. He brought the big picture was discouraged because of a “lack of examples from social media, includ- of Gandhi’s message to an audience substance,” , and the me- ing hash tags like #HatePakLovers, as possibly equivocal about its relation to dia’s desire to “keep viewers glued to Prof. Raj Gandhi well as inflammatory -calling on them, and made a direct connection, the screen” through sensationalism. inspires Park Indian TV like “shrieking raccoon” and allowing for Gandhi’s message to not He was critical of Fox News’ “unfortu- Univ.’s peace venomous snake.” only be understood, but enact certain nate bias” that supports the “curious journalism class action from the audience who then at notion” of white supremacy that sug- on Aug. 26 (top) In addition, he noted many examples that point did feel directly impacted. gests that whites are the sole, rightful and peace stud- of false news that have been reported Just like his grandfather, he spread the owners of the U.S. Gandhi said, “The ies class on Aug. by Indian television. Professor Gandhi idea of bridge-building, truthfulness, way to confront them (white national- 27. added that Indian and hopefulness to the audience.” ists) is with the real American ” media often spread upon which the country was founded. “toxicity.” The evening event was sponsored by “The U.S. has stood for justice and Park University’s Center for Global equality. We have to remind America Prof. Gandhi was Peace Journalism, which also arranged of this,” he said. pleased with the Aug. Prof. Gandhi’s appearances in several 26 event. He said, Park University classes. The discussion about nationalism in “The program en- the U.S. and elsewhere continued couraged me. It was Park students were thrilled to have in Intro to Peace Studies class. Gan- heartening to interact Prof. Gandhi visit their classes. “A once dhi said that nationalism in the U.S. with persons living in the very center in a lifetime opportunity…A class I’ll means ”reclaiming” of the country for of the U.S. -- far from the two coasts -- never forget…Inspiring…” were among whites; and in India, “reclaiming” the but willing to learn from Gandhi’s life the avalanche of positive comments country for Hindus, despite Mahatma and journalism, which were lived and from students who met and were Gandhi’s lifelong struggle trying to practiced in distant and inspired by Prof. Gandhi. build bridges between Hindus and remote India.” other . Prof. Gandhi also an- In peace journalism class, Prof. Gandhi swered a question about the viability In an essay about the Aug. 26 pro- addressed the shortcomings of media, of non-violent approaches to peace. gram, Park student Jessica Glaszczak but left the students hopeful that While he acknowledged that these observed, “(Prof. Raj Gandhi) connect- media can become more responsible. tactics haven’t always worked, he said ed the situation in India to the Ameri- He said he was impressed by the work it is an unassailable fact that “violence can audience he spoke to. This was that many U.S. journalists do as well hasn’t brought peace.” Gandhi further a powerful move to make because it as the “commitment and quality of from Pg 4 grabbed the audience’s attention and social journalists.” Prof. Gandhi said he Continued on next page Gandhi defended non-violence with the logic Prof. Gandhi was encouraged by his advice and a better that violence begets violence, leav- interactions with Park University outlook on a non-vio- Filmmaker ing non-violence as the only viable students. He said, “Some (student) lent society. His words Cynthia Lukas option. questions were practical, not theoreti- were extremely wise.” (top right), Prof. cal. Those asking them seemed to put Finally, Nathan Moore Abhijit Mazumdar In both of his classroom stops at Park, themselves in real situations requir- said, “His views and (bottom right), Prof. Gandhi discussed the current ing peace-building. Other questions thoughts on peace and Prof. Raj crisis in Kashmir, where 2,000 people revealed that some solid research was were very informative Gandhi present at have been arrested, the internet being done. “ and got me thinking an event at Park and phone service shut off, and over about peace in my University titled, 400,000 Indian troops are deployed. Students echoed Prof.Gandhi’s en- community.” “Gandhi: The First He mentioned repeatedly that the thusiasm. “I was impressed by the Peace Journal- recent Indian government decision transmission of calmness and knowl- Prof. Gandhi finished his Kansas City ist” on Aug. 26. to strip Kashmir of its special limited edge when he talks,” noted Marcelo area trip with a presentation about (Photos by Kalie status was made “without Aquino. International student from In- India and Pakistan sponsored by the Strain and Phyllis consulting even one Kashmiri.” He dia Aadarash Chandan said, “His views Council and Gabauer) firmly in the right of self-de- about the events are realistic, practi- Johnson County Community College. termination for Kashmiris, a right he cal, and yet polite. His audacity is said has been trampled by the current unmatched.” Destiny Webb spoke for I know I speak for my students when Indian government. many when she said, “He gave good I say we were truly honored by his presence and touched by his wisdom. pg 4 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No. 2 pg 5 October 2019 October 2019 Gandhian strategies can counter hate speech Hate speech from Pg 6 guage can mine the rich veins of our Here Gandhi delves on the dangers of By Vedabhyas Kundu Hate speech in fact is not merely common humanity, bringing back to matching with counter hatred words, it is a type of violence that has The Secretary General of the United the surface glistening spiritual riches and the power of . The Gandhian pillars of the potential to not only gravely hurt Nations, Antonio Guteras launching that will illuminate human society. … nonviolence“ should become individuals but entire communities. the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on It is indeed in the encounter between In the Gandhian praxis, the challenge Stanton notes, “Classification and the foundation of our inter- Hate Speech expressed concern at the people whose paths in life have dif- is to ensure that individuals who are symbolization are fundamental op- ‘disturbing groundswell of xenopho- fered that our eyes are opened to involved in hate speech are not hated. actions and dialogues. erations in all cultures. They become bia, racism and intolerance.’ vistas that would not otherwise have Hate speech has to be challenged and steps of genocide only when com- been visible. It is in the resonance of the individual who was involved in the The Plan of Action was launched on bined with dehumanization...In incite- act should be berated. Nanda (2002) The moment his opponent showed people encountering each other in willingness to talk in a spirit of ” ments to genocide the target groups June 18, 2019. Mr. Guteras said, “Hate Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu is currently the fullness of their humanity that points out, “The truth is that in Gan- are called disgusting animal genuine goodwill, he suspended the speech is a menace to democratic working as the Programme Of- the melodies of a new creative energy dhi’s of , the – Nazi called Jews “rats” struggle and gave reason a chance to values, social stability and peace.” ficer of and Darshan unfold….This is the true significance enemy was not regarded as an eternal or “vermin”; Rwandan Hutu hate radio work in a more hospitable climate.” Samiti, , India. His areas of dialogue: It can serve as a treasure enemy, but a potential friend. It was referred to Tutsis as “cockroaches.” The UN Secretary General urged ev- of specialization are nonviolent house of possibilities, a dynamo for the duty of the satyagrahis to reason eryone to treat hate speech “like any The targeted group is often likened to Another important lesson nonviolent communication, media and infor- the creation of … with the adversary, to try to dispel his activists involved in countering hate other malicious act: by condemning it a “disease”, “microbes”, “infections” mation literacy education, media- prejudices, to disarm his suspicions, unconditionally; refusing to amplify it; or a “cancer” in the body politic.” speech can learn from Gandhi is his tion, negotiation and nonviolent Gandhi’s Satyagraha is an important to appeal to his dormant sense of hu- power of persuasive communica- countering it with the truth; and en- tool with those involved in nonviolent manism and justice, and eventually to It would be pertinent to explore strat- . tion. When a peacebuilder focuses couraging the perpetrators to change engagement to counter hate speech. try to prick his conscience by inviting egies to counter it, including those on promoting facts and information their behavior.” Explaining the Gandhian framework, suffering at his hands.” from the philosophy of Mahatma Gan- to counter the menace of xenophobia which are truthful and devoid of hate, Weber points out, “Satyagraha is a dhi (whose 150th birthday is this year) and hate speech, he points out. the next challenge is how to package According to the , hate dialogue, therefore, listening to the An important Gandhian dimension to to counter the damage being done by this message. Gandhian persuasive speech is, “Any kind of communication For the United Nations Strategy and other, treating them as a reasonable counter hate speech is to disseminate hate speech. communication is a strategy that can in speech, writing or behaviour, that Plan of Action to become a , equal is essential. This is an extremely truth and facts. Gandhi (1926) says, attacks or uses pejorative or discrimi- “The way to peace is the way of truth. be used to effectively reach out to the The Gandhian Approach to Counter the Gandhian pillars of nonviolence important consideration...to ensure natory language with reference to a Truthfulness is even more important masses both offline and online. For Hate Speech should become the foundation of our that the resolution of any dispute person or a group on the basis of who than peacefulness. Indeed, lying is the instance, Chakravarty (1995) notes, On the kind of social anchoring avail- interactions and dialogues. Arun Gan- leaves all the parties satisfied with the they are...” mother of violence. The truth of a few “The importance that was attached to able to the forces of xenophobia dhi (2017) elaborates his grandfather’s outcome…” will count; the untruth of millions will the written word by Gandhiji and oth- and hate speech that deepen the five pillars of nonviolence. These The UN Plan of Action entails a two- As we delve on the strategies to coun- vanish even like chaff before whiff of er national leaders reflected their urge divisions within society, Ikeda (2017) includes: respect, understanding, fold objective: a) enhancing UN efforts ter hate speech, it would be pertinent wind.” to reach out their message to as wide argues, “I believe the answer is to be acceptance, appreciation and com- to address root causes and drivers to examine how Gandhi looks at the a section of the people as possible. found in strong connections between passion. These pillars of nonviolence of hate speech; b) enabling effective inevitability of hatred. Gandhi (1946) In this context, Parekh (1997) notes, The means to convey that were often people, the kind of friendship that are catalysts for healthy intercultural, UN responses to the impact of hate argues that those who advocate “The satyagrahi sought a dialogue primitive, but no medium available at brings into view the concrete image of interfaith, intrareligious dialogue. The speech on societies. counter hatred for hatred are grossly with his opponent. He did not con- that time was left out. From tradition- another in our hearts.” He quotes the importance of nonviolence in dialogue mistaken as the result would be ‘deep- front the latter with a dogmatic al interpersonal means-including the The concerns of the United Nations British Historian, Arnold J. Toynbee has been aptly pointed out by Ramana er hatred and counter hatred, and insistence on the justice of his de- travelling bards- the bauls of Bengal, on the harms inflicted on humanity by with whom he had a dialogue, “In my Murti (1968), “The way of violence vengeance let loose on both sides.’ In mands. He knew he could be partial for instance- to the educated student hate speech have been echoed glob- experience the solvent of traditional works as a monologue. But the nature this context, he further says, “I sug- and biased, invited his opponent to going out on literacy-cum-swadeshi ally. For instance, Ikeda (2017) talking prejudice has been personal acquain- of nonviolence is a dialogue.” gested in 1920 the use of nonviolence join him in cooperatively searching missions- the composing of patriotic on the dangers of hate speech says, tance. When one becomes personally The importance of dialogue between and its inevitable twin companion for the ‘truth’ or the most just course songs and setting up of choirs in vil- “Xenophobia and hate speech divide acquainted with a fellow human be- different faiths, cultures, and religions truth, for canalizing hatred into the of action concerning the matter of lages, mohallas and bustees, to the the world into the binary of us and ing, of whatever , nationality, has been explained by Ikeda (2016). proper channel. The hater hates not dispute.” Parekh notes, “When the immortal ‘magic lantern’- no video at them, which are made to correspond or race, one cannot fail to recognize He notes: for the sake of hatred but because he dialogue was denied or reduced to an the time- nothing was left out...” to good and evil.” that he is human like oneself.” wants to drive away from his country insincere exercise in , The power to move people at the the Satyagrahi took a principled stand In this hypertechnological age, nonvi- Bojarska (2019 ) cites several schol- Ikeda takes us to the realm of connec- the hated being or beings…We have deepest level is not found in formulaic on what he sincerely believed to be olent activists will have to use mul- ars to discuss the harm hate speech tions between people irrespective of discovered through our that assertions or dogma, but in words his just demands…his opponent saw tiple media platforms and take leaf causes at different levels. She notes religion, nationality or race and the in the application of non-violence we that issue from a person’s experience him as an enemy or a troublemaker. from Gandhian persuasive commu- that it has the potential of disturb- importance of soul to soul commu- have been able to reach the mass and carry the weight of that lived real- He refused to reciprocate, and saw nication in handling hate speech. His ing social peace and that “above all, nication. When we have soul to soul mind far more quickly and far more ity. Exchanges conducted in such lan- him instead as a fellow human being writings and speeches are lessons on hate speech poses a threat to physical communication than it is imperative extensively than ever before.” (Hari- whose temporarily eclipsed sense of how to counter hatred. For instance, safety and psychological well-being of that we identify other people as a jan, 24-2-1946) Continued on next page humanity it was his duty to restore… targeted group members.” human like ourselves, this is the key Continued on next page pg 6 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 7 October 2019 October 2019 Cross border network seeks peaceful co-existence Network from Pg 8 By Laura Kastenholtz have created a wide radius of cover- gees. On the one hand, it is crucial fight between youth groups of Dinka appreciate and accept each other. No Laura Kastenholz is part of the DW age extending beyond the borders to know what is happening in their and Nuer tribes. “The scuffle turned one is demonizing the other as it used In the border region of South Sudan Akademie project team working on home towns where family members deadly when each side was joined to be.” and northern Uganda, a radio network of the two countries. Thanks to their Refugees and Migration in Africa. cooperation, the stations get access to still live. On the other hand, many by more people of their tribe. Some fights conflicts between locals and ref- DW Akademie refugees consider Uganda as a transit people died.” Hannington further ex- The CBN is covering only one border ugees caused by lack of information validated information that otherwise has been col- would have been hard to obtain. country, therefore information about plains how the CBN stations reported region. However, the approach of on both sides. “By sharing information laborating with potential resettlement countries have this event: “We could have treated the sharing validated information across about each other we can foster under- the Cross-Border For example, Patience Aber, editor at a big impact on their future planning. incident as a tribal fight like many me- countries’ borders has proven a suc- standing and create a more peaceful Network since CBN member station Rupiny FM in “Based on the information we share, dia houses and officials had labelled it. cessful peace-building method. The coexistence in the daily life of the its inception in Uganda, says that it is “difficult to get refugees are able to make informed But we reported it as a mere misun- idea offers a lot of potential in other people,” as Jane Angom, Uganda 2017. stories from the refugee settlements,” decisions,” Jane Angom explains. derstanding between individuals who areas where conflicts between neigh- Coordinator of Cross-Border Network, which are often located in remote Unlike the national media, many CBN happened to be from the two tribes. bors – refugees and host community conflict from one of violent extrem- explains the network’s vision. areas. Traveling there is expensive and radio stations broadcast content of This way we helped to deescalate the - are caused by lack of information ism to one that advocates for peace- arduous. But since there are mobile specific interest to refugees. Programs tension.” about the other person’s challenges. In 2013, the armed conflict in South ful co-existence of all stakeholders: reporters at CBN who live inside the like Let us return home, Re-union Hour Sudan flared up again. Consequently, the political, , cultural ethnic- settlements, the stations can connect or the Refugee Hour are giving them As the example shows, the CBN aims The CBN is supported by DW Akad- many South Sudanese turned to the ity and the other common divides of with them to get reliable and first- platforms to speak. to ensure an objective and peace- emie, Deutsche Welle’s center for neighboring of Uganda to seek our society”, says Brian Pacutho, chair hand information. oriented coverage. The network international media development. refuge. The fragile situation in their of the Cross-Border Network. However, to ensure a peaceful co- has established editorial standards As a strategic partner of the German home country leaves refugees in a CBN’s reporting has a positive impact existence with the host community, which require the provision of timely, Ministry for Economic Cooperation This network of 24 radio stations constant state of uncertainty – about in the lives of refugees, for example the locals needs to know about their conflict-sensitive and fact-checked in- and Development, DW Akademie car- intends to provide crucial information their own future and the well-being by sharing information about civil new neighbors. In the past, rumors formation. These reporting principles ries out media development projects and, in this way, to promote peace of their families. For the host com- services in the settlements. There and false information were spread are supposed to prevent the spread- that strengthen the human right to and tolerance in the border area munity, the arrival of vast number of have been cases where deficiencies and led to misunderstandings. Further ing of unverified and possibly false freedom of opinion and promote free between South Sudan and Uganda. newcomers brings many challenges. in camps were improved after a CBN inflamed by tribal prejudices, some news, which - according to Hanning- access to information. Journalists from both countries are report had made them public. of these conflicts ended in violent ton - are the main cause for tension In a situation of political instabil- working closely together; some of incidents. between refugees and host commu- DW Akademie also works on projects ity and mass migration, information them are exiled themselves. The net- Besides , international nities. He claims that “after knowing funded by the German Foreign Minis- can tip the scale for a society to turn work’s member stations are sharing affairs are also important to refu- CBN Editor Ochan Hannington re- the facts and being able to get proper try and the in approx- towards tolerance or resentment. their stories about refugee and cross- members a situation during the latest information through various CBN imately 50 developing and emerging “We want to change the nature of the border issues. In this manner, they countries. Continued on next page football World Cup, when one of member stations, people from the these misunderstandings caused a Hate speech from Pg 7 different communities are starting to the editors of the Collected Works act to counter hatred. Gandhi pointed Chakravarty, Nikhil (1995). Mahatma Gandhi: of Mahatma Gandhi point out: “The out, “Nonviolence is not a cloistered The Great Communicator; Gandhi Marg, 1995. Gandhi, Arun (2017). The Gift of ; Pen- writings and speeches show remark- virtue, confined only to the Rishi and guin Random House. able self-restraint and moderation, the cave-dwellers. It is capable of be- Gelber K. & McNamara, L. J. (2016). Evidenc- strict conformity to truth and a desire ing practiced by the millions..because ing the harms of hate speech (2016); 22 (3) Members of to do full justice to the viewpoint of it is the law of our species.” Social Identities; 324-341. the CBN radio the opponent-characteristics which Ikeda, Daisaku (2017). The Global of Finally, those taking up the principles Youth: Ushering In a New Era of Hope; Peace stations meet remained with him through life.” Proposal 2017; Soka Gakai International. of nonviolence in their fight against in Kampala for Ikeda, Daisaku (2016). Universal Respect for a pro-govern- Conclusion hate speech need to have remarkable Human Dignity: The Great Path to Peace; While there are myriad initiatives passion and in its power. Gandhi Peace Proposal 2016; Soka Gakai Interna- ment back to worldwide to counter the menace observed, “The truly non-violent ac- tional. school pro- of hate speech, the Gandhian strate- tion is not possible unless it springs Murti, Ramana V.V. (1968 ). Buber’s Dialogue gram. (Photo and Gandhi’s Satyagraha; by Sheila gies needs to be integrated in these from a heart belief that he whom you Nanda, B.R. ( 2002 ). In Search of Gandhi; initiatives. The role of education in and regard as robber...and you Oxford University Press. Mysorekar) addressing and building resilience are one.” Parekh, Bhikhu (1997). Gandhi: A Very Short against hate speech is critical and here Introduction; Oxford University Press. References Stanton, Gregory (1998). “The Eight Stages Gandhian nonviolent education can of Genocide,” first Working Paper (GS 01) of play a pivotal role. More and more Bojarska, Katarzyna (2019 ). The Dynamics of Hate Speech and Counter Speech in the Social the Yale Program in Genocide Studies, 1998. individuals who have faith in the pow- Media: Summary of Scientific Research; Centre Available at: http://www.genocidewatch. erful tool of nonviolent action need to for Internet and Human Rights. pg 8 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 9 October 2019 October 2019

