' f" THE OLDER WE GROW THE GREATER THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE WE ARE ABLE TO DISCOVER IN OTHER PEOPLE Red Sox Get Mclnnls To Play B. MaxamrWasfaagfcm AtWete First Base In Coming Season WOI Rbb At RHfrose Coated THE TIMES' COMPLETE SPORTING PAGE - I Indoor Sports Copyrfrht. 1JH, by International News Service j?v rar Copjrlllit. HI, by International News Serrlca Lucky He Didn't Want German Pancakes

THEHPe PtAMAJt3- - OiGACrCO CoofC 11L IP t TOR H6 EATC TOO - A MWA SE r 7HEunif Guv I r cook much- C I ) W 7WAT GLV I eh- - I cawt - HovJ apouT" ) cGer'weM jjHO iWt iHAT KJok: rKpMWcr N0VJ I CrtltKSUr') Kf maS o Good j ( '3 - (i, p. WOLF H ..Kwr )Tr.0H' MAOE A HASf H0 HIDE - ..... i . t nt-- ajrw i i i OM n r- I jat HUM i. u HlMtP-- NOW ,N S6"" AWOl 1 . i w'j- -' - i i i im or iu . vsr .. mmy h iv jvva i r i mi nftj t .tc-miw win .! ai iirw a j in

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USTe'& TO A GASQw HlCe TrW TO At-l-6l HrAiELf WlW NOTHM& Bin- ji LCTwfr vri der OPT N TH3R. LlTTUe" 8lU-'AA- I

9 IS iMAXAMWILLRUN OHNNY LAVAN TO FRAZEE OBTAINS M'INNIS TO APPEAR 'INK' MUFF i Billy Sunday's Daily Sermon i AT FIRST BASE FOR BOSTON RED SOX YORK QUIT DIAMOND TO F POSSBILTY Written for The Times by the Famous Evangelist m Bjr ers, and so need no particular aid, ward always going to clubs up in I LOUIS A. DOUGHER, though they have been provided with the hunt. SERV E iin "Stuffy" MclnnlB. the Mackmen's a needed right hand pitcher and a The Urlffmen have already made FOR MOUND STAFF "Rome Wasn'tBuilt in a Day' MiLLROS E AM KllTllnir Hftln flmt.anpVpr iilnre 1911. player In Larry Doyle, who may plus; one move that Is expected to assist I will hold down the lnltlnl cushion up a hole at second base. the club, and Manager Griffith is ror uu- - now angling capable inflelder. the Boston Red Sor acit Tied Sex Are Beaelted. for a Of Alibis sprang Them alt Standing on compfetes It Is understood this inflelder 10.- all the Ancient their Johnny Laran is not likely to be mer. Thrs the sulclda of The Red Sox have lost a majority that RICHMOND, Jan. -J. Taylor Heads, 'Chronically. Bob Maxam, Penn's sensational Philadelphia is a second baseman to replace Ray by Ginks who are Weary of r. found in the Grlffmen'a ahortfleld next the American League In best men, deals Jolllff. who last year performed on quarter-mile- who was well known of their but recent Morgan, though the Old Fox does not - Ty Cobb, when be Started for peuon. He has pawed his examlna-- and makes real pennant contenders put them rlcht back as contenders good second the Richmond College, the Richmond Work, the one that Gives mf- the here as a schoolboy of great promts of Boston club. vouch for this. If a Second In his First Game down .i i..i. k. m,ii,-.- ! the for the 1918 pennant. With Bush re- baseman Is obtained, the Grlffmen Internationals, and the Highland Park Raz Is that AnUQU" Sayipg that Georgia Way, when he attended Western and St. Al- According todlspatches from New placing- Shore, replacing Duffy was Chucked Out. corps of the navy, and 1. now await--I Strunk should be able to make a strong nines, has been made a flattering of- "Rome was not Built in a Day." Standing Up, about Twenty Feet bans, will go up to New York on , . . . , ... 'York, the Information come3 from Lewis, Mclnnls replacing Hoblltzell showing next summer, no matter if by Manager Griffith, In m D1UCI9 I.U nbvuiuiui,j, tu uio- - replac- - fer Clark of the When a Lazy Loon gets the Old off the Bag. But he didn't Quit January 23 to run the Mlllros icuii, n Well nADttt in fttsrir111 and Gainer, and Wally Schang 660-ya- the White Sox and Red Sox do fl Washington Senators, recording special Millrose. rd patches received today from St. Louis, Thomas, the have an - to Show- and say: games In the t. affairs." Many hellevo thlsl,n RedSox na make the ht for the flat- Information obtained Call for not having made a Dr. Lavan. now practicing his prores- - . jJllly edge on every club in the league, wiin ehicgo and Boston from a reliable "Oh, Rome was not in a run. be othr Ulan Eren wth the source here. "Monk." as he la famil- ing on the Job, he Pulls that one Built re- St. Louis hospiul. went to .. lMl-!,.- el?Ble ? the. worlds cluDg pcked sickness or Day 111 Ever since last fall, when he slon at a w.