november, 2013 CONTENT

I. Introduction 5 II. How can spatial and urban planning help cope with the effects of climate change? 6 1. Spatial and urban planning capacity for climate change adaptation 7 2. Spatial and urban planning capacity for climate change mitigation – reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere 11 III. Republic of – Spatial and urban planning and climate change 12 1. Legal framework-assessment of the level of good climate change governance through spatial and urban planning 12 2. Questionnaire results – Common characteristics of the and Southeast Planning Regions 13 IV. Recommendations for the strategic concept 18 APPENDICES 22 APPENDIX 1. TABLE OVERVIEW OF LONG-TERM, MID-TERM AND SHORT- TERM PLANNING DOCUMENTS IN THE AREA OF CLIMATE CHANGE FOR THE SOUTHEAST AND VARDAR PLANNING REGIONS – EXCERPT FIELD: SPATIAL PLANNING 22 APPENDIX 2. VARDAR PLANNING REGION – RESULTS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2 PART 5. SPATIAL AND URBAN PLANNING -NARRATIVE 28 APPENDIX 3. SOUTHEAST PLANNING REGION – RESULTS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2 PART 5. SPATIAL AND URBAN PLANNING-NARRATIVE 32


I. Introduction

patial and urban planning aim at regulated by law on the utilisation of land, Scontributing to the sustainable the spatial distribution of business and development of local communities. non-business facilities, the network of Carefully prepared planning documents for settlements, the distribution of traffic and spatial development and landscaping can other infrastructure in the area, strategic help increase the sustainability of spatial assessment of impacts on the environment, development at local level, addressing measures to protect the environment important aspects of climate change and nature, guidelines and measures for adaptation and mitigation. development, measures for protection Many of the activities of municipalities from natural and technological disasters have negative effects on the environment, and calamities, and the parameters for exacerbating climate change and ozone implementing plans. depletion. At the same time, it is the The urgent need to integrate risk-reduction municipalities that are affected most measures within improved spatial and directly by the consequences of climate urban planning has been highlighted by change. the occurrence of a significant number of Municipalities can be affected by climate extreme natural events in recent years, change in various ways. In municipalities especially in the Southeast Planning located along the coastlines of lakes and Region, which have had a dramatic along the banks of rivers, for example, negative impact on urban infrastructure, there is increasing vulnerability to the economic activity and public health in those effects of climate change on water, with areas vulnerable to risk. detrimental consequences for people’s Spatial and urban planning have the health, the local economy and urban potential to reduce the vulnerability of the infrastructure. effects of climate change such as floods Municipalities have a triple role in coping and landslides, enabling flexibility in the with climate change. The first consists in development and use of land when coping identifying the risks they are faced with at with climate change effects. a local level as a consequence of climate To address these needs, this document change. The second consists in developing responds to the following two questions: strategies for adapting to climate change -- How can spatial and urban planning at macro- and micro-level, while the third contribute more to mitigating climate consists in undertaking concrete local change and adaptation? actions to reduce the risks of climate -- How can the process of spatial and change. urban planning in the Republic of Spatial and urban planning can serve Macedonia be improved so as to ensure to regulate key aspects of coping better climate change governance at with climate change. This objective is central and local levels? achieved through planning mechanisms

5 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

The Assessment Report on Climate A Questionnaire for assessing climate Change Governance (UNDP, December change management at local level was 2012) emphasises the important role used to assess the practical functioning of that spatial and urban planning can play local climate change policy. in mitigating and adapting to climate The questionnaires were based on the change. The way in which a settlement Methodology for Assessing Climate is planned, for example, will greatly Change Governance prepared in the first influence the scale of the environmental phase of the project in December 2012. footprint of that settlement and the This Methodology treats climate change amount of greenhouse gas emissions management as a multispectral issue that produced, as well as the resilience of includes spatial and urban planning as an the settlement to the effects of climate area relevant to climate change reduction change. However, the Report also states and adaptation efforts. The questions that there are no legal provisions in current were formulated so as to generate domestic law that impose obligations on data about the level of effectiveness, the municipalities or other stakeholders equality, participation, transparency to take into consideration the issues and accountability in climate change arising from climate change when drafting management. spatial planning and urban designs. The Report concludes that there is insufficient integration of spatial-urban designs with the plans of other key sectors such as water, waste and energy. This constitutes II. How can spatial and a legal and institutional gap. urban planning help This Strategic Concept document aims to assess the capacity of the cope with the effects of municipalities in two planning regions climate change? (Vardar and Southeast) for climate change management applying mechanisms and tools of the spatial and urban plans. The impact of rapid urbanisation on climate By abstracting conclusions about the change has made it imperative to assess process of spatial and urban planning for the potential role of spatial and urban these planning regions on the basis of planning in mitigating and adapting to measurable indicators, this document aims climate change. to make an applicable assessment at the level of state strategy on spatial Landscaping and the functions of and urban development and offers settlements may increase or decrease recommendations for advancing the energy demand, as well as the scope process of creating a system for spatial of energy production, distribution and and urban planning adequate for consumption. climate change management. The mechanisms of spatial and urban Methodological data were collected from planning and landscaping can respond the municipalities of both planning regions to the factors that have an impact on by means of questionnaires. Specifically, anthropogenic GHG emissions into the representatives of local self-government atmosphere (e.g. increase of economic units from both planning regions were activity, population growth). Reductions provided with two questionnaires: in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from energy consumption are possible with the A questionnaire for reviewing the relevant introduction of regional cooling and heating documents (plans, strategies and acts) systems and better utilisation of fossil and competences was used to obtain an fuels, the introduction of vertical housing overview of the relevant documents and structures and efficient recycling of solid the level of integration of issues related to waste. climate change within spatial and urban planning documents at local level. New and innovative planning practices can help integrate climate change issues in

