ISC Solved Paper, 2019 Class-XII Physical Education (Maximum Marks : 70) (Time allowed : Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes only for reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.)

Answer any five questions from Section A Section B comprises of one question on each game, with five subparts (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Select any two games from this Section. Answer any three of the five subparts (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) from each of the two games. selected by you in this section. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION - A (40 Marks)

Attempt any five questions. 1. What is meant by warming up ? Write the advantages of warming up. [8] 2. (a) Explain the merits and demerits of league tournament. [8] (b) Draw a league fixture for eight teams according to cyclic method. 3. Discuss the importance of health education for adults and younger generation. [8] 4. Mention the causes and corrective measures for the following : [8] (a) Lordosis (b) Flat foot 5. Write in detail the effects of insufficient sleep, on human body. [8] 6. List the various ill effects of alcohol on an individual. [8] 7. Explain what is contusion. Mention the steps to be followed for its prevention. [8]

SECTION - B (30 Marks)

Select any two games from this Section. Answer any three of the five sub parts (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) from each of the two games selected by you. Each subpart is for 5 marks. FOOTBALL (3 × 5) 8. (a) List any five fundamental skills which a football player must possess. [5] (b) What decision is to be taken by the referee if the ball bursts or becomes defective during the course of a match? (c) Explain the difference between tackling and trapping. [5J (d) Mention the basic compulsory equipment used by a referee while conducting a match. [5] (e) Mention any five duties of Assistant Referees. [5] CRICKET (3 × 5) 9. (a) Explain the following : [5] (i) Dolly Catch (ii) Gully (iii) Seam (iv) Half shot (v) Half-volley To know about more useful books for class-12 click here 2 Oswaal ISC Solved Paper - 2019, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII

(b) Differentiate between popping crease and bowling crease. [5] (c) Explain the following terms: [5] (i) Ball tampering (ii) Sweep (d) (i) Write the full forms of ICC and BCCI. [5] (ii) State the functions of ICC and BCCI. (e) Under which conditions can an umpire change the ball? [5] HOCKEY (3 × 5) 10. (a) Write a short note on Hockey Stick. [5] (b) Mention any five duties of the captain of a Hockey team. [5] (c) Write the equipment used by a Goal Keeper. [5] (d) When is a penalty stroke awarded ? [5] (e) State the difference between a scoop and a stroke. [5] (3 × 5) 11. (a) Explain Three Second Rule and Twenty-four Second Rule. [5] (b) What is ? State the steps to be followed for taking a free throw. [5] (c) Mention the violations in the game of Basketball. [5] (d) What is a double in the game of basketball? What is the penalty for this foul? [5] (e) Explain and multiple foul. [5] VOLLEYBALL (3 × 5) 12. (a) Write the duties of a Volleyball coach. [5] (b) Write the service faults in Volleyball. [5] (c) (i) What is the procedure adopted to start a game ? [5] (ii) List any two National level tournaments in Volleyball. (d) Differentiate between : [5] (i) Service zone and substitution zone. (ii) Positional fault and rotational fault. (e) Mention the duties of a line judge. [5] TENNIS (3 × 5) 13. (a) Explain the following [5] (i) Double fault (ii) Chip shot (b) List any five types of strokes in the game of Tennis. [5] (c) What are the duties of a coach in Tennis? [5] (d) Explain the following: [5] (i) Set (ii) Ace (iii) Slice (iv) Down the line (v) Drive (e) Explain how a forehand shot is taken. [5] BADMINTON (3 × 5) 14. (a) Discuss the rule of service in doubles. [5] (b) What happens if the shuttlecock gets stuck on the net? [5] (c) (i) What is meant by bird in the game of Badminton? [5] (ii) Name the different types of strokes played by a badminton player. (d) Explain the following terms : [5] (i) Side out (ii) Waist fault (e) (i) Explain the following shuttle grips : [5] (1) Out of hand grip (2) Mid grip (3) Base grip (ii) What is the weight of a shuttle cock? How many feathers are there in a shuttle cock ? To know about more useful books for class-12 click here Oswaal ISC Solved Paper - 2019, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII 3

