An Apple for the Teacher a Look at This Year’S Apple Award Recipients

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An Apple for the Teacher a Look at This Year’S Apple Award Recipients second generation photos • Pages briefs • Brien to step down sports • Beverly High softball team defeats photos • Beverly High Alumni Hall early May Page 3 Marymount, Crossroads Page 6 of Fame Dinner Page 10 Issue 862 • April 7, 2016 - April 13, 2016 An Apple for the Teacher A look at this year’s Apple Award recipients cover story • pages 8-9 briefs cont. on page 3 second generation photos • Pages briefs • Jackson returns for second profiles • West Hollywood Mayor sports • Beverly High softball team “Board forms advisory year, nabs $200K contract Page 2 Lindsey Horvath Page 5 shuts out Brentwood Page 6 committee, increases K-3 letters camp to 23” [Issue 861] The teachers at Beverly Vista feel it is Issue 861 • March 31, 2016 - April 6, 2016 important to let you know that when the first mention of increasing class size came & email up at the March 8, 2016 meeting we began Waldorf Astoria turns to EB-5 financing voicing our opinions. We held a site Hotelier seeks $150 million from foreign BHTV City Council and Commission meeting, spoke with colleagues at other investors to fund project Schedule – Channel 10 sites, and union leadership was contacted. “Brien slams The Courier, The direction we were given was that the • Traffic & Parking Commission: April does not indicate resigna- district and union were working together 7 at 9:00 a.m., April 8 at 12:00 p.m. tion date” [Issue 860] to come up with contract language that • Design Review Commission: April 7 It is time that Dr. Brien retires from would address our concerns, support stu- at 1:30 p.m., April 12 at 8:00 p.m. Board forms advisory committee, the Beverly Hills City Council. Without dent learning and be educationally sound. • Charitable Solicitations Commission: increases K-3 cap to 23 a doubt he is a lame duck Councilman We believe this increase negatively Deliberates controversial decisions during April 13 at 9:00 a.m., April 13 at 8:00 whose vote and input may have a long four-hour meeting pm impacts student learning and instruction cover stories • page 9 effect on a city he is leaving in a very in the following ways: short time. • 15% less individual attention One can think that the only reason he • 15% more differentiation WHAT’S ON YOUR hasn’t resigned yet or even announced • With no support services, we lack MIND? a date yet is that he’s trying to protect the time to serve our diverse population his friend Lyn Konheim and the Beverly with small groups and 1 to 1 instruction You can write us at: Hills Land Company in the tree removal to meet the needs of 15% more stu- 140 South Beverly Drive #201 debacle on Santa Monica Blvd. in a city dents (Prior to class-size reduction, other Beverly Hills, CA 90212 he won’t be living in. We need a new, support services/teachers were available, unbiased Councilperson to look into this such as Special Reading, EL, classroom You can fax us at: mess, not a lame duck. 310.887.0789 Receive Beverly Hills aides, etc.) • Recent introduction and increased email us at: Weekly in your e-mail Steve Dahlerbruch rigor of Common Core, NGSS, Stem, and inbox every week! Beverly Hills Technology-based assessments/bench- marks/CAASPP with instruction to 15% Editor’s Note: Brien announced Tuesday more students Sign up here: http:// that he is stepping down May 2. • Less time working with small groups and 1 to 1 • Less technology available within the SNAPSHOT letters cont. on page 3 WeBeverlye Hillskly Issue 862 • April 7, 2016 - April 13, 2016 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. Founded: October 7, 1999 Published Thursdays Delivered in Beverly HilIs, Beverlywood, Los Angeles ISSN#1528-851X Publisher & CEO Josh E. Gross Reporter 1 year Mina Riazi subscriptions Sports Editor are available. Steven Herbert Sent via US Mail $75 payable in Contributing Editor advance Rudy Cole (1925-2013) Advertising Representatives Adjudicated as a Karen Shilyan newspaper of gen- Daniela Nissani Sarah Benyamin eral circulation for the County of Los Angeles. Legal Advertising Case # BS065841 of the Mike Saghian Los Angeles Superior Eiman Matian Court, on November 30, 2000. 