Journalists debate PJ in Northern Ireland NI journalists, community honor Lyra McKee By Steven Youngblood (Dungiven, Northern Ireland)- As a peace journalism difficult conversations if both sides don’t want to talk? Journalists, academics, and students trainer, I’ve led heart-wrenching conversations about rec- Berry said one can’t launch difficult discussions with the are being engaged in a peace journal- onciliation and forgiveness in conflict zones like Kashmir intent of changing opinions. Instead, she said such discus- ism project in Northern Ireland spon- and South Sudan. Yet in no place I’ve traveled Is the pain sions, properly handled, can create spaces where people sored by the U.S. Embassy-London. of conflict, and the threat of violence, so close to the will feel safe if they decide to change their minds. surface as it is here in Northern Ireland. Phase I of the project was in March, The discussion concluded with an examination about how and featured presentations in Conflict-induced pain, and the hope for a more harmoni- Northern Ireland can move forward after Lyra Mckee’s and (Londonderry). ous future, were on display at an event in May in Dun- murder? Moore’s advice to overcome sectarianism was, given titled “Having Difficult Conversations.” This panel “You’ve got to instill compassion...You not only respond A discussion about social media and discussion was organized in conjunction with Lyra’s Walk, with the head, but with the heart. All groups can justify peace journalism was featured in the held to honor the memory of journalist Lyra Mckee, who what they’ve done (during ), but we have to first peace journalism workshop in was killed during a protest in April in Derry. draw a line in the sand...and play a new game—learning May for social and online media pro- from the past, but not using the past.” fessionals at the Mitchell Center for Six panelists discussed their experiences during and after Global Peace, , and Justice at the Troubles. Especially inspirational were panelists Jo Moore, Berry, and co-panelists Linda Ervine, John Queen’s University-Belfast. Berry and Richard Moore, both of whom suffered incalcu- O’Doherty, Kathy Wolff, and Michael Culbert left me lable loss during the Troubles yet have overcome bitter- inspired and hopeful. Yet, neither I nor the other 150 at- I presented ideas on how to apply ness and hatred to lead peace movements. tendees left wearing rose colored glasses. The historical social media principles for peace animosities, “tribalism” as it was labeled by several panel- journalism, including using SM to fact Berry’s father was killed by an IRA bomb in 1984. A few ists, were apparent in audience comments and questions check, to broaden societal conversa- years later, she reached out to and eventually met the made during the event. tions, and to connect peace jour- bomber. She said, “I didn’t need an apology...I wanted nalists. The participants added two to see his humanity, that he cared.” She said that he Even 21 years after the end of the Troubles, it’s clear that important items: 1. Use social media did eventually apologize because she learned to “chal- peace in Northern Ireland is still a work in progress. But to seek opinions outside your ideolog- lenge him without making him wrong and me right.” She one can’t help but be encouraged after hearing the panel- ical bubble; 2. Use social media to tag founded and runs an organization called Building Bridges ists tales of courage, integrity, forgiveness, and determina- those with opposing viewpoints, as a for Peace (http://www.buildingbridgesforpeace.org/.) tion. If anyone can make peace happen here, it’s Jo Berry, way of engendering conversations. Journalist Lisa Whitten reviews peace journalism during a workshop in Belfast, Richard Moore, and their colleagues. Northern Ireland in May. Moore’s journey of forgiveness, if it appeared in a movie --Steven Youngblood We also discussed an interesting fact- script, would be dismissed as implausible. At age 10, checking initiative directed by work- The session began with an overview marginalizes women, over use of elite during the Troubles, he was blinded by a shot to the face shop participant Allan Leonard called of the elements of reconciliation, fol- voices and under reporting about the by a policeman. He also met his attacker, and they have factcheckNI. His perspectives on fact lowed by a discussion about what role marginalized and voiceless, and a lack since become friends. “The greatest thing in my life is checking as a reconciliation tool were if any media should play in reconcil- of background and context in reports the presence of forgiveness,” he said. Moore has since fascinating. He said factcheckni.org is iation—a particularly salient issue about reconciliation. gone on to launch Children in the Crossfire (https://www. not about changing minds. Instead, here in Northern Ireland, which is still childrenincrossfire.org/), which helps children in conflict it seeks to engage viewers to ask, ‘Do healing 21 years after the Good Friday I mentioned that journalists every- zones around the world. During his travels, he met the you think that the data presented accords. I noted that peace journal- where struggle reporting reconcilia- Dalai Lama, who labeled Moore “an indomitable spirit” constitute a basis for investigating the ism would encourage reporting that tion issues since they are complex and and “my hero.” accuracy of a claim?’ Leonard believes leads to a productive societal discus- occur over many years. Journalists are that enough people thinking critically sion about reconciliation processes geared to cover breaking news—ac- The best audience question at the event cut directly to about a given issue could even pre- and issues, without taking a position cidents, disasters, violence. Reconcili- the most contentious issue: Is there any point in having vent violence in Northern Ireland. on the desirability of reconciliation or ation, in contrast, doesn’t break, it advocating for any one reconciliation oozes. from Pg 10 The next day, project participants at N. Ireland process. the George Mitchell Center consid- Despite the struggles, we discussed The final lecture in May was at Ulster socially responsible journalism. I said participant said that PJ is not that ered if journalists have a role in heal- several positive examples of reconcili- University in Derry. At the event, they could call it ‘bangers and mash’ radical and it “nothing different than The journalist/participants agreed attendees correctly pointed out the if they like and that the principles and what we already aspire to.” ing Northern Irish society. that media have a vital role to play ation reporting in Northern Ireland including The View magazine (see many obstacles to peace journal- concepts are more important than the Steven Youngblood is director of the in reconciliation. They noted several ism starting with the title. The word label. Regarding those principles, jour- Phase II of the PJ project will con- deficits in reconciliation coverage sidebar, page 12) and Shared Future tinue in October with meetings with Center for Global Peace Journalism News online. peace, I was told, is loaded with nalists at my lectures and workshops at Park University, and editor of the from Northern Ireland’s journalists. baggage here, much of it negative. seemed to generally agree about their students at universities in Belfast and Peace Journalist magazine. These include a gender bias that Continued on next page One journalist suggested calling PJ utility. Underscoring this, one Derry Coleraine. pg 10 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 11 October 2019 PJ school searches for “missing” Korean voices By Gayeon Kim During Peace , Gayeon Kim studied and participants were asked to interview Peace Journalism School was held in Politics in undergraduate degree in organizations working for peace and/ Seoul, Korea from June 29th to August South Korea and completed her M.A or unification as a practice. The in- 3rd, under the title of ‘Searching for in Conflict Transformation at Center terviewees included female activists, missing voices of the Korean penin- for Justice and Peacebuilding from peace educating groups, and a social sula’. This was the second year of the Eastern Mennonite enterprise run by a North Korean refu- program. Peace Journalism School University in the gee. Those five interview articles were was introduced in 2018 for the first US. She translated published online by NewNJoy. time in South Korea. This year, eight two books from the participants successfully completed peacebuilding sec- Sangwon Lee, a participant of both the program. tor into Korean. the first and the second year of Peace Journalism School, said that he de- Gayeon Kim—director of Korean would be adequate forms of peace cided to return to this program since Peacebuilders’ Network and an journalism on this issue. he was curious about the way to be “An opportunity to rethink my approach” alumna of the Center for Justice and By Una Murphy actively involved in the discourse of the union’s Code of Conduct. We felt (https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/ Peacebuilding—planned and initi- We’re a contrary bunch, journalists During the practice session, profes- peace in South Korea. Interviewing we were doing a good job reporting business/uk-world/meat-merchant- ated the Peace Journalism School. in Northern Ireland, so when Steve sional journalists from NewsNJoy peace related organizations became everyday violence . Were we in fact larry-goodman-looks-likely-to-be- Hananuri, an organization under the Youngblood invited us to take part in gave practical advice on articles which an opportunity for him to witness a perpetuating the conflict? matchfit-for-brexit-fight-37971299. Ministry of Unificatication, and the his discussions on Peace Journalism, participants were asked to write as diverse range of actors doing peace- html.) Center for Conflict Transformation in practice. Jeongha Yim, a participant my cynicism set in. I think this needs to be challenged: building on the Korean peninsula. He Seoul supported the program. News- this year, commented, “I was able to firstly, many of the journalists were In Wales, where I worked for the BBC also plans to organize workshops with We’ve seen the best of times and the NJoy, an online Christian news service, experience the concept of peace jour- covering acts of violence and arrived in the late 1990s, there were post- communities where he belongs—such worst of times; many of us covered offered basic and practical training for nalism which was new and abstract at the scene along with first respond- industrial Valley’s villages boarded as the house-share community, gradu- murders, riots, and explosions during journalism. Seoul’s city government for me through the whole process of ers. We covered what we saw without up following the UK miners’ strike ate schools, and churches—in order to the conflict (https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/ provided financial assistance as a part communicating, coordinating, and the time for analysis that, with hind- (https://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/his- apply what he learned from the Peace issues/violence/mckittrick.htm). The of supporting projects for non-profit sharing by moving our bodies.” sight, should have been employed. tory/sites/themes/society/industry_ Journalism school. post conflict period has felt unsettled, organizations based in Seoul. coal06.shtml). I got the opportunity Peace journalism focuses more on the with political progress stymied and News