SWIMMING (3 × 5) 15. (a) List the freestyle events for men. [5] (b) (i) What is the position of backstroke turn indicators? [5] (ii) Which lane is given to the best swimmer? (c) Explain the starting stance of a swimmer in the backstroke event. [5] (d) (i) What is a Dolphin kick? (ii) Describe any two duties of the judges of stroke. [5] (e) Explain the following terms : [5] (i) Tapper (ii) Peddler

ATHLETICS (3 × 5) 16. (a) Explain the event triple jump. [5] (b) What is the difference between marking radius and running radius? [5] (c) Draw a neat diagram of a Shot-Put sector with all its specifications. [5] (d) List the fundamental skills required by an athlete, for the event of Discus throw. [5] (e) Explain the following terms : [5] (i) Stagger (ii) Athlete (iii) Shoulder Shrug (iv) Heat (v) Lane ANSWERS

SECTION - A (40 Marks)

1. Warming up is a series of preparatory exercises either before a training session or a competition. Some advantages of warming up are : Increases body temperature : The increase in body temperature warms up the muscles. Scientific researches show that warming up of muscles improves their performance. It also helps in preventing muscle fibers from tearing. Decreases muscle viscosity : Scientific researches show that when muscles are stimulated, the first few contractions and expansions are irregular and then they become steady. Warming up makes these contractions and expansions of muscles steady during play. Increases nerve impulse : Warming up increases nerve impulse. This results in quick response by nerve and reducing the response interval. This helps in taking quick decisions and quick actions while playing. Increases rate of metabolism : Metabolism is directly related to energy level. Increased metabolism means increased energy level. As a result, increased energy level improves performance. In this way warming up increases the level of performance. 8 2. (a) League Tournament/Round Robin Tournament/Burger System : The tournament in which each team plays once (in case of single league tournament) or twice (in case of double league tournament) with every other participating team. Number of matches in a single league tournament = n(n – 1)/1 Number of matches in a double league tournament = n(n – 1)/2 Where n is number of participating teams. Merits : l Maximum opportunity to every team l Strong and consistent team wins l More popular l Players get chance to improve their performance Demerits : l Time consuming l Expensive l More administrative set up l Defeating team/players get psychological depression (b) Cyclic Method of League tournament :

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l In this method the teams are given ranks. Rank team is fixed on top right corner then moving down and from bottom to top in left column. The non-fixed teams are rotated (n-1) times in clockwise direction. In case of 8 teams, the fixture is IR II R III RIVR VR VI R VII R

8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 7 2 6 8 5 7 4 6 3 5 2 4 8 3 6 3 5 2 4 8 2 7 2 6 8 5 7 4

5 4 4 3 3 2 2 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 8 3. Health Education is a process that informs, motivates and helps people to adopt and maintain healthy practices and lifestyles, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal and conducts professional training and research to the same end. It is very important as : It helps in discovering physical defects of children. It helps in discovering various types of abnormalities. It also promotes their correctness if their remedy is available. It helps in maintaining good health. It provides information about hygienic environment. It provides information for adequate ventilation, proper temperature, good sanitation and all round cleanliness. It helps in improving human relations. It means developing good relations between school, home and community. It educates students to do their best for the betterment of health of their friends, relatives, neighbours and the whole community. It encourages health and hygiene. It provides information about functioning of the body, rules of health and hygiene and precautionary measures for keeping off diseases. It is a part of overall safety education. It provides knowledge about safety measures related to fire, electricity, poison, floors, staircases, sports grounds, science laboratories, etc. 8 4. Lordosis Causes : l Habitual overeating l Improper environment l Lack of exercise l Diseases affecting vertebrae l Improper development of muscles Exercise for Lordosis : l Lunge forward with knee on a mat. Take position of the foot beyond knee. Place both hands on knee. Straighten hips of rear leg by pushing hips forward and hold stretch. Repeat with opposite side. l Sit on a chair with feet wide apart. Bend and position your shoulders between knees. Then reach to the floor under back of chair. Hold this position for some duration. l Lie in prone position on the floor. Keep the palms of your hands on the floor according to shoulders’ width. Push torso up keeping pelvis on floor. Hold this position for some time. l Sit down with knees extended, feet together and hands at sides. After that bend forward, touching the fingers to toes. Hold this position for some time. Then come back and repeat. l Some effective yogasans are Makarasana, Halasan, etc. 4 Flat Foot Causes : l Heaviness of the body l Standing for a long time l Faulty posture l Use of poor quality footwear not having arch Exercise for Flat Foot : l By rising on the toes, by climbing stairs, by cycling. l The emphasis should be upon the exercises involving the flexion, foot and angle flexion. l Exercise like sitting on a chair : grasp a pencil under the loss of one foot and try to write the alphabets with long strokes. l One should wear special shoes properly fitted with arch support made by orthopaedic centre. 4 5. Effects of insufficient sleep : l Risk of road accidents l Pessimistic approach l Depression l Increase in body weight l Heart related problems l Darkening of skin l Poor memory l Hypertension 8 6. Effects of alcohol consumption on individual : l On muscular system : Muscles become weak, reduction in force that can be applied by muscles, irregular extension and contraction of muscles, reduction in strength of cardiac muscles.