6 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management urban development planning processes. and the organising of human activities These practices are based on a more in compact communities and localising integrated approach to spatial planning, the process of production2 can have a including infrastructural development and significant impact on the amounts of GHG activities for ensuring economic growth emissions into the atmosphere and the and the adjustment of these activities to sensitivity and capacity for adaptation of the needs of climate change mitigation the local community. and adaptation. Adopting an integrated approach also means planning approach equally addressing mitigation and 1. Spatial and urban planning adaptation, to climate change vulnerability capacity for climate change and the reduction of GHG emissions into the atmosphere. adaptation At international level there is consensus Spatial and urban planning is relevant that a proper approach to spatial and for local adaptation3 to climate change urban planning and urban development and for assessing and coping with local models is crucial for climate change vulnerability.4 Urban infrastructure and mitigation and adaptation, especially at the level of local self-government. For and cheaper than expensive artificial example, the design and functionality of technological solutions. (For more on this settlements can either increase or reduce concept, see: Green Infrastructure, European energy demand and can influence the ways Commission, 2010.) in which energy is produced, distributed 2 For instance, the proximity of residential areas and consumed. Some analyses show that to place of work, transit and commercial spatial and urban planning measures, such services; arrangement of the travel patterns 1 as the introduction of green infrastructure between these distances, has a direct impact on the selection of means of transport and the route, i.e. by reducing the number of trips and 1 The green infrastructure is a spatial planning the distance travelled in vehicles. and landscaping decision-making approach 3 Adaptation of natural or human systems as that emphasises the significance of a response to current or expected climate maintaining and using natural resources and stimuli or their effects in order to reduce features to help overcome urban and climate- damage or to exploit useful opportunities. related challenges. This approach applies the There are various kinds of adaptation. concept of the multi-functionality of space anticipative or proactive adaptation is carried at local level through appropriate planning out before the impact of climate change is and management. This includes using natural felt; autonomous or spontaneous adaptation systems for collecting storm water and for the is not a conscious response to climate treatment of polluted waters, adaptation to stimuli, but is caused by changes in the climate change and heat waves, preserving environment and natural systems, market, biodiversity, food production, air quality, and changes in the human wellbeing; and the sustainable use of energy, clean water planned adaptation, which is a result of a and healthy soil, while improving the quality well-thought out political decision based on of people’s lives by providing facilities for the understanding that the conditions have recreation, shade and shelter in and around changed and that consequently everything cities and settlements. Green infrastructure will change and that action is necessary in plays an important role in coping with order to return to, maintain or achieve the floods and other negative effects of climate desired state. (Glossary, Intergovernmental change. For example, valleys in their natural Panel on Climate Change, 1995.) state can help mitigate floods through their natural capacity for absorbing floodwaters 4 Vulnerability is the level to which a system and facilitating the gradual withdrawal of is subject to the negative effects of climate such water into rivers. Forests act as natural change and with which the system cannot

absorbents of CO2 and prevent soil erosion. cope, including climate variability and Marshes absorb polluting substances. Hence extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the the use of “free” green infrastructure in character, size and degree of climate change mitigating climate change is more effective and the variations to which the system is

7 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

residential buildings should be planned and economic variables within GIS models.5 with the local impact of climate change The basic data for vulnerability mapping in mind (for instance, taking into account should be adequate for deciding where the need to adapt locally significant sectors risk prevention and reduction is required. and resources in order to limit the negative The local self-government unit may effects of climate change). undertake activities for locating the Since climate change explicitly relates to facilities and population within the planning the future vulnerability, the current local area that are exposed to risk from state of spatial development is taken as the natural or man-made disasters and benchmark for measuring vulnerability. The thus need vulnerability mapping. Data vulnerability in its constant and potential about the local territory and demography future state should be a decisive factor for are relevant for the process of planning and adopting a solution to landscaping. crisis management. For instance, precise data on the distribution of buildings in the The vulnerability of municipalities to climate settlement makes it possible to identify change depends on the state of their urban precisely the amount of potential damage infrastructure, the types of economic and losses of buildings in residential activity in the municipality and the way areas, while information about the number in which public services are delivered. of residents in residential buildings is The population’s structure and density an indication of the possible number of represent a key precondition for urban victims and the scope of disaster in the infrastructure planning, land utilisation and event of floods. Apart from data about the public transportation policy in combating residential areas, relevant economic and climate change. industrial data can also be collected by the Adaptive capacity as a component municipalities. Hence, local city planners of spatial and urban planning should can use urban planning to overlap the be taken into consideration in order zones of floods and the zones of stability to reduce vulnerability at local level. along coastlines with built-up maps in Adaptation is a local priority because order to determine which of the residential vulnerability to climate change is increasing buildings are exposed to risks. at local level. These maps would represent an For proper adaptation through spatial additional instrument in the process of planning and urban design at local level, it is necessary for the municipalities in the planning region to develop maps of “risky 5 According to the Risk Assessment and vulnerable areas” and to envisage and Mapping Guidelines for Disaster adaptation measures. Such maps are Management, adopted by the European tools for presenting information about the Commission on 21 December 2010 No. SEC threats, vulnerability and risks that exist on (2010) 1626, the European Commission the municipality’s area or in the broader recommends that member states gradually planning region. At the same time, maps start developing risk maps. As a first step, support the process of risk assessment it proposes mapping that will show the and risk management at national level. distribution of the greatest expected threats. They are also useful for identifying and This needs to be accompanied by maps stating priorities when planning the local that show the spatial distribution of all relevant elements that should be protected self-government unit’s territory. Mapping (population, infrastructure, nature-protected risks and vulnerabilities is also useful for areas) and maps of different protection planning the use of land, though this also entities. The third proposed series of maps requires the application of contemporary should show the spatial distribution of GIS technologies that incorporate social vulnerability in regard to the susceptibility to damage of all elements and entities and which are subject to protection. These maps exposed, its sensitivity and its adaptive are the basis for risk mapping which should capacity. (Glossary, Intergovernmental Panel provide an overview of the probability and on Climate Change, 1995.) impact of certain incidents.

8 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management local spatial and urban planning aimed risk of fires and planning documents at adaptation to climate change. therefore need to plan the surrounding According to the Law on Crisis of settlements taking into account the Management, local self-government units possibility of fires, dry and combustible are obliged, within the framework of their surfaces with low vegetation, etc. Extreme competences established by law, to assess weather conditions increase the demand risks and threats at local level, to establish of households and industry for water and needs and plan resources for the purpose energy in settlements and decrease the of providing early warning about potential level of accessible resources. Climate emergencies and greater efficiency in change has an impact on the economic coping with such disasters. Among other activity on the territory of local self- things, local governments must provide government units and for that reason risk and threat assessments of possible the planning documents should adapt emergencies in their region. Pursuant to the area where the economic activities the Crisis Management Law and the Decree are carried out. In that context it is on the Methodology for Security Threat necessary through the mechanisms for Assessment of the Republic of Macedonia spatial and urban planning to assess a National Assessment is adopted the capacity and vulnerability of the 6 on all risks and threats for the entire existing infrastructure for better territory of the Republic of Macedonia. planning so that the existing systems It is adopted for the purpose of planned, will be able to adapt to the effects of timely, comprehensive and coordinated climate change. This information is adoption of decisions, guidelines and of key significance also for adopting recommendations for undertaking decisions for proper investment preventive measures as well as for coping options. with emergencies in the most effective The new practices require transparency manner possible. in the process of planning spatial and The interdependency between spatial urban development and entail raising and urban planning and climate change public awareness about potential disasters adaptation measures can be illustrated associated with climate change. as follows. The planning documents One of the benefits of overall spatial for development and landscaping planning is the integration of various should be adapted to respond to the aspects which have an impact on increased level of watercourses as a climate change. These include the result of precipitation, meteorological following aspects: conditions and the vulnerability of the urban infrastructure associated 6 Coastlines, lakes, rivers, canals, forests, to the impact of the hydrological marshes, special eco-systems (for example, changes and the insufficient capacity fish breeding locations), endangered of infrastructure for water draining, species, eco-sensitive areas, national parks sewage and treatment. Furthermore, and natural resources, railway stations, the increase of water levels in combination roads, motorways, small asphalted roads, with the increased frequency of bad macadam roads, dams, draining and control weather conditions may cause problems systems, sewages, bridges, ports, airport with sanitary protection if the local urban terminals, water supply systems, source infrastructure is not able to accept the systems for the treatment of waste water, sudden inflow of water. The quality and the hospital and medical centres, schools, safety of drinking water or water used for pensioners’ facilities, public places, theatres, recreation could deteriorate as a result of sport stadiums, recreational areas, farming the leaking of effluents from the sewage areas, forests for exploitation, industrial or microbiological or chemical agents and zones, shopping malls, hotels, settlements, bio-toxins. The planning documents fire-fighting stations and rescue services, also need to adapt the area to higher emergency zones, locations for storing temperatures and more frequent supplies necessary for emergencies, cultural droughts. Droughts cause an increased facilities and archaeological locations, public institutions (state or municipal departments).