reporters went from one Peace journalism is still unfamiliar to to work on TV programmes and long Peace Journalism School was designed voices of non-expert peacebuilders. slow. ‘marking’ to the next and most of us South Korean society. However, we form journalism, much of which were as a six-week program. Participants re- Since the on the Korean didn’t have the opportunity to ponder notice that there is a growing need So, have we journalists been contrib- about social issues. ceived four-hour trainings every Satur- peninsula is dependent on political events during the conflict. for impartial and just journalism on uting to the unsettled narrative post day. The program was roughly divided leaders, the voices of the majority are In 2012 back in Belfast, my home controversial issues. We hope that the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 into three parts: for easily excluded. A complete prohibi- My reflection came when I had the town, myself and Brian Pelan co- Peace Journalism School offers a small which ended 30 years of conflict? envisioning post-division of the Korean tion of exchange between the two opportunity to study for a MA in founded VIEW magazine, which con- yet robust platform for peaceful com- Journalism at Cardiff University. By peninsula; peace journalism theories; Koreas caused a lack of information When I met Steve at Queen’s Universi- centrates on social affairs. We look for munication where people can look for that time, I had moved from Belfast and peace journalism practices. Peac- about North Korea, which supports ty in Belfast I mentioned that journal- issues not well covered in the main- diverse voices. to Dublin and had relished the oppor- eMoMo—a Seoul-based organization this structure of exclusion. ists I knew covering ‘The Troubles’ stream media. Our publishing com- tunity of working on a different news educating peace and conflict sensitiv- had all signed up as members of the pany – VIEWdigital http://viewdigital. agenda that didn’t have ‘The Troubles’ ity through activities—opened the first National Union of Journalists (NUJ) to org/ – is a social enterprise. in Northern Ireland as part of the daily two sessions by helping participants news gathering. So Peace Journalism? Is it Solutions see the division of the Korean penin- Una Murphy is co-founder of sula in their daily lives and from differ- Journalism? Is it re-framing the media Graduates VIEWdigital which publishes social ent perspectives. In early 1990s Dublin there were narrative? I’m indebted to Jake Lynch of the 2019 affairs journalism in VIEW maga- political stories from the Dail-Irish zine http://viewdigital.org/catego- who is a visiting Professor at Coven- During the third and fourth session, Peace Jour- Parliament (https://www.oireachtas. try University (https://www.youtube. nalism School ry/magazine/ and on the VIEW- ie/en/visit-and-learn/how-parlia- Gayeon Kim and Seongheo Kim, a digital http:// com/watch?v=eFJwWz9R0Ag) for an in Seoul, ment-works/dail-eireann/) as well as director of ThinkWhy Institute and a viewdigital. opportunity to re-think my approach South Korea. industry, controversy over the late former journalist, introduced the con- org/ news site . to journalism. Charlie Haughey’s Chavet cept and examples of Peace and She lectures in shirts (https://www.irishtimes.com/ We still need to tell the Who, What, Journalism. By exploring and analyz- journalism at news/haughey-s-shirt-of-choice-char- Why, When, Where and How; but our ing media reports on the relationship Coventry Univ. vet-pair-at-knockdown-charity-pric- journalism in post-conflict should be between the two Koreas, we had time (UK). es-1.546811) and the Beef Tribunal more nuanced. to imagine what was missing and what pg 12 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 13 Continued on next page

October 2019 October 2019 Filmmaker from Pg 14 violence she has encountered was at to someone who comes in pointing the forefront of her mind when she fingers and shouting at them, ready Kate Roff is the founding went into the interview. for a fight.” editor of Peace “He asked me to come to where he They talked about everything. Life, News (kate@ lives, in his neighborhood, at a specific family, and politics were all part of the peacenews. motel,” Khan said. “We set up all our conversation and Khan said that, as com). She has cameras and were just waiting for she hoped, her interviewee couldn’t worked as a journalist and editor Emmy Award-winning filmmaker him to arrive and I remember think- hate her in person. She left that first for print media in Australia, New Deeyah Khan meets with neo-Na- ing, ‘What are you doing?’ America is meeting feeling liberated and wants to Zealand, Canada and Costa Rica. zis in Charlottesville while making filled with weapons and a lot of these share what she found. the Others, focused on violent extrem- her film, “White Right: Meeting guys are usually armed. I was think- ists. Khan is the founder of Fuuse, a the Enemy.” ing, ‘What if he’s armed? What if he’s “It reminded me that they are just media and arts company that focuses bringing people with him?’” people, they are just human beings,” she said. “I have spent my entire life on minorities telling their own stories. Once he arrived, however, Khan said being stereotyped, I am not going to “I’m also interested in the human, the experience was extraordinary. It turn around and do that to somebody emotional, psychological and social was awkward at first, but without the else.” drivers of why people are drawn to usual context of angry mobs facing these movements, in the hope that each other and shouting, Khan said The Norwegian-born filmmaker, who we can understand it better so we can the dynamic had to shift as well. She now lives in the , re- be better at countering it,” she said. said just by being ready to listen, ev- cently earned an International Emmy award for her film, and has previously erything changed. For more on the film, see: http:// been nominated for BAFTA awards. fuuse.net/white-right-meeting-the- “Because they’re not used to some- Her film was picked up by Netflix in enemy-fuuse-film-deeyah-khan/ . one engaging with them,” Khan said, June and is available on the streaming “they also weren’t able to behave service in the U.K. and the U.S. This piece originally published at in the way that they are used to peacenews.com. behaving - they know how to react Her previous film, “Jihad: A Story of Upcoming PJ events Build U.S. and Mexican media coverage of immigration: Lessons from storytelling about “the caravan” Cristina Avila Zesatti (Corresponsal de paz, Mexico) and Filmmaker crosses divide, meets with “the enemy” Steven Youngblood (Center for Global Peace Journalism, By Kate Roff human rights activist, Khan is familiar “For me it’s about primarily getting in U.S.) will discuss and analyze coverage of “the caravan” with being a target for hatred. When Emmy Award-winning filmmak- touch with our common humanity,” from both sides of the border, and discuss how the peace 2019 Greater Kansas City er Deeyah Khan met with American Khan said. “To see if it›s possible for “For these movements, and very journalism storytelling approach would be beneficial. Peacebuilding Conference neo-Nazis she was scared. us to break down the prejudices that Build Peace brings together much represent something that they exist between groups.” Oct. 31 Avila Univ.; Nov. 1 Park Univ; Nov. 2 JCCC absolutely despise and that they are practitioners, activists, aca- “I decided to pick up my camera and demics, policy makers, artists trying to prevent,” Khan said. Her first interview was with the Nov. 1 at Park University---1:00-4:00pm, PDL/Underground go and see if I could sit down with and technologists from around Human Rights Journalism: Challenges and Opportunities leader of the U.S. National Socialist people who feel this intense dislike, or the world to share experience Do journalists effectively cover human rights as they are Khan released her film “White Right: Movement. She was more than a little even hatred, towards people like me,” and ideas on using technology, articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Meeting the Enemy” last year to intimidated. Death threats are not Khan told . arts and other innovations for When these human rights are reported, are they covered bridge divides between opposing a new experience for Khan and the groups and see if it was possible to peacebuilding. fairly and contextually? We will discuss these questions at The daughter of immigrants, a Mus- For more information: the Nov. 1 event at Park University in Parkville, MO. “hate in person.” Continued on next page lim woman, a feminist, a liberal and a https://howtobuildpeace.org/ For more information: https://tinyurl.com/y3fmejry . pg 14 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 15 October 2019 It’s Just Good Journalism: Chapters include: Theory, Practice, and Effects of PJ Bookshelf Making a difference: 20 years of conflict-resolving media has had a negative effect on the public, Constructive Journalism By Jake Lynch other six in professional communication roles. In response Reporting Beyond the Problem the press itself, and democracy. This Participatory Journalism to the first question, whether the ideas they met on the Lang Publishing; Summer 2020 book provides an in-depth examination “Tidak bisa! Tidak bisa!” The journalist – taking part in a Engagement Journalism course influenced them in their work, they were unequivo- Editors: of socially-responsible news reporting workshop Annabel McGoldrick and I were running in the practices. Each chapter focuses on one cal. Dilnaz Boga, who studied with us in 2004 and went on Karen McIntyre and Nicole Dahmen Indonesian city of Surabaya – shook his head in agitation. reporting form, defining it and detailing its Solutions Journalism to win an international award from Agence France Presse Slow Journalism The words, in Bahasa Indonesia, mean “cannot be done”. About the book: Experts argue that evolution and status among scholars and for her reporting from Kashmir – and who offered permis- Peace Journalism The Peace Journalism precepts being presented were not, the ’s emphasis on problems practitioners. sion to name her in accounts of the research – said: he clearly felt, compatible with the expectations on him from Pg 16 and his colleagues in a professional milieu. Later, when “What struck me most were certain elements like I should 20 years some participants from the training came with us on a field be looking at processes over events, foregrounding peo- “A lot of what I do is crafting communications to sell prod- academic work, by US researchers Pamela Shoemaker trip to another urban centre, Manado, we set up a “Ruang ple’s views… It changed the way I approached stories.” ucts and ideas that then convert to fundraising opportuni- and Stephen Reese, sees the influences on news content Redaksi Jurnalisme Damai” (Peace Journalism ) ties. Conflict Resolving Media made me pause about what arranged in a “hierarchy” of levels: the level of the in- with the slogan, “Tidak ada, yang tidak bisa” – “There is Another Indian journalist, who took the course at Cardiff agenda I had in terms of communicating issues of crisis, dividual; of media routines; media organisation; as well nothing that cannot be done!” University in 2003 and was (at the time of the interview) conflict and poverty, and whether there was scope to tell as the extra-media level and the ideological level. It is, if just about to go to Kashmir to cover the constitutional those stories with more of a peacebuilding focus, rather anything, the last of these that most obviously limits the But the words stayed with us, and indeed the feasibility crisis there for a television news channel, told me: than dramatising violence, and still raise much-needed potential for