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l On excretory system : Organs loose control and , wastes get deposited in body, kidney failure and lever damage. l On nervous system : Weakening of brain, impulsive, less or no nerve control, increase in response time, decrease in concentration. l On digestive system : Low production of digestive juice, fattening of organ membranes, incomplete digestion of food, loss of appetite. l Other effects : Suicidal tendencies, decrease in decision making power. 8 7. Contusion : Muscle injury caused by being hit or kicked. It results in swelling, stiffness and retarding of skin. Prevention : l Use of protective equipment l Adequate warm-up before training or sports activity l Smooth and clean sports area l Alertness while playing l Complete knowledge about the game 8

SECTION - B (30 Marks)

FOOTBALL 8. (a) Some fundamental skills which every football player must possess are : (i) Efficient passing (ii) (iii) Kicking (iv) Throw-in (v) Tackling. 5 (b) Replacement of a defective ball If the ball bursts or becomes defective during the course of a match : l The match is stopped. l The match is restarted by dropping the replacement ball at the place where the original ball become defective, unless play was stopped inside the goal area, in which case the referee drops the replacement ball on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest to where the original ball was located when play was stopped. l If the ball busts or becomes defective during a penalty kick or during kicks from the penalty mark is it moves forward and before it touches any player or the crossbar or goalposts : the penalty kick is retaken. l If the ball bursts or becomes defective whilst not in play at a kick-off, goal kick, corner kick free kick, penalty kick or throw-in; the match is restarted accordingly. l The ball may not be changed during the match without the authority of the referee. 5 (c) Tackling is a technique used to regain possession of the ball for your team and is sometimes seen as critical particularly in defensive positions when the opponents are in an offensively advantageous position. The technique of trapping in Football is when a player makes contact with a ball in motion and minimizes or negates the motion of the ball so that the player has complete control of the ball. 5 (d) Basic equipment used by referee : (i) Whistle : The referee blows his whistle to start play, stop or delay play due to a foul or injury and also to end each half of the game. (ii) Timepiece : Referees need at least one timepiece – a wrist watch and stopwatch in-order to monitor the game time. (iii) Earpiece and radio set : In all top-flight matches, referees and their assistants communicate by using a small radio set, a transmitter; it is a compact radio that is strapped to the referee’s waist. (iv) Cards and notebook : The referee may decide to penalize players by issuing red cards or yellow cards depend on the gravity of the offense made. Incidents will also be recorded in their notebook. 5 (e) Duties of assistant referees : l Ensure when a player needs to be substituted l Ensures when a player needs to be penalised l Ensures that the game stops when the football is out of play l Decides which team is entitled to penalty kick, goal kick, corner kick or throw-in. 5 To know about more useful books for class-12 click here 6 Oswaal ISC Solved Paper - 2019, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII

CRICKET 9. (a) (i) A Dolly Catch is a very easy catch. If a fielder fails to catch a ball like this, it is considered a very embarrassing error, and is often referred to as “dropping a dolly.” (ii) The gully fielder is an extension of the line of slips and fields almost square to the batsman; gull also the name given to that area of the field. (iii) Seam : The stitches on the ball that help the bowler to spin it. (iv) A is played to bounces that are aimed at your head or at a greater height. (iv) Half Volley : A delivery that is aimed to pitch at the feet of the batsman and is usually difficult to strike. 5 (b) Popping crease or batting crease defines the batsman’s territory while bowling crease determines the limit of the bowler’s approach. Both the creases are 8 feet and 8 inches long but are parallel to each other at 4 feet apart. 5 (c) (i) Ball tampering/gouging : An illegal action in which the condition of the ball is changed by the individual or the team. (ii) Sweep : A shot played on the leg-side with a seeping motion of the bat and in direction behind the wickets. 5 (d) (i) ICC : International Cricket Council. BCCI : Board of control for cricket in India. (ii) ICC is a council which governs all the cricket playing nations. It monitors all the cricket games & makes necessary changes if needed. BCCI is the national governing body for cricket in India. It monitors all the cricket matches in India from domestic level to international level. 5 (e) An umpire can change the ball when the ball deteriorates in condition or becomes dirty and dull in color. If the prescribed number of overs has been bowled with the old ball, then the new ball could be brought in. 5 HOCKEY 10. (a) The Hockey Stick : It is important to have the correct size stick to execute both basic and advanced skills. the length can be the deciding factor in completing a pass, making a tackle or making a mistake. A defensive player or mid-fielder may prefer a longer stick in order to drive the ball further, and an offensive player might select a shorter stick for better handling and control. Sticks can range from 28"-37.5" or more. Field Hockey sticks range in weight from 535 grams to 560 grams. The appropriate weight of the stick typically depends on personal preference, however, there are advantages to both a lighter stick and a heavier stick. 5 To e Scoop Handle/Shaft/Grip



Bow (b) Duties of Captain (i) Wear an arm band or an article on the upper arm to get distinguished from remaining players oft he team. (ii) Responsible for overall behaviour of the players of the team. (iii) Ensures that game is played with a healthy competition and in fair manner. (iv) Ensures that the substitution of players in accordance with the rules. (v) Replacement Captain (pointed when a captain is suspended from a match) has same duties as that of a captain. 5 (c) The goalkeeper can use the following as protective equipment : (i) Helmet (ii) Chest guard (iii) Elbow pads (iv) Hand Protectors (v) Gloves (vi) Leg guards (vii) Hockey stick 5 To know about more useful books for class-12 click here Oswaal ISC Solved Paper - 2019, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII 7

(d) Rules for penalty stroke : A penalty stroke is awarded for an intentional offence by a defender within the circle of the side he or she is defending. The result of the offence must prevent a goal. 5 (e) Penalty stroke : Free one-on-one shot from the penalty stroke line awarded when a foul prevents a likely goal. The goalie must remain behind the goal line until the ball is hit. Scoop : Method of passing or shooting the ball by leveraging the stick underneath the ball to pick it up and fling it through the air. 5 BASKETBALL 11. (a) Three seconds rule : According to this rule, the player must not remain in restricted area of the opponent team for more than three consecutive seconds, if his team has control of the ball in the front court. Twenty-four seconds rule : According to this rule, whenever a player gains control of the ball, his team must try to shoot a goal within next twenty-four seconds. 5 (b) Free throw : Unopposed attempt to score from the foul line or restricted area. It is generally awarded when a foul has been committed on a shooter by the opponent team. The shooter takes his place behind the free throw line which is 19 feet from the base line and 15 feet from the basket. All the other players must stand in their correct places until the ball leaves the shooter’s hands. 5 (c) Violations : (i) Walking/Travelling : Taking more than ‘a step and a half’ without dribbling the ball is walking. Moving your pivot foot once you’ve stopped dribbling is travelling. (ii) /Palming : When a player dribbles the ball with his hand too far to the side of or, sometimes even under the ball. (iii) : Dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again is a double dribble. (iv) Held Ball : Occasionally, two or more opposing players will gain possession of the ball at the same time. In order to avoid a prolonged and/or violent tussle, the referee stops the action and awards the ball to one team or the other on a rotating basis. (v) Goal tending : If a defensive player interferes with a shot while it’s on the way down towards the basket, while it’s on the way up towards the basket after having touched the , or while it is in the cylinder above the rim, it is goal tending and the shot counts. If committed by an offensive player, it is a and the ball is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in. (vi) Backdoor violation : Once the offense has brought the ball across the mid-court line, they cannot go back across the line during possession. If they do, the ball is awarded to the other team to pass in bounds. 5 (d) Double foul is when two fouls are committed at the same time by opposing players against each other. The penalties offset one another, so the offense retains the possession of the ball and in bounds the ball from the sideline. Both players, however, are charged with personal fouls. 5 (e) Technical foul : A foul in which there is no personal contact between the players but the game rules are not followed by the players individually or team as a whole or coach of the team. Multiple foul : A foul committed by more than one player at the same time. 5 VOLLEYBALL 12. (a) Duties of Coach : (i) Conducts behaviour of match and team outside the playing court. (ii) Contacts second referee for any information. (iii) Checks names and numbers of players of the team on score sheet. (iv) Signs the score sheet. (v) Sits on team bench on side nearest to the scorer. 5 (b) The main service faults are : (i) Improper service done by the server. (ii) Violation of service order by the server. (iii) When ball goes out of play. (iv) When ball passes over a . (v) When ball touches a player of the serving team. (vi) When ball fails to completely cross the vertical plane of the net through the crossing space. 5

