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IGOKUAXT 0, I901 4GXI5 ;101X TEAK Broadcasting THE BUSINESS WEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO The true cost of buying network participations. p23 FCC decides to look at Justice's ABC -ITT evidence. p44 Network radio's top 100 spend 10% more in 3d quarter. p30 Nick Johnson doesn't like mass -media control policy. p52 Library COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 Gart B. Yiu'sa!:er Moorhead Minn. .r4/t7 What's better than "Hazel" in black and white? Television's premium family show starring Shirley. Booth. 154 alf- hours: 34 in black- and- wf1té, 120 in you- know -what. Distributed exclusively by creen Gems. WHAT THE HR/AT' Effective this month, Advertising Time Sales, Chicago, Bob Schroeder and John Murphy have Inc. has been brought into H -R Television and H -R moved to 35 East Wacker Drive, and in St. Louis, Representatives, Inc., consummating the biggest Bob Hetherington is now located at our Syndicate single business transaction among independent Trust Building offices. Jim Neal joins us at 211 station representatives in recent years. The "mar- North Ervay Building in Dallas, and Charlie Rem - riage" has important overtones in the buying and bert can now be reached at 321 Bush Street, H -R selling of Spot broadcast time. One of its prime in San Francisco. objectives is to provide buyers of Spot with greater This blend of professional sales personnel - and more efficient services through a single com- combining the best know -how and experience of pany. H -R and ATS - can only mean more and better To our good customers at advertising agencies sales service than ever before for advertisers. throughout the country, the consolidation of the agencies, and our represented stations. It is an- two firms means you'll now find ATS personnel other step in our continuing effort to provide you among the twelve H -R offices presently serving with the best service in the industry, through the you: Tom Campbell, Art Elliot, John Andariese, development of more efficient techniques to make Marty Daniels, Dick Delaney, and Dee Heather are Spot easier to buy; including H -R pioneering lead- now located at H -R headquarters in New York. In ership in electronic data processing, and our di- ARRIAGE MEANS risionalization of sales manpower to create more The resulting mix of H -R and ATS radio and :oncentrated sales service for three limited station television stations gives you the opportunity to buy ists. in greater depth, and with more convenience, You'll also find the following fine ATS radio through a single source. nd television stations now wearing the H -R logo: In short, this 'marriage' means better things for Spot broadcast advertisers in an increasingly com- plex media world, in which H -R is the one repre- "ELEVISION RADIO sensative "on the move," dedicated to making Spot CRLD -TV Dallas KRLD Dallas easier to buy. The Lee Broadcasting Stations .i1QA -TV Quincy WTAD Quincy CGLO -TV Mason City KGLO Mason City CEYC -TV Mankato ;THV Little Rock WATE Knoxville TV Corpus Christi KSIX Corpus Christi IPSD -TV Paducah When your business is beverages, MULTI -CITY TV MARKET WGAL -TV delivers sales ,w,,.a:el .N.OK,N:,37.-. With top- audience reach in Lancaster, Harris- and York -Channel 8 delivers a great row burg, purchasing -power audience. Another plus factor READING is 23 %* color penetration for its all -color local YMNON HARRISBURG telecasts and NBC full -color programs. Whatever your product, WGAL -TV delivers more sales LANCASTER e ,. , YORK ... CNNNer. IMO ........-. qq.,r..N. action per dollar. be IOETTYSSUlO . Based on Oct: Nov. 1966 Nielsen estimates; subject to n...uN ..... xuwevo ,, inherent limitations of sampling techniques and other WAY OOOOO qualifications issued by Nielsen. available upon request. OOOO Town 33113131 \ wurN,NSn LANCASTER, PA. Representative; The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Steinmar TeII@ViSiOn Btaticn la Clair McCollough, Pres. WGAL -TV Lancaster -Harrisburg -York, Pa. KOAT -TV Albuquerque, N.M. WTEV New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. /Providence, R.I. KVOA -TV Tucson, Ariz. 4 BROADCASTING, February 6, 1967 R and D at CBS CLOSED CIRCUIT -- Electronic system of reproducing 7 and transmitting color film at costs basis, late evening Bishop comparable to black and white re- for its Joey Secret signals Show, which starts April 17. New portedly is under development at CBS Laboratories. Details are clearance target at network reflects New system of monitoring for closely firming of guarded, but sources close to inside six new clearances reported proof-of- performance of TV commer- late last week: KTvt(Tv) St. Louis; say black- and -white prints are made cials is due for testing this month by KATV(TV) Little Rock, WLKY- from color film and these are then Ark.; Broadcast Advertisers Reports. It's TV Louisville, Ky.; WLBW -TV transmitted in color by special Miami; called "Videomatic" and reportedly - - KTUL -TV Tulsa, Okla., and KRTV(Tv) gear. System is reported to have come involves insertion of invisible coding Denver. At week, out of same CBS Labs research pro- end of last clearance into video signal. with code then totaled 110 stations. gram that is said, equally authoritative- picked up by audio monitoring and ly, to have produced no less care- relayed to BAR's computers. Test is fully guarded developments looking Mexican sports slated as part of BAR's regular toward system of making and repro- monthly audit of Baltimore stations. Another ducing low -cost TV recordings for Spanish International Network, New system, involving sub- sonic audio coding is home use. York, hoping to capitalize on grow- meanwhile being ing popularity of sports programing developed by Agencies- Media- Some time ago there were reports Performers -Sponsors in U. S., plans to release for syndica- (AMPS), with that CBS Labs had developed method field tests tentatively tion here packages of soccer, planned for of video recording on disk, but they boxing, Philadelphia wrestling and jai -alai Films, originally (CLOSED CIRCUIT, Jan. were vigorously denied by CBS. It's 23, 30). now learned that "disk" is not correct produced at Telesistema Mexicano. word to describe video record that Programs would be dubbed in English is end result of CBS process. There's for U. S. marketing. films run from The copyright bill one report that CBS system could 60 to 90 minutes. SIN plans to show produce video records in quantity packages at National Association of Copyright future for CATV is only for less than $2 each. Each record has Broadcasters convention in Chicago one of several topics on agenda for capacity of 26 minutes of video pro- in April. board meeting this week in Clearwater, graming, according to one source. Fla., of National Community Televi- sion Association, No end of advice but it's likely to be Overmyer plans most significant. Cable leaders expect copyright bill to be enacted this Con- FCC is expected to make public gress, although they hope to persuade Official of Overmyer Network has this week whole packet of ex parte lawmakers to modify some sections. been in touch with major broadcast letters and wires received in connec- groups on propositions involving sale tion with proposed merger of ABC Big question is how best to organ- of one or more Overmyer stations, and International Telephone & Tele- ize payment collections. Since it's ap- participations in Overmyer ownership graph Corp. Score or more are from parent individual cable owners can- or combinations of both. So far as is members of Congress advising corn - not deal directly with hundreds of li- known, no deal has been made, al- mission on how to proceed; some urg- censee holders, best arrangement though high sources at Overmyer say ing commission to stand fast against would seen[ to be establishment of important one is imminent, perhaps pressure of Justice Department for some sort of collection agency. This not with company now in broadcast- hearing, other asking commission to has been major element of exploratory ing. Overmyer owns one operating grant hearing Justice has requested. conversations during past few months UHF in Toledo, Ohio, holds con- Commission answers, which were be- between copyright representatives and struction permits for U's in Atlanta. ing drafted Friday (Feb. 3), presum- NCTA officers - chairman Alfred Cincinnati, Pittsburgh. Houston and ably will be brief and refer to com- R. Stern. Television Communication San Francisco areas. mission order, issued last Wednesday, Corp., and president Frederick W. requesting Justice to make public its Some time ago D. H. Overmyer, Ford. evidence in case (see page 44). who owns network and stations (and large warehouse and leasing organi- Up in air zation), said outside financing for TV Hot prospects enterprises was indicated (CLOSED Advertising trend developing among 2), CIRCUIT, Jan. because of projected Current feeling at CBS -TV is that major airlines with national and inter- costs of $100 million to get ON into crop of some 20 pilots for 1967 -68 national routes to spend more heavily full operation. Officials insist that net- season is best in many years. One in network TV is expected to bring work will meet target date of April network executive indicates possibil- their total investments substantially 3 to begin feeding two-hour daily ity that this time CBS may program over $6 million spent in 1966. Air- variety show from Las Vegas (see even more than seven new shows it lines have been hefty spenders in spot page 58). has running this year. His reasoning: TV (estimated expenditures in 1966: In past, when pilots were mediocre it $22 million) to reach prospects in Bishop lineup was better to take chance on estab- leading cities where they originate lished programs.