journalists to implement Peace Journalism, of Peace Journalism in practice was one of the weak spots funds and project the same influence.” and – as Dilnaz Boga testified – political pressure is often at unerringly identified by a top media researcher, Thomas “In my reportage, taking from the course, I always stay its most intense on a local level, where media themselves Hanitzsch, when our ideas first began to be exposed be- focused on stating facts, the truth and let the voice of the In the interviews, I reminded former students that we have internalised it: neath the unforgiving lens of critical scholarship. It relies people dominate the narrative as opposed to political par- presented the four main ‘orientations’ of Peace Journal- on “an overly individualistic and voluntaristic approach,” ties or ‘elite sources’ as you call them. These sources tend ism, from ’s original model, as being towards “The editors all over the world were happy with my work. he wrote, in a specialist journal, Conflict and Communica- to have vested interests that I avoid. I focus on people’s conflict and peace, rather than violence; people rather Some of them were even concerned about my safety. But tion – ignoring the overbearing influence on news content stories, the human-interest ones. Solutions are not what than elites; truth rather than propaganda (which can be in India, the story was completely different… My stories from the structures and systems in which it is produced. I intentionally work towards, but they can be inevitable interpreted as prompting and equipping readers and audi- about Kashmir were received with hostility… The Indian outcome of any such endeavour and I hope for that.” ences to think critically), and solutions rather than victory. editors used to delete the historical background I had So I have always wanted to follow through, with partici- Which of these could be implemented most readily? provided in the story. They would say things like this is an pants from our teaching and training courses, to find out For a London-based Senior Producer with an international Finding opportunities anti-national story, if you don’t like India, why don’t you whether, how and how far they can implement Peace television news channel, who took the course at the Front- to tell ‘people’ stories go back to Iran (because I’m a Zoroastrian). In 2013, when Journalism after learning about it. And now, findings from line Club in 2014: was, several respon- I was working for a national , this national edi- a research pilot project indicate that, broadly speaking, (PJ training) has defi- dents said, relatively tor asked me if I was a covert Muslim!!! The thing is they they can, and they do. Participants had all studied Conflict- “It’s definitely encouraged me to think differently when “ easy – forming a couldn’t understand why stories were around people and resolving Media, a course we recently ran at the University I’m actually putting stories together, and to think creatively nitely encouraged me to “sense of justice/ not what the army was saying.” of Sydney for the 20th time, and have also offered, now about different angles. Also not to assume that ‘it won’t think differently when voice/representa- get past the editor’ or that no-one wants to hear it.” and then, at JOMEC (Cardiff University’s School of Journal- I’m actually putting tion/progress and Findings from the study were due, at time of writing, to be ism, Media and Cultural Studies) and London’s Frontline also align[ing] in soft- presented in full at two academic conferences: the Conflict Club, as well. An experienced documentary-maker, who studied in Syd- stories together. Research Society in Brighton, and the Future of Journalism ney in 2018 and is now based in Spain, commented: er ways with journal- ists’ basic concepts of conference in Cardiff, both in September 2019. In the lat- I conducted Skype text discussions with 12 alumni – six what they need to cover” – according to a participant who ter, I was to co-present with my colleague who is conduct- who had gone on to take up journalistic careers, and the “The course made me re-evaluate how I’d work in a con- ” flict zone in the future. I’d worked mainly on instinct in had studied at Cardiff in 2003 and gone on to work in a ing the research with me, Dr Giuliana Tiripelli of De Mont- Nigeria and Afghanistan, for my two most recent projects, range of media in both South and North America. fort University, author of Media and Peace in the Middle Jake Lynch divides his time between Australia, where he but thankfully I had used PJ techniques in my approach. It East, a book published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. is Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at can be tempting to just go for the most visual and dramatic “Peace as opposed to violence is the one that gets the the University of Sydney, and Oxford, where he writes most push-back,” this same person said. “In fact, it is out- Drawn from semi-structured interviews with just 12 shocking material when you’re out in the field. But that’s participants, any emerging themes, let alone conclusions, historical novels. Previously, Jake enjoyed a 20-year not the full story and won’t contribute to the peace build- right rejected by most, sarcastically entertained by some, career in journalism, with spells as a political correspon- [greeted with] genuine interest by a very small group, and must be regarded as tentative, and indeed the research is ing process. For the edit of the Nigeria film I’m keeping probably best seen as a pilot project, and preparation to dent for Sky News, and the Sydney correspondent for much of the material we discussed in mind.” quite vehemently attacked by the profession as a whole. the Independent, culminating in a role Always in a state of flux, and things change slowly, but seek funds for a larger study. But the project does provide as a BBC World TV presenter. For his Those whose career in media took them into professional there is a guard that doesn’t want the word peace intro- at least some justification for commissioning and conduct- work in Peace Journalism research, PR roles also testified as to the influence of Peace Journal- duced at all and will bar you for it.” ing Peace Journalism training, in a university setting or training and development, he was ism in their work. One graduate who now fulfils the lead otherwise. Those who undergo such training can and do honoured with the 2017 Luxembourg communication brief in a major global aid agency, These observations chimed with other answers where re- alter the content of their media work accordingly, often in Peace Prize. In 2020, he will be a Visit- reflected: spondents were asked to specify the strongest constraints the face of political and other pressures that make it more ing Professor at Coventry University. in professional journalism, making the Peace Journalism difficult. Continued on next page orientations most difficult to implement. A widely-cited pg 16 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 17 October 2019 October 2019 Journalists gather for world conference In Ghana, using radio as a change agent By Rahul Aijaz will be the result of conversation By Media Foundation for West Africa Rahul Aijaz is a freelance journal- including Facebook and WhatsApp, In March, nearly 70 journalists from among Koreans without the interfer- asked follow-up questions that sought ist, writer and filmmaker based Across eight municipal and district 50 countries gathered to participate ence of third parties. “As far as I am to clarify the issues raised in the Coordinated radio pro- out of Karachi, Pakistan. He has assemblies in Ghana, hundreds of citi- in World Journalists Conference (WJC) concerned, the peace process be- report. “grammes will offer (the 2019, held in Seoul, South Korea, to tween the two Koreas has often been previously worked zens are engaging their local authori- discuss the reunification of the two disturbed by the third parties. Their at Asia Journal- ties on pertinent development issues The State of the District Broadcast is public) the opportunity to Koreas and the role of journalists in concern is that there will a political ist Association in coordinated radio conversations. held quarterly and presents an op- follow up on the promises ensuring peace. change in the region that could harm in Seoul, and portunity for local media, citizens and In a project aimed at increasing the authorities have given. their...position,” he said. Pakistani English community groups to be informed of citizens’ participation in local -gov Organized by the Journalists Associa- daily The Express the state of affairs in the district and ernance, the Media Foundation for tion of Korea (JAK), which celebrated A completely differing idea was put Tribune. Currently, as well follow-up on critical issues a Women Group leader in the Vieri, a West Africa (MFWA) is harnessing the its 55th anniversary this year, this forth by Pfuetzner, who insisted that he writes at www. ranging from health care, schools and community in the Wa West District” in power and influence of radio - which was the seventh consecutive World activism and journalism must be sepa- filmnchips.com. education, farming and agriculture the Upper East Region, said. is a major of information in Journalists Conference and was held rated. “The title of this conference and infrastructure. at the Korea Press Center. Representa- is ‘The role of journalists in ensuring how South Korea leaped 20 places in Ghana - to bridge gaps and increase The Chief Executive Officers and other tives from Indonesia, China, Pakistan, peace on the Korean Peninsula’. But the Reporters Without Borders 2018 local authorities’ responsiveness in The live broadcast town hall meet- authorities of the Municipal and Dis- India, Turkey, Germany, Australia, and I personally think that this is kind of World Press Freedom Index. finding solutions to the myriads of ings witnessed a massive turn out of trict Assemblies have also indicated Kenya participated. misleading,” she said. “(It does not) lie development challenges raised by hundreds of community members–in- their commitment to engage with in the power of journalists to ensure Tarquinio said, “It is especially impor- citizens. cluding women, youth and persons the citizens and the media through The first day of the conference, on peace, nor is it our task. Although we tant that a free press functioning in with disabilities (PWDs). Citizens and the platforms created to ensure the The initiative is providing support to March 25 began with a welcome ad- all hope for peace, journalism and ac- an open society behaves responsibly local assembly officials on a common improved access to information in the well-structured radio programmes, dress by the JAK president Mr. Jung tivism cannot and shall not be mixed, by focusing on the legitimate security platform discussed key developmen- communities is sustained. such as the quarterly State of the Kyu Sung and a special session by Lee even if it is for such a noble goal,” concerns of each side; but it should tal issues including lack of access to District broadcasts and Live broadcast “The Assembly will provide the neces- Taeho, the second vice minister of the Pfuetzner opined. not omit to report on troubling de- clean and potable water, the absence town hall meetings, which have of- sary support to the community and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korea. velopments,” she remarked, giving an of health facilities, malfunctioning fered the platform for fruitful citizens- we advise parents and community She emphasized that the way we example of how The Washington Post community-based health planning The first session included Teresa authorities engagements. The project members to take advantage of the report news can make a