Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife 2017
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Wildlife 2017 Performance Report (From 2017.01.01 to 2017.12.31) 9th Floor, Stage 1, Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla 1 2 Vision “A country sustainably enriched” Mission Providing leadership to and managing nationwide sustainable devel- opment, and enhancing economic development efforts through sus- tainable development approaches in the context of wildlife conserva- tion and sustainable utilization to ensure benefit sharing for human society, conservation of fauna through ex-situ conditions, conserva- tion of plant resources and development, and nature conservation and education. Main Functions Preparation, monitoring and assessing of policies, programs and pro- jects related to the subjects of sustainable development, wildlife, botanical gardens and zoological gardens. Implementation of the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance no. 02 of 1937. Implementation of the Botanical Gardens Ordinance no. 31 of 1928. Implementation of the National Zoological Gardens Act no. 41 of 1982. Preparation of sustainable measurements and environmental indicators. Conservation of the flora of Sri Lanka, maintenance of the botanical gar- dens in Sri Lanka and development of the floriculture in Sri Lanka. Collecting and exhibition of mammals, birds and reptiles in Sri Lanka. Conservation of wildlife resources in Sri Lanka Having necessary measures to conserve environment in promoting eco- tourism in wildlife reserve areas Handling and supervision of the activities related to the Wildlife Trust, Wild- life Conservation Fund, Zoological Gardens conservation Fund, Botanical Gardens Trust Fund. 3 4 Message from the Hon. Minister of Sustainable Development and Wild- life. I am pleased to give a message to the report on declaring the performance of Minister of Sustainable Development and Wildlife and affiliated institutions for .the year 2018 In creating a sustainable wold we have to consider about both human beings and animals.
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