-t- ..,.,. f th h ' favorites, many learn this Game some - m.j, o ". tchsmDions. Thui. tne Amineuu.tnin.i.. Mt.i...... , iarly knswn by his athletic about Rome. The same way with turned from the Penn student farm training sta- J - surprlslng Time." the Great Lakes naval .njeiphia f.,National Leagn-- club, re-- League . v. friends in this city. Is living in Char Other Is practically assured of changes In the league race. The the Dilatory Duck who hasn't camp In New Vbrlstate, Maxam has examination. busl- - two-clu- time, tlon for his cenuy rnentloued as probau'.e b fight, and not a runaway '""..'"'"". lottesville at this and whether' He Kept At It until he could bern la training. In the early morn- Grlffmen would surely have won thai or not he will accept Griffith offer even Begun he's Got to .Do. Lavan'a enlisting will have no effect ness Inanager for Harry Fnuee's affair for the White Sox. pennant In 1012, for injuries to what pretty nearly Walt XII the Catcher ings he ha Jogged through Rock - but is not known here. It is reported ' upon the recent trade between the ciui, next season. Murray an! Fra- Accordlnr to the present outlook Morgan at a critical moment in the - He Eases his Way Out with the had the Ball In his Mitt and then Creek Park, and all around the resr here that he is doubtful about enter- the-thr- under- - the hopes to weather ow voir, reports in great shape. Browns and Grlffmen. It was zee are intimate friends. race. lna nsvifaaalAnul IknaiaaKaitt ed Proverb about Beat and stood each team took cnances at That Mclnnls was Included in the the storm of war through the effort Explains Henry Matter. f.tj that of New York and Chicago. The He Is one of The mosT effective the Putting Up of the Italian Cap And Tris Speaker didn't Throw Kept la Condition. having the players report. Therefore recent big trcujs between the Boston Manager today explained pitchers 1 - American League will do the same by Griffith ever turned out from the ital. Away his Bat because he couldn't Maxam's purpose in keeping fa Louis keeps Bert Gallia and the 'and Philadelphia clubs la the state- - I St the surroundings of the Henry case. sand lots of Richmond- end' in three Of course. Rome was not Built Locate the Pill the First FTIlr he to keep In physical con- 515.000. while Washington stands to ment from New York, and It Is further means of Chicago and Boston. In years obscurity training was ! the city most easily "When I was talking trade with he has risen from to In a Day. But Rome was START had at the Horsebtde, and the lose La vans said that Connie Mack desired secrecy ce the Boston club," said the Old Fox. heights seldom attained y amateur dition for his examinations for Manager Griffith declines to give concerning Mclnnls' going until the strengthened has been aided. It has ED In a Day, and a Good Many about Busting It some time in the flying corps. He took the ex cost money, both Fraxee and "I was after Janvrln and Walker. Of tossers. In IBIS be was hurling for naval up hope of having Lavan with the Mackmen's leader might be able to but course, many names were mentioned, the John Marshall High School nine, days and Years of Solid Work Future. amination and was passed, and baa coming season, news gently to the already Vi eeghman have plenty of money for In on Be- That Rome will never team, at least tfr this break the and Frazee named Henry as one man but he served on ths public school were Put it before it stuff about been awaiting orders to report. but at the same time he is not letting peevish Philadelphia fans. "J,!!"'!. P,U TS.0'"l In team only cne year. During the fall came a Burg that could Brag Get you Anywhere, Lads. And - Philadelphia, being considered a he would want case any dealva In the meantime Maxam has affili- so of any of his lnflelders. Last Saturday Connie Mack admit- consummated. At that time I prob- of 1010 he entered Richmond College About Itself. this Goe." for your Business, for Club, i ,. nnM in ituiit Poor baseball town, has suffered In ated with the Meadowbrook of y nMn.t. h.v - ably would have agreed to letting and shared pitching honors with Never Mind if you don't get Very your Try at being a Better Guy, Philadelphia, the organization for a salary cut, or be