difference published an account of the disap- services (CHPS) compound, high rate Pfuetzner (Reporter, Die Welt, Ger- has also enhanced the communica- Free SHS and other government poli- and that journalists should not play pointment felt by many South Kore- of unemployment among the youth, many), Teguh Santosa (member of tion capacity of the local assemblies cies to create a good livelihood for into the game of politicians and stop ans after the two-day Hanoi Summit dilapidated infrastructural facilities Ethical Council, Indonesian Journalists by developing and implementing themselves and their families. We will giving attention to the one shouting between Kim and Trump was cut short and the distribution of government- Association) and Janet Marie Tar- communication strategies which are continue to partner with the media to the loudest. “Deliberate provocations after no agreement was reached. procured fertilizers among the farm- quinio (President, National Society of boosting the assemblies public out- get information to you on the devel- are being used to as a tool to get the “Journalists must report what is done, ers. Other community members who Professional Journalists, USA). reach with their constituents. opment interventions in the District,” media’s attention, and therefore the what is said, and whenever possible, could not be present at the meetings attention of the public,” she observed. what is unsaid.” said the Municipal Chief Executive Santosa, who shared he has made In February 2019, over 50,000 citizens followed the discussions live on radio. Officer (MCE) of Walewale Municipal several trips to North Korea himself, across eight municipal and district Tarquinio maintained a neutral stance She concluded, “The greatest con- Across the eight districts, community Assembly. highlighted one of the important assemblies in Ghana, tuned in to and focused more on how a free press tribution that we, as journalists, can members have expressed delight for points in the conference saying the listen to their Chief Executive Officers The project is being implemented in can be essential for the peace process. make to peace on the Korean peninsu- the provision of the platforms that leaders of the two countries have present reports on the state of their Wa East District, Wa West District, She said the U.S. was proud to call la is to report back honestly and fully have enhanced their engagement agreed in the past that reunification district in a live radio session. Thereaf- Wa Municipal, Lawra Municipal and South Korea an ally and pointed out what we see here.” with the authorities, adding that the ter, citizens, through direct phone-ins, Sissala East Municipal all in the Upper coordinated radio programmes will text messages, social media platforms West Region; Walewale Municipal in (Left) Lee Taeho, offer them the opportunity to follow the Northern Region; Ellembelle Dis- the second vice The Media Foundation for West up on the promises the authorities trict in the Western Region and Twiffo minister of the Africa is a regional independent have given. Ati-Mokwa District in the Central Ministry of non-governmental organisation “Here in Vieri our biggest problem Region. Foreign Affairs, with a network of national partner South, Korea, is the poor road. We are happy the The initiative forms part of the organisations in all 16 countries in District Chief Executive (DCE) is here addresses 70 at- West Africa. It is the biggest and MFWA’s media and good governance tendees (right) at himself. He has promised to take it programme and is being implemented most influential media develop- into consideration and we will be fol- the world jour- ment and freedom of expression with funding support from the Star- nalism confer- lowing up with the assembly on the Ghana Foundation. organisation in the region. promise. We are happy the town hall ence in Seoul. For more, see mfwa.org. meeting was held in this community,” --Originally published on mfwa.org . pg 18 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 19 October 2019 October 2019 Alternate Kashmir provides voice to youth Peace JournalismUpdates: Cameroon by Sohini Jana In the light of these depictions, the Kashmir, the Valley of the Sages, has actual voices and aspirations of Journalist wins Learning PJ in much wisdom and many stories to Kashmiris are often lost somewhere offer to the world. And no, they are amongst the faceless numbers that first PJ prize conflict areas are conveniently presented as re- not stories of violence, bloodshed By Ambo Jane Sahfor By Choves Loh and Geraldine Fobang and geopolitical claims to the land searched data. Through Alternate The Northwest and Southwest re- only. There are stories of strength and Kashmir, an online digitized media In Bamenda, Headquarters of North courage, stories of peace and culture, platform with in-house reporting and West Cameroon, the Peace Journalism gions of Cameroon are not at ease stories of an emergent, educated production of content from everyday concept is not only being accepted by with themselves following the crisis generation who are eager to contrib- people, particularly the youth (college members of the Journalism corps, but of identity that has featured the mas- ute to building their own narrative for students), Touseef had started the also by Civil Society actors who are sive destruction of property, killings, Kashmir. important process of providing a safe beginning to take interest in promot- kidnappings, school boycotts, and space for constructive engagement ing it. economic slowdown, summed up in With the view to initiate such a for the youth in a chaotic and conflict the socio political and security crisis dialogue of purpose with the world prone region. He seeks to inculcate in Gilbert Nyongamsen Ndasi, a Peace UTexas Libraries that is not helping matters for the vul- and to provide a space for crafting the youth a sense of responsibility as Journalist in Bamenda, Cameroon on nerable. Reporting the crisis has not an empowered in-house narrative of they take to digital media to express ble to resorting to express themselves Sunday June 30, 2019, became the been chocolate for the journalists in a hope, socio-political activist and jour- themselves. violently because they have no where first journalist to back the YOCICOPO country whose 59 year old history only nalist Mr. Touseef Raina brought forth (Young Citizens Contributing Positive- Gilbert Nyongamsen Ndasi In engineering this platform and pro- to go and no space to engage creative- showcased peace, work, and father- his media project and started out on ly) Premier Peace Journalism Award profession, I kept asking myself what viding a voice to young Kashmiris, he ly and constructively. Touseef’s project land as news worthy subjects. It was the journey to lead his peers and his organized in Bamenda, Cameroon by can I do to be different? And so I plays the role of a mentor to groom is one amongst few that silently but against this backdrop that the Cam- juniors towards a new dawn in 2016. the Fombillion Company through its carved a niche in the concept of peace them to present a more personalized tactfully nudges the youth to choose eroon Community Media Network; peace, to choose to be empowered subsidiary, Yocicopo. journalism, which is reporting to con- In a friendly discussion with a fellow and grassroots narrative of Kashmir (CCMN) chose to strengthen the role and to choose connection. struct and enhance the prospects for peace-builder, Touseef shared his vi- which is oriented towards finding Mr. Fombi Amstrong, CEO of the of members towards reporting that peace.” reduces conflicts. sion and intention as he opened up his peace and its own space in the cul- As Alternate Kashmir started grow- Fombillion Company said during the Facebook Page and scrolled down the tural narrative of the subcontinent. award ceremony that he was amazed ing popular with the youth, the He went on to address his colleagues Not until the erstwhile BBC reporter content besides opening up a new tab This is a story of the people on the with the peace journalism practiced by saying, “The day you journalists production team further decided to Omer Songwe drilled them on the con- on my laptop to show me the website. ground, the people who have been by Nyongamsen and his good works in report and two people start quarreling engage the youth in events, one of cepts of humanitarian crisis and re- I had invited him to attend a training misrepresented, stereotyped and the profession. Regarding the judging, or fighting, stop journalism. The day which was “Kashmir Got Talent”. Who sponse and the role of media in crisis that I hosted. In between all the learn- often othered. would have thought that in a highly Amstrong said, “We were compelled you journalists report and people pick ing, a few moments of sharing visions by the amazing works and new narra- up machetes or burn houses, stop did they come face to face with what In their Facebook page overview, militarised region where prospects left me with a lot to think about. tives by Nyongamsen Ndasi. From his journalism. It is important because it takes to be crisis-sensitive journal- the vision further unfolds as a much- seem bleak, there could be a spurt works, we appreciated the the peace you must be able to protect and pre- ists. CCMN member from HiTV Buea needed milestone given the uptick in of creativity of the level that the Touseef’s vision as a young journal- journalism idea as a great approach to serve the spaces in which you practice radicalization since 2016. The page event brought forth into the pub- Continued on next page ist is powerful. Kashmir’s problem prevent and mitigate conflicts.” your activities and profession. I am overview says: lic eye? People from all age groups has been its depiction, the narration excited about this award for one thing Choves Loh is author of the book came together to celebrate creative Gilbert Nyongamsen Ndasi is a jour- and re-interpretation of its voice by – which is the fact that the organizers “Ugly Journalism,” president of the “In the constrained atmosphere of expression through music and stand nalist with the Christian Broadcast- outsiders, catering to myriad motives and the Civil Society here is accepting Cameroon Association of English Kashmir, youth are pushed to the up comedy. For once the Valley rang ing Service, CBS Radio Bamenda FM and toeing the lines of popular main- and promoting Peace Journalism.” He speaking journal- wall. By understanding young people’s with laughter and enthusiasm with 101.0. In his acceptance speech after stream narratives. ended by thanking the awarding body ists, and corre- interaction with digital media, Alter- people uniting beyond identity labels receiving the award, he said, “In my to celebrate and appreciate the talent for recognising his efforts in reporting spondent for the Sohini Jana is the Euphrates Insti- nate Kashmir aims to take forward the that they possess, that which remains to construct by giving another nar- Cameroon Tribune. tute India Chapter President and development of digitally networked unsung. Alternate Kashmir indeed Ambo Jane Sahfor holds an BSc in rative to the people to understand KAICIID Inter- youth and use digital media as a tool stands for an “alternate Kashmir,” a . She has passion that the best way to survive is not by national Fel- for nurturing youth capacity in a posi- Kashmir which proudly takes respon- for journalism taking up arms, insults and using hate Rev. Geraldine Fobang is a journal- low for the tive and fruitful manner.” sibility of the aspirations and voices of and is currently speech but understanding, tolerance ist, station manager of the Christian South and Broadcasting Service As more and more young people feel its people. undergoing and respect for humanity. South East Radio FM 95.3 