9 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

· Assessment of capacity to cope in cooperation with specialised bodies with the long-term consequences with direct authority for collecting, of climate change on the environment storing and distributing data on the and on people’s health. The capacity climate projection. is based on the strategic impact · Assessment of the impact of assessment and it has to be taken changes in the land use on climate into consideration when working on change. This assessment can be 7 spatial and urban designs. This integrated in the strategic assessment capacity is still relativized with the of the environment, which is mandatory inability / incapacity of the spatial for all spatial or urban design / and urban planning authorities to documentation. Based on the impact assess the dynamics and size of assessment in regard to the changes extreme. A consistent vulnerability in climate, spatial and urban planning assessment is based on data on the could introduce flexibility aimed at extremes’ dynamics and scope used responding to climate change. Flexibility capacity is in accordance with existing principles of spatial and urban planning 7 The main principles of the national procedure for strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and can easily be integrated in the are provisioned in the Law on Environment planning process. (Chapter X, Articles 65-75). The SEA is · Capacity to plan spatial implemented for strategies, plans and development adaptable to climate programmes (strategic documents) that are change and to avoid solutions that drafted by the state institutions and local have no adaptable capacity. This is self-government units, and which could have in the focus of future development. an impact on the environment and people’s However, spatial and urban planning lives and health. The criteria on the necessity capacity for adapting existing spatial of drafting the Report on SEA for certain structures (settlements, infrastructure) strategic documents are regulated with the is problematic, especially in terms of following bylaws: Decree on strategies, plans, costs. The municipalities can intervene programmes, including the amendments to in the reconstruction of facades and those strategies, plans and programmes, roofs of private collective residential for which the procedure for evaluating their buildings, especially for the purpose of impact on the environment and the life and energy efficiency, but relocation would the health of people is mandatory (Official incur unreasonable costs. Gazette 153/2007) and the Decree on the criteria based on which decisions are made · Capacity for adapting the use of land whether certain planning documents could in compliance with the vulnerability have significant impact on the environment level, to exclude areas that are prone and the health of people (Official Gazette to accidents and disasters and to plan 144/2007). The institution that drafts the relocation / withdrawal from the affected strategic document also drafts the report on zones. This capacity is possible but not the strategic assessment of the environment, always effective and financially justified which is part of the strategic document. for permanent settlements because Before the report on SEA is drafted, a it interferes with the property-legal procedure for establishing the scope of relations regime and it often requires the report needs to be implemented by the more finances for the relocation of institution / authority that drafts the planning settlements and of vulnerable areas. document. The content of the report on SEE is regulated with the Decree on the content of the Report for strategic environmental assessment (Official Gazette 153/2007). The strategic document, including the report on SEA, is open for comments from the public and from the other state and public institutions.

10 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

2. Spatial and urban planning of a single law on climate change. One of the ways in which municipalities can capacity for climate change have a positive impact is to impose local mitigation – reduction of goals for reducing GHG emissions. Such greenhouse gas emissions initiatives often depend on the objectives imposed by central authorities, as well into the atmosphere as the possibility of undertaking joint efforts between local self-government units, forming partnerships of local self- Sustainable spatial and urban development governments with local stakeholders, is based on planning in several basic especially with the private sector. Within sectors: transportation, housing, industrial the framework of their competencies, local production, energy, economic activities, governments can have an impact on the land transformation and poverty reduction. application of building standards in the At the same time, these listed sectors are procedure for obtaining building permits, the main generators of GHG emissions and programmes for energy consumption, hence contribute to climate change. production and distribution and energy While the international community is efficiency, public transportation structuring, negotiating the common goals of nation- industrial processes control, waste and states in tackling global warming, cities and water management and land planning municipalities are focused on initiatives for and utilisation, renewable resources reducing local GHG emissions, especially energy production stimulation, forests and by limiting energy consumption. protected areas management, etc. Cities are centres of economic activity, Spatial and urban planning can technological, social and institutional introduce measures to stimulate the use innovations and all of these have critical of sustainable technologies and practices, implications for their competitiveness climate change education and training, at regional, national and international and research into new technologies whose level. The concentration of population introduction could reduce the level of and economic activities help urban emissions into the atmosphere. environments play an important role In order to respond to the challenge of in efforts for reducing GHG emissions. climate change mitigation, a model for Changes in landscaping can influence spatial and urban development needs to be levels of GHG emissions. developed with a capacity: -- to perform comprehensive planning of There is current tendency to concentrate spatial development taking into account industry in cities. The growth and the contribution of anthropogenic development of cities is integrally linked emissions into the atmosphere from all to energy availability and demand for relevant sectors; fossil fuels which emit greenhouse -- to be based on the physical reality gases. Reducing GHG emissions will help of urban spaces, at the same time alleviate many local environmental issues ensuring a precise description of that have an impact on the health and the consequences of future spatial wellbeing of the population, like ambient development; air pollution, acid rains, soil pollution, production and food consumption. Since -- to respond to decisions linked to GHG there is a clear two-way link between emissions, climate change and spatial and urban -- to be designed for supporting the development, in accordance with the climate change mitigation policy, existing distribution of competences, -- to offer alternative scenarios. the municipalities have relevant source competences and with an integral approach they can create local strategies and programmes for climate change mitigation even in the absence

