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1\ .'~ """".,,, '.' ~y I~! f~:""*' A..1..~"ce-'LlfDh~(\'ce ~T""A.h ~10 &.IA ",;J t:" ,;J It lI) FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETA OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA ,ou.-,. <k~e !l;t ~t-+~ 4th Year No. 58 OJ\..-,.r-kJ' 4..1..t-I\ce -\lfPht-l1.J'ce ~T-flA.h ~-\... ~Of) - en «!J+, Iiifj ADDIS ABABA -7th July, 1998 f ih1f-fl +ml1r-~ 9"he 0.'-" tnf)ct~'-" fmll) D'/tD-6It). CONTENTS ~".~ ck~e liU;i/Iilj '-9". Proclamation No. 126/1998 fIifjli 01:'-" ,ou.-,. f01:'-" 1991 Fiscal Year Budget ~tp~ 1~ ;tfi Proclamation Page 806 ~tp~ ck~e lifttl/Iif2 PROCLAMATION NO. 126/1998 A4..1..t-/;\ ou'..,F'-" Ft-"'~ f;J-m1: f01:'-" ~tp~ BUDGET PROCLAMATION FOR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKINGS "Iitf:lii fl1l"" 'JOO"" O~1..t-.c\ 00''''''''''''' ""7.h'i"dJ). WHEREAS, it is necessary to approve and disburse on ",t-"~'i" "'.c\"'l\-"'~ f"7.J'llL.c\1lD-' Ol"" "K'~" OOl"" time the budgetary appropriations for undertakings by the Federal 'J00i: ooloot.f 10:""" ",t- tPJ'f'.c\"llL"'" OOOIT).! Government during the 1991 (E.C.) fiscal year. "" .,.ooc WHEREAS, the House of Federation has set the formula f~1..t-"- 00''''''''''' "h.c\l\-~ ~.,..." '''7.''''''0''''' flJ.,~1i' 9"hC 0."" fdJ"'~ ll"IT~! to be followed by the Federal Government in respect of subsidies to be made to Regional Governments; "h.c\l\-~ O"7."'mlD-~""'" f4..1..t-1\- 00''''''''''' ItJl""'i" "" WHEREAS, it is stipulated in the Constitution that the cfI C ,.,1:t..., ",.c\II)' ~'~"7.'fi.lD- 0'-"100,.,,,,i: ,.,.~~.,., Federal Government shall be vested with auditing and inspecting ll"IT~ ! powers over subsidies made by it to Regional Governments; 11"-""f'k,f 4..1..t-"«£ Jl lfUht-U«£ tT-olt.h '-"100''''''''''' NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1) 2~(ii) ~'i" (I) 001Pi."" ~'~"7.h"'''lD- ;J-lD-~.c\1I and (10) of the Constitution ofthe Federal Democrtic Republic of "''''K' Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: hf:A II,~ PART 1 m~iIiI General 1I,,,,x- Ii' "u "'f':E- "fIuf:lii I1l"" 'JOO""fOl"" "'f':E-cfI...C Article 1.
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