Buea, voiceless and wronged, deprived of practical Jour- and president of the Asia region, a normal childhood and opportuni- Disclaimer : The views expressed in this ar- nalism training Twenty five other youth in Bamenda, Cameroon Community 2019-2020. ties, there remains the issue of non- ticle are my own and are not representa- at CBS radio Northwest Region were awarded dur- media network. harnessed youth energy and capacity. tive of the position of either the Euphrates Bamenda. ing the ceremony for outstanding con- These young people remain vulnera- Institute or KAICIID. tributions in various societal domains. pg 20 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 21 October 2019 October 2019 Crackdown constricts South Sudan reporters South Sudan from Pg 22 by Joseph Oduha tries in the world so desperately need Among the bravest, those who have unfortunately made it even more The world, or at least the civilized objective reporting. Joseph Oduha is an independent resisted this crackdown, six have been difficult, as they caused the govern- portion of it, is placing an ever-greater investigative journalist from South killed since 2015, and five of those ment to step up its efforts to stifle Journalists have been killed Mid-December 2013 was the launch Sudan. He had work with variety of were murdered with impunity, ac- the truth,” said another journalist “ importance on journalism. This world or suffered detention or of what has turned out to be a pro- news outlets both local and inter- cording to the Committee to Protect who requested anonymity for fear of has been devoting more and more systematic harassment. resources to fostering vibrant and tracted and concerted attack on South national. He is a correspondent for Journalists. Others have suffered persecution. unfettered media communities. Sudan’s media by the country’s gov- Nation Media Group (NMG), the detention or systematic harassment. ernment and institutions responsible largest publica- Committee to Protect Journalists re- But Mr. Rhodes noted that one of This is being done because the world for this sector. tion in Eastern ports about South Sudan include “Me- the key ingredients missing in South independence in 2011, the truth has Sudan these days is, sadly, trust. turned out opposite to the majority” of knows that these communities are and Southern dia Regulator Bars Newspaper from key elements along with vigilant and This attack has, unfortunately, been Africa. He also Covering Crisis,” “Editor Detained for the populations who have witnessed “Conflict and vested interests have aware citizens of robust and develop- highly productive. Large numbers of freelances for Over Three Weeks,” and “South Sudan the human rights environment in the waned trust away in South Sudanese ment-capable civil societies. journalists have quietly left their pro- southsudan. Suspends Broadcast of UN-Backed war-torn state. fessions. Others, fearing for their lives, com. Radio Station.” society. An independent press, a voice However, things are different in South have fled to neighboring countries. that people can rely on as factual and On many occasions, civil society activ- Sudan. Since mid-December, 2013, that their staff had ethnic, cultural Along with the journalists and with impartial, is so crucial to re-establish- ists and journalists have appealed to the state of independent journalism A number of media organizations de- and religious backgrounds that are ac- the truth itself, prime sufferers from ing the traditional trust and support President Kiir to allow journalists to has been steadily deteriorating in cided to restrict their coverage to sup- ceptable to the powers that be. this attack have been the people of systems that used to be so abundant do their job freely. South Sudan even though few coun- posedly safe topics and to make sure South Sudan, who have lost their and relied upon in South Sudan’s cul- Continued on next page ways of learning what’s really going ture,” he told The East African. and of speech Cameroon from Pg 21 on in their country, and their ways of are guaranteed in South Sudan transi- expressing their concerns and wishes. Majak Kuany Alier, a Juba-based free- tional constitution. Yannick Fonki acknowledged that he Conflict sensitive journalism seeks to lance journalist, also asserted that an retired from the three day workshop bring relief to those critically affected. “This attack has left the people in a independent press could spark vibrant Presently, two South Sudan journal- in Bafoussam, West Region of Camer- CCMN prides itself on It goes beyond information to include cloud of ignorance and uncertainty,” economic and political empowerment ists are been held in detention by the oon equipped to pitch reports on ef- “ solutions-oriented reporting. Mastery country’s Service successfully changing the states Tom Rhodes, a British journalist in the country. (NSS), a government spy body. Those fective peace communication in times narratives...by engaging of actors in humanitarian response is and a regional media expert who have like this when some hate, revenge crucial and the critical thinking ability extensively covered both South Sudan “When journalists are independent in detention are Mr. Michael Christo- and taste of injustice is suffocating journalists positively. of the reporter is required. It is equal- and Sudan. the country benefits from accurate pher, an Editor-in Chief of Al-Watan the space. Abanseka Jude took home ly about understanding the needs of reportage that lead to critical think- Arabic daily newspaper, and Mr. John lessons on responsible and credible affected populations and communities He adds, “South Sudan remains one ing; hence citizens will make informed Agok of the local Rumbek radio. The CCMN prides itself on successfully reports that keep journalists safe. to spur humanitarian response and of the most corrupt countries in the decisions of their own. For instance, changing the narratives from war and the ongoing peace process need in- “It’s unfortunate that despite the ” featuring news stories that correct world since there are few indepen- conventional reporting to conflict sen- dependent journalism that can shape media laws in place and awareness Meanwhile, Fongoh Primus, the com- misconceptions. dent institutions to provide oversight. munity reporter from the neighbour- sitive reporting. They achieve this by An independent press needs to be parties’ engagement toward the about the role of Media Authority in handling media issues, our colleague hood of Momo Division is now a be- engaging journalists positively in ways Rev. Mokoko Mbue Thomas expects there from the beginning to rectify implementation of the deal,” he said. Michael Christopher was arrested and liever that the relevance of journalists that enhance livelihood especially practicing CCMN member journal- this trend.” Although South Sudan President Salva kept in detention at the Security facil- in crisis or conflict situations produces in times of the ongoing crisis in the ists to now step up reporting on the It is worth noting that this cloud of Kiir promised a free and fair society ity in Juba. The law is very clear that if reports that maintain human dignity Northwest and Southwest regions. depths of the humanitarian crisis that press repression has partially lifted in the proclamation of South Sudan any Journalist is suspected of having and inspire hope for especially vulner- is worseining in the Northwest and The workshop also discussed the me- in 2018 and in the first part of 2019, UTexas Libraries committed any offence in their work able children, women, disabled and Southwest Regions of Cameroon. dia’s role in delivering news articles in which investigations of illegal and a complaint is remitted to Media Au- elderly. It is tricky to seek the truth thority,” said Mary Ajith, the Chairper- and reports that safeguard and pro- Peace journalism is the hallmark of corrupt practices on the part of the and report in conflict situations. The son of Association of Media Develop- tect the vulnerable, being honest in CCMN, which offers journalists a vi- government of South Sudan and its challenges are huge. corporate allies were conducted by ment in South Sudan (AMDISS). dealings with them, helping to man- sion and objectives to enhance the age community expectations and giv- international organizations and NGOs. National PCC peace coordinator and professional capabilities and rights of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty ing affected populations a voice, and These investigations revealed scandal- coordinator of the peace journalism community media to respond to com- International have also documented fulfilling the peoples right to know. ous misappropriations of public funds, and conflict transformation project munity needs. CCMN promotes access horrible environmental practices, and other serious violations of human Rev. Mokoko Mbue Thomas encour- The presentation was topical at the to quality information by vulnerable rights in South Sudan by the South event that disseminating the right widespread abuses of human and aged members to set themselves persons and communities and stresses environmental rights. Sudan National Security Service (NSS). apart as standard bearers of peace information at the right time saves peace journalism as an alternative to Arbitrary , enforced disappear- journalism alongside the CCMN. lives. This reporting requires passion, attain peaceful societies. “Rather than helping us in our work, ance of government critics, killing and courage, independence, respect and these investigations actually and torture were among the serious viola- positivity. tions committed by NSS. pg 22 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 23 October 2019 October 2019 Media, society must support multicultural ed Multicultural from Pg 24 by Bette Tate-Beaver and Lewis Diuguid such a global population shift. The United Nations reported philosophy of nonviolence.” Last year’s KAME conference Today is not much different. In U.S. schools, colleges and This year marks the 400th anniversary of a Dutch ship in 2017 that and strife have forced 65 million people was just ahead of the unprecedented June 12, 2018, sum- the media teachers, administrators, journalists and other delivering about 20 Africans in 1619 to the English colony to flee their homes to live as refugees in other countries. mit in Singapore between U.S. President Donald Trump and media workers are overwhelmingly white. They along of Virginia in what now is Jamestown. In a just few years For the sake of planetary peace, this development now North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and our South Korean with politicians, faith leaders, community organizations, afterward, the peculiar institution of with the mandates a radical behavioral change, which can only hosts were excited about the possibilities of a lasting peace and leaders in business and industry maintain the health made up creation of race — already established in Central occur if multicultural education is widely embraced. But and ending the war with their neighbor to the north. De- disparities, violence and unsafe communities, wealth dis- and South America and the Caribbean — enriched the 13 the resistance by schools, colleges, and the media remains spite the on-again, off-again whipsawing from Trump about parities, government reinforced inequities, segregated and colonies and later the . The Triangle of Trade strong because they are deeply rooted in continuing the whether the Singapore Summit would actually occur until grossly unequal education, and an intoxicating media con- expanded kidnapping black human cargo as free labor, colonization of people’s minds, which affects how they it was finally on, the KAME conference emanated with the stantly marketing goods payday loans that strip