11 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

and UPVNMs are adopted based on the III. Republic of requirements for spatial planning issued in compliance with the Spatial Plan of the Macedonia – Spatial Republic of Macedonia. and urban planning and The process of designing the Spatial climate change Plan of the Republic of Macedonia is centralised process. The municipalities do not have discretion to establish 1. Legal framework- local development priorities. However, municipalities can establish these assessment of the level priorities in local plans by ensuring of good climate change consistency with the objectives of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of governance through spatial Macedonia. and urban planning Local urban designs are adopted in two phases: draft and proposed designs. The drafts are subjected to expert revision. The The Law on Spatial and Urban Planning process of adopting local urban designs is does not address the issue of climate governed by the municipalities / the City of change (at least not in an explicit and . Pursuant to legislation, the process is direct manner). financed by the budgets of the municipalities The basic spatial planning platform at central / the City of Skopje. level is the Spatial Plan of the Republic Local self-government units implement of Macedonia, which is adopted by the their competences through the authority Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and competent for urban planning based on a which is worked out based on hierarchically programme that establishes the limitations lower documents for spatial planning (i.e. the and the content of the planning endeavour. spatial plan of the region and spatial plans The programme is adopted by the Municipal for areas of special interest for the Republic). Council. The funds for the programme’s The process is managed by the Ministry of implementation are established in the budget Environment and Physical Planning and the of the local self-government unit. Agency for Spatial Planning. The legal framework stipulates the publicity At local level, the following documents are principle in the procedure of adopting and adopted: the General Urban Plan (GUP) (for implementing the designs. The Ministry the city of Skopje and for cities that are the of Environment and Physical Planning seats of the municipalities); the Detailed has responsibility for supervising the Urban Plan (DUP) (on the planning scope for implementation of the publicity principle in which a general urban design is adopted); the work of the local self-government units, Urban Design for a Village (UPS) (for the especially in terms of informing the public in area of rural settlements in the municipality); a regular, timely and comprehensive manner. urban designs for the outskirts of settlements In order to ensure professionalism and (UPVNM) (when required for planning for publicity in the process of spatial and the areas in municipalities that are not urban planning, the Municipal Council encompassed within the general urban establishes a participative body that designs and the village urban designs); the transfers the positions, opinions and Architectural-Urban Project; and the Urban needs of the citizens and legal entities, Project (for urban design of construction area and monitors planning by giving that fall outside the scope of urban designs initiatives, guidelines and suggestions up to a level of feasibility study ). for planning solutions in the given In order to understand the planning municipality. The participative body consists possibilities for the area, i.e. drafting urban of: councilpersons, a representative from the plans, with exception of detailed urban plans, municipal administration, a renowned expert the plan designer is also obliged to demand in urban planning, representatives of civil conditions for spatial planning. GUPs, UPSs associations and citizens of the municipality.

12 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

No Geographical Information System will be presented in the Final Report. has yet been established in the planning The legal gap in the Law on Spatial regions. As a framework for overall and Urban Planning, and the lack of development, however, it is planned in the integration of issues related to mitigating strategic document for establishing the and adapting to climate change within National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of spatial and urban planning, together 8 the Republic of Macedonia. result in failure to address the issue in practice,10 i.e. only voluntarily addressing the issue depending on the capacity of 2. Questionnaire results – the municipal administration to introduce Common characteristics of climatological data on the impact of city 11 the Vardar and Southeast planning documentation. The actual situation shows that there are no explicit Planning Regions references to climate change. In 100% of cases, the municipalities from both planning The assessment in this Report has been regions responded negatively to the question made on the basis of the replies submitted as to whether the topic of climate change is to the two questionnaires. Answers were directly integrated into the documents of the delivered to Questionnaires 1 and 2 by 100% municipality for spatial and urban planning. of the relevant Local Government Units in However, certain responses lead to the the Vardar Planning Region (9 out of 9), and conclusion that urban designs and other by 80% of Local Government Units in the related planning documents contain Southeast Planning Region (8 out of 10). The indications or implicit references to information provided by the municipalities climate change. Integrated data from the 9 in the answers given to Questionnaire 1 answers to the questionnaires are shown shows that the plans at local level are in Chart 1 for the Vardar Planning Region not completely harmonised and adopted and in Chart 2 for the Southeast Planning for the entire planning scope of the Region. The evaluation of the answers was municipalities. The results that follow are performed using a scale from 0 to 4 for based only on information generated from every individual question linked to the role the answers in Part 5 of Questionnaire 2 of SUP in climate change management, that refer to spatial and urban planning. The where 0 is given if the answer is ‘No’; 1 if results from other parts of the questionnaires the answer is ‘Insufficient’; 2 if the answer is ‘partially’ / ‘good’; 3 if the answer is ‘Satisfactory’; and 4 if the answer is ‘Yes’. 8 The Draft Law on the National Spatial Data Infrastructure was submitted for adoption in April 2013, thus transposing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament 10 For example, in the municipalities of Bosilovo and the Council from 14 March 2007 for from the SEPR, and , Veles, Lozovo establishing the infrastructure of spatial and Rosoman from the VPR. data in the European Community (INSPIRE). 11 For example, in the municipalities of The aim of establishing the NSDI is to make , Konce and from SEPR the access, exchange, use and distribution and the municipality of Gradsko from VPR of standardised spatial data and services the issue is addressed by sector policies for easier, as well as more efficient, effective the energy efficiency of buildings, spatial- and harmonised. NSDI establishes a urban planning, transportation conditions, technological, legal and administrative waste management, water management, framework for inter-institutional cooperation protection and rescue, and energy that supports the initiative for e-governance construction passports; In the municipality and enables the integration of spatial data of , the issue is also addressed from different sources in one network. The by media / environment management, organisational structure of NSDI consists of: spatial and urban planning, transportation the NSDI Council, the NSDI Committee and and roads, land management, forestry and the NSDI working groups. crisis management and key priorities are 9 For more details, see Appendix 1 in this established in the Local Environmental Action document. Plan of Sveti Nikole municipality.