placed upon major league circuits Its lead- Cox. thePth Henry go to obtain the players I Chris Faf on the Old Task the First for Anything you Start that Is he ran-Ia- st As a mem- WALTERS NOW PLAYING auction block." This Is now believed " season he Jumped Into the: which winter. "."VMclnnls,7 andJ Schang, """.have needed. Last morning It is Slipped to You. Worth While. ber of the Penn freshman relay team to have been Mack's first move niSt""k, "". I limelight as being the premier hurler ii n peddled to stronger, and, there-,- m "But the moment succeeded in Just Plug Along that Afternoon It's not the Showing of the First lait year. Maxam was credited acquainting his fans that Mclnnls' Bo.-to- n In the Eastern Virginia Intercollegi- INTO CONDITION getting Shotton and Lavan, the --- 5 quarter. TO GET 1918-ifor- more necessary, cities, Boston and also ThaCNight, and, by the Day that Counts; it's the Fact 40 seconds for the His n h. with th team In ended, so as Walker ate Uhletlc Association and pitched Mc- and Chicago. trade far Time a Couple of Days go by. i you've Made a Sturt. When team created a new world's record He wanted to have It appear that "was concerned. And when Richmond College to the champion- that mile, was composed of brought on the change himself. Washington t Stick. Janrln ship ui that organization you'll be Surprised to see how you have Made It, Keep Goinp. for the and Al Walters, the Yankees' crack lit- lnnls enlisted in the navy, the whole thflig Hough, Maxam. Davis, and Eby. Oae-Slde- If it Is true, as alleged in New During the ten years that Richmond Much of the Road you have Cov- Never mind Trying to be a Star backstop, should become the equal Makes Trade fell to the ground. But that la the only tle If Mclnnls was one of the players York, that the strongest cities are only time Henrj'a name was men- has lud amateur baseball three ered. the First Time Out. But try to All Now In Sertiee. of Its products have been given a the--- e In of Ray Scfcalk. If not better than the Boston-Philadelphi- nev- Matty Fadeaway Work a Little Harder, to be a All of lads are now Unci. Included in the a to be aided, and the others forced tioned by either side. There has didn't Hurl the Chicago beauty, next season. He has to do as well as they can, been any buying chance in the big tent. J " Boehllng, Time he went Into the Decenter, as you Go Mong, service. Eby will probably run trade, then it was a most one sided af at least er since talk of or who was traded to the Cuts recently the first Little Sam's lacked considerable weight ever one club oes not mean to alt still selling him. or even Including him by Griffith, was local Box for a Kid Club down In that and the First Thing you Know against Maxam In the Millrose games fair, all In favor of the Boston ciud and In Clark the first since breaking in with the New Tork seems believable. wait for the end of things The a trade. Janvrin and Walker were tosser to go up. Doc Waldbauer, who Hick Town in Pennsylvania He you won't be Plugging, but you'll In the special CGO. a race which Ted This hardly Washington club, largely only men I Shot-to- n club, but he Is remedying that now Kraxee turned over to Philadelphia through the the wanted. When was the main cog In the Duplex nine was probably Batted out. But he be Breezing. And the Further Meredith made famous at the annual aggressiveness of Manager came, I didn't need Walker. Jan-vrin'- s by playing ball during the winter In first-cla- ss Griffith, season, was given a chance by "Aw. I'm no you Go. the Easier it will be to , Meadowbrook games In Philadelphia. Chester Thomas, a catcher; means to In power my last didn't Holler: California. He is engaging in two Vean Gregg, a pitcher of doubtful do all its to stick enlisting ended all chance Griffith. Jolllff rounds out the trio Good: I'm going to Give Up be-- Get and the Easier ou will Move. Last winter Maxam raited to appear In the fight. successful, getting him. the 1,1 or three games a week, and writes Kopp, a minor league If the club of That's whole and his friends here wish him suc ...... T m I.a m nltnh- - H may have been Finish- here, but ran in the Fifth Regiment- - value. Merlin will surely reap the financial re-- story.' .f Rome not friends in the East that he Is