140 South Beverly Drive #201 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310.887.0788 phone 310.887.0789 fax CNPA Member All staff can be reached at: first name Unsolicited materials will not be returned. HAIL TO THE CHIEF! ©2016 Beverly Hills Weekly Inc. NORTH REXFORD DRIVE (Left to right): Mayor John Mirisch and newly appointed BHPD Chief Sandra Spagnoli Sandra Spagnoli became the 10th BHPD Chief when she was sworn in at the City Council meeting Tuesday night. Page 2 • Beverly Hills Weekly Pressman Academy or Friends of Sheba Tse reelected as BHEA Medical Center. Pressman’s survivors include her chil- President Beverly dren Daniel and Judy; five grandchildren Hills briefs and three great-grandchildren. Education Funeral services were held at Temple Association Beth Am on Wednesday morning. Brien to step down early President Telly Tse, May Brien commends Supreme first appoint- Nearly six months after announcing his ed to the posi- plans to resign, Councilmember Willie Court decision A unanimous Supreme Court upheld tion in 2014, Brien has stated he will officially step Monday the was reelected down May 2. “one person, Wednesday. Following one vote” “In the last Brien’s principle two years, announce- for draw- BHEA has Telly Tse ment last ing legisla- seen significant gains in salary and health year, the Together, the couple helped grow tive districts benefits,” Tse said. “I think the relation- Council Temple Beth Am and found the Brandeis- by counting ship with the district and the Board [of repealed pro- Bardin Institute, the University of every resident Education] is a lot better than it was two visions in the Judaism, West Coast Camp Ramah, Los and not just years ago. At the same time, I think there municipal Angeles Hebrew High School and the eligible vot- are still certain challenges related to some code regard- Maple Center. ers. of the school administrators that we face, ing vacancies “[Marjorie] was not an observer, not Willie Brien “I think it so there’s a lot of work to be done. I’m through the a rabbi’s accompanist,” Rabbi Jacob Former U.S. Chief Justice was a great Earl Warren confident that working with my members, full reading of an ordinance introduced in Pressman told the Jewish Journal in day for the we’ll be able to do so.” November. The Council can now appoint 2008. “She was a power in herself. She Supreme Court and it was a great day Among the achievements Tse listed on someone to the opening or conduct a spe- endorsed all the things that were impor- for individuals in the Court’s upholding his campaign flyer was having worked cial election. tant to me. She could have had any career, of the well-established principle of one with the bargaining team to achieve a Whether elected or appointed, Brien’s but she suppressed herself, and always person, one vote,” said Councilmember nine-percent salary increase, which has successor will hold office for the out- gave me the limelight.” Willie Brien. been challenged by certain Board mem- going councilmember’s unexpired term. Recognizing she possessed leader- Brien’s grandfather, former U.S. Chief bers. Brien was elected first in 2009, reelected ship skills, Pressman worked to extend Justice Earl Warren, famously wrote in “We plan on defending the salary for- in 2013 and his second term ends in 2017. the Torah Fund through the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. She 1964, “People, not land or trees or pas- mula,” Tse said. “We feel teachers are tures vote”—a concept that became the important in our district and the salary Marjorie Pressman passes later helped revitalize the Olympic Jewish Temple and Center, now Temple Beth foundation of the one person, one vote formula reflects that.” Philanthropist and community leader holding. Tse is a special education teacher at Marjorie Pressman passed away Monday. Am, by expanding programming to include art shows, speaking events for “If I recall correctly, [Earl] wrote he Beverly High. While a full-time certifi- She was 94. believed that the one person, one vote cated faculty member teaches 5/5s, union Pressman and her husband Rabbi authors and celebrity concerts. Her son, legendary, 38-year Beverly decision was one of the most important presidents receive 2/5s release time for Jacob were an influential force in the Los that the Court ever made, in part because serving in the position. Angeles Jewish Community. They were High choral director Joel Pressman, passed away in 2013. it upheld the voting rights of individuals No other candidates ran against him in married in 1942, after meeting in high and really focused around the democratic the election. school, and had been together 73 years The family has requested that dona- tions in memory of Marjorie be desig- principles that we’re founded on,” Brien at the time of Pressman’s passing last said. October. nated to Temple Beth Am, the Rabbi Jacob Pressman Scholarship Fund of the briefs cont. on page 4 letters cont. from page 2 at the other sites. In addition last year balance? *Why is 21 students’ learning class size to a maximum of 22/1, then the teachers were compensated or another environment being changed with only 38 average class size will remain at 20/1. If classroom teacher added when there was overflow days left? the district no longer participates in the • More crowded classroom environment in a grade level.
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