13 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Chart 1. The integration of climate change concerns in the urban designs of the municipalities in the Vardar Planning Regions – summarised indicators by municipalities

Chart 2. Integration of climate change concerns in the urban designs of the municipalities in the Southeast Planning Regions – summarised indicators by municipalities

14 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

The issue of climate change is addressed change aspects are of secondary partially and indirectly in some local urban significance in this process and are designs in regard to their environmental incorporated into a wider context of sustainability and openness and capacity issues. If this conclusion is true, then for coping with disasters. there is a danger that the climate With regard to the level of integration change aspect has not been taken into of urban designs with other municipal consideration in the SUP process. sector plans, the majority of answers In only one case14 was reported that were negative due to the fact that the climatologic data and their scenarios were designs were not adapted to the existing used in spatial and urban planning aimed infrastructure. at mitigating and adapting to climate In regard to the obstacles faced by change through the SEA. The answers do municipalities when urban designs are not provide a clear conclusion about the made, the municipalities point out that frequency of involvement of climate change they have no financial capacities for the issues in the process of urban planning in expensive and inflexible process of urban the municipalities. One of the reasons is the planning provisioned for in accordance with way the CC concept is understood. that the legislative dynamics. As a result, not could be illustrated through the answer all designs are adopted covering the entire “those are general indirect measures” planning range of the municipalities and , This indicates that the CC aspect is of some are obsolete12 and not aligned.13 secondary significance in the process and it is incorporated into a wider context of Analysis of the answers suggests that issues. If this conclusion is true, then there there is a very limited understanding is a danger that the CC aspect has not of the link between urban and spatial been taken into consideration in the SUP planning and climate change in local process. administration. In most cases, climate change is understood as solely an The data about the municipalities are environmental issue and not as an shown in Chart 3 for the Vardar Planning inter-sectoral issue, and thus it is Region and Chart 4 for the Southeast declared that the urban designs passed by Planning Region. the municipality, in the section about the strategic grounds, contain measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The answers do not provide a clear indication of how frequently the issue of climate change is present in the process of urban planning in the municipalities. One of the reasons for this is a prevailing perception of the climate change concept that can be illustrated by the answer “those are general indirect measures”, indicating that climate

12 More details in Appendix 1 13 Asked to assess the level of integration of urban designs with the other social sector plans (such as those for waters and waste management or energy), the municipalities of Bosilovo, Konce and Strumica from the SEPR, and Gradsko, Sveti Nikole, Demir Kapija, Lozovo declared absence of harmonisation; Bogdanci was well aligned, and Rosoman and Veles declared alignment only of their planning document. 14 Lozovo.

15 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Chart 3: The integration of climate change concerns in the urban designs of the municipalities in the Vardar Planning Regions – Overview by municipalities

Chart 4: The integration of climate change concerns in the urban designs of the municipalities in the Southeast Planning Regions – Overview by municipalities

The participation of the public is regulated the greatest impact on climate change by law, and based on the responses at the level of local self-government in it seems that it is well practiced. Only the Vardar Planning Region is that of the in a limited number of cases did the implementation of the SUP and the issuance municipalities not declare having a of building permits, to the detriment of other participative body in the process of spatial indicators. (See Chart 5). and urban planning.15 Of all the indicators,

15 Veles and Gradsko in the VPR; and Bosilovo, Konce and Strumica in the SEPR.

16 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Chart 5: The integration of climate change concerns in the urban designs of the municipalities in the Vardar Planning Regions – overview by indicators

Unlike the Vardar Planning Region, the city planners to implement existing know- situation in the Southeast Region is how about CC, insufficient knowledge alarming. Only the level of urban design about climate change, insufficient funding, (UD) implementation is used as a measure lack of competences about the areas for coping with climate change. that have an impact on GHG emissions, When combining the data generated in lack of technical support from the central Part 1 (general, horizontal questions) authorities, as well as lack of human and Part 5 (SUP sector) of Questionnaire and financial resources for local action 2, conclusions can be drawn about the in regard to climate change, absence of obstacles and problems in municipalities measures for stimulating local action on when using knowledge about climate climate change, lack of grants and fiscal change in the process of SUP.16 These instruments that could be used for funding obstacles can be characterised as local action on climate change, insufficient technical (lack of data and access), budget funds in the municipal budget for institutional (lack of sufficient staff, performing the basic competences of lack of know-how) and strategic (lack the municipalities and for infrastructural of explicit / source competences, investments. In a few cases, municipalities absence of state policy) obstacles. stated a lack of initiative from the private sector for actions aimed at reducing GHG The municipalities mostly state that in emissions and climate change adaptation. general they do not have an authority and staff working on developing policies The general conclusion is that even and actions on climate change or a unit if the municipalities have direct capable of coordinating, monitoring and competences and capacity for urban controlling the activities in so many different planning, this most adequate tool sectors involved in preventing climate for the current level of municipal change. Some municipalities list the development is not sufficiently used following obstacles for de facto integration due to the abovementioned obstacles. of climate change issues into the SUP: The manner of performance of spatial insufficient capacity and expertise of the and urban development is also the key indicator for climate changes. Simultaneously, climate change makes 16 The order does not represent ranking the urban population vulnerable to the according to the frequency and dynamics of impact of climate change. The dominating emerging obstacles.

17 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

practices of spatial and urban planning in the listed planning regions do not offer IV. Recommendations sufficient answers to this double challenge. for the strategic concept Based on the questionnaires, one cannot conclude whether, how and when existing knowledge about climate change is used in New methods of spatial and urban the process of urban planning. In the next planning can contribute to mitigating the phase it would thus be recommendable effects of climate change by promoting to carry out a deeper survey to establish public transportation, reducing travelling whether, when and how much the municipal distances by arranging combined use of administration working on the urban vehicles, improving building standards, planning knows about climate change and increasing green spaces and careful use applies that knowledge in the process of of natural resources. These methods can urban planning. Such knowledge should be contribute to adapting to climate change relevant for climate change and knowledge through the relocation of vulnerable about the climate phenomenon at local and settlements and communities, improved regional levels. A focused analytical study infrastructure for water draining and should answer the question as to the level sewage infrastructure, and other measures of access of municipalities to climatologic for the purpose of protection from natural data, their level of know-how and capacity disasters linked to climate change. to use knowledge about climate change in spatial and urban planning, establishing In practice, it is evident that climate change which authority within the framework of is rarely taken into consideration in the local self-government could and should Republic of Macedonia when national and use the data on climate change in spatial local spatial planning policy-makers are and urban planning, what the obstacles planning the development and allocation of are that prevent the inflow of information resources. about climate change and their impact The recommendations that follow are within the municipalities, the methods and aimed at pointing out possibilities for better proceedings/techniques for receiving and spatial and urban planning as a response using climatologic data for urban planning, to climate change and the benefits of establishing the phase in the process of developing a new approach to spatial and urban planning in which such data will urban planning. be used, the significance of the data for Spatial planning and urban designs climate change and their impact on the are adequate for addressing the issue final decision. This study would enable the of climate change. The results of the identification of obstacles in the flow of questionnaires show, both qualitatively climate change information and the need and quantitatively, that the municipalities for training on how to use information in the planning regions, compared to about climate change in spatial and urban their capacity for drafting other planning planning. documents, have the main capacity for spatial planning and landscaping. The proposed solutions for overcoming the identified obstacles are illustrated in Table 1 below.