precious ensuring the complete and brutal colonization and exploi- think and view the world. hope that King’s Beloved Community could take hold and resources from people with precious little to give. Behind tation of the so-called New World. become a reality on the Korean Peninsula. The possibilities it all is the thinking in the dominant community, which The people at KAME, which is based in Seoul, South Korea, then would be endless on where King’s Beloved Commu- President Trump often amplifies, that the problems in Too many people desperately want to believe such prob- knew this, and that organization receives government nity could take root and grow from there. underserved communities are those of their own making. lems exist in the past. But the trauma continues with support with South Korean officials speaking at the confer- In addition, the stories of tragedies and triumphs of people schools, colleges and the media constantly colonizing the ence, applauding KAME’s efforts to refute colonization with We made a similar presentation to revive King’s Beloved of color and people of different faiths, also aren’t taught in minds of the world’s more than 7.5 billion people to value the truth to bring people together. In 2018 at the Community last fall in Memphis at the National Association schools or included in the media. Eurocentric and Western culture over all others. In May, for Multicultural Education (NAME) conference, where the The Pig Farmer’s Daughter we presented a solutions-based paper on that very sub- KAME conference with a theme of “Working Together for a theme was “How Many More ’Til We Rise Up? Multicul- Mary Frances Berry in her book, and Other Tales of American Justice ject at the Korean Association for Multicultural Education Better Multicultural Society,” we drew on last year mark- tural Education, a Radical Response of Love, Life and Dr. , said it best: “Whose (KAME) conference at Seoul National University, where the ing the 50th anniversary of the Rev. King King’s Dream.” In November 2019 at the NAME conference story counts in legal decisions rests heavily on who con- theme was “Multicultural Education and Diversity: Driving Jr.’s assassination on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tenn., and in Tucson, Ariz., we will share our “Decolonizing Minds trols political and the Potential for Changing Societies in a Globalized World.” presented a paper titled “Working Together for a Beloved through Multicultural Education” presentation with about economic power, Our paper was titled “Decolonizing Minds through Multi- Multicultural Community: Embracing Dr. King’s Dream 1,000 educators and community activist expected to attend We’ve got to get more in a process that from countries throughout the globe. This year’s theme at is circular and cultural Education to Save the Planet and the Diversity of through Multicultural Education.” educators,“ politicians, and Life It Supports.” the NAME conference is “Decolonizing Minds: Forging a progressive. The In that presentation, we shared data on the world’s ex- New Future through Multicultural Education.” media to shed the shakles of stories of the pow- Scholars from Asia, Australia, Africa, the Caribbean, North treme poverty, its enormous disparity of wealth, and the past and promote multi- erful are the only people’s desperate but unsuccessful struggles for change. Like NAME, based in Washington, D.C., our presentation ones that count, America, and Europe stressed in papers they presented the cultural education global value of multicultural education in promoting equity Each is a type of population-wide violence that is almost embraces the Sankofa, a mythical bird from Ghana, whose and the counting and social justice by ensuring inclusion of all people’s impossible to overcome. In such situations, people turn directive is that people can’t more forward until they first further enhances , stories, cultures, contributions, triumphs, and living in such circumstances turn on one another instead of learn and understand their past. So we have to know the the power of the tellers in the economic and political tragedies so everyone is appreciated and no one is under- turning to one another for help and support. We brought origin of colonization, the violence and division it spawned arena. The exclusion of their stories” reflects the historical valued. That way of thinking is essential now as millions of in King’s voice, quoting him saying in 1965 during urban worldwide and how and why that drumbeat continues silencing of African Americans.” Added to that are other migrants and refugees from war-torn countries and areas unrest in America, “Riots are the voice of the unheard.” today through our schools, the media, politics, community, people of color and underserved groups. devastated by relocate to more stable parts King added in 1968, “ often grows out of a sense of business, industry and faith organizations promoting the World leaders like Trump were elected because they of the globe. Not since World War II has the planet seen futility and hopelessness.” Each remains true today as an Eurocentric Western culture above all others. outgrowth of the continuing and relentless reinforcement amplify the scapegoating and hatred for people of color, Bette Tate-Beaver is the executive of colonization by schools, colleges, the media, politicians NAME scholar and author Gary R. Howard in his book, We people of different faiths, and other underserved groups. director of the National Association and the people who benefit from the global oppression- Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know: White Teachers, Mul- Such leaders’ violent rhetoric has spawned the anti-immi- for Multicultural Education, an inter- filled system of inequities. tiracial Schools, explained that the colonizing European grant crush in countries worldwide, the Brexit crisis, and national, social justice and equity -or countries appear to have used what he called the seven the recent mass shootings of Latinos in the United States. ganization based in Washington, D.C. Certainly King worked for civil rights in the United States. basics of Western Dominance: bacteria (such as small pox), She is a Berkeley, Calif., native and a But we shared at the 2018 KAME conference that King’s bullets, beads, bureaucracy, books, booze and the Bible. Multicultural education would change that, decolonize graduate of the Evergreen State Col- dream was for a “Beloved Community.” It was one based Bacteria from European invaders killed Indigenous People minds, end disparities, embrace the potential of all people lege in Washington State. on justice, equal opportunity and love for one’s fellow worldwide because they lacked immune systems to fight and open the world to new opportunities. KAME, NAME human beings. It would be free of poverty, hunger, and off the diseases. Bullets killed even more people. Beads and their supporters insist on an inclusive instruction and Lewis W. Diuguid is an author, lec- homelessness. Racism, all forms of discrimination, violence and similar worthless items were used to trade for the land curriculum in all schools for all students. turer diversity facilitator, and chair and warfare wouldn’t exist. People would have peaceful and other resources. Bureaucracy and books in restrictive of the Political Action Committee of means to solve conflicts. And economic and social inclu- laws and that were broken also bamboozled Indig- NAME’s founder Dr. Rose Duhon-Sells knew 29 years ago, the National Association for Multi- sion would rule the planet. In 1968 King said: “Let’s not enous People out of their land. Selective use of the Bible in as we know now, that multicultural education provides the cultural Education. He is a St. Louis burn America down. Let’s take her like she is and rebuild missionary work and the required servitude of Indigenous best hope of embracing the diversity of people throughout native and graduate of the Univer- her. We must maintain and advocate and promote the People added to the exploitation. Each stripped Indigenous the planet. It offers a solution to decolonize minds; to over- sity of Missouri-Columbia School of People worldwide of their land, resources, language, cul- come Western dominance; to get the population of Journalism. Continued on next page ture, children, faith, future, and life itself. Continued on next page pg 24 www.park.edu/peacecenter Vol 8, No 2 pg 25

©2019 by Park University Journalists build home, enhance life for widow By Buluhan Muyinda Sixty nine year old Elizabeth Tiko, a resident of Kyayaaye Village in Kayunga, Busaana Sub-county, Kayunga Dis- Uganda jour- trict, Uganda, shed tears of joy when nalists cel- her dream of getting a decent home ebrate Press finally came true. Freedom Day by build- The widow and mother of five with ing a house four grandchildren had for the past 12 for a needy years lived in a ramshackle mud and widow. wattle house. “Whenever it rains, all my household property gets soaked in water, because of sleeping in the cold, I always fall sick,” Tiko said as journalists under Kayunga Journalists ties would provide assistance. two weeks’ time though still lacking Association (KAJA) constructed for her with a number of home necessities. a new house. “This year, we wanted to do some- thing that will impact and change the The Kayunga District speaker, Saleh Tiko was chosen by KAJA as a benefi- life of one of the residents. That’s how Bulinsoni, commended the journal- ciary when journalists were celebrat- we came up with the idea of building ists for the initiative and urged them ing this year’s World Press Freedom a new house for Tiko,” Jjuuko said. to always report objectively. “This is Day on May 3. KAJA president, Charles the first time I am seeing journalists Jjuuko, said Tiko was selected by a On May 16, the practicing journal- practically trying to change the life of panel of journalists who went around ists in Kayunga and other partners those in need. Great work and keep the district looking for a needy per- in development started building the the ball rolling because there’re a sons for whom the media personali- house in Kyayaaye Village, Namukuma number of needy persons in places Parish, Busaana Sub county in Kayun- where you operate,” Bulinsoni said. Buluhan Muyinda is a practicing ga District. They were later joined by journalist seeking to contribute to some area residents who helped them Jjuuko said KAJA would not stop at the transformation in preparing the mud. building a house, but would continue of the community. He to assist in her daily needs urging lives in Uganda and is The journalists handed over 15 iron other partners in development to passionate about Social sheets and a blanket to Tiko and come out and facilitate the move thus Work. promised to complete the house in improve and strengthen livelihoods. Multicultural from Pg 25 the world to shift to alternative, renewable, planet-saving and wood as fuels for heating, cooking, and energy uses energy sources; and to drive the potential for changing to power the world’s industries, homes, communities, and societies in a new, more productive, non-zero-sum-think- transportation needs. Picture instead the expansion of ing, yet more sustainable planet. We just have to get more such renewables as wind, hydro-electric, solar, and geo- educators, politicians and people in the media to shed the thermal energy sources with improved efficiencies and shackles of the past and promote multicultural education, conservation so that they power the needs of the world. it’s inclusiveness and anti-bias principles. It’s all possible. The world just has to unchain the minds of billions of people from colonization. All that’s lacking is the Imagine an end to human consumption of coal, gas, oil, political will and determination. pg 26 www.park.edu/peacecenter