Eritrea Sud An

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Eritrea Sud An ETHIOPIA Administrative map: Tigray Region As of October 2020 Airdromes ! Red Sea Airport ERITREA Airstrip SUDAN TIGRAY YEMEN Towns ERITREA Regional capital ! Badme Zonal capital AFAR Gulf of Aden DJIBOUTI Woreda capital AMHARA BENISHANGUL Roads GUMUZ Doguaele ! Endalgeda May abay All weather (Asphalt) Addis Ababa SOMALIA May Hamato All weather (Gravel) Weraetle Adi Awala GAMBELA Adi Kilte OROMIA Adi Teleom Boundaries Gemhalo SOMALI Adi Hageray International SNNP Hoya medeb ç Daya Alitena SOUTH Egela Zala Anbesa Dewhan Semhal Gerhusernay Marta Erob Regional SUDAN çSheraro Seyemti Adyabo Hagere Lekuma Badme Adi Ftaw Godefey Adis Tesfa Zonal Adi Hageray Debre Harmaz Adis Alem Adi Kahsu ç Sebeya Shimblina Mihikwan Kebabi Adi Hageray Rama Gulo Mekeda Woreda Kileat Rama Shewit Lemelem Endamosa Arae Musie Adi Nebri Id Zeban Guila Deguale Midri Felasi Egub Beriha- Rama Town Hareza seb'aeta Sheraro town Hayelom River Sedr Adi Nebri Id Habtom Fatsi Haben Ademeyti Lemlem Maywedi Amberay Haftemariam Indian Ocean Tahtay Adiyabo Terawur May Weyni Erdi Jeganu Firedashum UGANDA KENYA Sheraro Ambesete Fikada Water body Fithi Ahsea Mezabir Adi Tsetser Adishimbru Tahtay Koraro Adigabat Rama Medhin Rigbay Medebay Bete Gebez Hagere Selam Meshul Suhul Kokeb Tsibah Geblen Hadishadi Mezbir Marwa ç Border crossing point Lesen Migunae Andin Abinet May Tsaeda Hibret Adi Gedena Meriha Senay /Sehul Tahtay Zban Adi Daero Mdebay Terer Aheferom Sero Mereta Adi Million Wuhdet Kisad Maeteb ! Adi Nigisti Asayme Degoz Baati May Mesanu Adi Daero Simret Ziban Gedena Chila Chila Giter Keren TMegaryatsemri Hilet Koka Tekeze River Mentebteb Adiselam Gola'a Genahti Atsirega Bizet Sewne ç! Awot Wedihazo Adi Daero Hadegti Chila Enticho Adigrat town Dalol Humera Yeha May Suru Adekeney Mergahya Saesie Humera 01 Simret ! Saesie Shame Dibdibo Bizet Kuma Sebha Humera 02 Adi Eleni Wedi Keshi Selam Enticho town Buket Nihibi Welwalo L. Megaryatsemri Inda Maryam Setit Humera Emba Ahferom Mai Weyni Selam Tsaeda Imbora Nefasit Tsaada Laka Kita Gediba May Anbesa Wuhdet Hagreselam Sasun Ete Hariyat Simret Gendebta K & Habesha Adigoshu Adi Abagie May Keyahat Adebay Laelay Adiabo Wuhdet Mariam Shewito Adi Zata Ganta Afeshum Adkuwa Geter Semema Welel Seloda Tahtay Daereka Sefo Mugulat Edaga ArbiHagua Arega Dibla Sihet Miha Asmena Adi Aser Ketema Semema Adi Nigisti Endalashen Bahra Siheta Bereket TIGRAYZelazle Laelay Maychew Edaga Hamus Tsehayo Adi Kokeb Weyenti Hagereselam Kulufereha Kudo Hadinet Wuhdet & may weyni Debreshewit AbnetAdwa town Feres May L.Hahayle Tsaedat Hamlo Adi Baerej Adi Tsehafi Adwa Mebale Enda Aba Gerima Adi Yieqoro Edaga Hamus town Selam Tahtay Adi Gebero Beleso Imba Mezewule May Kuhli Bete Yowhanis Alula Selekleka Lesalso Hayelom AgamoHahayle Mesheg Guahgot Hadush Hiwot Rawyan laelay Adi Gebero May Temeket Edaga Hamuse Azeba Koyetsa May Siye Dura Lakia Debrich Gediba hakefen Axum town Debre Abay Hadush Adi Simret Kisad Gaba Wukro Maray Hawelti Dearo Ambsa Misema Harikwa May Berazyo Hayelom Kola Geble May Seye Meshel Selekleka ! Laelay Legomti Debre Bizen Raele Central Kindeya hadush adi Hangoda Kisad Gaba Indasilassie town maebel May Tuem Agazi Bereket Nigiste Saba Debre Genet Seguh May Hanse May Berbere ! MayAdrasha Axum Airport Hinzat Ser"a TseftsefNebelet Town Hawile Akab Seat Hadush AdiKewanit May Weyni