getting outfielder yet to make his mark in cess should be accept the offer ed In a Day, but they Built a lot Johns Hopkins meet in Baltlmote. heavier, and is as hard as nails. fast company, and $60,000. This sum cleaning up for the 100. anJ coming on same ball But Day by Day and Year by of It with An Early Start. Don't With Walters the was officially announced by Fraxee until Had with Yourself. In tecqnd in the "furlong. team are Harry Heiiman, of the De- himself. Connie Mack expressed "sur- BALTIMORE POLY TEAM Year he was Better he Stall troit Tigers: Eddie Burns, the. Phil prise" when he larned that Frazee Tomorrow Western and Eastern ana lies' backstop: Ping Bodle. of the had named that sum. WILL PLAY A. N. PREPS (Copyright. 1917, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Central and Technical will meet la Mackmen. Bohne. of the Cardinals, Connie Mack, in return for these SHORT SPORT TALKS the svind -heade-r of ihe High and "Dutch" Reuther, of the Cincin three plajera and the alleged J60.000. DON'T MISS BILLY SUNDAY'S SERMON TOMORROW. School Basketball league at, the Y. gave up game nati Reds. "Stuffy" Mclnnls. quite the By Louis A. Dougher Baltimore Polytechnic Institute M. C. A. The first will start at Miller Hugglns Is planning to have best first saeker in either big league; n,Ill Arm S'o'clovl. with Western and Eastern Walters do practically all the Yan- Wally Schang. his best catcher. Joe ...... An.n ,ti. anil on the floor. Tech and Central will kees' catching next season; having Bush. Iil" bet pitcher and ranked America boasts of another champion, Bobby McLean, professional Navy Prep schedule at the Connecti play the first half of their engage- heard so many good things about the among the best half dozen In tl.t skater, who defeated Oskar Mathiexsen, of Norway, where we were taught cut aenue gymnasium tomorrow CAVALRY TROOPS WILL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY ment after the first half of the West- er visited little fellow. league, and Anos considered to believe that the only and original skaters came from. It is simply afternoon. The Polys have ern Ea-- i i n c.iuie. about fourth or fifth from the to. case of an American beating the other fellow at the other fellow's here before this season, and were APPEAR IN POLO GAME NO MATCH FOR MIDDIES l'iil.fc all dope goes wrong Western a..iong American League outfielders. own game. dpfratCil hv Central. ami i:.t-i-'i- i should furnish a first CHIEF WILSON GOES TO The apparent Inequality of the deal Coach Diebolt. of A. and N. Preps. class or honors. Western held Mathicssen has been a prominent skater since 1910, when he flashed to p bitile causes suspicion as to the truth ot haa not anonunced a line-u- as yet, Central rated as the strongest team the fore of Christiania, Norway, as an amateur in the big carnival at BOSTON. 10 A horse show for Catholic Unlvcrsitv will TEXAS LEAGUE OUTFIT the "official statements" from either and expects to use many players In Jan. in the ircnli. to a score, while side. Davos, Switzerland, frequented before the war by so many American pleas- the The Polj are In fine the benefit of the Red Cross will be get rlgnt down to work under Coach defeated Business by 14 to - trout. lUMrrn Talk of roollna- Men. ure seekers. form, but may find the small gym a held Janusry 10. in accordance with Rice today and tomorrow in prepa- 1". alt- - r the Stenographers had defeat- Despite frequent denials from the On January 29, 1910, Mathiessen cleaned up the 500 inetrf b in 44 handicap. today by a commit- ed hnical. ST. LOCIS, Jan 10 --Thief Wilson, plans announced ration lor the league battle with Tn high game, the 1,000 metres in lm 31 s, 5.000 metres in 2m 20 s. He From all Indication there will be Metropolitan Chap- officials of the national and the - tee of the Boston Saturday night after jester long the crack of the thus held the world's amateur championships. a banner crowd at the Diotrlct Inter- Red Cross. Central is expected to do almost again are heard rumors that players collegiate League games the ter of the day's trouncing at the Nay. The and later with the being pooled as Mathiessen raced more Davos, couple I at i. There will be a number if military airjtbin- -' it pleases "with Tech. The are it is