18 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Chart 1. Problems, proposed solutions

The fundamental recommendation is for measures and especially in the direction municipalities to use local spatial planning of ensuring local action to define the role and urban designs for determining future of local self-government, to envisage local actions to deal with climate change. stimulating measures for local action on This fundamental recommendation is due climate change and to find solutions for to the actual situation that shows that in potential obstacles. the municipalities in the analysed planning The legal measures should be aimed at regions, the planning documents for spatial creating legal grounds for addressing and urban development and landscaping the issue as a content in spatial are quantitatively listed and at the same planning and urban designs, as well time the capacity of the municipalities to as in defining the methods, conditions draft such planning documents is evident. and tools for spatial development and In order to ensure local action, activity planning in a way that will help cope at central level is required. The central with climate change. authorities should incorporate the issue of The fundamental institutional approach coping with climate change in the strategic for stimulating local actions to mitigate planning of spatial development and and adapt to climate change is to create landscaping. a central framework that enables local The central authorities should define their action. The central authorities should find own role and goals in climate change policy a mechanism for stimulating and helping with legal, administrative and economic the municipalities in responding to climate

19 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

change by adopting decisions related climatologic data relevant for modelling, to spatial and urban planning with long- projecting and scenarios in the context term implications for the territory of the of climate change, but also for ensuring municipality. transparency and services for the The new practices for urban planning and interested parties. landscaping should be efficient, meaning -- Creating an evaluation mechanism and the central authorities should find a way efficiency indicators of local designs to overcome the problem of the limited for spatial and urban planning aimed at financial and human resources of local self- coping with climate change (adaptation government units. This encompasses: and mitigation). -- Developing a state policy and legal/ For the purpose of comprehensively institutional framework for spatial addressing the issues of climate change, development and landscaping that the policy for spatial and urban planning incorporates climate change issues and should be designed to achieve two main enables central policies and priorities to goals: mitigation of and adaptation to the be transferred and worked out in detail at irreversible effects of climate change. local level. Strategic measures for integrating climate -- Adopting regulations that are of change concerns in the policy of spatial essential significance for stimulating and urban planning should increase local actions to mitigate and adapt to the benefits for society in general. The climate change, providing a mandate mechanism should ensure that the gains and margin of appreciation to establish from the adaptation measures are greater local development priorities taking into than the costs for adaptation i.e. the consideration the local impact of climate benefits of adaptation should outweigh the change; or by creating a framework in costs that would be incurred if adaptation which the municipalities can act because measures were not implemented. the Municipal Councils adopt the urban designs in accordance with the Law on Spatial and Urban Planning. * -- Establishing the competencies needed * * by municipalities in order to undertake Within those frameworks and in compliance additional measures complementing with the mandate they have been national measures. given, the municipalities should apply -- Developing a programme for institutional the new practices relevant for climate and financial support and stimulating the change adaptation and mitigation. Thus use of mechanisms for spatial and urban municipalities should work on developing planning in local action to mitigate and human resources to build capacity for adapt to climate change. applying new methods of spatial and urban planning as part of the relevant staff’s -- Developing a tool for city planners that will continued professional education. help them unify the way of incorporating climate change issues in the processes of When drafting local spatial and urban spatial and urban planning. planning documents, the following aspects need to be incorporated: -- Establishing how and when climate know- how is used in the process of spatial and -- landscaping and its impact are evaluated urban planning. based on locally addressing current climate conditions within the framework -- Ensuring the coherence of relevant of the existing state in the environment; policies, with coordination in order to resolve the conflict situations related -- the spatial solution should be adapted to the established priorities for climate in order to respond to the changed change and for other social, economic climate conditions and situation in the and environmental policies. environment as a result of climate change projections at local level; -- Establishing a digitalised spatial information system and system of -- the use of land and of spatial and urban policies is directed towards dealing with

20 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

the negative effects of natural disasters; -- every municipality in the planning region must evaluate its potential risks and consequently perform proper landscaping. Information about climate change needs to be used for a specific development in the local area where it may have an impact. -- the municipalities in the planning region should start cooperating and work on a joint agenda aimed at regional landscaping; -- spatial adaptation at the level of the planning region should take into consideration the possible influence of neighbouring municipalities to which is economically and socially linked; -- the municipalities in the planning region should establish cooperation and joint agendas aimed at joint efforts for minimising anthropogenic GHG emissions into the atmosphere; -- the municipalities in the planning region should ensure greater transparency of spatial planning and urban designs and the process of their adoption, thus increasing local public awareness of the effects of climate change and ensuring their involvement in coping with climate change. Finally, planning should be based on consistent data and should encompass the integration of available climatologic data in the process of planning so that the implications of climate change can be modelled and understood in the context of spatial and urban planning, providing afterwards with new scenarios for local urban development. In practice, according to the answers in the questionnaires, relevant data and findings about the local impact of climate change are not available to the municipalities. Consequently, a practice of exchanging information aimed at developing adequate methods and procedures for designing the urban space needs to be established.

21 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management Validity 2004 -2020 2008–2010 Annually 2006- Administration authority Administration Spatial Planning Agency Ministry and of Environment Physical Planning – Spatial Planning Department Ministry and of Environment Physical Planning – Spatial Planning Sector Urban and Communal Department in Infrastructure Municipality of Veles Urban and Communal Department in Infrastructure Municipality of Veles monitoring development and Spatial Planning Agency Ministry of and Environment Physical Planning Municipality of Veles Municipality of Veles proposal Government of the Republic of Macedonia Ministry of and Environment Physical Planning Municipality of Veles Municipality of Veles Body competent for Area/Sector: SPATIAL PLANNING SPATIAL Area/Sector: adoption Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia Government of the Republic of Macedonia Municipal Council Veles Municipal Council Veles

TABLE OVERVIEW OF LONG-TERM, MID-TERM AND SHORT-TERM PLANNING DOCUMENTS DOCUMENTS PLANNING SHORT-TERM AND MID-TERM LONG-TERM, OF OVERVIEW TABLE Planning document Spatial Plan of the Republic Macedonia Programme for Implementing the Programme Spatial Plan of the Republic Macedonia for adoption of urban Programme designs – Municipality of Veles Urban Design of the town General of Veles There is no regulation determining the procedure for the programme’s development for the programme’s determining the procedure is no regulation There No. 1) Legal grounds: Articles 8, 9, 22, 26, 28 and 35 of Law on Spatial and Urban Planning (“Official Gazette of RM”, No.51/05;U.No.69/06;137/07;151/07; 91/09;124/10; 91/09;124/10; Articles (“Official Gazette of RM”, No.51/05;U.No.69/06;137/07;151/07; 8, 9, 22, 26, 28 and 35 of Law on Spatial Urban Planning Legal grounds: 18/11;53/11;) 2) Article of Macedonia (“Official Gazette RM” No. 39/04) 3 of the Law on Implementing Spatial Plan Republic Legal grounds: § 3) 4) APPENDIX 1. APPENDIX EXCERPT – REGIONS PLANNING VARDAR AND SOUTHEAST THE FOR CHANGE CLIMATE OF AREA THE IN PLANNING SPATIAL FIELD: APPENDICES