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(c) (i) Start of match : First the toss is carried. The captain winning the toss has the option to choose the side of play court or make the first service. (ii) l World Cup Championship l National Club Volleyball Championship. 5 (d) (i) l Substitution zone : The area formed by extension of attack lines on both sides of the front zone. l Service zone : The area formed by extension of side lines on both sides of the back zone. 5 (e) Duties of Line Judges : (i) Stand on the two corners opposite the service corners and outside the play court. (ii) Signal the first referee for l Landing of ball (both inside or outside the boundary) l Foot fault by the server l Foot fault by any other player 5 TENNIS

13. (a) (i) Double Fault : In case a service fault is committed, the server gets to serve again from the same side of the court. If again a service fault is committed on the double service, it is counted as a double fault and a point is awarded to the receiver. If the fault is not committed on the second service, the game continues as if there had been no service fault. (ii) Chip Shot : A type of stroke played with a forehand or backhand to under-cut the stroke of the opponent. (b) (i) Lob : A type of stroke in which the ball is hit high and far in a way that it touches the ground surface near the baseline of the opponent. (ii) Smash : A type of stroke played in response to a lob in which the ball is hit hard in downward direction in an attempt to finish the game. (Any Five) (iii) Eastern/Shake-hand Grip : A technique of holding the racket horizontally in left hand with strings vertical to the ground surface. (iv) Forehand Stroke : A type of stroke in which the ball is hit from the side belonging to the active arm. (v) Backhand Stroke : A type of stroke in which the ball is hit from the side belonging to the inactive arm. To play a backhand shot successfully, the right foot must be in front and slightly across the body. (vi) Ground/Passing Stroke : A type of stroke played during rallies from the baseline as a powerful attack. 5 (c) The duties of a coach in Tennis : (i) Train & counsel players to improve their game (ii) Provide support to the team (iii) Plan & administer all sorts of training sessions for team members (iv) Recruit tennis players (v) Maintain entire equipment and facilities used by team members (vi) Ensures that team members comply with policies and procedures 5 (d) (i) Set : A pack of games in which a player/team first wins 6 Games. (ii) Ace : A type of service which is not returned by the receiver and the point is given to the server. (iii) Slice Service : A type of service with the maximum side spin and played by the horizontal face of the racket and hitting forward at the back of the ball. (iv) Down the line : When the ball is hit straight ahead to the opponent’s court (as opposed to hitting cross- court. (v) Drive : A type of offensive shot played with additional force as compared with the other shots of the player. 5 (e) Forehand Stroke is a type of stroke in which the ball is hit from the side belonging to the active arm. 5 BADMINTON 14. (a) Service : l The server and the receiver must stand at diagonally opposite corners of the court. l There should not be any undue delay in service. l None of the feet of server and receiver shall be fully in air at the time of service. l The server must hit the base of the shuttle with the racket while serving. l The shuttle must be below the waist height of the server at the time of being hit. l The initial direction of the shuttle after being hit by the server must be upwards. l The server must not serve till the receiver is ready. To know about more useful books for class-12 click here Oswaal ISC Solved Paper - 2019, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII 9