said that, a at Switzerland, for a of ( C V. lads were beaten by 37 fo 1 1. j M. A. on Saturday night, when which Tech teem was In losing Su Louis Cardinals, has passed from war measure, the three leading cities years, always in the amateur ranks. In 1913 he won the 10,000-mctr- e features, including a polo aime unfortunate re- Catholic I'nlieralty and Gallaudet and be- and proved no match for Billy Lush' every member of its championship the majors. Branch Rickey lias In both big leagues w ill be provided event in 17m 36 and on January 11, 1914, he won the 500 metres in the committee hopes to itrange leased him to the Houston club of with the heat teams and the ileorge Washington and Maryland tween the team or the First Cavalry lads. team of last season, and has been othi record still to douolc-heade- r. Texas League. be 43 the standing. Then he had enter the professional State hook up In a Troop. Massachusetts Sti'e Guard, Brooklanders showed a lack of forced to start the season without a the cities will carried along as wcl come to The Wilson holds the record for making as possible by the drawing powers ui ranks and over tbe United b talcs to lind his master in a series ot The New ports defealod Epiphany and a team to be "elected from Camp practice from their Ions !anff over' coach Uilrty-si- x three-bagge- In 1012, while New York. Chicago and Boston. races in an American who was in the amateur ranks as recently as 1913. by -- i to "3. and the Cnlumblas won Dexcns horsemen. the hollia.s. The guarding was Schneider, who was elected captain a member of the Pirates, fntll last - or j ears It has heen a well known But ice skating is hardly a new sport for America, even though the nut oer the Congressional by 25 to loose as Ol.sen. of the Navy, caged of Te. li. but failed to return, has been - III opening games Capi- FROM-LEAGU- recently. year he was a classy fielder, but he fact that New- York has borne t.i Vikings were floundering on their fjords when red Indians roamed the In the of the DROPPED I eight baskets and Allen four. O'Brien handling the Tech lads City league nighl the In Epiphany slowed up here, and Is now dropped financial brunt of the National Leagui forests of the new world. Few better mon in the world of ice skatinir have tal last at dropped was tne Dest scorer tor ino jrooK Practices are held the wayside. campaigns. Chicago Epiphany gym. (iamea will be played Analostam Gun Club ha been eight out twelve Church gymnasium. Tech Is showing by the and Ilostnn have come to Morris Baptie, Bobby McLean, Trap-shoote- r's landers with of ever the front than Wood. Norval next W ednesday night. from competition in the Maryland Improvement, as appears to be done the same for the Amerlcar. following report from the foul line and one from the there John S. Johnson, Edmund Lamy, or J. F. Donoghue, Americans all. and Koiter are fighting It leauc, a from bos- some good players among the candl WEEGHMAN GOES INSANE. League. Even without pennant-w-l- n Potter of local club floor. :iacott got two floor clul.M. out for the guard position, Central Baltimore The failure the I", , nlng these threw cities suppor -- at gunners on a team In the kets for the C. team dates. CINCINNATI. Jan. 10 - Before th baneball to the hiKhest degree. A Das 1c Deadhead!" J. Long is holding his old position to send seen Tht two meets caused tne action, it is meeting ended here, Charlie 'Hants have generally been In the Uncle Sam insists that will not accept more than 8 cents for each from last season. The Central lads first asi-au- upon he understood. V "TKhman made a bold thick of the fight and so there neve free admission to the lnir leairue ball narks next summer, but the mag haxc begun to get Into shape now. hi brother magnates of the National c ' much doubt about their attend-.n- to collect 10 dime, every lordly deadhead and celebrated another victory, the league charging them with boyent o. figures. nates want cents, a thin time the second in two days, yesterday when MORROW WILL COACH. moguls, Kill i ting him He was especially enragd Whether or not this visits the ball yard. What's the matter with the trying to the (nllaudet wai beaten by H to 10 10. David . be true, recent ' WASHINGTON. Ta.. Jan. cuainsl Itarny Ircyfui-K- saying that