22 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management Validity Adopted and in procedure Adopted and in procedure Adopted and in procedure 2 011 2012 Underway for three settlements Administration authority Administration Urban and Communal Department in Infrastructure Municipality of Veles Urban and Communal Department in Infrastructure Municipality of Veles Urban and Communal Department in Infrastructure Municipality of Veles Urban and Environment Department Protection Urban and Environment Department Protection Urban and Environment Department Protection monitoring development and Municipality of Veles Municipality of Veles Municipality of Veles Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Protection Department Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Protection Department Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Protection Department proposal Municipality of Veles Municipality of Veles Municipality of Veles Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Department Protection Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Department Protection Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Department Protection Body competent for adoption Veles Municipal Council Veles Municipal Council Veles Municipal Council Veles Negotino Municipal Council Negotino Municipal Council Negotino Municipal Council Planning document 25 Detailed Urban Designs (DUP), Urban Designs for Settlements (UPS); Veles 8 Urban Designs- The settlement’s outskirts (UPVNM); Veles 20 Documents for local urban planning; for architectural-urban Project - Veles projects Negotino Urban Design Negotino DUP Urban designs for three settlements – Negotino No. 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

23 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management Validity 2012 2012- 2010 2008 2018 2011 Planning period 1999-2009 Administration authority Administration Urban and Environment Urban and Environment Department Protection Urban and Environment Department Protection Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Local self-government Lozovo – Urban Department monitoring development and Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Protection Department Urban and Environment Protection Department Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Local self- government Lozovo – Urban Department LLC for Urban Planning, and Architecture Engineering-ZUAS Skopje proposal Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Department Protection Mayor of Negotino Urban and Environment Department Protection Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Local self-government Lozovo – Urban Department Body competent for adoption Negotino Municipal Council Municipality of Negotino Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Municipality of Konce Lozovo Municipal Council and Ministry of Transport Communications Planning document Urban Design - Settlement’s Outskirts (UPVNM); Architectural-Urban Project Project Architectural-Urban Negotino GUP Konce 1997–2010 DUP Konce part 2003–2008 Urban Design –Outskirts of the Settlement of Sonceva Ezerska Naselba at lake Mantovo 2008– 2018 CA Konce LUPD for CL 31/1 Office of the GUP for the Central Municipality of Lozovo No. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)

24 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management Validity Planning period 2008-2018 Planning period 2011-2021 Planning period 2007-2017 2006 2000-2010 2000- 2010 Administration authority Administration LSG Lozovo – Urban Department LSG Lozovo – Urban Department LSG Lozovo – Urban Department LSG Lozovo – Urban Department Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska monitoring development and -Ministry of and Transport Communications -LSG Lozovo – Urban Department -Company for construction, and services trade ART dooel STAN -LSG Lozovo – Urban Department -Ministry of and Transport Communications -Design Centre DOOEL- - Trajce -Ministry of and Transport Communications -LSG Lozovo – Urban Department -Ministry of and Transport Communications -LSG Lozovo – Urban Department Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska proposal LSG Lozovo – Urban Department LSG Lozovo – Urban Department LSG Lozovo – Urban Department LSG Lozovo Mayor Municipality of Caska Body competent for adoption Lozovo Municipal Council Lozovo Municipal Council Lozovo Municipal Council LSG Lozovo Caska Municipal Council Caska Municipal Council Planning document Urban design for part of the village of Lozovo Urban Bloc 1 Housing Urban design for part of the village of Lozovo Industrial Urban Block 9 and 10 Zone Urban design for part of the village of Saramzalino Urban Bloc 1 Amendments Urban design for a gas station with accompanying facilities at M-5 Urban Design Chaska, General implemented as an Urban Design for the village of Caska Urban documents for the settlement of Melnica, implemented as an Urban design for the village of Melnica No. 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23)

25 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management Validity 2000-2010 1998 2007-2017 2008-2018 1999- 1988 2009 1998-2008 In development 2004-2014 2004-2014 2005-2015 Administration authority Administration Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality monitoring development and Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality proposal Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Caska Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality Body competent for adoption Caska Municipal Council Caska Municipal Council Caska Municipal Council Caska Municipal Council Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipality of Bosilovo Municipal Council Planning document Urban documents for the settlement of Lisice, applied as an Urban Design for the village of Lisice. Detailed Urban Design for the tourist site of Gorno Vranovci, Urban Design for the village of G.Vranovci. Urban designs for the outskirts of the settlement of Golozinci for a pig farm. Urban designs for the settlement’s outskirts for the and construction of a warehouse at CL facility Zabel the production 934/1 CA Izvo GUP Bosilovo DUP Bosilovo Urban design for the settlement’s outskirts GUP for the town of Sveti Nikole Amendments to GUP for the town of Sveti Nikole (additions and enlargements) site GUP for an economic facility, Stanicki Pat Amendments to GUP for Sveti Nikole, site Mavrovica site GUP for an economic facility, Sveti Nikole Smknat Breg, No. 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31)

26 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management Validity In development In development 2007-2017 2006-2016 2007-2017 2007-2017 2007-2017 2010-2020 2010-2020 2010-2020 2012-2022 In development Administration authority Administration Municipality monitoring development and Municipality proposal Municipality Body competent for adoption Municipal Council Planning document UD for the village of UD for the village of Kadrifakovo – amendments (Synthesized plan) UD for the village of Malino UPVNM for an alternative water Sveti Nikole Divjak, CA supply, Knezje UPVNM for an economic facility- workshop for PVC joinery, Mavrovica UPVNM for a small facility-a CA Azmibegovo warehouse, UPVNM for a small facility – Lozov Rasadnik warehouse, UPVNM for an economic facility- of food additives and production spices, CA UPVNM for the construction of a polygon, Argac, driving training CA Pesirovo UPVNM for the construction of a photo-voltaic system for Gorni electricity production, Livadi, CA Sveti Nikole UPVNM for the construction of a for agricultural distribution centre Gorna Jurija, CA products, UPVNM for construction of a light Megju and non-polluting industry, Endeci, CA Amzabegovo for the UPVNM Gorobinci construction of small economic CA Gorobinci facilities, Bes Karac, UPVNM for E-infrastructure- of facilities for the production electricity and heating from waste, Gadez, CA Bogoslovec UPVNM Amzabegovo for the construction of a light and non- industrial zone polluting industry, CA Amzibegovo Ovce Pole, No. 32)

