STRATEGIC CONCEPT - THE ROLE OF SPATIAL AND URBAN PLANNING FOR BETTER CLIMATE CHANGE MANAGEMENT Author: Biljana Pulevska november, 2013 CONTENT I. Introduction 5 II. How can spatial and urban planning help cope with the effects of climate change? 6 1. Spatial and urban planning capacity for climate change adaptation 7 2. Spatial and urban planning capacity for climate change mitigation – reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere 11 III. Republic of Macedonia – Spatial and urban planning and climate change 12 1. Legal framework-assessment of the level of good climate change governance through spatial and urban planning 12 2. Questionnaire results – Common characteristics of the Vardar and Southeast Planning Regions 13 IV. Recommendations for the strategic concept 18 APPENDICES 22 APPENDIX 1. TABLE OVERVIEW OF LONG-TERM, MID-TERM AND SHORT- TERM PLANNING DOCUMENTS IN THE AREA OF CLIMATE CHANGE FOR THE SOUTHEAST AND VARDAR PLANNING REGIONS – EXCERPT FIELD: SPATIAL PLANNING 22 APPENDIX 2. VARDAR PLANNING REGION – RESULTS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2 PART 5. SPATIAL AND URBAN PLANNING -NARRATIVE 28 APPENDIX 3. SOUTHEAST PLANNING REGION – RESULTS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2 PART 5. SPATIAL AND URBAN PLANNING-NARRATIVE 32 3 I. Introduction patial and urban planning aim at regulated by law on the utilisation of land, Scontributing to the sustainable the spatial distribution of business and development of local communities. non-business facilities, the network of Carefully prepared planning documents for settlements, the distribution of traffic and spatial development and landscaping can other infrastructure in the area, strategic help increase the sustainability of spatial assessment of impacts on the environment, development at local level, addressing measures to protect the environment important aspects of climate change and nature, guidelines and measures for adaptation and mitigation. development, measures for protection Many of the activities of municipalities from natural and technological disasters have negative effects on the environment, and calamities, and the parameters for exacerbating climate change and ozone implementing plans. depletion. At the same time, it is the The urgent need to integrate risk-reduction municipalities that are affected most measures within improved spatial and directly by the consequences of climate urban planning has been highlighted by change. the occurrence of a significant number of Municipalities can be affected by climate extreme natural events in recent years, change in various ways. In municipalities especially in the Southeast Planning located along the coastlines of lakes and Region, which have had a dramatic along the banks of rivers, for example, negative impact on urban infrastructure, there is increasing vulnerability to the economic activity and public health in those effects of climate change on water, with areas vulnerable to risk. detrimental consequences for people’s Spatial and urban planning have the health, the local economy and urban potential to reduce the vulnerability of the infrastructure. effects of climate change such as floods Municipalities have a triple role in coping and landslides, enabling flexibility in the with climate change. The first consists in development and use of land when coping identifying the risks they are faced with at with climate change effects. a local level as a consequence of climate To address these needs, this document change. The second consists in developing responds to the following two questions: strategies for adapting to climate change - How can spatial and urban planning at macro- and micro-level, while the third contribute more to mitigating climate consists in undertaking concrete local change and adaptation? actions to reduce the risks of climate - How can the process of spatial and change. urban planning in the Republic of Spatial and urban planning can serve Macedonia be improved so as to ensure to regulate key aspects of coping better climate change governance at with climate change. This objective is central and local levels? achieved through planning mechanisms 5 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management The Assessment Report on Climate A Questionnaire for assessing climate Change Governance (UNDP, December change management at local level was 2012) emphasises the important role used to assess the practical functioning of that spatial and urban planning can play local climate change policy. in mitigating and adapting to climate The questionnaires were based on the change. The way in which a settlement Methodology for Assessing Climate is planned, for example, will greatly Change Governance prepared in the first influence the scale of the environmental phase of the project in December 2012. footprint of that settlement and the This Methodology treats climate change amount of greenhouse gas emissions management as a multispectral issue that produced, as well as the resilience of includes spatial and urban planning as an the settlement to the effects of climate area relevant to climate change reduction change. However, the Report also states and adaptation efforts. The questions that there are no legal provisions in current were formulated so as to generate domestic law that impose obligations on data about the level of effectiveness, the municipalities or other stakeholders equality, participation, transparency to take into consideration the issues and accountability in climate change arising from climate change when drafting management. spatial planning and urban designs. The Report concludes that there is insufficient integration of spatial-urban designs with the plans of other key sectors such as water, waste and energy. This constitutes II. How can spatial and a legal and institutional gap. urban planning help This Strategic Concept document aims to assess the capacity of the cope with the effects of municipalities in two planning regions climate change? (Vardar and Southeast) for climate change management applying mechanisms and tools of the spatial and urban plans. The impact of rapid urbanisation on climate By abstracting conclusions about the change has made it imperative to assess process of spatial and urban planning for the potential role of spatial and urban these planning regions on the basis of planning in mitigating and adapting to measurable indicators, this document aims climate change. to make an applicable assessment at the level of state strategy on spatial Landscaping and the functions of and urban development and offers settlements may increase or decrease recommendations for advancing the energy demand, as well as the scope process of creating a system for spatial of energy production, distribution and and urban planning adequate for consumption. climate change management. The mechanisms of spatial and urban Methodological data were collected from planning and landscaping can respond the municipalities of both planning regions to the factors that have an impact on by means of questionnaires. Specifically, anthropogenic GHG emissions into the representatives of local self-government atmosphere (e.g. increase of economic units from both planning regions were activity, population growth). Reductions provided with two questionnaires: in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from energy consumption are possible with the A questionnaire for reviewing the relevant introduction of regional cooling and heating documents (plans, strategies and acts) systems and better utilisation of fossil and competences was used to obtain an fuels, the introduction of vertical housing overview of the relevant documents and structures and efficient recycling of solid the level of integration of issues related to waste. climate change within spatial and urban planning documents at local level. New and innovative planning practices can help integrate climate change issues in 6 Strategic concept - The role of spatial and urban planning for better climate change management urban development planning processes. and the organising of human activities These practices are based on a more in compact communities and localising integrated approach to spatial planning, the process of production2 can have a including infrastructural development and significant impact on the amounts of GHG activities for ensuring economic growth emissions into the atmosphere and the and the adjustment of these activities to sensitivity and capacity for adaptation of the needs of climate change mitigation the local community. and adaptation. Adopting an integrated approach also means planning approach equally addressing mitigation and 1. Spatial and urban planning adaptation, to climate change vulnerability capacity for climate change and the reduction of GHG emissions into the atmosphere. adaptation At international level there is consensus Spatial and urban planning is relevant that a proper approach to spatial and for local adaptation3 to climate change urban planning and urban development and for assessing and coping with local models is crucial for climate change vulnerability.4 Urban infrastructure and mitigation and adaptation, especially at the level of local self-government. For and cheaper than expensive artificial example, the design and functionality of technological solutions. (For more on this settlements can either increase or reduce concept, see: Green Infrastructure, European energy demand and can influence the ways Commission, 2010.) in which energy is produced, distributed 2 For
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