l The service must be done from right service court if the server has scored even number of points in the game. l The service must be done from left service court if the server has scored odd number of points in the game. 5 (b) A let is a situation in the game that can be called by umpire or any player when the game is intended to be halted. If the shuttle gets caught in the net after a service is returned, the situation of ‘let’ arises. 5 (c) (i) Bird : A common name for a shuttlecock. (ii) l Forehand stroke : The stroke in which the shuttle is returned from the right hand side of the player. l Backhand stroke : The stroke in which the shuttle is returned from the left hand side of the player. l Drop shot : A gentle stroke in which the shuttle is aimed to drop immediately after crossing the net. l Drive : A stroke in which the shuttle is returned parallel to the ground. l : A defensive stroke to return a smash. l Forehand smash : The stroke in which the shuttle is returned holding the racket from the base of the handle in a forehand grip. 5 (d) (i) Side-out : A situation when a player / pair ends the serve and the service is transferred to the opponent. (ii) Waist fault : The shuttle must make contact with the racket below the server’s waist. The service is a fault if the shuttle makes contact with the racket above the server’s waist. 5 (e) (i) (1) Out of hand grip : (2) Mid grip : (3) Base grip : (ii) l Weight of shuttlecock : 4.74 g to 5.50 g l Number of feathers : 14 to 16 feathers. 5 SWIMMING 15. (a) List of Freestyle events for men are : (i) Backstroke (ii) Breaststroke (iii) Butterfly stroke (iv) Medley (v) Relay. 5 (b) Indicators for Backstroke Turn : l Flagged ropes between the lanes and around 1.8 m above the surface of water must be hung. l The flags for turnaround must be marked around 15.0 m before the wall from which the turn is to be taken. 5 (c) Backstroke or Back Crawl : l It is similar to the freestyle except the fact that it is upside down. l In this style, the swimmers m Use alternating arm and leg actions. m Breathing can be easily done as the mouth of the swimmer is above the surface of the water. m Must keep their feet in contact with the starting wall when the race is about to be started. m The hands at that time must be holding the starting grip. m As soon as the race starts, the swimmers must rotate in a way so that their belly is turned upwards. m While taking turns, the swimmers rotate their belly down. Push the wall with their back and take a flip turn. m Complete the race in belly-up position by touching the finish wall by any of the body part. m Must bring head above the surface of the water on or before 15 m from the start of the race as well as at the time of taking each turn. 5 (d) (i) Dolphin kick : A style of kicking underwater in which legs are simultaneously moved up and down. (ii) Duties of judges of Stroke : l Stands at each side of the pool. l Ensures that the rules related to the swimming stroke are being complied with. To know about more useful books for class-12 click here 10 Oswaal ISC Solved Paper - 2019, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Class-XII

l Assists Inspectors of Turns by observing the turns and finishes of the swimmers. l Reports violation by any swimmer to the Referee. (e) (i) A tapper, in blind swimming, is a person that taps the swimmer on the head when they are coming to a wall. Tappers may swimmers by running from one end of the pool to the other or several tappers may be used to manage both ends of the pool. Tapper also refers to a device used to reach the swimmers and consists of a long pole or a stick with a tennis ball attached to the end. (ii) Peddler : In swimming, peddler is a swimmer who stays afloat and swims short distances. 5 ATHLETICS 16. (a) Triple jump : A jumping event in which the athletes cover the maximum distance by a combination of a hop, a step and finally a jump. 5 (b) Marking radius is the actual line marked on the track of a running event. On the other hand, running radius is the imaginary line through which the athlete is supposed to run. 5

sector 95 – 110 mm sector line 40 50 mm stopboard º (3.7 – 4.3 in.) (2 in) sector 10 cm(4 in.) four line line shot (women) high 4kg (8.82 lb) dividing line 40 approximately 50 mm º 25 m (82 ft) 110 – 130 mm (2 in.) (4.3 – 5.1 in.) 75 cm shot (men) 2.135 m(7 ft) (2.5 ft) 7.26 kg (16 lb) @ 2002 Encyolopedia Britannica, Inc.

Shot Put Ground (d) The Fundamental skills required by an athlete for the event of Discus are : : (i) The holding of Discus (ii) The Stance (iii) The Preliminary swings (iv) The Delivery (v) The Release (vi) The Reverse 5 (e) (i) Stagger : The starting point of the athletes in the outer lane(s) so that all the athletes have to run the same distance. (ii) Athlete : A person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength. He is a participant in a sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skill. (iii) Shoulder shrugging technique : In this type of finishing the athlete shrugs his opposite shoulder to the tape by turning the chest sideways into the tape at the very last movement. (iv) Heat is one of a series of races or competitions, the winners of which then compete against each other in the next part of the competition. (v) Lane is a marked off space within which a competitor must remain during the course of a race. 5 ll

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