27 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management


Questions Veles Gradsko Negotino Sveti Nikole

Assess the aspects of CL These are in No Yes, the construction Yes (cadastral lot) in spatial general indirect of broad streets for the planning and urban designs measures purpose of ventilation, and other documents of the green areas, protective municipality; belts, stormwater Do they contain explicit sewerage, flashflood references to management, access for (a) environmental fire-fighting facilities and sustainability, ambulance vehicles (b) climate change; and (c) resilience and disaster management capacity

5.2 Assess aspects of CL These are in No Protection and rescue No for all spatial planning and general indirect measures, measures and (insignificant urban designs approved by measures means for the protection percentage) the municipalities. Do the and overhaul of the designs contain mitigation environment, measures and adaptation measures? for protection and rescue List several typical from fires, explosions and measures. hazardous materials

5.3. How many of the These are in No Pursuant to regulations Partially general and detailed general indirect (because their designs propose climate measures development change mitigation measures is of earlier and/or adaptation date) measures?

5.4. Assess the integration When adopting No Proper coordination among Integration is level of urban designs new planning departments within the planned for with other municipal documents, the municipal administration the next stage plans by sectors (such as municipal plans those for water and waste and measures that management or energy). envisage them are taken into account.

5.5. Has the municipality Professional No Yes, advisor for Yes, secured professional monitoring of development and satisfactory monitoring of the designs and implementation of urban aspect implementation of the degree of designs designs and the level of the realisation. designs’ realisation?

28 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Questions Veles Gradsko Negotino Sveti Nikole

5.6. Has the municipality These are in No Yes, there is a participative Yes, there are established a participative general indirect body that operates days when body that conveys the measures pursuant to regulations citizens can positions, opinions and meet with needs of citizens and the mayor legal entities; monitors and council the planning by providing members initiatives, guidelines and suggestions on the development of planning solutions for the given municipality?

5.7. Is there a system for When adopting No Yes, with public No system developing and submitting new planning presentations and surveys exists data and information in the documents the on each new urban design field of spatial planning at municipal plans municipal level? and measures that envisage them are taken into account.

6.1 Are there construction Yes, construction No In compliance with Yes, but still standards that refer to standards are construction regulations, not enforced climate change or the use prescribed energy efficiency, etc of materials for reducing in national greenhouse gas emissions, legislation. increasing energy efficiency, etc?

6.2 Do the building permits No No Yes No issued by the municipality contain such standards?

29 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Questions Lozovo Rosoman Demir Kapija

Assess the aspects of CL The urban designs and other These are in general Yes (cadastral lot) in spatial documents of the municipality indirect measures planning and urban designs incorporate environmental and other documents of the sustainability, climate change and municipality; disaster management Do they contain explicit references to (a) environmental sustainability, (b) climate change; and (c) resilience and disaster management capacity

5.2 Assess aspects of CL Urban designs are approved by These are in general No for all spatial planning and the municipality, i.e. the section indirect measures urban designs approved by of strategic grounds contains the municipalities. Do the mitigation and adaptation designs contain mitigation and measures to the CL: Preliminary adaptation measures? List plan on the filtering station and several typical measures. pipeline-Lozovo, , Dorfulija, -implemented urban environmental assessment; Urban design for part of the village of Lozovo Block 9 and 10, amendments (industrial zone)- implemented SEA

5.3. How many of the general Preliminary plan on the filtering These are in general and detailed designs propose station and pipeline-Lozovo, indirect measures climate change mitigation Milino, Dorfulija, Karatmanovo- measures and/or adaptation implemented urban environmental measures? assessment

5.4. Assess the integration level Urban designs are partially When adopting new None of urban designs with other integrated with other municipal planning documents municipal plans by sectors plans by sectors the municipality plans (such as those for water and and measures that waste management or energy). envisage them are taken into account.

5.5. Has the municipality Yes, the municipality has secured Yes None secured professional professional monitoring of the monitoring of the implementation and level of implementation of the designs realization of designs by the Urban and the level of the designs’ Department realisation?

5.6. Has the municipality Yes, the municipality has Yes Yes established a participative body established a participative body that conveys the positions, that conveys the positions, opinions opinions and needs of citizens and needs of citizens and legal and legal entities; monitors the entities planning by providing initiatives, guidelines and suggestions on the development of planning solutions for the given municipality?

30 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Questions Lozovo Rosoman Demir Kapija

5.7. Is there a system for Yes, there is a system for No Yes, network developing and submitting data developing and submitting for inclusive and information in the field of information in the field of spatial development spatial planning at municipal planning at the Urban Department of VPR level?

6.1 Are there construction Space Yes, construction Yes standards that refer to climate standards are change or the use of materials prescribed in the for reducing greenhouse gas national legislation. emissions, increasing energy efficiency, etc?

6.2 Do the building permits Yes, in line with regulations No No issued by the municipality contain such standards?


Questions Bosilovo Konce Strumica Bogdanci

Assess the aspects of No Sufficient Do not contain explicit Good CL (cadastral lot) in references spatial planning and urban designs and other documents of the municipality; Do they contain explicit references to (a) environmental sustainability, (b) climate change; and (c) resilience and disaster management capacity?

5.2 Assess aspects No None Do not contain Good (the of CL for all spatial specific measures planned use of planning and urban land is precisely designs approved by determined, no the municipalities. Do disruption of the the designs contain course of the mitigation and adaptation underground measures? List several waters, measuring typical measures. air quality)

31 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management

Questions Bosilovo Konce Strumica Bogdanci

5.3. How many of the Do not propose None Do not propose None (the detailed general and detailed designs are of designs propose climate earlier date) change mitigation measures and/or adaptation measures?

5.4. Assess the Not harmonised Insufficiently No such Good integration level of with the existing harmonization urban designs with infrastructure other municipal plans by sectors (such as those for water and waste management or energy).

5.5. Has the municipality Yes None No Yes, through a secured professional participative body monitoring of the implementation and realization of designs?

5.6. Has the municipality No None No Yes established a participative body which conveys the positions, opinions and needs of citizens and legal entities and which monitors the planning by providing initiatives, guidelines and suggestions on the development of planning solutions for the given municipality?

5.7. Is there a system No None No Yes for developing and submitting data and information in the field of spatial planning at municipal level?

6.1 Are there construction No Partially No. According to Don’t know standards that refer to the new regulations, climate change or the it is the Rulebook use of materials for on energy features reducing greenhouse gas of buildings and emissions, increasing energy controls energy efficiency, etc? that stipulates such standards.

6.2 Do the building No No According to the No permits issued by the new Rulebook, such municipality contain such standards will be part standards? of the procedure for obtaining a building permit.