May Kuhli Degamba May Kadra Medegoy Hatsebo Mereto Shelewa May Megelta Hitsats May Feres Adi Dekiamalek Debrebrhan Tsaeda Emba Nebelet May Nebri Simret North Western Adis Alem Tahtay Legomti Selam Haftom Adi Gidad Tahtay Mayechew May Chekemte EasternHatset Limat May Atsmi Endachiwa Freweyni town May shek Beles Seglamen Derbre kale Emba Sieneti Mariam Agamet Edaga Hibret Shire Airport Tisha Asgede Adi Menabir Edaga Arbi Adi Rgeto Mozutey Mebale Edaga Hamus Baleda Hayelom Sinkata Gebrekidan Tahtay Koraro Mahberedego Town Edaga arbi Town Guila Abnae Adiguara Dnbaza Mahbere Selam Mirena Hadush Adi May Tuem Kafta Humera Mogue Dedebit Adi Geishti Wechi Maekelawi Hawesta Natka Bilae Zongi May Kado Guemse Adi hedem Tsenkanit Bahra Adreb Hawzen Haresaw Kunneba Abeba Yowhanis Lakenay Adi Hrdi Suluhu Gira Aras Hadenet Betsemaeti Debre Hiwot Hawzen Konaba Kelakil Awluo Arena Kulita Birhan Limat Lemlem Ferima Serihka Bilae Hawzen town Sendada Adi Mahameday Endabaguna Zana Selam Zeben nege Hibret Debre Selam Selam Berahile May Kadra CentralLaelay hidug May Kinetal Edaga arbi SUDAN Baeker May Timket Ruba Feleg Alogen Walka Adihutsa Endabaguna town May Kinetal Town Adibelew Saze Deberekerbe Azmera Megab Atsbi May Kadra Western Rahwa Debre Birhan Zarema Naeder Maekel Segli Tekeze River Seka Negash Felegewayne Sola hadenet Metakilo Adi Serwat Tsae Tsaeda naele Korarit Zenaqode Zana Golgolenalee Korarit Debremariyam Adi SelamSemema Endafelasi May Gobo Kibrto Werei Gule Endafelasi Fireweyni Dugum Gemad Atsbi Endasilasie Hintset Koraro Berahale Tsimbla Benako Gundi Laelay Adi Kisandid Atsbi town Adi Tsetser Betemulu Zengorako Kisad Awkh Kelete Awelallo E/sealsie Adi Leken Adi Mesanu Trkan Bilamba Kirshi Sab Ruba Adet Debre Tsion Abraha Atsbaha Humera Airport Debre Genet Golagule Santagelebeda Kaal Amin Idola Tikule Mahberedegoi Wuhdet Tahtay Adi Kisandid Rubay Alal Habees Bilamba Mikeal May Kuha Mezega Debry Abay Adi Deki Bekli Adet GenfelDedebit Adijamus Mizan dagna Endabano May Dayna Teregey Tsigereda Ageazi Wikro Barka Adisewha Ruwasa Welkait Keyhe tekli Wukro town May Gaba Tekeze River Workamba Awet Bkalsi Geraleta Adi Gaba Wef argf Tekeze River May Loman Selam Tsigereda Genfel Dibabakoren Mikael Emba Adi Remets Jira Adi walka Aynalem Tabote Giorgis Hayelom Haike Meshal Adifelho Humer Adiha Laelay May Humer Werk Amba Sheglil Chemotsaley Hayelom Dernetsab Hadnet Hayelom Abderafi Awerki Awet Michara Mirere Arebay May Chea Dedera Debre Birhan Midre Genet Adi lal Agulae May Ayni May Anbesa Shenaqo Era Dansha Air strip Delesa Kokah Dima Dr.Ataklti Getski Milesiley Degua Temben Dedebit Sherela Mahbere Silasie Werei Dejena Newi Menji Selam Agulae Mahbere Weyni AFAR Gurero Degol Woyane Mesanu Awra Tsaeda Kerni Ayninbirkekin May Teklit Hagere Selam Tsegede (TG) May Gimare Arena Limat Emni Ankelalu May Timket Melfa Tselemti Debretsahay Yekatit Awra (TG) Selasa Ayna Dima (TG) Kola Temben Abiyi adi Mitsaworki Begashek Aregen Adi Azmera Selam Chachere Zelakme Kihen Kilesha Emene Babako Abi Adi town MIizan Birhan Hadinet Awra Wuhdet Debre genet Limeat Michael Abiy Kilbati /Zone2 Simret Menachek May Tsebri Mayami Fiyel Wuha Guya Seret Mahbere Genet Dansheha Shikuda Mdre Weyzero Sekota Mariam Felege Mayat Limat Mizan Debre Maryam May Tsebri town Shilum Emni Endabo Medhane Alem Secota Selasie Mariam Dahan Mesebo Yakir May Alem Amdiwoyane Agebe Afdera Serako Selam Shekatekli Midri_Hamsho