deals go far toward bolstering up th deadheads? MarjlHiid State was beaten by Morrow-- of the W, Pittsburgh magnate had not al- i r former center the Idea now being sprad far and near large score earlier in the season. The ,l4 j eleen, has been named as lowed Mm a chanec to bid for Al T Ia it came Just About Willie Thomas. Centrnl team may get a crack at replacing Sol Mamaux. uier the wires fron. n,a(j coach for 1018. New. ork to Washington. "The biggest little boy I've ever seen," remarked a man to me one ' George U'arhlngton and Catholic Metzger. who has entered army actlvl- - j Chicago la the' ITnltcrMty later In the season. ties. Metzger coached . and J. for e Cafes, Lunchrooms. H TENER AGAIN. Mrrnictbened. day last fall as he watched Willie Thomas perform on football field tBrflR-- "RESIGNS" Sox H in his beginning! the past two seasons. The ttyflte have hardly been at Central stadium. had seen many athletes day.too, Ty Fruit Stands, K By Com-hke- - EAGEN EATS DOWNEY, HWsV I"! IVINATI. Jan. in John ouclied the draft. Even If with schoolboys ami running up to such great HttlP collegians a- Charlie j IMBfl93E Tener i reported to ro IW per HOWARD BERRY TO RUN. i sW MJ YITlrC Fountains, Grocers. here liae club lot cent of Its Daly, of Harvard and West fame. But little Willie Thomas tie- -' MII.WAIK Wis. 10. One 2 SE2Hb9Er as Point Jan ' f.S'ied president of the National tars, ami n.iisiieu in the ruck, so j 10. merely holding on a serves all the praises given him. He sure is a great big little fellow. robust left ho 4LIi th stomach In NEW TORK. Jan. Howard O .noaaaaSsjFBE'SV L7tie until popular is the "Old Roman" that the - - ITnlver.-- be Take Thomas away from Eastern High School right now and the the seventh rou iilbin for Joe Eagen, Tlerrt- lamnm Penniivlv.nla ' t ffKnr rhosen South .Side fans would support him, we ten- - probably institution would fade away into nothingness athletically. He comes close j the Hoetnn bt. In his slty athlete, will take part anywH). bout with Downey, of In the Mllroae Athletic Aj, oclatlon's -- whole which he is round Eiery effort seems to have been to being the works of any team with identified. His Chicago, la Although Indoor meet here the night of January nlled tate I'od Admnllatratlon. playinjr on the Eastern eleven last yenr was brilliant to an extreme. Al here LaaHt. Lleen.e o. nade to atrenthe.i the Cubs, whose Ui.' blow did not put to tne 23. He Is a candidate for a place on ana as a rule do not journey to the i ways outweignea, ne never was ouipiayeu ny any opponent, no matter, mat. it took all the IxhTrlfr of him. the relay that will represent Camp i lbs. Karo Syrup 1.V kiuth Side to see the American how big. His alertness, his speed on his feet and his ability to size up a Eagen gave an trim- Dlx. lbs. and him artistic Ksro Syrup 39c The cubs hae taken Alex . situation were remarkable. He possesses most of the attributes of a first-- ! ming In the remaining rounds 0 lbs. Karo Syrup 75r nder and Mlllfer from Philadelphia. class boxer in this'respecL VIDAL TO LEAD ARMY. ,abrador Herring 1 hl ' IS A CAPTAIN. 3r "t!", ,, C.?'!J. IrfnM ?, But here's the best information about Thomas. I am informed, and WOOD WEST POINT N. Y.. Jan. 10 Eu- - Our Best Tea Z9e lb. ' h- - n.1. Z Uh a'pennan? winner" Pa't " correctly, that - works every night almost up to midnight, and I.ITTLK KCN'K. Ark.. Jan. 10. Ho- j gene L. Vldal. of South Dakota, his P Wonder Coffee 20c lb. en'ra-rinj- .' 1 ,ruus team cannot begin to draw--l manages to keep up with his classes just the same, even wh'le Wood, who was the le eland Amer-- been elected captain of the Army Phone West .11 ZVX t. Street W j&5m& IIS Fourth Street S. K. s, ?P ". 4jffJB3Vn and All tbe the Cubs. If Weezhmair team in tnree urancncs oi atnicti-- lootnau, uasxciDaii ami nasenau. wnen- - i.Hii .iist hjHcinaii a feu eaia ag ,( football eleven for 1P1S lie was mm: up in the fight fur the flag. ever a high school boy can do pll these things as well as Willie Thomaa, hay been commissioned a captain in j kept out of football last fall because Mmmn mre'iiicnieHjeuaLiau J. T. D. PYLES STORES I .lie (Jiants ..ill lose cry few play- - of Eastern, all hats should b- - off to him. He s the goods. the t"'uurth Arkansas Infantry of a hazing episode.