Debreslasie Amanit Mekele Adi Selam Simret Debre Nazret Ayder sub city Derga'ajen Tanqua Melashe Semien sub city Dansha Walta Dansha town Mizkir Adi Wesene A'arato May Wedi Salihay Jijike Agbe Hawelti sub city Medhanialem Fiyel Wuha Hadash tekli May Anbesa Kedamay Weyane sub city Abaala Abrha jara Intabila Tekeze River Simret Adi Haki sub city Mekele Kwiha Indaslasie Hadnet sub city Adi Bargera Adi Arcai Tseykeme May Tsedo Tsegede (TG) Telemt Debri Shibta May Deli Shehagne Maida Mariam Meko Adi Shisha May Genet Mekele Airport Gera Bamba Ketema Nigus Walka Maykana Siye Felege Selam Chegwar Cudo Inda Mariam Enderta Lemlem Debrehayra Saharti Metkel Addi Arekay Tekleweyni Dideba Tashi Chelekot Dera Abala Abergele (TG) Imba Rufael ! Telemt Girwre Wemberta Adeke Ala Degen Mirab Armacho Esret Gijet Waza Abaala town Cheli Hagere Selam Negede Birhan Gijet Tsegede (AM) Yech'ila Addis_ Alem May_ Weyni Amdi Woyane Meseret Hintsa Hintalo Felegehiwot Kirakir Mearey Awoyane Debrehail Mesanu Adi Gudom Adigudom Erbeti Beyeda Lemlem Metkel LimatSouth Eastern Debark North Gondar Adigudom Hadnet May Teklia Hareko Are Alemsegeda Dekera Samira Fikre Alem Debark Hintalo ! Tekeze River Debark town Gonka Hadush Lemlem May Nebri Sebebera Erebti Dil Yibza Samre Lemlem Arena Muja Nebar hadnet Hiwane Abergele (AM) Wajirat Tach Armacho Freweini Bahre Tsaba Janamora Adi Awne Seret Tekliwoyane Senale Maernet Nuraqua Dabat Abnet Mekane Berhan Woyin Berezeba Dela Dejen Adikeyah Sanja Betmera Selewa Fana Adi Mesno Dabat Bidu Dabat town Fire Woyane Keyih Tekli Simret Egri albe Adishuhu Tsehafti Sahila Atsela West Gondar Waero Doquali Sesat Amedwuha Emba Alaje Amedwuha Maileham Abeda Tekea Bora (TG) Ayba Ebo Hawelti Kilma Kinfaz Tsibet Metema Mebal Kerya Kanfa Embahaset Tsigea Mekhoni Genda Wuha Zequala Gelewsa ! Dum Maichew town Mekhoni Mechare Tsitsika Shibta ! Gendawuha town Wegera Amba Giorgis HizTeklehaimanot Lay Armacho Tsagbeji Wargiba Nekah Neqsege Hadnet Tikil Dingay Genete Wag Hamra Neqsege Senay Mekhan Horda Endamehoni Raya Azebo AMHARA Embega Tsata Arena Simret Central Gondar Kara Adishaho Jema MeswatiTahtay haya Megale Simret Sekota Wuhdet Werebaye Hade alga Gondar Sek'ot'a Higumburda ! ! Selam Bekalsi Dinka ashana Southern Chilga 1 Tselgo Chilga 2 Begea_Delwo Sekota town Werebaye Menkere Gondar town Menkere Dara Aykel Sesela Eraba Aykel town Adi Shim Berkit Chercher Adi Golo Zata Weyra-Wuha Zata Korme Teru East Belesa Ofla Korem Laelay_Dayu Gondar Airport Zata Sofiyan Tao West Belesa fikrewelda Chercher Alelu Arbaya Fala Hayalo Maru Wemberet Gerjele Guara Kolla Debba Dehana Amed Werk Gual Mankorious Kidana Bala Fanti /Zone 4 Alamata Kulu Gize Lemlem Ulaga Lat Yalo East Dembia Guhala Asketema Audi kuluAlamata town West Dembiya Maksenyit Selam Bekalsi Gonder Zuria Raya Alamata Akojira Sonia Adis Kigni Rakubdora Tsetsera Limaat Chwahit Harle Selen Wuha Gaz Gibla Merewa Tumuga Town N Ebenat Tumuga Waja Town Quara Takusa South Gondar Libokemekem Delgi Bugna Lasta Gidan North Wello Gulina Lake Tana Mena Meketewa North Wello Raya Kobo Awra (AF) Aina Jesus Lasta Kobo Keliwan Alfa Lay Gayint Kobo town ! The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 15 November 2020 Map Name: 21_ADM3__ETH_Tigray_11112020b_A0L Sources: CSA, Regional BOFED, Tigray Statistical Agency, humanitarian partners,UNCS, ERA Feedback: [email protected] 50 km.
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